@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ Room *get_cur_room(GameState *gs, ThreeDeeLevel *level)
Room * in_room = 0 ;
for ( Room * cur = level - > room_list ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
if ( S8Match ( cur - > name , gs - > player- > current_room_name, 0 ) )
if ( S8Match ( cur - > name , gs - > current_room_name, 0 ) )
in_room = cur ;
break ;
@ -1722,7 +1722,7 @@ CanTalkTo get_can_talk_to(Entity *e)
CanTalkTo to_return = { 0 } ;
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs . entities )
if ( it ! = e & & ( it - > is_npc ) & & S8Match ( it - > current_room_name , from - > current_room_name , 0 ) )
if ( it ! = e & & ( it - > is_npc ) & & S8Match ( it - > current_room_name , e - > current_room_name , 0 ) )
BUFF_APPEND ( & to_return , it ) ;
@ -1769,11 +1769,7 @@ void remember_action(GameState *gs, Entity *to_modify, Action a, MemoryContext c
to_modify - > cur_page_index = 0 ;
CharToUpper ( u8 c )
return ( c > = ' a ' & & c < = ' z ' ) ? ( ' A ' + ( c - ' a ' ) ) : c ;
u8 CharToUpper ( u8 c ) ;
String8 npc_identifier ( String8 name ) {
String8 ret ;
@ -1784,6 +1780,10 @@ String8 npc_identifier(String8 name) {
return ret ;
// bad helper for now.
String8 npc_identifier_chunk ( TextChunk chunk ) {
return npc_identifier ( TextChunkString8 ( chunk ) ) ;
// returns reason why allocated on arena if invalid
// to might be null here, from can't be null
@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ String8 is_action_valid(Arena *arena, Entity *from, Action a)
if ( ! found )
error_message = FmtWithLint ( arena , " Character you're talking to, %.*s, isn't in the same room and so can't be talked to " , TextChunkVArg( npc_data ( gs , a . talking_to_kind ) . enum_name ) ) ;
error_message = FmtWithLint ( arena , " Character you're talking to, %.*s, isn't in the same room and so can't be talked to " , S8VArg( npc_identifier_chunk ( npc_data ( & gs , a . talking_to_kind ) - > name ) ) ) ;
@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ String8 is_action_valid(Arena *arena, Entity *from, Action a)
if ( error_message . size = = 0 & & a . kind = = ACT_join & & gete ( from - > joined ) ! = 0 )
error_message = FmtWithLint ( arena , " You can't join somebody, you're already in %.*s's party " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( gs , gete ( from - > joined ) - > npc_kind ) - > name ) ) ;
error_message = FmtWithLint ( arena , " You can't join somebody, you're already in %.*s's party " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( & gs , gete ( from - > joined ) - > npc_kind ) - > name ) ) ;
if ( error_message . size = = 0 & & a . kind = = ACT_fire_shotgun & & gete ( from - > aiming_shotgun_at ) = = 0 )
@ -1850,7 +1850,7 @@ String8 is_action_valid(Arena *arena, Entity *from, Action a)
if ( arg_valid = = false )
error_message = FmtWithLint ( arena , " Your action_argument for who the action `% .* s` be directed at, %s, is either invalid (you can't operate on nobody) or it's not an NPC that's near you right now." , actions [ a . kind ] . name , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( gs , a . argument . targeting ) - > name ) ) ;
error_message = FmtWithLint ( arena , " Your action_argument for who the action `% s` be directed at, %.* s, is either invalid (you can't operate on nobody) or it's not an NPC that's near you right now." , actions [ a . kind ] . name , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( & gs , a . argument . targeting ) - > name ) ) ;
@ -1928,58 +1928,6 @@ void cause_action_side_effects(Entity *from, Action a)
ReleaseScratch ( scratch ) ;
typedef struct PropagatingAction
struct PropagatingAction * next ;
Action a ;
MemoryContext context ;
TextChunk in_room_name ;
Vec2 from ;
bool already_propagated_to [ MAX_ENTITIES ] ; // tracks by index of entity
float progress ; // if greater than or equal to 1.0, is freed
} PropagatingAction ;
PropagatingAction * propagating = 0 ;
PropagatingAction ignore_entity ( Entity * to_ignore , PropagatingAction p )
PropagatingAction to_return = p ;
to_return . already_propagated_to [ frome ( to_ignore ) . index ] = true ;
return to_return ;
void push_propagating ( PropagatingAction to_push )
