Saving and loading system for the gamestate while in devtools mode, constantly saved on mouse up

parent bfc91b73e4
commit 3bdd29438d

Binary file not shown.


@ -219,6 +219,19 @@ String8 nullterm(Arena *copy_onto, String8 to_nullterm)
return to_return;
// all utilities that depend on md.h strings or look like md.h stuff in general
#define PushWithLint(arena, list, ...) { S8ListPushFmt(arena, list, __VA_ARGS__); if(false) printf( __VA_ARGS__); }
#define FmtWithLint(arena, ...) (0 ? printf(__VA_ARGS__) : (void)0, S8Fmt(arena, __VA_ARGS__))
void WriteEntireFile(char *null_terminated_path, String8 data) {
FILE* file = fopen(null_terminated_path, "wb");
if(file) {
fwrite(data.str, 1, data.size, file);
} else {
Log("Failed to open file %s and save data.\n", null_terminated_path)
double clamp(double d, double min, double max)
@ -2268,42 +2281,35 @@ void transition_to_room(GameState *gs, ThreeDeeLevel *level, u64 new_roomid)
gs->current_roomid = new_roomid;
void initialize_gamestate_from_threedee_level(GameState *gs, ThreeDeeLevel *level)
if (gs->arena)
memset(gs, 0, sizeof(GameState));
gs->arena = ArenaAlloc();
rnd_gamerand_seed(&gs->random, RANDOM_SEED);
// make entities for all rooms
for (Room *cur_room = level->room_list_first; cur_room; cur_room = cur_room->next)
for (PlacedEntity *cur = cur_room->placed_entity_list; cur; cur = cur->next)
assert(false); // need to decide on a way entitie kind is decided on
Entity *cur_entity = new_entity(gs);
cur_entity->npc_kind = cur->npc_kind;
cur_entity->pos = point_plane(cur->t.offset);
cur_entity->current_roomid = cur_room->roomid;
// no crash or anything bad if called on an already cleaned up gamestate
void cleanup_gamestate(GameState *gs) {
if(gs) {
if(gs->arena) {
memset(gs, 0, sizeof(GameState));
gs->world_entity = new_entity(gs);
gs->world_entity->is_world = true;
// this can be called more than once, it cleanly handles all states of the gamestate
void initialize_gamestate(GameState *gs, u64 roomid) {
if(!gs->arena) gs->arena = ArenaAlloc();
if(!gs->world_entity) {
gs->world_entity = new_entity(gs);
gs->world_entity->is_world = true;
gs->current_roomid = roomid;
rnd_gamerand_seed(&gs->random, RANDOM_SEED);
gs->edit.enabled = true;
transition_to_room(gs, &level_threedee, level->room_list_first->roomid);
void reset_level()
initialize_gamestate_from_threedee_level(&gs, &level_threedee);
// you prob want to do something like all dead entities are alive and reset to their editor positions.
// This means entities need an editor spawnpoint position and a gameplay position....
@ -2428,7 +2434,19 @@ void ser_Npc(SerState *ser, Npc *npc)
ser_TextChunk(ser, &npc->name);
ser_int(ser, &npc->kind);
ser_TextChunk(ser, &npc->prompt);
void ser_EditorState(SerState *ser, EditorState *ed) {
ser_bool(ser, &ed->enabled);
ser_u64(ser, &ed->current_roomid);
ser_Vec2(ser, &ed->camera_panning_target);
ser_Vec2(ser, &ed->camera_panning);
ser_NpcKind(ser, &ed->placing_npc);
ser_NpcKind(ser, &ed->editing_npc);
ser_bool(ser, &ed->placing_spawn);
ser_u64(ser, &ed->player_spawn_roomid);
ser_Vec2(ser, &ed->player_spawn_position);
void ser_GameState(SerState *ser, GameState *gs)
@ -2444,6 +2462,8 @@ void ser_GameState(SerState *ser, GameState *gs)
ser_uint64_t(ser, &gs->tick);
ser_bool(ser, &gs->won);
ser_EditorState(ser, &gs->edit);
ser_double(ser, &gs->time);
SER_BUFF(ser, Npc, &gs->characters);
@ -2459,7 +2479,6 @@ void ser_GameState(SerState *ser, GameState *gs)
ser_entity(ser, &(gs->entities[i]));
gs->world_entity = 0;
if (!ser->cur_error.failed)
@ -2476,6 +2495,9 @@ void ser_GameState(SerState *ser, GameState *gs)
ser->cur_error = (SerError){.failed = true, .why = S8Lit("No world entity found in deserialized entities")};
