Fit the shadow 'frustum' to the scene

Fit the shadow volume frustum to the scene geometry to maximize texel usage.
andrewjhaman 2 years ago
parent 19c369fa1e
commit 60679ceb2a


@ -3846,6 +3846,11 @@ Vec2 threedee_to_screenspace(Vec3 world)
// In that case the projected value is undefined, because the perspective
// divide produces nans.
Vec3 clip_space;
if (clip_space_no_perspective_divide.z < 0.0) {
return V2(0.0, 0.0);
if(clip_space_no_perspective_divide.w != 0.0)
clip_space = perspective_divide(clip_space_no_perspective_divide);
@ -4859,6 +4864,124 @@ Shadow_State init_shadow_state() {
typedef struct {
float l;
float r;
float t;
float b;
float n;
float f;
} Shadow_Volume_Params;
float round_to_nearest(float input, float round_target)
float result = 0.0f;
if(round_target != 0.0f)
float div = roundf(input / round_target);
result = div * round_target;
return result;
Shadow_Volume_Params calculate_shadow_volume_params(Vec3 light_dir)
Shadow_Volume_Params result = {0};
//first, we calculate the scene bound
//NOTE: Once we are moved to a pre-pass queue making type deal, this could be moved into that
// loop.
//For simplicity and speed, at the moment we consider only entity positions, not their extents when constructing the scene bounds.
//To make up for this, we add an extra padding-skirt to the bounds.
Mat4 light_space_matrix = LookAt_RH((Vec3){0}, light_dir, V3(0, 1, 0));
Vec3 scene_max = V3(-INFINITY, -INFINITY, -INFINITY);
for(PlacedMesh *cur = level_threedee.placed_mesh_list; cur; cur = cur->next)
Vec3 p = MulM4V3(light_space_matrix, cur->t.offset);
scene_min.x = fminf(scene_min.x, p.x);
scene_max.x = fmaxf(scene_max.x, p.x);
scene_min.y = fminf(scene_min.y, p.y);
scene_max.y = fmaxf(scene_max.y, p.y);
scene_min.z = fminf(scene_min.z, p.z);
scene_max.z = fmaxf(scene_max.z, p.z);
if(it->is_npc || it->is_character)
Transform draw_with = entity_transform(it);
Vec3 p = MulM4V3(light_space_matrix, draw_with.offset);
scene_min.x = fminf(scene_min.x, p.x);
scene_max.x = fmaxf(scene_max.x, p.x);
scene_min.y = fminf(scene_min.y, p.y);
scene_max.y = fmaxf(scene_max.y, p.y);
scene_min.z = fminf(scene_min.z, p.z);
scene_max.z = fmaxf(scene_max.z, p.z);
//pad to account for entity width
float pad = 2.5f;
scene_min.x -= pad;
scene_min.y -= pad;
scene_max.x += pad;
scene_max.y += pad;
result.l = scene_min.x;
result.r = scene_max.x;
result.b = scene_min.y;
result.t = scene_max.y;
float w = result.r - result.l;
float h = result.t - result.b;
float actual_size = fmaxf(w, h);
{//Make sure it is square
float diff = actual_size - h;
if (diff > 0) {
float half_diff = diff * 0.5f;
result.t += half_diff;
result.b -= half_diff;
diff = actual_size - w;
if (diff > 0) {
float half_diff = diff * 0.5f;
result.r += half_diff;
result.l -= half_diff;
{//Snap the light position to shadow_map texel grid, to reduce shimmering when moving
float texel_size = actual_size / (float)SHADOW_MAP_DIMENSION;
result.l = round_to_nearest(result.l, texel_size);
result.r = round_to_nearest(result.r, texel_size);
result.b = round_to_nearest(result.b, texel_size);
result.t = round_to_nearest(result.t, texel_size);
result.n = -100.0;
result.f = 200.0;
return result;
void frame(void)
@ -4896,6 +5019,7 @@ void frame(void)
uint64_t time_start_frame = stm_now();
@ -4940,22 +5064,17 @@ void frame(void)
float spin_factor = 0.5f;
float x = cosf((float)elapsed_time * spin_factor);
float z = sinf((float)elapsed_time * spin_factor);
Vec3 light_dir = NormV3(V3(x, -0.5, z));
Vec3 light_pos = V3(0, 10, 0);
float t = (float)elapsed_time * spin_factor;
float x = cosf(t);
float z = sinf(t);
float shadow_volume_half_dim = 25.0;
Vec3 light_dir = NormV3(V3(x, -0.5, z));
float l = -shadow_volume_half_dim;
float r = shadow_volume_half_dim;
float t = shadow_volume_half_dim;
float b = -shadow_volume_half_dim;
float n = -100.0;
float f = 200.0;
Shadow_Volume_Params svp = calculate_shadow_volume_params(light_dir);
Mat4 shadow_view_matrix = LookAt_RH(light_pos, AddV3(light_pos, light_dir), V3(0, 1, 0));
Mat4 shadow_projection_matrix = Orthographic_RH_NO(l, r, b, t, n, f);
Mat4 shadow_view_matrix = LookAt_RH(V3(0, 0, 0), light_dir, V3(0, 1, 0));
Mat4 shadow_projection_matrix = Orthographic_RH_NO(svp.l, svp.r, svp.b, svp.t, svp.n, svp.f);
Mat4 light_space_matrix = MulM4(shadow_projection_matrix, shadow_view_matrix);
do_shadow_pass(&state.shadows, shadow_view_matrix, shadow_projection_matrix);
@ -4986,7 +5105,7 @@ void frame(void)
view = LookAt_RH(cam_pos, player_pos, V3(0, 1, 0));
projection = Perspective_RH_NO(PI32/4.0f, screen_size().x / screen_size().y, 0.01f, 1000.0f);
projection = Perspective_RH_NO(FIELD_OF_VIEW, screen_size().x / screen_size().y, NEAR_PLANE_DISTANCE, FAR_PLANE_DISTANCE);
// debug draw armature
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < armature.bones_length; i++)
@ -5426,7 +5545,7 @@ void frame(void)
play_audio(possible_grunts[rand() % ARRLEN(possible_grunts)], volume); //nocheckin
play_audio(possible_grunts[rand() % ARRLEN(possible_grunts)], volume);

@ -53,4 +53,7 @@
#define FIELD_OF_VIEW (PI32/4.0f)
#define NEAR_PLANE_DISTANCE (0.01f)
#define FAR_PLANE_DISTANCE (1000.0f)