#include "types.h" #include // malloc #include void __assert(bool cond, const char * file, int line, const char * cond_string) { if(!cond) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d | Assertion %s failed\n", file, line, cond_string); } } #define assert(condition) __assert(condition, __FILE__, __LINE__, #condition) // do not use any global variables to process gamestate // super try not to depend on external libraries like enet or sokol to keep build process simple, // gamestate its own portable submodule. If need to link to other stuff document here: static void integrate_acceleration(struct Body *body, float dt) { // position { V2 current = body->position; body->position = V2add(body->position, V2sub(current, body->old_position)); body->position = V2add(body->position, V2scale(body->acceleration, dt * dt)); body->old_position = current; } // rotation { float current = body->rotation; body->rotation = body->rotation + (current - body->old_rotation); body->rotation = body->rotation + body->angular_acceleration * dt * dt; body->old_rotation = current; } } static void modify_interval(struct Body *from, float *from_interval, V2 center, V2 axis) { float halfbox = BOX_SIZE/2.0f; V2 points[4] = { V2add(from->position, V2rotate((V2){.x = halfbox, .y = -halfbox}, from->rotation)), // upper right V2add(from->position, V2rotate((V2){.x = halfbox, .y = halfbox}, from->rotation)), // bottom right V2add(from->position, V2rotate((V2){.x = -halfbox, .y = halfbox}, from->rotation)), // lower left V2add(from->position, V2rotate((V2){.x = -halfbox, .y = -halfbox}, from->rotation)), // upper left }; for (int point_i = 0; point_i < 4; point_i++) { float value = V2projectvalue(V2sub(points[point_i], center), axis); if (value > from_interval[1]) { from_interval[1] = value; } if (value < from_interval[0]) { from_interval[0] = value; } } } void process(struct GameState *gs, float dt) { int num_bodies = gs->num_boxes; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { struct Player *p = &gs->players[i]; if (!p->connected) continue; p->body.acceleration = V2scale(p->input, 5.0f); p->body.angular_acceleration = p->input.x * 10.0f; num_bodies += 1; } // @Robust do this without malloc struct Body **bodies = malloc(sizeof *bodies * num_bodies); int cur_body_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { struct Player *p = &gs->players[i]; if (!p->connected) continue; bodies[cur_body_index] = &p->body; cur_body_index++; } for (int i = 0; i < gs->num_boxes; i++) { bodies[cur_body_index] = &gs->boxes[i].body; cur_body_index++; } assert(cur_body_index == num_bodies); for (int i = 0; i < num_bodies; i++) { struct Body *body = bodies[i]; integrate_acceleration(body, dt); } // @Robust handle when bodies are overlapping (even perfectly) for (int i = 0; i < num_bodies; i++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < num_bodies; ii++) { if (ii == i) continue; struct Body *from = bodies[i]; struct Body *to = bodies[ii]; V2 axis = V2normalize(V2sub(to->position, from->position)); V2 center = V2scale(V2add(to->position, from->position), 0.5f); dbg_line(from->position, to->position); dbg_rect(center); float from_interval[2] = {1000.0f, -1000.0f}; float to_interval[2] = {1000.0f, -1000.0f}; modify_interval(from, from_interval, center, axis); modify_interval(to, to_interval, center, axis); assert(from_interval[0] < from_interval[1]); assert(to_interval[0] < to_interval[1]); // @BeforeShip debug compile time flag in preprocessor if (from_interval[1] > to_interval[0]) // intersecting { float intersection_depth = from_interval[1] - to_interval[0]; from->position = V2add(from->position, V2scale(axis, intersection_depth*-0.5f)); to->position = V2add(to->position, V2scale(axis, intersection_depth*0.5f)); } } } free(bodies); }