initialize_gamestate(gs, gs->current_roomid);
// error_out is allocated onto arena if it fails
@ -2525,7 +2547,7 @@ String8 save_to_string(Arena *output_bytes_arena, Arena *error_arena, String8 *e
// error strings are allocated on error_arena, probably scratch for that. If serialization fails,
// nothing is allocated onto arena, the allocations are rewound
// If there was an error, the gamestate returned might be partially constructed and bad. Don't use it
GameState load_from_string(Arena *arena, Arena *error_arena, String8 data, String8 *error_out)
GameState *load_from_string(Arena *arena, Arena *error_arena, String8 data, String8 *error_out)
ArenaTemp temp = ArenaBeginTemp(arena);
@ -2536,10 +2558,11 @@ GameState load_from_string(Arena *arena, Arena *error_arena, String8 data, Strin
.arena = temp.arena,
.error_arena = error_arena,
GameState to_return = {0};
ser_GameState(&ser, &to_return);
GameState *to_return = PushArrayZero(temp.arena, GameState, 1);
ser_GameState(&ser, to_return);
if (ser.cur_error.failed)
ArenaEndTemp(temp); // no allocations if it fails
*error_out = ser.cur_error.why;
@ -3322,7 +3345,22 @@ void init(void)
bool loaded_from_file = false;
String8 game_file = LoadEntireFile(frame_arena, S8Lit("assets/main_game_level.bin"));
String8 error = {0};
GameState *deserialized_gs = load_from_string(frame_arena, frame_arena, game_file, &error);
if(error.size == 0) {
gs = *deserialized_gs;
loaded_from_file = true;
} else {
Log("Failed to load from saved gamestate: %.*s\n", S8VArg(error));
initialize_gamestate(&gs, level_threedee.room_list_first->roomid);
@ -7089,6 +7127,26 @@ void frame(void)
if(gs.edit.enabled && pressed.mouse_up) {
String8 error = {0};
Log("Saving gamestate...\n");
String8 saved = save_to_string(frame_arena, frame_arena, &error, &gs);
if(error.size > 0) {
Log("Failed to save gamestate: %.*s\n", S8VArg(error));
} else {
WriteEntireFile((char*)nullterm(frame_arena, S8Lit("assets/main_game_level.bin")).str, saved);
// reload from the saved data to make sure that functionality works
if(error.size == 0) {
GameState *deserialized_gs = load_from_string(frame_arena, frame_arena, saved, &error);
if(error.size == 0) {
gs = *deserialized_gs;
} else {
Log("Failed to load from saved gamestate: %.*s\n", S8VArg(error));
// statistics @Place(devtools drawing developer menu drawing)
if (show_devtools)
PROFILE_SCOPE("devtools drawing")

@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
// Never expected such a stupid stuff from such a great director. If there is 0 stari can give that or -200 to this movie. Its worst to see and unnecessary loss of money
#define PushWithLint(arena, list, ...) { S8ListPushFmt(arena, list, __VA_ARGS__); if(false) printf( __VA_ARGS__); }
#define FmtWithLint(arena, ...) (0 ? printf(__VA_ARGS__) : (void)0, S8Fmt(arena, __VA_ARGS__))
typedef BUFF(char, 1024 * 10) Escaped;
@ -359,14 +357,14 @@ typedef struct Target {
TextChunk name;
TextChunk description;
TargetKind kind;
} Target;
} SituationTarget;
// the situation for somebody
typedef struct CharacterSituation {
TextChunk goal; // kind of like the most important memory, self described character's goal right now
TextChunk memories[4]; // explicit numbered memories
BUFF(TextChunk, 5) events; // events that this character has observed in the plain english form
BUFF(Target, 10) targets;
BUFF(Target, 10) SituationTarget;
CharacterStatus my_status;
CharacterStatus status;

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#define STRINGIZE2(x) #x
@ -25,3 +26,4 @@
#define assert game_assert
#define Log(...) { printf("%s Log %d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); }