to_push . context . heard_physically = true ;
bool found = false ;
for ( PropagatingAction * cur = propagating ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
if ( cur - > progress > = 1.0f )
PropagatingAction * prev_next = cur - > next ;
* cur = to_push ;
cur - > next = prev_next ;
found = true ;
break ;
if ( ! found )
PropagatingAction * cur = PushArray ( persistent_arena , PropagatingAction , 1 ) ;
* cur = to_push ;
StackPush ( propagating , cur ) ;
float propagating_radius ( PropagatingAction * p )
float t = powf ( p - > progress , 0.65f ) ;
return Lerp ( 0.0f , t , PROPAGATE_ACTIONS_RADIUS ) ;
// only called when the action is instantiated, correctly propagates the information
// of the action physically and through the party
// If the action is invalid, remembers the error if it's an NPC, and does nothing else
@ -2001,15 +1949,13 @@ bool perform_action(GameState *gs, Entity *from, Action a)
bool proceed_propagating = true ;
if ( is_valid . size > 0 )
assert ( from - > npc_kind ! = NPC_P layer) ;
assert ( ! from - > is_p layer) ;
append_to_errors ( from , make_memory ( a , context ) , is_valid ) ;
proceed_propagating = false ;
bool angel_heard_action = false ;
Entity * targeted = 0 ;
if ( proceed_propagating )
@ -2022,11 +1968,10 @@ bool perform_action(GameState *gs, Entity *from, Action a)
cause_action_side_effects ( from , a ) ;
// self memory
if ( from - > npc_kind ! = NPC_P layer)
if ( ! from - > is_p layer)
MemoryContext my_context = context ;
my_context . i_said_this = true ;
angel_heard_action = angel_heard_action | | from - > npc_kind = = NPC_Angel ;
remember_action ( gs , from , a , my_context ) ;
@ -2041,22 +1986,21 @@ bool perform_action(GameState *gs, Entity *from, Action a)
// memory of target
if ( targeted )
angel_heard_action = angel_heard_action | | targeted - > npc_kind = = NPC_Angel ;
remember_action ( gs , targeted , a , context ) ;
// propagate physically
PropagatingAction to_propagate = { 0 } ;
chunk_from_s8 ( & to_propagate . in_room_name , from - > current_room_name ) ;
to_propagate . a = a ;
to_propagate . context = context ;
to_propagate . from = from - > pos ;
to_propagate = ignore_entity ( from , to_propagate ) ;
if ( targeted )
// propagate to other npcs in the room
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs - > entities )
to_propagate = ignore_entity ( targeted , to_propagate ) ;
if (
! it - > is_player
& & S8Match ( it - > current_room_name , from - > current_room_name , 0 )
& & it ! = from
& & it ! = targeted
) {
remember_action ( gs , it , a , context ) ;
push_propagating ( to_propagate ) ;
ReleaseScratch ( scratch ) ;
@ -2225,7 +2169,7 @@ void transition_to_room(GameState *gs, ThreeDeeLevel *level, String8 new_room_na
assert ( gs ) ;
( void ) level ;
gs - > player- > current_room_name = new_room_name ;
gs - > current_room_name = new_room_name ;
@ -2244,216 +2188,18 @@ void initialize_gamestate_from_threedee_level(GameState *gs, ThreeDeeLevel *leve
for ( PlacedEntity * cur = cur_room - > placed_entity_list ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
assert ( false ) ; // need to decide on a way entitie kind is decided on
Entity * cur_entity = new_entity ( gs ) ;
cur_entity - > npc_kind = cur - > npc_kind ;
cur_entity - > pos = point_plane ( cur - > t . offset ) ;
cur_entity - > is_npc = true ;
cur_entity - > current_room_name = cur_room - > name ;
if ( cur_entity - > npc_kind = = NPC_Player )
assert ( ! gs - > player ) ;
gs - > player = cur_entity ;
gs - > world_entity = new_entity ( gs ) ;
gs - > world_entity - > is_world = true ;
// @Place(parse and enact the drama document parse drama)
if ( 1 )
String8List drama_errors = { 0 } ;
ArenaTemp scratch = GetScratch ( 0 , 0 ) ;
String8 filename = S8Lit ( " assets/drama.mdesk " ) ;
String8 drama_document = LoadEntireFile ( scratch . arena , filename ) ;
assert ( drama_document . size ! = 0 ) ;
ParseResult parse = ParseWholeString ( scratch . arena , filename , drama_document ) ;
if ( parse . errors . first )
for ( Message * cur = parse . errors . first ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
