//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Take flight //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "types.h" #include #include // starting server thread #define TOOLBAR_SLOTS 9 #pragma warning(disable : 33010) // this warning is so broken, doesn't understand flight_assert() #define SOKOL_LOG Log #define SOKOL_ASSERT flight_assert #define SOKOL_IMPL #define SOKOL_D3D11 #include "sokol_app.h" #include "sokol_args.h" #include "sokol_gfx.h" #include "sokol_glue.h" #include "sokol_gp.h" #include "sokol_time.h" #pragma warning(default : 33010) #pragma warning(disable : 6262) // warning about using a lot of stack, lol that's how stb image is #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #include #include // errno error message on file open #include "minilzo.h" #include "opus.h" #include "queue.h" #include "stb_image.h" #define MINIAUDIO_IMPLEMENTATION #include "miniaudio.h" #include "buildsettings.h" #include "profiling.h" // shaders #include "fire.gen.h" #include "goodpixel.gen.h" #include "horizontal_lightning.gen.h" #include "hueshift.gen.h" #include "lightning.gen.h" static sg_pipeline hueshift_pipeline; static sg_pipeline goodpixel_pipeline; static sg_pipeline lightning_pipeline; static sg_pipeline horizontal_lightning_pipeline; static sg_pipeline fire_pipeline; static struct GameState gs = {0}; static int my_player_index = -1; #define MAX_KEYDOWN SAPP_KEYCODE_MENU static bool keydown[MAX_KEYDOWN] = {0}; static bool piloting_rotation_capable_ship = false; static double rotation_learned = 0.0; static double rotation_in_cockpit_learned = 0.0; static double zoomeasy_learned = 0.0; typedef struct KeyPressed { bool pressed; uint64_t frame; } KeyPressed; static KeyPressed keypressed[MAX_KEYDOWN] = {0}; static cpVect mouse_pos = {0}; static FILE *record_inputs_to = NULL; static FILE *replay_inputs_from = NULL; static bool fullscreened = false; static bool picking_new_boxtype = false; static double exec_time = 0.0; // cosmetic bouncing, network stats static float iTime = 0.0; // fmodded to 1000, shader trick http://the-witness.net/news/2022/02/a-shader-trick/ // for network statistics, printed to logs with F3 static uint64_t total_bytes_sent = 0; static uint64_t total_bytes_received = 0; static double dilating_time_factor = 1.0; static bool build_pressed = false; static double time_to_process = 0.0; #define MAX_MOUSEBUTTON (SAPP_MOUSEBUTTON_MIDDLE + 1) static bool mousedown[MAX_MOUSEBUTTON] = {0}; typedef struct MousePressed { bool pressed; uint64_t frame; } MousePressed; static MousePressed mousepressed[MAX_MOUSEBUTTON] = {0}; static EntityID maybe_inviting_this_player = {0}; static EntityID hovering_this_player = {0}; bool confirm_invite_this_player = false; bool accept_invite = false; bool reject_invite = false; static cpVect camera_pos = {0}; // it being a global variable keeps camera at same // position after player death static double player_scaling = 1.0; static bool mouse_frozen = false; static Queue input_queue = {0}; char input_queue_data[QUEUE_SIZE_FOR_ELEMENTS(sizeof(InputFrame), LOCAL_INPUT_QUEUE_MAX)] = {0}; static ENetHost *client; static ENetPeer *peer; #define DEFAULT_ZOOM 300.0 static double zoom_target = DEFAULT_ZOOM; static double zoom = DEFAULT_ZOOM; static enum Squad take_over_squad = (enum Squad) - 1; // -1 means not taking over any squad // images static sg_image image_itemframe; static sg_image image_itemframe_selected; static sg_image image_thrusterburn; static sg_image image_player; static sg_image image_cockpit_used; static sg_image image_stars; static sg_image image_stars2; static sg_image image_sun; static sg_image image_medbay_used; static sg_image image_mystery; static sg_image image_explosion; static sg_image image_low_health; static sg_image image_mic_muted; static sg_image image_mic_unmuted; static sg_image image_flag_available; static sg_image image_flag_taken; static sg_image image_squad_invite; static sg_image image_check; static sg_image image_no; static sg_image image_solarpanel_charging; static sg_image image_scanner_head; static sg_image image_itemswitch; static sg_image image_cloaking_panel; static sg_image image_missile; static sg_image image_missile_burning; static sg_image image_rightclick; static sg_image image_rothelp; static sg_image image_zoomeasyhelp; static sg_image image_gyrospin; static sg_image image_noenergy; static sg_image image_orb; static sg_image image_orb_frozen; static sg_image image_radardot; static sg_image image_landing_gear; static sg_image image_pip; static sg_image image_enter_exit; static sg_image fire_rendertarget; static sg_pass fire_pass; static enum BoxType toolbar[TOOLBAR_SLOTS] = { BoxHullpiece, BoxThruster, BoxGyroscope, BoxBattery, BoxCockpit, BoxMedbay, BoxSolarPanel, BoxScanner, }; static int cur_toolbar_slot = 0; static int cur_editing_rotation = Right; // audio static bool muted = false; static ma_device microphone_device; static ma_device speaker_device; OpusEncoder *enc; OpusDecoder *dec; Queue packets_to_send = {0}; char packets_to_send_data[QUEUE_SIZE_FOR_ELEMENTS(sizeof(OpusPacket), VOIP_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE)]; Queue packets_to_play = {0}; char packets_to_play_data[QUEUE_SIZE_FOR_ELEMENTS(sizeof(OpusPacket), VOIP_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE)]; ma_mutex send_packets_mutex = {0}; ma_mutex play_packets_mutex = {0}; // server thread void *server_thread_handle = 0; ServerThreadInfo server_info = {0}; static struct BoxInfo { enum BoxType type; const char *image_path; sg_image image; } boxes[] = { // if added to here will show up in toolbar, is placeable { .type = BoxHullpiece, .image_path = "loaded/hullpiece.png", }, { .type = BoxThruster, .image_path = "loaded/thruster.png", }, { .type = BoxBattery, .image_path = "loaded/battery.png", }, { .type = BoxCockpit, .image_path = "loaded/cockpit.png", }, { .type = BoxMedbay, .image_path = "loaded/medbay.png", }, { .type = BoxSolarPanel, .image_path = "loaded/solarpanel.png", }, { .type = BoxExplosive, .image_path = "loaded/explosive.png", }, { .type = BoxScanner, .image_path = "loaded/scanner_base.png", }, { .type = BoxGyroscope, .image_path = "loaded/gyroscope.png", }, { .type = BoxCloaking, .image_path = "loaded/cloaking_device.png", }, { .type = BoxMissileLauncher, .image_path = "loaded/missile_launcher.png", }, { .type = BoxMerge, .image_path = "loaded/merge.png", }, { .type = BoxLandingGear, .image_path = "loaded/landing_gear.png", }, }; // suppress compiler warning about ^^ above used in floating point context #define ARRLENF(arr) ((float)sizeof(arr) / sizeof(*arr)) static struct SquadMeta { enum Squad squad; double hue; bool is_colorless; } squad_metas[] = { { .squad = SquadNone, .is_colorless = true, }, { .squad = SquadRed, .hue = 21.0 / 360.0, }, { .squad = SquadGreen, .hue = 111.0 / 360.0, }, { .squad = SquadBlue, .hue = 201.0 / 360.0, }, { .squad = SquadPurple, .hue = 291.0 / 360.0, }, }; typedef struct Particle { bool alive; cpVect pos; cpVect vel; double alive_for; double scaling; } Particle; #define MAX_PARTICLES 2000 static Particle particles[MAX_PARTICLES] = {0}; #define PARTICLES_ITER(p) for (Particle *p = &particles[0]; p < particles + MAX_PARTICLES; p++) static void new_particle(cpVect pos, cpVect vel) { bool created = false; PARTICLES_ITER(p) { if (!p->alive) { *p = (Particle){0}; p->pos = pos; p->vel = vel; p->alive = true; p->scaling = 1.0 + hash11(exec_time) * 0.2; created = true; break; } } if (!created) { Log("TOO MANY PARTICLES\n"); } } struct SquadMeta squad_meta(enum Squad squad) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(squad_metas); i++) { if (squad_metas[i].squad == squad) return squad_metas[i]; } Log("Could not find squad %d!\n", squad); return (struct SquadMeta){0}; } static size_t serialized_inputframe_length() { InputFrame frame = {0}; unsigned char serialized[1024 * 5] = {0}; SerState ser = init_serializing(&gs, serialized, ARRLEN(serialized), NULL, false); ser_inputframe(&ser, &frame); flight_assert(ser_size(&ser) > 1); return ser_size(&ser); } static enum BoxType currently_building() { flight_assert(cur_toolbar_slot >= 0); flight_assert(cur_toolbar_slot < TOOLBAR_SLOTS); return toolbar[cur_toolbar_slot]; } struct BoxInfo boxinfo(enum BoxType type) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(boxes); i++) { if (boxes[i].type == type) return boxes[i]; } Log("No box info found for type %d\n", type); return (struct BoxInfo){0}; } static sg_image load_image(const char *path) { sg_image to_return = sg_alloc_image(); int x = 0; int y = 0; int comp = 0; const int desired_channels = 4; stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load(true); stbi_uc *image_data = stbi_load(path, &x, &y, &comp, desired_channels); if (!image_data) { Log("Failed to load %s image: %s\n", path, stbi_failure_reason()); quit_with_popup("Couldn't load an image", "Failed to load image"); } sg_init_image(to_return, &(sg_image_desc){.width = x, .height = y, .