#pragma once #define MAX_PLAYERS 4 #define MAX_ENTITIES 1024 #define BOX_SIZE 0.25f #define PLAYER_SIZE ((V2){.x = BOX_SIZE, .y = BOX_SIZE}) #define PLAYER_MASS 0.5f #define PLAYER_JETPACK_FORCE 1.0f #define PLAYER_JETPACK_SPICE_PER_SECOND 0.1f #define MAX_HAND_REACH 1.0f #define GOLD_COLLECT_RADIUS 0.3f #define BUILD_BOX_SNAP_DIST_TO_SHIP 0.2f #define BOX_MASS 1.0f #define THRUSTER_FORCE 4.0f #define THRUSTER_ENERGY_USED_PER_SECOND 0.05f #define TIMESTEP (1.0f / 60.0f) // not required to simulate at this, but this defines what tick the game is on #define TIME_BETWEEN_INPUT_PACKETS (1.0f / 20.0f) #define SERVER_PORT 2551 #define INPUT_BUFFER 6 // must make this header and set the target address, just #define SERVER_ADDRESS "" #include "ipsettings.h" // don't leak IP! // @Robust remove this include somehow, needed for sqrt and cos #include #include // tick is unsigned integer #include // logging on errors for functions // including headers from headers bad #ifndef SOKOL_GP_INCLUDED void sgp_set_color(float, float, float, float); // @Robust use double precision for all vectors, when passed back to sokol // somehow automatically or easily cast to floats typedef struct sgp_vec2 { float x, y; } sgp_vec2; typedef sgp_vec2 sgp_point; #endif #ifndef CHIPMUNK_H typedef void cpSpace; typedef void cpBody; typedef void cpShape; #endif #include #ifndef _STDBOOL #define bool _Bool #define false 0 #define true 1 #endif typedef sgp_vec2 V2; typedef sgp_point P2; #define Log(...) \ fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ fprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__) enum BoxType { BoxHullpiece, BoxThruster, BoxBattery, BoxCockpit, BoxLast, }; enum CompassRotation { Right, Down, Left, Up, RotationLast, }; // when generation is 0, invalid ID typedef struct { unsigned int generation; // if 0 then EntityID points to nothing, generation >= 1 unsigned int index; // index into the entity arena } EntityID; static bool entityids_same(EntityID a, EntityID b) { return (a.generation == b.generation) && (a.index == b.index); } // when updated, must update serialization, AND comparison // function in main.c typedef struct { uint64_t tick; size_t id; // each input has unique, incrementing, I.D, so server doesn't double process inputs. Inputs to server should be ordered from 0-max like biggest id-smallest. This is done so if packet loss server still processes input V2 movement; bool seat_action; EntityID seat_to_inhabit; V2 hand_pos; EntityID grid_hand_pos_local_to; // when not null, hand_pos is local to this grid. this prevents bug where bool dobuild; enum BoxType build_type; enum CompassRotation build_rotation; } InputFrame; typedef struct Entity { bool exists; EntityID next_free_entity; unsigned int generation; float damage; // used by box and player cpBody* body; // used by grid, player, and box cpShape* shape; // must be a box so shape_size can be set appropriately, and serialized // for serializing the shape // @Robust remove shape_parent_entity from this struct, use the shape's body to figure out // what the shape's parent entity is EntityID shape_parent_entity; // can't be zero if shape is nonzero V2 shape_size; // player bool is_player; EntityID currently_piloting_seat; float spice_taken_away; // at 1.0, out of spice float goldness; // how much the player is a winner // grids bool is_grid; float total_energy_capacity; EntityID boxes; // boxes bool is_box; enum BoxType box_type; EntityID next_box; EntityID prev_box; // doubly linked so can remove in middle of chain enum CompassRotation compass_rotation; float wanted_thrust; // the thrust command applied to the thruster float thrust; // the actual thrust it can provide based on energy sources in the grid float energy_used; // battery EntityID piloted_by; } Entity; typedef struct Player { bool connected; EntityID entity; InputFrame input; } Player; // gotta update the serialization functions when this changes typedef struct GameState { cpSpace* space; double time; V2 goldpos; Player players[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Entity arena // ent:ity pointers can't move around because of how the physics engine handles user data. // if you really need this, potentially refactor to store entity IDs instead of pointers // in the shapes and bodies of chipmunk. Would require editing the library I think Entity* entities; unsigned int max_entities; // maximum number of entities possible in the entities list unsigned int cur_next_entity; // next entity to pass on request of a new entity if the free list is empty EntityID free_list; } GameState; #define PI 3.14159f // returns in radians static float rotangle(enum CompassRotation rot) { switch (rot) { case Right: return 0.0f; break; case Down: return -PI / 2.0f; break; case Left: return -PI; break; case Up: return -3.0f * PI / 2.0f; break; default: Log("Unknown rotation %d\n", rot); return -0.0f; break; } } typedef struct ServerToClient { struct GameState* cur_gs; int