String8 to_print = MD_FormatMessage ( scratch . arena , CodeLocFromNode ( cur - > node ) , cur - > kind , cur - > string ) ;
PushWithLint ( scratch . arena , & drama_errors , " Failed to parse: `%.*s` \n " , S8VArg ( to_print ) ) ;
BUFF ( NpcKind , 128 ) not_on_map = { 0 } ;
if ( drama_errors . node_count = = 0 )
// used
Node * can_hear = NilNode ( ) ;
for ( Node * cur = parse . node - > first_child - > first_child ; ! NodeIsNil ( cur ) & & drama_errors . node_count = = 0 ; cur = cur - > next )
Node * cur_can_hear = MD_ChildFromString ( cur , S8Lit ( " can_hear " ) , 0 ) ;
if ( ! NodeIsNil ( cur_can_hear ) )
if ( NodeIsNil ( cur_can_hear - > first_child ) )
PushWithLint ( scratch . arena , & drama_errors , " `can_hear` must be followed by a valid array of NPC kinds who can hear the following conversation " ) ;
can_hear = cur_can_hear - > first_child ;
if ( NodeIsNil ( can_hear ) )
PushWithLint ( scratch . arena , & drama_errors , " Expected a statement with `can_hear` before any speech that says who can hear the current speech " ) ;
Action current_action = { 0 } ;
MemoryContext current_context = { 0 } ;
current_context . drama_memory = true ;
if ( drama_errors . node_count = = 0 )
String8 enum_str = expect_childnode ( scratch . arena , cur , S8Lit ( " enum " ) , & drama_errors ) - > first_child - > string ;
String8 dialog = expect_childnode ( scratch . arena , cur , S8Lit ( " dialog " ) , & drama_errors ) - > first_child - > string ;
String8 action_str = MD_ChildFromString ( cur , S8Lit ( " action " ) , 0 ) - > first_child - > string ;
String8 action_argument_str = MD_ChildFromString ( cur , S8Lit ( " action_argument " ) , 0 ) - > first_child - > string ;
String8 to_str = MD_ChildFromString ( cur , S8Lit ( " to " ) , 0 ) - > first_child - > string ;
if ( to_str . size > 0 )
NpcKind talking_to = parse_enumstr ( scratch . arena , to_str , & drama_errors , NpcKind_enum_names , " NpcKind " , " " ) ;
if ( talking_to = = NPC_nobody )
PushWithLint ( scratch . arena , & drama_errors , " The string provided for the 'to' field, intended to be who the NPC is directing their speech and action at, is invalid and is '%.*s' " , S8VArg ( to_str ) ) ;
current_context . talking_to_kind = talking_to ;
current_action . talking_to_kind = talking_to ;
current_context . author_npc_kind = parse_enumstr ( scratch . arena , enum_str , & drama_errors , NpcKind_enum_names , " NpcKind " , " " ) ;
if ( action_str . size > 0 )
current_action . kind = parse_enumstr ( scratch . arena , action_str , & drama_errors , ActionKind_names , " ActionKind " , " ACT_ " ) ;
if ( action_argument_str . size > 0 )
String8 error = { 0 } ;
parse_action_argument ( scratch . arena , & error , current_action . kind , action_argument_str , & current_action . argument ) ;
if ( error . size > 0 )
PushWithLint ( scratch . arena , & drama_errors , " Error parsing argument: '%.*s' " , S8VArg ( error ) ) ;
if ( dialog . size > = ARRLEN ( current_action . speech . text ) )
PushWithLint ( scratch . arena , & drama_errors , " Current action_str's speech is of size %d, bigger than allowed size %d " , ( int ) dialog . size , ( int ) ARRLEN ( current_action . speech . text ) ) ;
if ( drama_errors . node_count = = 0 )
chunk_from_s8 ( & current_action . speech , dialog ) ;
if ( drama_errors . node_count = = 0 )
for ( Node * cur_kind_node = can_hear ; ! NodeIsNil ( cur_kind_node ) ; cur_kind_node = cur_kind_node - > next )
NpcKind want = parse_enumstr ( scratch . arena , cur_kind_node - > string , & drama_errors , NpcKind_enum_names , " NpcKind " , " " ) ;
if ( drama_errors . node_count = = 0 )
bool found = false ;
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs - > entities )
if ( it - > is_npc & & it - > npc_kind = = want )
MemoryContext this_context = current_context ;
if ( it - > npc_kind = = current_context . author_npc_kind )
this_context . i_said_this = true ;
remember_action ( gs , it , current_action , this_context ) ;
if ( it - > npc_kind ! = current_context . author_npc_kind & & it - > npc_kind ! = current_context . talking_to_kind )
// it's good for NPC health that they have examples of not saying anything in response to others speaking,
// so that they do the same when it's unlikely for them to talk.