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8, .min_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR, .mag_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR, .wrap_u = SG_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, .data.subimage[0][0] = { .ptr = image_data, .size = (size_t)(x * y * desired_channels), }}); stbi_image_free(image_data); return to_return; } void microphone_data_callback(ma_device *pDevice, void *pOutput, const void *pInput, ma_uint32 frameCount) { flight_assert(frameCount == VOIP_EXPECTED_FRAME_COUNT); #if 0 // print audio data Log("Mic data: "); for (ma_uint32 i = 0; i < VOIP_EXPECTED_FRAME_COUNT; i++) { printf("%d ", ((const opus_int16 *)pInput)[i]); } printf("\n"); #endif if (peer != NULL) { ma_mutex_lock(&send_packets_mutex); OpusPacket *packet = queue_push_element(&packets_to_send); if (packet == NULL) { queue_clear(&packets_to_send); packet = queue_push_element(&packets_to_send); } flight_assert(packet != NULL); { opus_int16 muted_audio[VOIP_EXPECTED_FRAME_COUNT] = {0}; const opus_int16 *audio_buffer = (const opus_int16 *)pInput; if (muted) audio_buffer = muted_audio; opus_int32 written = opus_encode(enc, audio_buffer, VOIP_EXPECTED_FRAME_COUNT, packet->data, VOIP_PACKET_MAX_SIZE); packet->length = written; } ma_mutex_unlock(&send_packets_mutex); } (void)pOutput; } void speaker_data_callback(ma_device *pDevice, void *pOutput, const void *pInput, ma_uint32 frameCount) { flight_assert(frameCount == VOIP_EXPECTED_FRAME_COUNT); ma_mutex_lock(&play_packets_mutex); OpusPacket *cur_packet = (OpusPacket *)queue_pop_element(&packets_to_play); if (cur_packet != NULL) { opus_decode(dec, cur_packet->data, cur_packet->length, (opus_int16 *)pOutput, frameCount, 0); } else { opus_decode(dec, NULL, 0, (opus_int16 *)pOutput, frameCount, 0); // I think opus makes it sound good if packets are skipped // with null } ma_mutex_unlock(&play_packets_mutex); (void)pInput; } static Player *myplayer() { if (my_player_index == -1) return NULL; return &gs.players[my_player_index]; } static Entity *myentity() { if (myplayer() == NULL) return NULL; Entity *to_return = get_entity(&gs, myplayer()->entity); if (to_return != NULL) flight_assert(to_return->is_player); return to_return; } void recalculate_camera_pos() { if (myentity() != NULL) { camera_pos = entity_pos(myentity()); } } #define WHITE \ (Color) \ { \ .r = 1.0f, .g = 1.0f, .b = 1.0f, .a = 1.0f \ } #define RED \ (Color) \ { \ .r = 1.0f, .g = 0.0f, .b = 0.0f, .a = 1.0f \ } #define BLUE \ (Color) \ { \ .r = 0.0f, .g = 0.0f, .b = 1.0f, .a = 1.0f \ } #define GREEN \ (Color) \ { \ .r = 0.0f, .g = 1.0f, .b = 0.0f, .a = 1.0f \ } #define GOLD colhex(255, 215, 0) typedef struct Color { float r, g, b, a; } Color; static Color colhex(int r, int g, int b) { return (Color){ .r = (float)r / 255.0f, .g = (float)g / 255.0f, .b = (float)b / 255.0f, .a = 1.0f, }; } static Color colhexcode(int hexcode) { // 0x020509; int r = (hexcode >> 16) & 0xFF; int g = (hexcode >> 8) & 0xFF; int b = (hexcode >> 0) & 0xFF; return colhex(r, g, b); } static Color Collerp(Color a, Color b, double factor) { Color to_return = {0}; to_return.r = (float)lerp(a.r, b.r, factor); to_return.g = (float)lerp(a.g, b.g, factor); to_return.b = (float)lerp(a.b, b.b, factor); to_return.a = (float)lerp(a.a, b.a, factor); return to_return; } static void set_color(Color c) { sgp_set_color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a); } // sokol_gp uses floats, gameplay is in doubles. This is my destiny! void set_color_values(double r, double g, double b, double a) { sgp_set_color((float)r, (float)g, (float)b, (float)a); } // @Robust make the transform stack actually use double precision logic, and // fix the debug draw after that as well void translate(double x, double y) { sgp_translate((float)x, (float)y); } void rotate_at(double theta, double x, double y) { sgp_rotate_at((float)theta, (float)x, (float)y); } void scale_at(double sx, double sy, double x, double y) { sgp_scale_at((float)sx, (float)sy, (float)x, (float)y); } void draw_filled_rect(double x, double y, double w, double h) { sgp_draw_filled_rect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h); } void draw_line(double ax, double ay, double bx, double by) { sgp_draw_line((float)ax, (float)ay, (float)bx, (float)by); } void draw_textured_rect(double x, double y, double w, double h) { sgp_draw_textured_rect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h); } static void transform_worldspace_zoom(double width, double height) { translate(width / 2, height / 2); scale_at(zoom, -zoom, 0.0, 0.0); } static void transform_worldspace_camera() { translate(-camera_pos.x, -camera_pos.y); } static void init(void) { fopen_s(&log_file, "astris_log.txt", "a"); Log("Another day, another game of astris! Git release tag %d\n", GIT_RELEASE_TAG); queue_init(&packets_to_play, sizeof(OpusPacket), packets_to_play_data, ARRLEN(packets_to_play_data)); queue_init(&packets_to_send, sizeof(OpusPacket), packets_to_send_data, ARRLEN(packets_to_send_data)); queue_init(&input_queue, sizeof(InputFrame), input_queue_data, ARRLEN(input_queue_data)); // commandline { printf( "Usage: astris.exe [option]=data , the =stuff is required\n" "host - hosts a server locally if exists in commandline, like `astris.exe host=yes`\n" "record_inputs_to - records inputs to the file specified\n" "replay_inputs_from - replays inputs from the file specified\n"); if (sargs_exists("host")) { server_thread_handle = (void *)_beginthread(server, 0, (void *)&server_info); sapp_set_window_title("Flight Hosting"); } if (sargs_exists("record_inputs_to")) { const char *filename = sargs_value("record_inputs_to"); Log("Recording inputs to %s\n", filename); if (filename == NULL) { quit_with_popup("Failed to record inputs, filename not specified", "Failed to record inputs"); } errno_t error = fopen_s(&record_inputs_to, filename, "wb"); Log("%d\n", error); if (record_inputs_to == NULL) { quit_with_popup("Failed to open file to record inputs into", "Failed to record inputs"); } } if (sargs_exists("replay_inputs_from")) { const char *filename = sargs_value("replay_inputs_from"); Log("Replaying inputs from %s\n", filename); if (filename == NULL) { quit_with_popup("Failed to replay inputs, filename not specified", "Failed to replay inputs"); } fopen_s(&replay_inputs_from, filename, "rb"); if (replay_inputs_from == NULL) { quit_with_popup("Failed to open file to replay inputs from", "Failed to replay inputs"); } } } // audio { // opus { int error; enc = opus_encoder_create(VOIP_SAMPLE_RATE, 1, OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP, &error); flight_assert(error == OPUS_OK); dec = opus_decoder_create(VOIP_SAMPLE_RATE, 1, &error); flight_assert(error == OPUS_OK); } ma_device_config microphone_config = ma_device_config_init(ma_device_type_capture); microphone_config.capture.format = ma_format_s16; microphone_config.capture.channels = 1; microphone_config.sampleRate = VOIP_SAMPLE_RATE; microphone_config.dataCallback = microphone_data_callback; ma_device_config speaker_config = ma_device_config_init(ma_device_type_playback); speaker_config.playback.format = ma_format_s16; speaker_config.playback.channels = 1; speaker_config.sampleRate = VOIP_SAMPLE_RATE; speaker_config.dataCallback = speaker_data_callback; ma_result result; result = ma_device_init(NULL, µphone_config, µphone_device); if (result != MA_SUCCESS) { quit_with_popup("Failed to initialize microphone\n", "Failed to initialize audio"); Log("Cap device fail\n"); return; } result = ma_device_init(NULL, &speaker_config, &speaker_device); if (result != MA_SUCCESS) { ma_device_uninit(µphone_device); quit_with_popup("Failed to initialize speaker/headphones\n", "Failed to initialize audio"); Log("Failed to init speaker\n"); return; } flight_assert(ma_mutex_init(&send_packets_mutex) == MA_SUCCESS); flight_assert(ma_mutex_init(&play_packets_mutex) == MA_SUCCESS); result = ma_device_start(µphone_device); if (result != MA_SUCCESS) { ma_device_uninit(µphone_device); Log("Failed to start mic.\n"); quit_with_popup("Failed to start microphone device\n", "Failed to start audio"); return; } result = ma_device_start(&speaker_device); if (result != MA_SUCCESS) { ma_device_uninit(µphone_device); ma_device_uninit(&speaker_device); Log("Failed to start speaker\n"); quit_with_popup("Failed to start speaker device\n", "Failed to start audio"); return; } Log("Initialized audio\n"); } Entity *entity_data = malloc(sizeof *entity_data * MAX_ENTITIES); initialize(&gs, entity_data, sizeof *entity_data * MAX_ENTITIES); sg_desc sgdesc = {.context = sapp_sgcontext()}; sg_setup(&sgdesc); if (!sg_isvalid()) { Log("Failed to create Sokol GFX context!\n"); quit_with_popup("Failed to start sokol gfx context, something is really boned", "Failed to start graphics"); } sgp_desc sgpdesc = {0}; sgp_setup(&sgpdesc); if (!sgp_is_valid()) { Log("Failed to create Sokol GP context: %s\n", sgp_get_error_message(sgp_get_last_error())); quit_with_popup("Failed to create Sokol GP context, something is really boned", "Failed to start graphics"); } // initialize shaders { sgp_pipeline_desc pip_desc = { .shader = *hueshift_program_shader_desc(sg_query_backend()), .blend_mode = SGP_BLENDMODE_BLEND, }; hueshift_pipeline = sgp_make_pipeline(&pip_desc); if (sg_query_pipeline_state(hueshift_pipeline) != SG_RESOURCESTATE_VALID) { Log("Failed to make hueshift pipeline\n"); quit_with_popup("Failed to make hueshift pipeline", "Boned Hueshift Shader"); } { sgp_pipeline_desc pip_desc = { .shader = *goodpixel_program_shader_desc(sg_query_backend()), .blend_mode = SGP_BLENDMODE_BLEND, }; goodpixel_pipeline = sgp_make_pipeline(&pip_desc); if (sg_query_pipeline_state(goodpixel_pipeline) != SG_RESOURCESTATE_VALID) { Log("Failed to make goodpixel pipeline\n"); quit_with_popup("Couldn't make a shader! Uhhh ooooohhhhhh!!!", "Shader error BONED"); } } { sgp_pipeline_desc pip_desc = { .shader = *lightning_program_shader_desc(sg_query_backend()), .blend_mode = SGP_BLENDMODE_BLEND, }; lightning_pipeline = sgp_make_pipeline(&pip_desc); sg_resource_state errstate = sg_query_pipeline_state(lightning_pipeline); if (errstate != SG_RESOURCESTATE_VALID) { Log("Failed to make lightning pipeline\n"); quit_with_popup("Couldn't make a shader! Uhhh ooooohhhhhh!!!", "Shader error BONED"); } } { sgp_pipeline_desc pip_desc = { .shader = *horizontal_lightning_program_shader_desc(sg_query_backend()), .blend_mode = SGP_BLENDMODE_BLEND, }; horizontal_lightning_pipeline = sgp_make_pipeline(&pip_desc); sg_resource_state errstate = sg_query_pipeline_state(horizontal_lightning_pipeline); if (errstate != SG_RESOURCESTATE_VALID) { Log("Failed to make horizontal_lightning pipeline\n"); quit_with_popup("Couldn't make a shader! Uhhh ooooohhhhhh!!!", "Shader error BONED"); } } { sgp_pipeline_desc pip_desc = { .shader = *fire_program_shader_desc(sg_query_backend()), .blend_mode = SGP_BLENDMODE_BLEND, }; fire_pipeline = sgp_make_pipeline(&pip_desc); sg_resource_state errstate = sg_query_pipeline_state(fire_pipeline); if (errstate != SG_RESOURCESTATE_VALID) { Log("Failed to make fire pipeline\n"); quit_with_popup("Couldn't make a shader! Uhhh ooooohhhhhh!!!", "Shader error BONED"); } } } // initialize buffers { fire_rendertarget = sg_make_image( &(sg_image_desc){ .width = sapp_width(), .height = sapp_height(), .