your_player; } ServerToClient; struct ClientToServer { InputFrame inputs[INPUT_BUFFER]; }; // server void server(void* data); // data parameter required from thread api... // gamestate void initialize(struct GameState* gs, void* entity_arena, size_t entity_arena_size); void destroy(struct GameState* gs); void process(struct GameState* gs, float dt); // does in place Entity* closest_to_point_in_radius(struct GameState* gs, V2 point, float radius); uint64_t tick(struct GameState* gs); void into_bytes(struct ServerToClient* gs, char* out_bytes, size_t* out_len, size_t max_len); void from_bytes(struct ServerToClient* gs, char* bytes, size_t max_len); // entities Entity* get_entity(struct GameState* gs, EntityID id); Entity* new_entity(struct GameState* gs); EntityID get_id(struct GameState* gs, Entity* e); V2 entity_pos(Entity* e); void entity_set_rotation(Entity* e, float rot); void entity_set_pos(Entity* e, V2 pos); float entity_rotation(Entity* e); #define BOX_CHAIN_ITER(gs, cur, starting_box) for (Entity *cur = get_entity(gs, starting_box); cur != NULL; cur = get_entity(gs, cur->next_box)) #define BOXES_ITER(gs, cur, grid_entity_ptr) BOX_CHAIN_ITER(gs, cur, (grid_entity_ptr)->boxes) // player void player_destroy(struct Player* p); void player_new(struct Player* p); // grid void grid_create(struct GameState* gs, Entity* e); void box_create(struct GameState* gs, Entity* new_box, Entity* grid, V2 pos); V2 grid_com(Entity* grid); V2 grid_vel(Entity* grid); V2 grid_local_to_world(Entity* grid, V2 local); V2 grid_world_to_local(Entity* grid, V2 world); V2 grid_snapped_box_pos(Entity* grid, V2 world); // returns the snapped pos in world coords float entity_angular_velocity(Entity* grid); V2 entity_shape_pos(Entity* box); V2 box_pos(Entity* box); // returns in world coords float box_rotation(Entity* box); // thruster V2 box_facing_vector(Entity* box); V2 thruster_force(Entity* box); // debug draw void dbg_drawall(); void dbg_line(V2 from, V2 to); void dbg_rect(V2 center); // helper #define SKIPNULL(thing) \ if (thing == NULL) \ continue // all the math is static so that it can be defined in each compilation unit its included in typedef struct AABB { float x, y, width, height; } AABB; static bool has_point(AABB aabb, V2 point) { return point.x > aabb.x && point.x < aabb.x + aabb.width && point.y > aabb.y && point.y < aabb.y + aabb.height; } static V2 V2add(V2 a, V2 b) { return (V2) { .x = a.x + b.x, .y = a.y + b.y, }; } static V2 V2scale(V2 a, float f) { return (V2) { .x = a.x * f, .y = a.y * f, }; } static float V2length(V2 v) { return sqrtf(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y); } static V2 V2normalize(V2 v) { return V2scale(v, 1.0f / V2length(v)); } static float V2dot(V2 a, V2 b) { return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y; } static float V2projectvalue(V2 vec, V2 onto) { float length_onto = V2length(onto); return V2dot(vec, onto) / (length_onto * length_onto); } static V2 V2project(V2 vec, V2 onto) { return V2scale(onto, V2projectvalue(vec, onto)); } static V2 V2rotate(V2 vec, float theta) { return (V2) { .x = vec.x * cosf(theta) - vec.y * sinf(theta), .y = vec.x * sinf(theta) + vec.y * cosf(theta), }; } // also known as atan2 static float V2angle(V2 vec) { return atan2f(vec.y, vec.x); } static V2 V2sub(V2 a, V2 b) { return (V2) { .x = a.x - b.x, .y = a.y - b.y, }; } static bool V2equal(V2 a, V2 b, float eps) { return V2length(V2sub(a, b)) < eps; } static inline float clamp01(float f) { return fmaxf(0.0f, fminf(f, 1.0f)); } static inline float clamp(float f, float minimum, float maximum) { if (f < minimum) return minimum; if (f > maximum) return maximum; return f; } static float fract(float f) { return f - floorf(f); } static float lerp(float a, float b, float f) { return a * (1.0f - f) + (b * f); } static V2 V2lerp(V2 a, V2 b, float factor) { V2 to_return = { 0 }; to_return.x = lerp(a.x, b.x, factor); to_return.y = lerp(a.y, b.y, factor); return to_return; } // for random generation static float hash11(float p) { p = fract(p * .1031f); p *= p + 33.33f; p *= p + p; return fract(p); } typedef struct Color { float r, g, b, a; } Color; static Color colhex(int r, int g, int b) { return (Color) { .r = (float)r / 255.0f, .g = (float)g / 255.0f, .b = (float)b / 255.0f, .a = 1.0f, }; } static Color colhexcode(int hexcode) { // 0x020509; int r = (hexcode >> 16) & 0xFF; int g = (hexcode >> 8) & 0xFF; int b = (hexcode >> 0) & 0xFF; return colhex(r, g, b); } static Color Collerp(Color a, Color b, float factor) { Color to_return = { 0 }; to_return.r = lerp(a.r, b.r, factor); to_return.g = lerp(a.g, b.g, factor); to_return.b = lerp(a.b, b.b, factor); to_return.a = lerp(a.a, b.a, factor); return to_return; } static void set_color(Color c) { sgp_set_color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a); } #define WHITE \ (Color) { .r = 1.0f, .g = 1.0f, .b = 1.0f, .a = 1.0f } #define RED \ (Color) { .r = 1.0f, .g = 0.0f, .b = 0.0f, .a = 1.0f } #define GOLD colhex(255, 215, 0)