if ( g_randf ( gs ) < characters [ it - > npc_kind ] . silence_factor )
Action no_speak = { 0 } ;
MemoryContext no_speak_context = { . i_said_this = true , . author_npc_kind = it - > npc_kind } ;
remember_action ( gs , it , no_speak , no_speak_context ) ;
it - > undismissed_action = false ; // prevent the animating in sound effects of words said in drama document
found = true ;
break ;
if ( ! found )
bool already_warned = false ;
BUFF_ITER ( NpcKind , & not_on_map )
if ( * it = = want ) already_warned = true ;
if ( ! already_warned )
//Log("Warning: NPC of kind %s isn't on the map, but has entries in the drama document\n", characters[want].enum_name);
BUFF_APPEND ( & not_on_map , want ) ;
// if ended conversation, make the target of the end of conversation action output silence
if ( drama_errors . node_count = = 0 )
// I use FmtWithLint and the actions[] array here so it's a compile error if we ever remove this action or rename it, instead of just directly putting the string
if ( current_action . kind = = ACT_end_conversation )
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs - > entities )
if ( it - > is_npc & & it - > npc_kind = = current_action . argument . targeting )
Action no_speak = { 0 } ;
MemoryContext no_speak_context = { . i_said_this = true , . author_npc_kind = it - > npc_kind } ;
remember_action ( gs , it , no_speak , no_speak_context ) ;
if ( drama_errors . node_count > 0 )
for ( String8Node * cur = drama_errors . first ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: %.*s \n " , S8VArg ( cur - > string ) ) ;
assert ( false ) ;
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs - > entities )
it - > perceptions_dirty = false ; // nobody should say anything about jester memories
transition_to_room ( gs , & level_threedee , gs - > player - > current_room_name ) ;
transition_to_room ( gs , & level_threedee , level - > room_list - > name ) ;
@ -2603,29 +2349,18 @@ void ser_GameState(SerState *ser, GameState *gs)
ser_entity ( ser , & ( gs - > entities [ i ] ) ) ;
gs - > player = 0 ;
gs - > world_entity = 0 ;
if ( ! ser - > cur_error . failed )
ARR_ITER ( Entity , gs - > entities )
if ( it - > npc_kind = = NPC_Player )
gs - > player = it ;
if ( it - > is_world )
gs - > world_entity = it ;
if ( gs - > player = = 0 )
ser - > cur_error = ( SerError ) { . failed = true , . why = S8Lit ( " No player entity found in deserialized entities " ) } ;
if ( gs - > world_entity = = 0 )
ser - > cur_error = ( SerError ) { . failed = true , . why = S8Lit ( " No world entity found in deserialized entities " ) } ;
@ -2776,6 +2511,7 @@ void end_text_input(char *what_player_said_cstr)
chunk_from_s8 ( & to_perform . speech , what_player_said ) ;
if ( gete ( gs . player - > talking_to ) )
assert ( gete ( gs . player - > talking_to ) - > is_npc ) ;
@ -2783,6 +2519,8 @@ void end_text_input(char *what_player_said_cstr)
perform_action ( & gs , gs . player , to_perform ) ;
Log ( " UNIMPLEMENTED!! \n " ) ;
ReleaseScratch ( scratch ) ;
@ -3217,8 +2955,9 @@ void do_parsing_tests()
// these tests rely on the base level having been loaded
void do_serialization_tests ( )
Log ( " Testing serialization...\n " ) ;
Log ( " (UNIMPLEMENTED) Testing serialization...\n " ) ;
ArenaTemp scratch = GetScratch ( 0 , 0 ) ;
GameState gs = { 0 } ;
@ -3241,6 +2980,7 @@ void do_serialization_tests()
Log ( " Default save data size is %lld bytes \n " , saved . size ) ;
ReleaseScratch ( scratch ) ;
void do_float_encoding_tests ( )
@ -5711,7 +5451,7 @@ void frame(void)
text_input_fade = Lerp ( text_input_fade , unwarped_dt * 8.0f , receiving_text_input ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) ;
Vec3 player_pos = V3 ( gs . player - > pos . x , 0.0 , gs . player - > pos . y ) ;
Vec3 cam_target_pos = V3 ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
//dbgline(V2(0,0), V2(500, 500));
const float vertical_to_horizontal_ratio = CAM_VERTICAL_TO_HORIZONTAL_RATIO ;
const float cam_distance = CAM_DISTANCE ;
@ -5727,7 +5467,7 @@ void frame(void)
away_from_player = get_cur_room ( & gs , & level_threedee ) - > camera_offset ;
Vec3 cam_pos = AddV3 ( player _pos, away_from_player ) ;
Vec3 cam_pos = AddV3 ( cam_target _pos, away_from_player ) ;
Vec2 movement = { 0 } ;