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA8, .min_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR, .mag_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR, .wrap_u = SG_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, .render_target = true, }); sg_image fire_depth = sg_make_image( &(sg_image_desc){ .width = sapp_width(), .height = sapp_height(), .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL, .min_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR, .mag_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR, .wrap_u = SG_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, .render_target = true, }); flight_assert(fire_rendertarget.id != SG_INVALID_ID); fire_pass = sg_make_pass(&(sg_pass_desc){ .color_attachments[0] = (sg_pass_attachment_desc){ .image = fire_rendertarget, }, .depth_stencil_attachment = (sg_pass_attachment_desc){ .image = fire_depth, } }); } // images loading { for (int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(boxes); i++) { boxes[i].image = load_image(boxes[i].image_path); } image_thrusterburn = load_image("loaded/thrusterburn.png"); image_itemframe = load_image("loaded/itemframe.png"); image_itemframe_selected = load_image("loaded/itemframe_selected.png"); image_player = load_image("loaded/player.png"); image_cockpit_used = load_image("loaded/cockpit_used.png"); image_stars = load_image("loaded/stars.png"); image_stars2 = load_image("loaded/stars2.png"); image_sun = load_image("loaded/sun.png"); image_medbay_used = load_image("loaded/medbay_used.png"); image_mystery = load_image("loaded/mystery.png"); image_explosion = load_image("loaded/explosion.png"); image_low_health = load_image("loaded/low_health.png"); image_mic_muted = load_image("loaded/mic_muted.png"); image_mic_unmuted = load_image("loaded/mic_unmuted.png"); image_flag_available = load_image("loaded/flag_available.png"); image_flag_taken = load_image("loaded/flag_ripped.png"); image_squad_invite = load_image("loaded/squad_invite.png"); image_check = load_image("loaded/check.png"); image_no = load_image("loaded/no.png"); image_solarpanel_charging = load_image("loaded/solarpanel_charging.png"); image_scanner_head = load_image("loaded/scanner_head.png"); image_itemswitch = load_image("loaded/itemswitch.png"); image_cloaking_panel = load_image("loaded/cloaking_panel.png"); image_missile_burning = load_image("loaded/missile_burning.png"); image_missile = load_image("loaded/missile.png"); image_rightclick = load_image("loaded/right_click.png"); image_rothelp = load_image("loaded/rothelp.png"); image_gyrospin = load_image("loaded/gyroscope_spinner.png"); image_zoomeasyhelp = load_image("loaded/zoomeasyhelp.png"); image_noenergy = load_image("loaded/no_energy.png"); image_orb = load_image("loaded/orb.png"); image_orb_frozen = load_image("loaded/orb_frozen.png"); image_radardot = load_image("loaded/radardot.png"); image_landing_gear = load_image("loaded/landing_gear.png"); image_pip = load_image("loaded/pip.png"); image_enter_exit = load_image("loaded/enter_exit.png"); } // socket initialization { if (enet_initialize() != 0) { Log("An error occurred while initializing ENet.\n"); quit_with_popup("Failed to initialize networking, enet error", "Networking Error"); } client = enet_host_create(NULL /* create a client host */, 1 /* only allow 1 outgoing connection */, 2 /* allow up 2 channels to be used, 0 and 1 */, 0 /* assume any amount of incoming bandwidth */, 0 /* assume any amount of outgoing bandwidth */); if (client == NULL) { Log("An error occurred while trying to create an ENet client host.\n"); quit_with_popup("Failed to initialize the networking. Mama mia!", "Networking uh oh"); } ENetAddress address; ENetEvent event; enet_address_set_host(&address, SERVER_ADDRESS); Log("Connecting to %s:%d\n", SERVER_ADDRESS, SERVER_PORT); address.port = SERVER_PORT; peer = enet_host_connect(client, &address, 2, 0); if (peer == NULL) { Log("No available peers for initiating an ENet connection.\n"); quit_with_popup("Failed to initialize the networking. Mama mia!", "Networking uh oh"); } // the timeout is the third parameter here if (enet_host_service(client, &event, 5000) > 0 && event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT) { Log("Connected\n"); } else { /* Either the 5 seconds are up or a disconnect event was */ /* received. Reset the peer in the event the 5 seconds */ /* had run out without any significant event. */ enet_peer_reset(peer); Log("Failed to connect to server. It might be too full\n"); quit_with_popup("Failed to connect to server. Is your wifi down? It took too long. The server could also be too full. I unfortunately do not have information as to which issue it is at this time. It could also be that the server is down. I hate this networking library", "Connection Failure"); } } } #define transform_scope() DeferLoop(sgp_push_transform(), sgp_pop_transform()) static void set_pipeline_and_pull_color(sg_pipeline pip) { sgp_set_pipeline(pip); sgp_set_uniform(&sgp_query_state()->color, sizeof(sgp_query_state()->color)); } // set uniforms after beginning of scope #define pipeline_scope(pipeline) DeferLoop(set_pipeline_and_pull_color(pipeline), sgp_reset_pipeline()) static void draw_color_rect_centered(cpVect center, double size) { double halfbox = size / 2.0; draw_filled_rect(center.x - halfbox, center.y - halfbox, size, size); } static void draw_texture_rectangle_centered(cpVect center, cpVect width_height) { cpVect halfsize = cpvmult(width_height, 0.5); draw_textured_rect(center.x - halfsize.x, center.y - halfsize.y, width_height.x, width_height.y); } static void draw_texture_centered(cpVect center, double size) { draw_texture_rectangle_centered(center, (cpVect){size, size}); } static void draw_flipped_texture_rectangle_centered(cpVect center, cpVect width_height) { transform_scope() { scale_at(1.0, -1.0, center.x, center.y); draw_texture_rectangle_centered(center, width_height); } } static void draw_flipped_texture_centered(cpVect center, double size) { transform_scope() { scale_at(1.0, -1.0, center.x, center.y); draw_texture_centered(center, size); } } sgp_point V2point(cpVect v) { return (sgp_point){.x = (float)v.x, .y = (float)v.y}; } cpVect pointV2(sgp_point p) { return (cpVect){.x = p.x, .y = p.y}; } static void draw_circle(cpVect point, double radius) { #define POINTS 128 sgp_line lines[POINTS]; for (int i = 0; i < POINTS; i++) { double progress = (float)i / (float)POINTS; double next_progress = (float)(i + 1) / (float)POINTS; lines[i].a = V2point((cpVect){.x = cos(progress * 2.0 * PI) * radius, .y = sin(progress * 2.0 * PI) * radius}); lines[i].b = V2point((cpVect){.x = cos(next_progress * 2.0 * PI) * radius, .y = sin(next_progress * 2.0 * PI) * radius}); lines[i].a = V2point(cpvadd(pointV2(lines[i].a), point)); lines[i].b = V2point(cpvadd(pointV2(lines[i].b), point)); } sgp_draw_lines(lines, POINTS); } bool can_build(int i) { bool allow_building = true; enum BoxType box_type = (enum BoxType)i; allow_building = false; if (myplayer() != NULL) allow_building = box_unlocked(myplayer(), box_type); return allow_building; } static void setup_hueshift(enum Squad squad) { struct SquadMeta meta = squad_meta(squad); hueshift_uniforms_t uniform = { .is_colorless = meta.is_colorless, .target_hue = (float)meta.hue, .alpha = sgp_get_color().a, }; sgp_set_uniform(&uniform, sizeof(hueshift_uniforms_t)); } static cpVect screen_to_world(double width, double height, cpVect screen) { cpVect world = screen; world = cpvsub(world, (cpVect){.x = width / 2.0, .y = height / 2.0}); world.x /= zoom; world.y /= -zoom; world = cpvadd(world, camera_pos); return world; } static cpVect world_to_screen(double width, double height, cpVect world) { cpVect screen = world; screen = cpvsub(screen, camera_pos); screen.x *= zoom; screen.y *= -zoom; screen = cpvadd(screen, (cpVect){.x = width / 2.0, .y = height / 2.0}); return screen; } static void ui(bool draw, double dt, double width, double height) { static double cur_opacity = 1.0; cur_opacity = lerp(cur_opacity, myentity() != NULL ? 1.0 : 0.0, dt * 4.0); if (cur_opacity <= 0.01) { return; } if (draw) sgp_push_transform(); // helpers if (draw) { // rotation { double alpha = 1.0 - clamp01(rotation_learned); if (piloting_rotation_capable_ship) alpha = 1.0 - clamp01(rotation_in_cockpit_learned); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha); sgp_set_image(0, image_rothelp); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_flipped_texture_centered(cpv(width / 2.0, height * 0.25), 200.0); sgp_reset_image(0); } // zooming zoomeasy { double alpha = 1.0 - clamp01(zoomeasy_learned); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha); sgp_set_image(0, image_zoomeasyhelp); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_flipped_texture_centered(cpv(width * 0.1, height * 0.5), 200.0); sgp_reset_image(0); } } // draw pick new box type menu static double pick_opacity = 0.0; static bool choosing_flags = false; // modifies choosing flags in pick box type modal { if (keypressed[SAPP_KEYCODE_ESCAPE].pressed) picking_new_boxtype = false; if(picking_new_boxtype) choosing_flags = false; AABB pick_modal = (AABB){ .x = width * 0.25, .y = height * 0.25, .width = width * 0.5, .height = height * 0.5, }; pick_opacity = lerp(pick_opacity, picking_new_boxtype ? 