#pragma once // including headers from headers bad #ifndef SOKOL_GP_INCLUDED typedef struct sgp_vec2 { float x, y; } sgp_vec2; typedef sgp_vec2 sgp_point; #endif #include #ifndef _STDBOOL #define bool _Bool #define false 0 #define true 1 #endif typedef sgp_vec2 V2; typedef sgp_point P2; #define MAX_BOXES 32 #define MAX_PLAYERS 2 #define BOX_SIZE 0.5f #define TIMESTEP 1.0f / 60.0f struct Body { P2 position; P2 old_position; V2 acceleration; }; struct Player { struct Body body; bool connected; V2 input; }; struct GameState { struct Player players[MAX_PLAYERS]; int num_boxes; struct Box { struct Body body; } boxes[MAX_BOXES]; }; struct ServerToClient { struct GameState cur_gs; int your_player; }; struct ClientToServer { V2 input; }; // server void server(); // gamestate void process(struct GameState * gs, float dt); // does in place // all the math is static so that it can be defined in each compilation unit its included in static V2 V2add(V2 a, V2 b) { return (V2){ .x = a.x + b.x, .y = a.y + b.y, }; } static V2 V2scale(V2 a, float f) { return (V2){ .x = a.x * f, .y = a.y * f, }; } static V2 V2sub(V2 a, V2 b) { return (V2){ .x = a.x - b.x, .y = a.y - b.y, }; }