if ( mobile_controls )
@ -5753,13 +5493,13 @@ void frame(void)
Vec3 light_dir ;
float t = clamp01 ( ( float ) ( gs . time / LENGTH_OF_DAY ) ) ;
float t = 0.0f ;
Vec3 sun_vector = V3 ( 2.0f * t - 1.0f , sinf ( t * PI32 ) * 0.8f + 0.2f , 0.8f ) ; // where the sun is pointing from
light_dir = NormV3 ( MulV3F ( sun_vector , - 1.0f ) ) ;
// make movement relative to camera forward
Vec3 facing = NormV3 ( SubV3 ( player _pos, cam_pos ) ) ;
Vec3 facing = NormV3 ( SubV3 ( cam_target _pos, cam_pos ) ) ;
Vec3 right = Cross ( facing , V3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ) ;
Vec2 forward_2d = NormV2 ( V2 ( facing . x , facing . z ) ) ;
Vec2 right_2d = NormV2 ( V2 ( right . x , right . z ) ) ;
@ -5769,7 +5509,7 @@ void frame(void)
movement = V2 ( 0 , 0 ) ;
view = Translate ( V3 ( 0.0 , 1.0 , - 5.0f ) ) ;
Mat4 normal_cam_view = LookAt_RH ( cam_pos , player _pos, V3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ) ;
Mat4 normal_cam_view = LookAt_RH ( cam_pos , cam_target _pos, V3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ) ;
if ( flycam )
Basis basis = flycam_basis ( ) ;
@ -5853,46 +5593,15 @@ void frame(void)
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs . entities )
if ( it - > is_npc & & S8Match ( it - > current_room_name , gs . player- > current_room_name, 0 ) )
if ( it - > is_npc & & S8Match ( it - > current_room_name , gs . current_room_name, 0 ) )
assert ( it - > is_npc ) ;
Transform draw_with = entity_transform ( it ) ;
if ( it - > npc_kind = = NPC_AngelTotem )
draw_thing ( ( DrawnThing ) { . mesh = & mesh_angel_totem , . t = draw_with , . outline = gete ( gs . player - > interacting_with ) = = it } ) ;
else if ( it - > npc_kind = = NPC_Tombstone )
draw_thing ( ( DrawnThing ) { . mesh = & mesh_tombstone , . t = draw_with , . outline = gete ( gs . player - > interacting_with ) = = it } ) ;
// draw_thing((DrawnThing){.mesh = &mesh_tombstone, .t = draw_with, .outline = gete(gs.player->interacting_with) == it});
Armature * to_use = 0 ;
switch ( it - > npc_kind )
case NPC_Daniel :
to_use = & farmer_armature ;
break ;
case NPC_Raphael :
to_use = & man_in_black_armature ;
break ;
case NPC_Angel :
to_use = & angel_armature ;
break ;
case NPC_Player :
to_use = & player_armature ;
break ;
case NPC_nobody :
case NPC_AngelTotem :
case NPC_Tombstone :
case NPC_Devil :
case NPC_PreviousPlayer1 :
case NPC_PreviousPlayer2 :
case NPC_PreviousPlayer3 :
assert ( false ) ;
break ;
Armature * to_use = & player_armature ;
if ( it - > killed )
to_use - > go_to_animation = S8Lit ( " Die Backwards " ) ;
@ -5907,7 +5616,7 @@ void frame(void)
to_use - > go_to_animation = S8Lit ( " Idle " ) ;
draw_thing ( ( DrawnThing ) { . armature = to_use , . t = draw_with , . outline = gete ( gs . player - > interacting_with ) = = it } ) ;
draw_thing ( ( DrawnThing ) { . armature = to_use , . t = draw_with , . outline = gs . player & & gete ( gs . player - > interacting_with ) = = it } ) ;
if ( gete ( it - > aiming_shotgun_at ) )
@ -6025,46 +5734,12 @@ void frame(void)
if ( gs . judgement_gen_request ! = 0 )
GenRequestStatus stat = gen_request_status ( gs . judgement_gen_request ) ;
switch ( stat )
case GEN_NotDoneYet :
break ;
case GEN_Success :
TextChunk generated = gen_request_content ( gs . judgement_gen_request ) ;
if ( generated . text_length > 0 & & S8FindSubstring ( TextChunkString8 ( generated ) , S8Lit ( " yes " ) , 0 , StringMatchFlag_CaseInsensitive ) = = 0 )
Log ( " Starts with yes, success! \n " ) ;
gs . won = true ;
else if ( S8FindSubstring ( TextChunkString8 ( generated ) , S8Lit ( " no " ) , 0 , StringMatchFlag_CaseInsensitive ) = = generated . text_length )
Log ( " WARNING: generated judgement string '%.*s', doesn't match yes or no, and so is nonsensical! AI acting up! \n " , TextChunkVArg ( generated ) ) ;
break ;
case GEN_Failed :
having_errors = true ;
break ;
case GEN_Deleted :
break ;
if ( stat ! = GEN_NotDoneYet )
done_with_request ( gs . judgement_gen_request ) ;
gs . judgement_gen_request = 0 ;
// @Place(UI rendering that happens before gameplay processing so can consume events before the gameplay needs them)
PROFILE_SCOPE ( " Entity UI Rendering " )
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs . entities )