1.0 : 0.0, dt * 7.0); if (picking_new_boxtype && build_pressed && !has_point(pick_modal, mouse_pos)) { build_pressed = false; picking_new_boxtype = false; } static double item_scaling[ARRLEN(boxes)] = {1.0}; { double alpha = pick_opacity * 0.8; if (draw) { set_color_values(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, alpha); draw_filled_rect(pick_modal.x, pick_modal.y, pick_modal.width, pick_modal.height); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 * pick_opacity); } int boxes_per_row = (int)floor(pick_modal.width / 128.0); boxes_per_row = boxes_per_row < 4 ? 4 : boxes_per_row; double cell_width = pick_modal.width / (float)boxes_per_row; double cell_height = cell_width; double padding = 0.2 * cell_width; int cur_row = 0; int cur_column = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(boxes); i++) { if (cur_column >= boxes_per_row) { cur_column = 0; cur_row++; } double item_width = cell_width - padding * 2.0; double item_height = cell_height - padding * 2.0; item_width *= item_scaling[i]; item_height *= item_scaling[i]; double cell_y = pick_modal.y + (float)cur_row * cell_height; double cell_x = pick_modal.x + (float)cur_column * cell_width; double item_x = cell_x + (cell_width - item_width) / 2.0; double item_y = cell_y + (cell_height - item_height) / 2.0; bool item_being_hovered = has_point((AABB){ .x = item_x, .y = item_y, .width = item_width, .height = item_height, }, mouse_pos); item_scaling[i] = lerp(item_scaling[i], item_being_hovered ? 1.3 : 1.0, dt * 4.0); struct BoxInfo info = boxes[i]; if (item_being_hovered && build_pressed && picking_new_boxtype) { toolbar[cur_toolbar_slot] = info.type; picking_new_boxtype = false; build_pressed = false; } if (draw) { if (can_build(info.type)) { sgp_set_image(0, info.image); } else { sgp_set_image(0, image_mystery); } pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_flipped_texture_rectangle_centered(cpv(item_x + item_width / 2.0, item_y + item_width / 2.0), cpv(item_width, item_height)); sgp_reset_image(0); } cur_column++; } } if (picking_new_boxtype && build_pressed && has_point(pick_modal, mouse_pos)) { build_pressed = false; // modal handles the input } } // draw squad invite static double invite_y = -200.0; static enum Squad draw_as_squad = SquadNone; static double yes_size = 50.0; static double no_size = 50.0; { bool invited = myentity() != NULL && myentity()->squad_invited_to != SquadNone; double size = 200.0; double x_center = 0.75 * width; double x = x_center - size / 2.0; // AABB box = (AABB){ .x = x, .y = invite_y, .width = size, .height = size // }; double yes_x = x - size / 4.0; double no_x = x + size / 4.0; double buttons_y = invite_y + size / 2.0; bool yes_hovered = invited && cpvdist(mouse_pos, (cpVect){yes_x, buttons_y}) < yes_size / 2.0; bool no_hovered = invited && cpvdist(mouse_pos, (cpVect){no_x, buttons_y}) < no_size / 2.0; yes_size = lerp(yes_size, yes_hovered ? 75.0 : 50.0, dt * 9.0); no_size = lerp(no_size, no_hovered ? 75.0 : 50.0, dt * 9.0); if (invited && build_pressed && yes_hovered) { accept_invite = true; build_pressed = false; } if (invited && build_pressed && no_hovered) { reject_invite = true; build_pressed = false; } if (draw) { invite_y = lerp(invite_y, invited ? 50.0 : -200.0, dt * 5.0); if (invited) draw_as_squad = myentity()->squad_invited_to; pipeline_scope(hueshift_pipeline) { set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); sgp_set_image(0, image_squad_invite); setup_hueshift(draw_as_squad); draw_flipped_texture_centered(cpv(x, invite_y), size); sgp_reset_image(0); } // yes set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); sgp_set_image(0, image_check); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) { draw_flipped_texture_centered(cpv(yes_x, buttons_y), yes_size); } sgp_reset_image(0); // no set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); sgp_set_image(0, image_no); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) { draw_flipped_texture_centered(cpv(no_x, buttons_y), no_size); } sgp_reset_image(0); } } // draw maybe inviting and helper text { Entity *maybe_hovering = get_entity(&gs, hovering_this_player); if (draw && maybe_hovering != NULL && myplayer() != NULL && myplayer()->squad != SquadNone && myplayer()->squad != maybe_hovering->owning_squad) { cpVect pos = world_to_screen(width, height, entity_pos(maybe_hovering)); set_color(WHITE); draw_circle(pos, 28.0 + sin(exec_time * 5.0) * 6.5); sgp_set_image(0, image_rightclick); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) { draw_flipped_texture_centered(cpvadd(pos, cpv(0, 50.0)), 100.0 + sin(exec_time * 5.0) * 10.0); } sgp_reset_image(0); } Entity *inviting = get_entity(&gs, maybe_inviting_this_player); if (inviting != NULL && myplayer() != NULL) { cpVect top_of_head = world_to_screen( width, height, cpvadd(entity_pos(inviting), (cpVect){.y = player_scaling * PLAYER_SIZE.y / 2.0})); cpVect pos = cpvadd(top_of_head, (cpVect){.y = -30.0}); // -y is up because in screen space here cpVect to_mouse = cpvsub(mouse_pos, world_to_screen(width, height, entity_pos(inviting))); bool selecting_to_invite = cpvdot(cpvnormalize(to_mouse), (cpVect){0.0, -1.0}) > 0.5 && cpvlength(to_mouse) > 15.0; if (!mousedown[SAPP_MOUSEBUTTON_RIGHT]) { if (selecting_to_invite) confirm_invite_this_player = true; } if (draw) { const double size = 64.0; if (selecting_to_invite) { set_color_values(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4); draw_filled_rect(pos.x - size / 2.0, pos.y - size / 2.0, size, size); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } pipeline_scope(hueshift_pipeline) { setup_hueshift(myplayer()->squad); sgp_set_image(0, image_squad_invite); draw_flipped_texture_centered(pos, size); sgp_reset_image(0); } } } } // draw flags static cpVect flag_pos[SquadLast] = {0}; static double flag_rot[SquadLast] = {0}; static double flag_scaling_increase[SquadLast] = {0}; const double flag_padding = 70.0; const double center_panel_height = 200.0; static double center_panel_width = 0.0; const double target_center_panel_width = ((SquadLast) + 2) * flag_padding; #define FLAG_ITER(i) for (int i = 0; i < SquadLast; i++) { FLAG_ITER(i) { cpVect target_pos = {0}; double target_rot = 0.0; double flag_progress = (float)i / (float)(SquadLast - 1.0); if (choosing_flags) { target_pos.x = width / 2.0 + lerp(-center_panel_width / 2.0 + flag_padding, center_panel_width / 2.0 - flag_padding, flag_progress); target_pos.y = height * 0.5; target_rot = 0.0; } else { target_pos.x = 25.0; target_pos.y = 200.0; target_rot = lerp(-PI / 3.0, PI / 3.0, flag_progress) + PI / 2.0; } flag_pos[i] = cpvlerp(flag_pos[i], target_pos, dt * 5.0); flag_rot[i] = lerp_angle(flag_rot[i], target_rot, dt * 5.0); } center_panel_width = lerp(center_panel_width, choosing_flags ? target_center_panel_width : 0.0, 6.0 * dt); // center panel { AABB panel_rect = (AABB){ .x = width / 2.0 - center_panel_width / 2.0, .y = height / 2.0 - center_panel_height / 2.0, .width = center_panel_width, .height = center_panel_height, }; if (choosing_flags && build_pressed && !has_point(panel_rect, mouse_pos)) { build_pressed = false; choosing_flags = false; } if (draw) { set_color_values(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.5); draw_filled_rect(panel_rect.x, panel_rect.y, panel_rect.width, panel_rect.height); } } FLAG_ITER(i) { enum Squad this_squad = (enum Squad)i; bool this_squad_available = true; if (this_squad != SquadNone) PLAYERS_ITER(gs.players, other_player) { if (other_player->squad == this_squad) { this_squad_available = false; break; } } double size = 128.0; bool hovering = box_has_point((BoxCentered){.pos = flag_pos[i], .rotation = flag_rot[i], .size = cpv(size * 0.5, size)}, mouse_pos) && this_squad_available; if (!choosing_flags && hovering && build_pressed) { choosing_flags = true; build_pressed = false; } if (this_squad_available && choosing_flags && hovering && build_pressed) { take_over_squad = this_squad; build_pressed = false; } flag_scaling_increase[i] = lerp(flag_scaling_increase[i], hovering ? 0.2 : 0.0, dt * 9.0); size *= 1.0 + flag_scaling_increase[i]; if (draw) { transform_scope() { if (this_squad_available) { sgp_set_image(0, image_flag_available); } else { sgp_set_image(0, image_flag_taken); } pipeline_scope(hueshift_pipeline) { set_color(WHITE); setup_hueshift(this_squad); rotate_at(flag_rot[i], flag_pos[i].x, flag_pos[i].y); draw_flipped_texture_centered(flag_pos[i], size); sgp_reset_image(0); } } } } if (choosing_flags) build_pressed = false; // no more inputs beyond flags when the flag // choice modal is open } #undef FLAG_ITER // draw muted static double toggle_mute_opacity = 0.2; const double size = 150.0; AABB button = (AABB){ .x = width - size - 40.0, .y = height - size - 40.0, .width = size, .height = size, }; bool hovered = has_point(button, mouse_pos); if (build_pressed && hovered) { muted = !muted; build_pressed = false; } if (draw) { toggle_mute_opacity = lerp(toggle_mute_opacity, hovered ? 