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31 lines
588 B

#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode, Input
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
WinKill, Flight
Sleep, 20
WinKill, Flight
Sleep, 20
WinKill, Flight
WinActivate, flightbuild
If WinActive("flightbuild")
Send, cd C:\Users\Cameron\Documents\flight{Enter} build_debug.bat && flight.exe --host{Enter}
WinKill, Flight
Sleep, 20
WinKill, Flight
Sleep, 20
WinKill, Flight
WinActivate, flightbuild
If WinActive("flightbuild")
Send, cd C:\Users\Cameron\Documents\flight{Enter} build_debug.bat && START /B flight.exe && flight.exe --host{Enter}