if ( it - > is_npc & & it - > npc_kind ! = NPC_P layer & & S8Match ( it - > current_room_name , gs . player - > current_room_name , 0 ) )
if ( it - > is_npc & & ! it - > is_player & & S8Match ( it - > current_room_name , gs . current_room_name , 0 ) )
if ( it - > undismissed_action )
@ -6073,7 +5748,8 @@ void frame(void)
// dialog bubble rendering
const float text_scale = speech_bubble . text_scale ;
float dist = LenV2 ( SubV2 ( it - > pos , gs . player - > pos ) ) ;
float dist = 0.0f ;
if ( gs . player ) dist = LenV2 ( SubV2 ( it - > pos , gs . player - > pos ) ) ;
float bubble_factor = 1.0f - clamp01 ( dist / 6.0f ) ;
Vec3 bubble_pos = AddV3 ( plane_point ( it - > pos ) , V3 ( 0 , 1.7f , 0 ) ) ; // 1.7 meters is about 5'8", average person height
Vec2 head_pos = threedee_to_screenspace ( bubble_pos ) ;
@ -6157,8 +5833,6 @@ void frame(void)
assert ( gs . player ! = NULL ) ;
// gameplay processing loop, do multiple if lagging
// these are static so that, on frames where no gameplay processing is necessary and just rendering, the rendering uses values from last frame
// @Place(gameplay processing loops)
@ -6195,36 +5869,6 @@ void frame(void)
gs . tick + = 1 ;
PROFILE_SCOPE ( " propagate actions " )
for ( PropagatingAction * cur = propagating ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
assert ( cur - > in_room_name . text_length > 0 ) ;
if ( cur - > progress < 1.0f )
cur - > progress + = dt ;
float effective_radius = propagating_radius ( cur ) ;
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs . entities )
bool should_propagate = true
& & it - > is_npc
& & LenV2 ( SubV2 ( it - > pos , cur - > from ) ) < effective_radius
& & S8Match ( TextChunkString8 ( cur - > in_room_name ) , it - > current_room_name , 0 )
& & it - > npc_kind ! = NPC_Angel // angels already hear everything, this would duplicate the hearing of the action
if ( should_propagate )
if ( ! cur - > already_propagated_to [ frome ( it ) . index ] )
cur - > already_propagated_to [ frome ( it ) . index ] = true ;
remember_action ( & gs , it , cur - > a , cur - > context ) ;
// process gs.entities process entities
PROFILE_SCOPE ( " entity processing " )
@ -6253,7 +5897,7 @@ void frame(void)
if ( toface )
it - > target_rotation = AngleOfV2 ( SubV2 ( toface - > pos , it - > pos ) ) ;
if ( it - > npc_kind ! = NPC_P layer)
if ( ! it - > is_p layer)
it - > rotation = lerp_angle ( it - > rotation , unwarped_dt * 8.0f , it - > target_rotation ) ;
if ( it - > gen_request_id ! = 0 & & ! gs . stopped_time )
@ -6279,7 +5923,7 @@ void frame(void)
Action out = { 0 } ;
Log ( " Parsing `%.*s`... \n " , S8VArg ( sentence_str ) ) ;
String8 parse_response = parse_chatgpt_response ( frame_arena , it , sentence_str , & out ) ;
String8 parse_response = parse_chatgpt_response ( frame_arena , & gs , it , sentence_str , & out ) ;
// check that it wraps in below two lines
TextPlacementSettings * to_wrap_to = & speech_bubble ;
@ -6334,7 +5978,6 @@ void frame(void)
if ( it - > is_npc )
// character speech animation text input
if ( it - > npc_kind ! = NPC_Angel )
ArenaTemp scratch = GetScratch ( 0 , 0 ) ;
@ -6381,7 +6024,7 @@ void frame(void)
Vec2 target = get_point_along_trail ( BUFF_MAKEREF ( & gs. player - > position_history ) , ( float ) place_in_line * 1.0f ) ;
Vec2 target = get_point_along_trail ( BUFF_MAKEREF ( & it - > position_history ) , ( float ) place_in_line * 1.0f ) ;
Vec2 last_pos = it - > pos ;
it - > pos = LerpV2 ( it - > pos , dt * 5.0f , target ) ;
@ -6439,7 +6082,7 @@ void frame(void)
const float jump_size = TILE_SIZE / 2.0f ;
BUFF_APPEND ( & nodes , ( ( AStarNode ) { . in_open_set = true , . pos = from } ) ) ;
Vec2 from_hash = V2_HASH ( from ) ;
float got_there_tolerance = max_coord ( entity_aabb_size ( gs. player ) ) * 1.5f ;
float got_there_tolerance = max_coord ( entity_aabb_size ( targeting ) ) * 1.5f ;
hmput ( node_cache , from_hash , & nodes . data [ 0 ] ) ;
bool should_quit = false ;
@ -6725,10 +6368,7 @@ void frame(void)
if ( it - > is_npc )
bool doesnt_prompt_on_dirty_perceptions = false
| | it - > npc_kind = = NPC_Player
| | ! npc_does_dialog ( it ) // not sure what's up with this actually, potentially remove
| | ! S8Match ( it - > current_room_name , gs . player - > current_room_name , 0 )