1.0 : 0.2, 6.0 * dt); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, toggle_mute_opacity); if (muted) sgp_set_image(0, image_mic_muted); else sgp_set_image(0, image_mic_unmuted); transform_scope() { draw_flipped_texture_rectangle_centered(cpv(button.x + button.width / 2.0, button.y + button.height / 2.0), cpv(button.width, button.height)); sgp_reset_image(0); } } // draw item toolbar double itembar_width = 0.0; { double itemframe_width = (float)sg_query_image_info(image_itemframe).width * 2.0; double itemframe_height = (float)sg_query_image_info(image_itemframe).height * 2.0; itembar_width = itemframe_width * (float)TOOLBAR_SLOTS; double item_width = itemframe_width * 0.75; double item_height = itemframe_height * 0.75; double item_offset_x = (itemframe_width - item_width) / 2.0; double item_offset_y = (itemframe_height - item_height) / 2.0; double x = width / 2.0 - itembar_width / 2.0; double y = height - itemframe_height * 1.5; for (int i = 0; i < TOOLBAR_SLOTS; i++) { // mouse over the item frame box if (has_point( (AABB){ .x = x, .y = y, .width = itemframe_width, .height = itemframe_height, }, mouse_pos) && build_pressed) { // "handle" mouse pressed cur_toolbar_slot = i; build_pressed = false; } // mouse over the item switch button bool switch_hovered = false; if (has_point( (AABB){ .x = x, .y = y - 20.0, .width = itemframe_width, .height = itemframe_height * 0.2, }, mouse_pos)) { switch_hovered = true; } if (switch_hovered && build_pressed) { picking_new_boxtype = true; build_pressed = false; } if (draw) { set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, cur_opacity); bool is_current = cur_toolbar_slot == i; static double switch_scaling = 1.0; switch_scaling = lerp(switch_scaling, switch_hovered ? 1.8 : 1.2, dt * 3.0); if (is_current) { sgp_set_image(0, image_itemframe_selected); } else { sgp_set_image(0, image_itemframe); } pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_textured_rect(x, y, itemframe_width, itemframe_height); sgp_reset_image(0); transform_scope() { double item_x = x + item_offset_x; double item_y = y + item_offset_y; pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) { if (toolbar[i] != BoxInvalid) { struct BoxInfo info = boxinfo(toolbar[i]); if (can_build(info.type)) sgp_set_image(0, info.image); else sgp_set_image(0, image_mystery); draw_flipped_texture_rectangle_centered(cpv(item_x + item_width / 2.0, item_y + item_height / 2.0), cpv(item_width, item_height)); sgp_reset_image(0); } if (is_current) { sgp_set_image(0, image_itemswitch); double switch_item_width = item_width * switch_scaling; double switch_item_height = item_height * switch_scaling; item_x -= (switch_item_width - item_width) / 2.0; item_y -= (switch_item_height - item_height) / 2.0; draw_flipped_texture_rectangle_centered(cpv(item_x + switch_item_width / 2.0, item_y - 20.0 + switch_item_height / 2.0), cpv(switch_item_width, switch_item_height)); sgp_reset_image(0); } } } } x += itemframe_width; } } // draw spice bar if (draw) { static double damage = 0.5; if (myentity() != NULL) { damage = myentity()->damage; } set_color_values(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, cur_opacity); double bar_width = itembar_width * 1.1; double margin = (width - bar_width) / 2.0; double y = height - 150.0; draw_filled_rect(margin, y, bar_width, 30.0); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, cur_opacity); draw_filled_rect(margin, y, bar_width * (1.0 - damage), 30.0); } if (draw) sgp_pop_transform(); } // returns zero vector if no player static cpVect my_player_pos() { if (myentity() != NULL) { return entity_pos(myentity()); } else { return (cpVect){0}; } } static void draw_dots(cpVect camera_pos, double gap) { set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // const int num = 100; // initial_x * gap = camera_pos.x - VISION_RADIUS // initial_x = (camera_pos.x - VISION_RADIUS) / gap // int initial_x = (int)floor((camera_pos.x - VISION_RADIUS) / gap); // int final_x = (int)floor((camera_pos.x + VISION_RADIUS) / gap); // -VISION_RADIUS < x * gap - camera_pos.x < VISION_RADIUS // -VISION_RADIUS + camera_pos.x < x * gap < VISION_RADIUS + camera_pos.x // (-VISION_RADIUS + camera_pos.x)/gap < x < (VISION_RADIUS + camera_pos.x)/gap int initial_x = (int)floor((-VISION_RADIUS * 2 + camera_pos.x) / gap); int final_x = (int)ceil((VISION_RADIUS * 2 + camera_pos.x) / gap); int initial_y = (int)floor((-VISION_RADIUS * 2 + camera_pos.y) / gap); int final_y = (int)ceil((VISION_RADIUS * 2 + camera_pos.y) / gap); // initial_x = -num; // final_x = num; for (int x = initial_x; x < final_x; x++) { for (int y = initial_y; y < final_y; y++) { cpVect star = (cpVect){(float)x * gap, (float)y * gap}; star.x += hash11(star.x * 100.0 + star.y * 67.0) * gap; star.y += hash11(star.y * 93.0 + star.x * 53.0) * gap; if (cpvlengthsq(cpvsub(star, camera_pos)) > VISION_RADIUS * VISION_RADIUS) continue; sgp_draw_point((float)star.x, (float)star.y); } } } void apply_this_tick_of_input_to_player(uint64_t tick_to_search_for) { InputFrame *to_apply = NULL; QUEUE_ITER(&input_queue, InputFrame, cur) { if (cur->tick == tick(&gs)) { to_apply = cur; break; } } if (to_apply != NULL && myplayer() != NULL) { myplayer()->input = *to_apply; } } static cpVect get_global_hand_pos(cpVect world_mouse_pos, bool *hand_at_arms_length) { if (myentity() == NULL) return (cpVect){0}; cpVect global_hand_pos = cpvsub(world_mouse_pos, entity_pos(myentity())); double hand_len = cpvlength(global_hand_pos); if (hand_len > MAX_HAND_REACH) { *hand_at_arms_length = true; hand_len = MAX_HAND_REACH; } else { *hand_at_arms_length = false; } global_hand_pos = cpvmult(cpvnormalize(global_hand_pos), hand_len); global_hand_pos = cpvadd(global_hand_pos, entity_pos(myentity())); return global_hand_pos; } static void frame(void) { PROFILE_SCOPE("frame") { double width = (float)sapp_width(), height = (float)sapp_height(); double dt = sapp_frame_duration(); exec_time += dt; iTime = (float)fmod(exec_time, 1000.0); // pressed input management { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_KEYDOWN; i++) { if (keypressed[i].frame < sapp_frame_count()) { keypressed[i].pressed = false; } } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MOUSEBUTTON; i++) { if (mousepressed[i].frame < sapp_frame_count()) { mousepressed[i].pressed = false; } } } build_pressed = mousepressed[SAPP_MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT].pressed; bool interact_pressed = mousepressed[SAPP_MOUSEBUTTON_RIGHT].pressed; bool seat_pressed = keypressed[SAPP_KEYCODE_F].pressed; // networking PROFILE_SCOPE("networking") { ENetEvent event; uint64_t predicted_to_tick = tick(&gs); // modified on deserialization of game state cpVect where_i_thought_id_be = my_player_pos(); bool applied_gamestate_packet = false; while (true) { int enet_status = enet_host_service(client, &event, 0); if (enet_status > 0) { switch (event.type) { case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE: { Log("Wtf none event type?\n"); break; } case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT: { Log("New client from host %x\n", event.peer->address.host); break; } case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE: { total_bytes_received += event.packet->dataLength; unsigned char *decompressed = malloc(sizeof *decompressed * MAX_SERVER_TO_CLIENT); // @Robust no malloc size_t decompressed_max_len = MAX_SERVER_TO_CLIENT; flight_assert(LZO1X_MEM_DECOMPRESS == 0); ma_mutex_lock(&play_packets_mutex); ServerToClient msg = (ServerToClient){ .cur_gs = &gs, .audio_playback_buffer = &packets_to_play, }; int return_value = lzo1x_decompress_safe( event.packet->data, event.packet->dataLength, decompressed, &decompressed_max_len, NULL); if (return_value == LZO_E_OK) { PROFILE_SCOPE("Deserializing data") { SerState ser = init_deserializing(&gs, decompressed, decompressed_max_len, false); SerMaybeFailure maybe_fail = ser_server_to_client(&ser, &msg); if (maybe_fail.failed) { Log("Failed to deserialize game state packet line %d %s\n", maybe_fail.line, maybe_fail.expression); } applied_gamestate_packet = true; } my_player_index = msg.your_player; } else { Log("Couldn't decompress gamestate packet, error code %d from " "lzo\n", return_value); } ma_mutex_unlock(&play_packets_mutex); free(decompressed); enet_packet_destroy(event.packet); break; } case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT: { Log("Disconnected from server\n"); quit_with_popup("Disconnected from server", "Disconnected"); break; } } } else if (enet_status == 0) { break; } else if (enet_status < 0) { Log("Error receiving enet events: %d\n", enet_status); break; } } // only repredict inputs on the most recent server authoritative packet PROFILE_SCOPE("Repredicting inputs") { if (applied_gamestate_packet) { uint64_t server_current_tick = tick(&gs); int ticks_should_repredict = (int)predicted_to_tick - (int)server_current_tick; int healthy_num_ticks_ahead = (int)ceil((((double)peer->roundTripTime + (double)peer->roundTripTimeVariance * CAUTIOUS_MULTIPLIER) / 1000.0) / TIMESTEP) + 6; int ticks_to_repredict = ticks_should_repredict; if (ticks_should_repredict < healthy_num_ticks_ahead - 1) { dilating_time_factor = 1.1; } else if (ticks_should_repredict > healthy_num_ticks_ahead + 1) { dilating_time_factor = 0.9; } else { dilating_time_factor = 1.0; } // snap in dire cases if (healthy_num_ticks_ahead >= TICKS_BEHIND_DO_SNAP && ticks_should_repredict < healthy_num_ticks_ahead - TICKS_BEHIND_DO_SNAP) { Log("Snapping\n"); ticks_to_repredict = healthy_num_ticks_ahead; } uint64_t start_prediction_time = stm_now(); while (ticks_to_repredict > 0) { if (stm_ms(stm_diff(stm_now(), start_prediction_time)) > MAX_MS_SPENT_REPREDICTING) { Log("Reprediction took longer than %f milliseconds, needs to repredict %d more ticks\n", MAX_MS_SPENT_REPREDICTING, ticks_to_repredict); break; } apply_this_tick_of_input_to_player(tick(&gs)); process(&gs, TIMESTEP); ticks_to_repredict -= 1; } cpVect where_i_am = my_player_pos(); double reprediction_error = cpvdist(where_i_am, where_i_thought_id_be); InputFrame *biggest_frame = (InputFrame *)queue_most_recent_element(&input_queue); if (reprediction_error >= 0.1 && biggest_frame != NULL) { Log("Big reprediction error %llu\n", biggest_frame->tick); } } } } // gameplay ui(false, dt, width, height); // if ui button is pressed before game logic, set the pressed to // false so it doesn't propagate from the UI modal/button struct BuildPreviewInfo { cpVect grid_pos; double grid_rotation; } build_preview = {0}; cpVect global_hand_pos = {0}; // world coords! world