with open("converted_training.jsonl", "w") as w:
with open("training_data.txt", "r") as f:
text = f.read()
conversations = text.split("\n\n")
for c in conversations:
sentences = c.split("\n")
if len(sentences) > 1:
indices_to_delete = []
for s_i in range(len(sentences)):
s = sentences[s_i]
if len(s) == 0:
for i in indices_to_delete:
assert len(sentences) % 2 == 0, f"Sentences: {sentences}, length: {len(sentences)}"
assert sentences[0].startswith("Player:"), sentences[0]
training_string = ""
for s_i in range(len(sentences)):
s = sentences[s_i]
if not s.startswith("Player:"):
npc_prompt = s.split(" ")[0]
prompt = "\\n".join(sentences[:s_i]).replace('"', '\\"')
prompt += f"\\n{npc_prompt} \\\""
completion = s.split(":")[1].split("\"")[1].replace('"', '\\"')
completion += '\\"'
#print(f"Prompt: {prompt} | \n\nCompletion: {completion}\n\n")
training_string += f'{{"prompt": "{prompt}", "completion": "{completion}"}}\n'