| | it - > npc_kind = = NPC_AngelTotem
| | ! S8Match ( it - > current_room_name , gs . current_room_name , 0 )
if ( it - > perceptions_dirty & & doesnt_prompt_on_dirty_perceptions )
@ -6758,28 +6398,20 @@ void frame(void)
const char * action = 0 ;
const char * action_argument = " Raphael " ;
if ( it - > npc_kind = = NPC_Daniel )
if ( gete ( it - > aiming_shotgun_at ) )
if ( gete ( it - > aiming_shotgun_at ) )
action = " fire_shotgun " ;
action = " aim_shotgun " ;
action = " fire_shotgun " ;
else if ( it - > npc_kind = = NPC_Angel )
action = " assign_gameplay_objective " ;
action_argument = " KILL Raphael " ;
action = " aim_shotgun " ;
char * rigged_dialog [ ] = {
" Repeated amounts of testing dialog overwhelmingly in support of the mulaney brothers " ,
} ;
char * next_dialog = rigged_dialog [ it - > times_talked_to % ARRLEN ( rigged_dialog ) ] ;
String8 target = TextChunkString8 ( npc_data ( gs , it - > memories_last - > context . author_npc_kind ) - > name ) ;
ai_response = FmtWithLint ( frame_arena , " { \" target \" : \" % s\" , \" action \" : \" %s \" , \" action_argument \" : \" %s \" , \" speech \" : \" %s \" } " , target , action , action_argument , next_dialog ) ;
String8 target = TextChunkString8 ( npc_data ( & gs , it - > memories_last - > context . author_npc_kind ) - > name ) ;
ai_response = FmtWithLint ( frame_arena , " { \" target \" : \" % .* s\" , \" action \" : \" %s \" , \" action_argument \" : \" %s \" , \" speech \" : \" %s \" } " , S8VArg ( target ) , action , action_argument , next_dialog ) ;
it - > times_talked_to + = 1 ;
@ -6794,7 +6426,7 @@ void frame(void)
String8 error_message = S8Lit ( " Something really bad happened bro. File " STRINGIZE ( __FILE__ ) " Line " STRINGIZE ( __LINE__ ) ) ;
if ( succeeded )
error_message = parse_chatgpt_response ( frame_arena , it , ai_response , & a ) ;
error_message = parse_chatgpt_response ( frame_arena , & gs , it , ai_response , & a ) ;
assert ( succeeded ) ;
@ -6815,6 +6447,7 @@ void frame(void)
// @Place(process player)
if ( gs . player )
PROFILE_SCOPE ( " process player " )
// do dialog
@ -6830,7 +6463,7 @@ void frame(void)
bool entity_talkable = true ;
if ( entity_talkable ) entity_talkable = entity_talkable & & ( * it ) - > is_npc ;
if ( entity_talkable ) entity_talkable = entity_talkable & & ( * it ) - > npc_kind ! = NPC_P layer;
if ( entity_talkable ) entity_talkable = entity_talkable & & ! ( * it ) - > is_p layer;
if ( entity_talkable ) entity_talkable = entity_talkable & & ! ( * it ) - > killed ;
# ifdef WEB
if ( entity_talkable ) entity_talkable = entity_talkable & & ( * it ) - > gen_request_id = = 0 ;
@ -6860,10 +6493,6 @@ void frame(void)
if ( closest_interact_with - > is_npc )
if ( closest_interact_with - > npc_kind = = NPC_AngelTotem )
transition_to_room ( & gs , & level_threedee , S8Lit ( " StartingRoom " ) ) ;
// begin dialog with closest npc
gs . player - > talking_to = frome ( closest_interact_with ) ;
begin_text_input ( ) ;
@ -6938,16 +6567,6 @@ void frame(void)
# ifdef DEVTOOLS
if ( keypressed [ SAPP_KEYCODE_P ] )
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs . entities )
if ( it - > npc_kind = = NPC_Raphael )
it - > killed = true ;
if ( flycam )
Basis basis = flycam_basis ( ) ;
@ -7007,19 +6626,6 @@ void frame(void)
// @Place(UI rendering)
PROFILE_SCOPE ( " propagating " )
for ( PropagatingAction * cur = propagating ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
if ( cur - > progress < 1.0f )
float radius = propagating_radius ( cur ) ;
Quad to_draw = quad_centered ( cur - > from , V2 ( radius , radius ) ) ;
draw_quad ( ( DrawParams ) { to_draw , IMG ( image_hovering_circle ) , blendalpha ( WHITE , 1.0f - cur - > progress ) } ) ;
if ( having_errors )
@ -7051,12 +6657,8 @@ void frame(void)
if ( gs . time > LENGTH_OF_DAY )
gs . player - > killed = true ;
// killed screen
if ( gs . player )
static float visible = 0.0f ;
float target = 0.0f ;
@ -7154,29 +6756,29 @@ void frame(void)
Vec2 start_at = V2 ( 0 , 300 ) ;
Vec2 cur_pos = start_at ;
AABB bounds = draw_text ( ( TextParams ) { false , S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " --Memories for %.*s-- " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( gs , to_view - > npc_kind ) - > name ) ) , cur_pos , WHITE , 1.0 } ) ;