star! bool hand_at_arms_length = false; recalculate_camera_pos(); cpVect world_mouse_pos = screen_to_world(width, height, mouse_pos); PROFILE_SCOPE("gameplay and prediction") { // interpolate zoom zoom = lerp(zoom, zoom_target, dt * 16.0); // zoom = lerp(log(zoom), log(zoom_target), dt * 20.0); // zoom = exp(zoom); // calculate build preview stuff cpVect local_hand_pos = {0}; global_hand_pos = get_global_hand_pos(world_mouse_pos, &hand_at_arms_length); if (myentity() != NULL) { local_hand_pos = cpvsub(global_hand_pos, entity_pos(myentity())); } // for tutorial text piloting_rotation_capable_ship = false; if (myentity() != NULL) { Entity *inside_of = get_entity(&gs, myentity()->currently_inside_of_box); if (inside_of != NULL && inside_of->box_type == BoxCockpit) { BOXES_ITER(&gs, cur, box_grid(inside_of)) { flight_assert(cur->is_box); if (cur->box_type == BoxGyroscope) { piloting_rotation_capable_ship = true; break; } } } } // process player interaction (squad invites) if (interact_pressed && myplayer() != NULL && myplayer()->squad != SquadNone) { if (get_entity(&gs, hovering_this_player) != NULL) { maybe_inviting_this_player = hovering_this_player; interact_pressed = false; } } // Create and send input packet, and predict a frame of gamestate static InputFrame cur_input_frame = {0}; // keep across frames for high refresh rate screens static size_t last_input_committed_tick = 0; { // prepare the current input frame, such that when processed next, // every button/action the player has pressed will be handled // without frustration by the server. Resulting in authoritative game // state that looks and feels good. cpVect input = (cpVect){ .x = (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_D] - (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_A], .y = (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_W] - (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_S], }; if (cpvlength(input) > 0.0) input = cpvnormalize(input); cur_input_frame.movement = input; cur_input_frame.rotation = -((float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_E] - (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_Q]); if (fabs(cur_input_frame.rotation) > 0.01f) { if (piloting_rotation_capable_ship) rotation_in_cockpit_learned += dt * 0.35; else rotation_learned += dt * 0.35; } if (interact_pressed) cur_input_frame.interact_action = interact_pressed; if (seat_pressed) cur_input_frame.seat_action = seat_pressed; cur_input_frame.hand_pos = local_hand_pos; if (take_over_squad >= 0) { cur_input_frame.take_over_squad = take_over_squad; take_over_squad = -1; } if (confirm_invite_this_player) { cur_input_frame.invite_this_player = maybe_inviting_this_player; maybe_inviting_this_player = (EntityID){0}; confirm_invite_this_player = false; } if (accept_invite) { cur_input_frame.accept_cur_squad_invite = true; accept_invite = false; } if (reject_invite) { cur_input_frame.reject_cur_squad_invite = true; reject_invite = false; } if (build_pressed && !hand_at_arms_length && currently_building() != BoxInvalid) { cur_input_frame.dobuild = build_pressed; cur_input_frame.build_type = currently_building(); cur_input_frame.build_rotation = cur_editing_rotation; } // in client side prediction, only process the latest input in the queue, not // the one currently constructing. time_to_process += dt * dilating_time_factor; cpVect before = my_player_pos(); do { // "commit" the input. each input must be on a successive tick. // if (tick(&gs) > last_input_committed_tick) while (tick(&gs) > last_input_committed_tick) { if (replay_inputs_from != NULL) { unsigned char deserialized[2048] = {0}; flight_assert(ARRLEN(deserialized) >= serialized_inputframe_length()); size_t bytes_read = fread(deserialized, 1, serialized_inputframe_length(), replay_inputs_from); if (bytes_read != serialized_inputframe_length()) { // no more inputs in the saved file flight_assert(myentity() != NULL); Entity *should_be_medbay = get_entity(&gs, myentity()->currently_inside_of_box); flight_assert(should_be_medbay != NULL); flight_assert(should_be_medbay->is_box && should_be_medbay->box_type == BoxMedbay); exit(0); } SerState ser = init_deserializing(&gs, deserialized, serialized_inputframe_length(), false); SerMaybeFailure maybe_fail = ser_inputframe(&ser, &cur_input_frame); flight_assert(!maybe_fail.failed); flight_assert(serialized_inputframe_length() == ser_size(&ser)); } else { cur_input_frame.tick = last_input_committed_tick + 1; // cur_input_frame.tick = tick(&gs); } last_input_committed_tick = cur_input_frame.tick; InputFrame *to_push_to = queue_push_element(&input_queue); if (to_push_to == NULL) { InputFrame *to_discard = queue_pop_element(&input_queue); (void)to_discard; to_push_to = queue_push_element(&input_queue); flight_assert(to_push_to != NULL); } *to_push_to = cur_input_frame; /* optionally save the current input frame for debugging purposes ░░░░░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄░░░░░░░ ░░░░░█░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░▀▀▄░░░░ ░░░░█░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░▒▒▒░░█░░░ ░░░█░░░░░░▄██▀▄▄░░░░░▄▄▄░░░░█░░ ░▄▀▒▄▄▄▒░█▀▀▀▀▄▄█░░░██▄▄█░░░░█░ █░▒█▒▄░▀▄▄▄▀░░░░░░░░█░░░▒▒▒▒▒░█ █░▒█░█▀▄▄░░░░░█▀░░░░▀▄░░▄▀▀▀▄▒█ ░█░▀▄░█▄░█▀▄▄░▀░▀▀░▄▄▀░░░░█░░█░ ░░█░░░▀▄▀█▄▄░█▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▀▀█▀██░█░░ ░░░█░░░░██░░▀█▄▄▄█▄▄█▄████░█░░░ ░░░░█░░░░▀▀▄░█░░░█░█▀██████░█░░ ░░░░░▀▄░░░░░▀▀▄▄▄█▄█▄█▄█▄▀░░█░░ ░░░░░░░▀▄▄░▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░▒░░░█░ ░░░░░░░░░░▀▀▄▄░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░█░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▄▄▄▄▄░░░░░░░░█░░ le informative comment */ if (record_inputs_to != NULL) { unsigned char serialized[2048] = {0}; SerState ser = init_serializing(&gs, serialized, ARRLEN(serialized), NULL, false); SerMaybeFailure maybe_fail = ser_inputframe(&ser, &cur_input_frame); flight_assert(!maybe_fail.failed); flight_assert(serialized_inputframe_length() == ser_size(&ser)); size_t written = fwrite(serialized, 1, ser_size(&ser), record_inputs_to); flight_assert(written == ser_size(&ser)); } if (myplayer() != NULL) { myplayer()->input = cur_input_frame; // for the client side prediction! } cur_input_frame = (InputFrame){0}; cur_input_frame.take_over_squad = -1; // @Robust make this zero initialized } if (time_to_process >= TIMESTEP) { uint64_t tick_to_predict = tick(&gs); apply_this_tick_of_input_to_player(tick_to_predict); // process particles // without processing them at fixed timestep, there is jitter { double dt = TIMESTEP; PARTICLES_ITER(p) { if (p->alive) { p->alive_for += dt * 1.5; p->pos = cpvadd(p->pos, cpvmult(p->vel, dt)); if (p->alive_for > 1.0) { p->alive = false; } } } } process(&gs, TIMESTEP); time_to_process -= TIMESTEP; } } while (time_to_process >= TIMESTEP); cpVect after = my_player_pos(); // use theses variables to suss out reprediction errors, enables you to // breakpoint on when they happen (void)before; (void)after; static int64_t last_sent_input_time = 0; if (stm_sec(stm_diff(stm_now(), last_sent_input_time)) > TIME_BETWEEN_INPUT_PACKETS) { ma_mutex_lock(&send_packets_mutex); ClientToServer to_send = { .mic_data = &packets_to_send, .input_data = &input_queue, }; unsigned char serialized[MAX_CLIENT_TO_SERVER] = {0}; SerState ser = init_serializing(&gs, serialized, MAX_CLIENT_TO_SERVER, NULL, false); SerMaybeFailure maybe_fail = ser_client_to_server(&ser, &to_send); size_t out_len = ser_size(&ser); if (!maybe_fail.failed) { unsigned char compressed[MAX_CLIENT_TO_SERVER] = {0}; char lzo_working_mem[LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS] = {0}; size_t compressed_len = 0; lzo1x_1_compress(serialized, out_len, compressed, &compressed_len, (void *)lzo_working_mem); ENetPacket *packet = enet_packet_create((void *)compressed, compressed_len, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT); int err = enet_peer_send(peer, 0, packet); if (err < 0) { Log("Failed to send packet error %d\n", err); enet_packet_destroy(packet); } else { total_bytes_sent += packet->dataLength; } last_sent_input_time = stm_now(); } else { Log("Failed to serialize client to server: %d %s\n", maybe_fail.line, maybe_fail.expression); } ma_mutex_unlock(&send_packets_mutex); } } // calculate world position and camera recalculate_camera_pos(); world_mouse_pos = screen_to_world(width, height, mouse_pos); global_hand_pos = get_global_hand_pos(world_mouse_pos, &hand_at_arms_length); Entity *nearest_box = closest_box_to_point_in_radius(&gs, global_hand_pos, BUILD_BOX_SNAP_DIST_TO_SHIP, NULL); Entity *placing_grid = box_grid(nearest_box); if (placing_grid == NULL) { build_preview = (struct BuildPreviewInfo){ .grid_pos = global_hand_pos, .grid_rotation = 0.0, }; } else { global_hand_pos = grid_snapped_box_pos(placing_grid, global_hand_pos); build_preview = (struct BuildPreviewInfo){ .grid_pos = entity_pos(placing_grid), .grid_rotation = entity_rotation(placing_grid), }; } } // drawing PROFILE_SCOPE("drawing") { // draw particles in separate buffer so shader can operate on the buffer as a whole PROFILE_SCOPE("drawing particles") { sgp_begin((int)width, (int)height); sgp_viewport(0, 0, (int)width, (int)height); sgp_project(0.0f, (float)width, 0.0f, (float)height); sgp_set_blend_mode(SGP_BLENDMODE_BLEND); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); sgp_clear(); // actually draw them transform_scope() { transform_worldspace_zoom(width, height); transform_worldspace_camera(); set_color(WHITE); PARTICLES_ITER(p) { if (p->alive) { // Color birth_col = colhexcode(0xc32c69); // Color death_col = colhexcode(0xeca274); // Color col = Collerp(birth_col, death_col, p->alive_for); // set_color_values(col.r, col.g, col.b, 1.0 - clamp01(p->alive_for)); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 - clamp01(p->alive_for)); // pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) { sgp_set_image(0, image_pip); draw_texture_centered(p->pos, 0.2 * p->scaling); sgp_reset_image(0); } } } } sg_pass_action pass_action = {0}; sg_begin_pass(fire_pass, &pass_action); // sg_begin_default_pass(&pass_action, (int)width, (int)height); sgp_flush(); sgp_end(); sg_end_pass(); sg_commit(); } sgp_begin((int)width, (int)height); sgp_viewport(0, 0, (int)width, (int)height); sgp_project(0.0f, (float)width, 0.0f, (float)height); sgp_set_blend_mode(SGP_BLENDMODE_BLEND); // Draw background color set_color(colhexcode(0x000000)); sgp_clear(); draw_circle(cpv(10, 10), 100); // draw background stuff transform_scope() { transform_worldspace_zoom(width, height); // parllax layers, just the zooming, but not 100% of the camera panning #if 1 // space background transform_scope() { cpVect scaled_camera_pos = cpvmult( camera_pos, 0.0005); // this is how strong/weak the parallax is translate(-scaled_camera_pos.x, -scaled_camera_pos.y); set_color(WHITE); sgp_set_image(0, image_stars); double stars_height_over_width = (float)sg_query_image_info(image_stars).height / (float)sg_query_image_info(image_stars).width; const double stars_width = 35.0; double stars_height = stars_width * stars_height_over_width; pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_textured_rect(-stars_width / 2.0, -stars_height / 2.0, stars_width, stars_height); // draw_textured_rect(0, 0, stars_width, stars_height); sgp_reset_image(0); } transform_scope() { cpVect scaled_camera_pos = cpvmult( camera_pos, 0.005); // this is how strong/weak the parallax is translate(-scaled_camera_pos.x, -scaled_camera_pos.y); set_color(WHITE); sgp_set_image(0, image_stars2); double stars_height_over_width = (float)sg_query_image_info(image_stars).height / (float)sg_query_image_info(image_stars).width; const double stars_width = 35.0; double stars_height = stars_width * stars_height_over_width; pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_textured_rect(-stars_width / 2.0, -stars_height / 2.0, stars_width, stars_height); // draw_textured_rect(0, 0, stars_width, stars_height); sgp_reset_image(0); } #endif #if 1 // parallaxed dots transform_scope() { cpVect scaled_camera_pos = cpvmult(camera_pos, 0.25); translate(-scaled_camera_pos.x, -scaled_camera_pos.y); set_color(WHITE); draw_dots(scaled_camera_pos, 3.0); } transform_scope() { cpVect scaled_camera_pos = cpvmult(camera_pos, 0.5); translate(-scaled_camera_pos.x, -scaled_camera_pos.y); set_color(WHITE); draw_dots(scaled_camera_pos, 2.0); } #endif } // draw particles pass in screen space #if 1 // whether to apply fire shader to the buffer pipeline_scope(fire_pipeline) #endif { sgp_set_image(0, fire_rendertarget); set_color(WHITE); sgp_draw_textured_rect(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)width, (float)height); sgp_reset_image(0); } // WORLD SPACE // world space coordinates are +Y up, -Y down. Like normal cartesian coords transform_scope() { transform_worldspace_zoom(width, height); // camera go to player transform_worldspace_camera(); draw_dots(camera_pos, 1.5); // in plane dots // hand reached limit circle if (myentity() != NULL) { static double hand_reach_alpha = 1.0; hand_reach_alpha = lerp(hand_reach_alpha, hand_at_arms_length ? 1.0 : 0.0, dt * 5.0); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, hand_reach_alpha); draw_circle(entity_pos(myentity()), MAX_HAND_REACH); } // vision circle, what player can see if (myentity() != NULL) { set_color(colhexcode(0x4685e3)); draw_circle(entity_pos(myentity()), VISION_RADIUS); } // mouse frozen, debugging tool if (mouse_frozen) { set_color_values(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5); draw_filled_rect(world_mouse_pos.x, world_mouse_pos.y, 0.1, 0.1); } // building preview if (currently_building() != BoxInvalid && can_build(currently_building())) { transform_scope() { rotate_at(build_preview.grid_rotation + rotangle(cur_editing_rotation), global_hand_pos.x, global_hand_pos.y); sgp_set_image(0, boxinfo(currently_building()).image); set_color_values(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, (sin((float)exec_time * 9.0) + 1.0) / 3.0 + 0.2); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_texture_centered(global_hand_pos, BOX_SIZE); sgp_reset_image(0); } } double player_scaling_target = zoom < 6.5 ? PLAYER_BIG_SCALING / zoom : 1.0; if (zoom > 50.0) player_scaling = player_scaling_target; // For press tab zoom shortcut. Bad hack to make zooming in not jarring with the bigger player. Comment this out and press tab to see! player_scaling = lerp(player_scaling, player_scaling_target, dt * 15.0); hovering_this_player = (EntityID){0}; // draw all types of entities ENTITIES_ITER(&gs, e) { // draw grid if (e->is_grid) { Entity *g = e; // draw boxes BOXES_ITER(&gs, b, g) { set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); if (b->box_type == BoxBattery) { double cur_alpha = sgp_get_color().a; Color from = WHITE; Color to = colhex(255, 0, 0); Color result = Collerp(from, to, b->energy_used / BATTERY_CAPACITY); set_color_values(result.r, result.g, result.b, cur_alpha); } transform_scope() { rotate_at(entity_rotation(g) + rotangle(b->compass_rotation), entity_pos(b).x, entity_pos(b).y); if (b->box_type == BoxThruster) { // spawn particles if (b->thrust > 0.0) { cpVect particle_vel = box_vel(b); double hash_offset = (double)get_id(&gs, b).index; // to make each thruster have a unique pattern of exhaust cpVect additional_vel = cpvmult(box_facing_vector(b), 0.5 + hash11(exec_time + hash_offset) * 0.2); // move outwards from thruster additional_vel = cpvspin(additional_vel, hash11(exec_time + hash_offset) * 0.1); // some spin particle_vel = cpvadd(particle_vel, additional_vel); new_particle(cpvadd(entity_pos(b), cpvmult(box_facing_vector(b), BOX_SIZE * 0.5)), particle_vel); } /* transform_scope() { set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); sgp_set_image(0, image_thrusterburn); double scaling = 0.95 + lerp(0.0, 0.3, b->thrust); scale_at(scaling, 1.0, entity_pos(b).x, entity_pos(b).y); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) { draw_texture_centered(entity_pos(b), BOX_SIZE); } sgp_reset_image(0); } */ } sg_image img = boxinfo(b->box_type).image; if (b->box_type == BoxCockpit) { if (get_entity(&gs, b->player_who_is_inside_of_me) != NULL) img = image_cockpit_used; } if (b->box_type == BoxMedbay) { if (get_entity(&gs, b->player_who_is_inside_of_me) != NULL) img = image_medbay_used; } if (b->box_type == BoxSolarPanel) { sgp_set_image(0, image_solarpanel_charging); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, b->sun_amount); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_texture_centered(entity_pos(b), BOX_SIZE); sgp_reset_image(0); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 - b->sun_amount); } bool interactible = box_interactible(&gs, myplayer(), b); bool enterable = box_enterable(b); if (myplayer() != NULL && interactible || enterable) { if (box_has_point((BoxCentered){ .pos = entity_pos(b), .rotation = entity_rotation(b), .size = (cpVect){BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE}, }, world_mouse_pos)) { set_color(WHITE); draw_circle(entity_pos(b), BOX_SIZE / 1.75 + sin(exec_time * 5.0) * BOX_SIZE * 0.1); transform_scope() { pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) { if (interactible) { sgp_set_image(0, image_rightclick); } else { flight_assert(enterable); sgp_set_image(0, image_enter_exit); } cpVect draw_at = cpvadd(entity_pos(b), cpv(BOX_SIZE, 0)); rotate_at(-entity_rotation(b) - rotangle(b->compass_rotation), draw_at.x, draw_at.y); draw_texture_centered(draw_at, BOX_SIZE + sin(exec_time * 5.0) * BOX_SIZE * 0.1); sgp_reset_image(0); } } } } sgp_set_image(0, img); if (b->indestructible) { set_color_values(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0); } else if (b->is_platonic) { set_color(GOLD); } // all of these box types show team colors so are drawn with the hue shifting shader // used with the player if (b->box_type == BoxCloaking || b->box_type == BoxMissileLauncher) { pipeline_scope(hueshift_pipeline) { setup_hueshift(b->owning_squad); draw_texture_centered(entity_pos(b), BOX_SIZE); } } else { pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_texture_centered(entity_pos(b), BOX_SIZE); } sgp_reset_image(0); if (b->box_type == BoxScanner) { if (myplayer() != NULL && could_learn_from_scanner(myplayer(), b)) { set_color(WHITE); pipeline_scope(lightning_pipeline) { sgp_set_image(0, (sg_image){0}); lightning_uniforms_t uniform = { .iTime = iTime, }; sgp_set_uniform(&uniform, sizeof(uniform)); draw_color_rect_centered(entity_pos(b), BOX_SIZE * 2.0); sgp_reset_image(0); } } sgp_set_image(0, image_scanner_head); transform_scope() { pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) { rotate_at(b->scanner_head_rotate, entity_pos(b).x, entity_pos(b).y); set_color(WHITE); draw_texture_centered(entity_pos(b), BOX_SIZE); } } sgp_reset_image(0); } if (b->box_type == BoxGyroscope) { sgp_set_image(0, image_gyrospin); transform_scope() { pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) { set_color(WHITE); rotate_at(b->gyrospin_angle, entity_pos(b).x, entity_pos(b).y); draw_texture_centered(entity_pos(b), BOX_SIZE); } } sgp_reset_image(0); } set_color_values(0.5, 0.1, 0.1, b->damage); draw_color_rect_centered(entity_pos(b), BOX_SIZE); if (b->box_type == BoxCloaking) { set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, b->cloaking_power); sgp_set_image(0, image_cloaking_panel); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_texture_centered(entity_pos(b), CLOAKING_PANEL_SIZE); sgp_reset_image(0); } } // outside of the transform scope // if not enough energy for box to be used bool uses_energy = false; uses_energy |= b->box_type == BoxThruster; uses_energy |= b->box_type == BoxGyroscope; uses_energy |= b->box_type == BoxMedbay && get_entity(&gs, b->player_who_is_inside_of_me) != NULL; uses_energy |= b->box_type == BoxCloaking; uses_energy |= b->box_type == BoxMissileLauncher; uses_energy |= b->box_type == BoxScanner; if (uses_energy) { set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 - b->energy_effectiveness); sgp_set_image(0, image_noenergy); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) { draw_texture_centered(cpvadd(entity_pos(b), cpv(0, -BOX_SIZE / 2.0)), 0.2); } sgp_reset_image(0); } if (b->box_type == BoxScanner) { if (b->energy_effectiveness >= 1.0) { // maximum scanner range set_color(BLUE); draw_circle(entity_pos(b), SCANNER_RADIUS); set_color_values(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.3); draw_circle(entity_pos(b), SCANNER_RADIUS * 0.25); draw_circle(entity_pos(b), SCANNER_RADIUS * 0.5); draw_circle(entity_pos(b), SCANNER_RADIUS * 0.75); set_color(WHITE); for (int i = 0; i < SCANNER_MAX_PLATONICS; i++) if (b->detected_platonics[i].intensity > 0.0) { pipeline_scope(horizontal_lightning_pipeline) { sgp_set_image(0, (sg_image){0}); horizontal_lightning_uniforms_t uniform = { .iTime = (float)(iTime + hash11((double)get_id(&gs, b).index)), .alpha = (float)b->detected_platonics[i].intensity, }; sgp_set_uniform(&uniform, sizeof(uniform)); transform_scope() { cpVect pos = cpvadd(entity_pos(b), cpvmult(b->detected_platonics[i].direction, SCANNER_RADIUS / 2.0)); rotate_at(cpvangle(b->detected_platonics[i].direction), pos.x, pos.y); draw_color_rect_centered(pos, SCANNER_RADIUS); } sgp_reset_image(0); } } set_color(colhexcode(0xf2d75c)); sgp_set_image(0, image_radardot); for (int i = 0; i < SCANNER_MAX_POINTS; i++) { if (b->scanner_points[i].x != 0 || b->scanner_points[i].y != 0) { struct ScannerPoint point = b->scanner_points[i]; switch (point.kind) { case Platonic: set_color(GOLD); break; case Neutral: set_color(WHITE); break; case Enemy: set_color(RED); break; default: set_color(WHITE); // @Robust assert false in serialization if unexpected kind break; } cpVect rel = cpv( ((double)point.x / 128.0) * SCANNER_RADIUS, ((double)point.y / 128.0) * SCANNER_RADIUS); cpVect to = cpvadd(entity_pos(b), rel); dbg_rect(to); dbg_rect(entity_pos(b)); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_texture_centered(to, BOX_SIZE / 2.0); } } sgp_reset_image(0); // draw_line(entity_pos(b).x, entity_pos(b).y, to.x, to.y); } } if (b->box_type == BoxMissileLauncher) { set_color(RED); draw_circle(entity_pos(b), MISSILE_RANGE); // draw the charging missile transform_scope() { rotate_at(missile_launcher_target(&gs, b).facing_angle, entity_pos(b).x, entity_pos(b).y); sgp_set_image(0, image_missile); pipeline_scope(hueshift_pipeline) { set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, b->missile_construction_charge); setup_hueshift(b->owning_squad); draw_texture_centered(entity_pos(b), BOX_SIZE); } sgp_reset_image(0); } } } } // draw orb if (e->is_orb) { set_color(WHITE); double effective_radius = ORB_RADIUS * 2.2; set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 - e->damage); sgp_set_image(0, image_orb); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_texture_centered(entity_pos(e), effective_radius); sgp_reset_image(0); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, e->damage); sgp_set_image(0, image_orb_frozen); pipeline_scope(goodpixel_pipeline) draw_texture_centered(entity_pos(e), effective_radius); sgp_reset_image(0); } // draw missile if (e->is_missile) { transform_scope() { rotate_at(entity_rotation(e), entity_pos(e).x, entity_pos(e).y); set_color(WHITE); if (is_burning(e)) { sgp_set_image(0, image_missile_burning); } else { sgp_set_image(0, image_missile); } pipeline_scope(hueshift_pipeline) { setup_hueshift(e->owning_squad); draw_texture_rectangle_centered(entity_pos(e), MISSILE_SPRITE_SIZE); } sgp_reset_image(0); } } // draw player if (e->is_player) { if (e != myentity() && has_point(centered_at(entity_pos(e), cpvmult(PLAYER_SIZE, player_scaling)), world_mouse_pos)) hovering_this_player = get_id(&gs, e); // the body { if (get_entity(&gs, e->currently_inside_of_box) == NULL) transform_scope() { rotate_at(entity_rotation(e), entity_pos(e).x, entity_pos(e).y); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); pipeline_scope(hueshift_pipeline) { setup_hueshift(e->owning_squad); sgp_set_image(0, image_player); draw_texture_rectangle_centered( entity_pos(e), cpvmult(PLAYER_SIZE, player_scaling)); sgp_reset_image(0); } } } } // draw explosion if (e->is_explosion) { sgp_set_image(0, image_explosion); set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 - (e->explosion_progress / EXPLOSION_TIME)); draw_texture_centered(e->explosion_pos, e->explosion_radius * 2.0); sgp_reset_image(0); } } // instant death set_color(RED); draw_circle((cpVect){0}, INSTANT_DEATH_DISTANCE_FROM_CENTER); // the suns SUNS_ITER(&gs) { transform_scope() { translate(entity_pos(i.sun).x, entity_pos(i.sun).y); set_color(WHITE); sgp_set_image(0, image_sun); draw_texture_centered((cpVect){0}, i.sun->sun_radius * 8.0); sgp_reset_image(0); #ifdef DEBUG_RENDERING // so you can make sure the sprite is the right size to accurately show when it will burn you set_color(RED); draw_circle(cpv(0, 0), i.sun->sun_radius); #endif // can draw at 0,0 because everything relative to sun now! // sun DEATH RADIUS if (i.sun->sun_is_safe) set_color(GREEN); else set_color(BLUE); draw_circle((cpVect){0}, sun_dist_no_gravity(i.sun)); } } set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); dbg_drawall(); } // world space transform end // low health if (myentity() != NULL) { set_color_values(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, myentity()->damage); sgp_set_image(0, image_low_health); draw_texture_rectangle_centered((cpVect){width / 2.0, height / 2.0}, (cpVect){width, height}); sgp_reset_image(0); } // UI drawn in screen space ui(true, dt, width, height); } sg_pass_action pass_action = {0}; sg_begin_default_pass(&pass_action, (int)width, (int)height); sgp_flush(); sgp_end(); sg_end_pass(); sg_commit(); } } void cleanup(void) { sargs_shutdown(); fclose(log_file); if (record_inputs_to != NULL) fclose(record_inputs_to); if (replay_inputs_from != NULL) fclose(replay_inputs_from); sg_destroy_pipeline(hueshift_pipeline); ma_mutex_lock(&server_info.info_mutex); server_info.should_quit = true; ma_mutex_unlock(&server_info.info_mutex); WaitForSingleObject(server_thread_handle, INFINITE); end_profiling_mythread(); end_profiling(); ma_mutex_uninit(&send_packets_mutex); ma_mutex_uninit(&play_packets_mutex); ma_device_uninit(µphone_device); ma_device_uninit(&speaker_device); opus_encoder_destroy(enc); opus_decoder_destroy(dec); destroy(&gs); free(gs.entities); sgp_shutdown(); sg_shutdown(); enet_deinitialize(); ma_mutex_uninit(&server_info.info_mutex); } void event(const sapp_event *e) { switch (e->type) { case SAPP_EVENTTYPE_KEY_DOWN: #ifdef DEBUG_TOOLS if (e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_T) { mouse_frozen = !mouse_frozen; } #endif if (e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_F3) { // print statistics double received_per_sec = (double)total_bytes_received / exec_time; double sent_per_sec = (double)total_bytes_sent / exec_time; Log("Byte/s received %d byte/s sent %d\n", (int)received_per_sec, (int)sent_per_sec); } if (e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_TAB) { zoomeasy_learned += 0.2; if (zoom_target < DEFAULT_ZOOM) { zoom_target = DEFAULT_ZOOM; } else { zoom_target = ZOOM_MIN; } } if (e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_R) { cur_editing_rotation += 1; cur_editing_rotation %= RotationLast; } if (e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_F11) { fullscreened = !fullscreened; sapp_toggle_fullscreen(); } if (e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_ESCAPE && fullscreened) { sapp_toggle_fullscreen(); fullscreened = false; } int key_num = e->key_code - SAPP_KEYCODE_0; int target_slot = key_num - 1; if (target_slot <= TOOLBAR_SLOTS && target_slot >= 0) { if (target_slot == cur_toolbar_slot) { picking_new_boxtype = !picking_new_boxtype; } else { picking_new_boxtype = false; } cur_toolbar_slot = target_slot; } if (!mouse_frozen) { keydown[e->key_code] = true; if (keypressed[e->key_code].frame == 0) { keypressed[e->key_code].pressed = true; keypressed[e->key_code].frame = e->frame_count; } } break; case SAPP_EVENTTYPE_KEY_UP: if (!mouse_frozen) { keydown[e->key_code] = false; keypressed[e->key_code].pressed = false; keypressed[e->key_code].frame = 0; } break; case SAPP_EVENTTYPE_MOUSE_SCROLL: zoom_target *= 1.0 + (e->scroll_y / 4.0) * 0.1; zoom_target = clamp(zoom_target, ZOOM_MIN, ZOOM_MAX); break; case SAPP_EVENTTYPE_MOUSE_DOWN: mousedown[e->mouse_button] = true; if (mousepressed[e->mouse_button].frame == 0) { mousepressed[e->mouse_button].pressed = true; mousepressed[e->mouse_button].frame = e->frame_count; } break; case SAPP_EVENTTYPE_MOUSE_UP: mousedown[e->mouse_button] = false; mousepressed[e->mouse_button].pressed = false; mousepressed[e->mouse_button].frame = 0; break; case SAPP_EVENTTYPE_MOUSE_MOVE: if (!mouse_frozen) { mouse_pos = (cpVect){.x = e->mouse_x, .y = e->mouse_y}; } break; default: { } } } extern void do_crash_handler(); sapp_desc sokol_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { sargs_setup(&(sargs_desc){ .argc = argc, .argv = argv}); stm_setup(); ma_mutex_init(&server_info.info_mutex); server_info.world_save = "debug_world.bin"; init_profiling("astris.spall"); init_profiling_mythread(0); return (sapp_desc){ .init_cb = init, .frame_cb = frame, .cleanup_cb = cleanup, .width = 640, .height = 480, .gl_force_gles2 = true, .window_title = "Flight Not Hosting", .icon.sokol_default = true, .event_cb = event, .win32_console_attach = true, .sample_count = 4, // anti aliasing }; }