AABB bounds = draw_text ( ( TextParams ) { false , S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " --Memories for %.*s-- " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( & gs , to_view - > npc_kind ) - > name ) ) , cur_pos , WHITE , 1.0 } ) ;
cur_pos . y - = aabb_size ( bounds ) . y ;
for ( Memory * cur = to_view - > memories_first ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
if ( cur - > speech . text_length > 0 )
String8 to_text = cur - > context . talking_to_kind ! = NPC_nobody ? S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " to %.*s " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( gs , cur - > context . talking_to_kind ) - > name ) ) : S8Lit ( " " ) ;
String8 text = S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " %s%.*s%.*s: %.*s " , to_view - > npc_kind = = cur - > context . author_npc_kind ? " (Me) " : " " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( gs , cur - > context . author_npc_kind ) - > name ) , S8VArg ( to_text ) , cur - > speech . text_length , cur - > speech ) ;
String8 to_text = cur - > context . talking_to_kind ! = NPC_nobody ? S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " to %.*s " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( & gs , cur - > context . talking_to_kind ) - > name ) ) : S8Lit ( " " ) ;
String8 text = S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " %s%.*s%.*s: %.*s " , to_view - > npc_kind = = cur - > context . author_npc_kind ? " (Me) " : " " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( & gs , cur - > context . author_npc_kind ) - > name ) , S8VArg ( to_text ) , cur - > speech . text_length , cur - > speech ) ;
AABB bounds = draw_text ( ( TextParams ) { false , text , cur_pos , WHITE , 1.0 } ) ;
cur_pos . y - = aabb_size ( bounds ) . y ;
if ( keypressed [ SAPP_KEYCODE_Q ] & & ! receiving_text_input )
Log ( " \n \n ==========------- Printing debugging information for %.*s -------========== \n " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( gs , to_view - > npc_kind ) - > name ) ) ;
Log ( " \n \n ==========------- Printing debugging information for %.*s -------========== \n " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( & gs , to_view - > npc_kind ) - > name ) ) ;
Log ( " \n Memories----------------------------- \n " ) ;
int mem_idx = 0 ;
for ( Memory * cur = to_view - > memories_first ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
String8 to_text = cur - > context . talking_to_kind ! = NPC_nobody ? S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " to %.*s " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( gs , cur - > context . talking_to_kind ) - > name ) ) : S8Lit ( " " ) ;
String8 to_text = cur - > context . talking_to_kind ! = NPC_nobody ? S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " to %.*s " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( & gs , cur - > context . talking_to_kind ) - > name ) ) : S8Lit ( " " ) ;
String8 speech = TextChunkString8 ( cur - > speech ) ;
if ( speech . size = = 0 ) speech = S8Lit ( " <said nothing> " ) ;
String8 text = S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " %s%.*s%.*s: %.*s " , to_view - > npc_kind = = cur - > context . author_npc_kind ? " (Me) " : " " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( gs , cur - > context . author_npc_kind ) - > name ) , S8VArg ( to_text ) , S8VArg ( speech ) ) ;
String8 text = S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " %s%.*s%.*s: %.*s " , to_view - > npc_kind = = cur - > context . author_npc_kind ? " (Me) " : " " , TextChunkVArg ( npc_data ( & gs , cur - > context . author_npc_kind ) - > name ) , S8VArg ( to_text ) , S8VArg ( speech ) ) ;
printf ( " Memory %d: %.*s \n " , mem_idx , S8VArg ( text ) ) ;
mem_idx + + ;
@ -7211,7 +6813,7 @@ void frame(void)
profiling ? " yes " : " no " ,
num_timestep_loops ,
flycam ? " yes " : " no " ,
v2varg ( gs . player - > pos ) ) ;
v2varg ( ( gs . player ? gs . player - > pos : V2 ( 0 , 0 ) ) ) ) ;
AABB bounds = draw_text ( ( TextParams ) { true , stats , pos , BLACK , 1.0f } ) ;
pos . Y - = bounds . upper_left . Y - screen_size ( ) . Y ;
bounds = draw_text ( ( TextParams ) { true , stats , pos , BLACK , 1.0f } ) ;