Dialog bubbles, keep 3d anims out of phase

Cameron Murphy Reikes 2 years ago
parent 7bf8ea5481
commit b668125d25

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
@image dialog_bubble:
filepath: "dialog_bubble.png",
@sound simple_talk:
filepath: "simple_text_chirp.wav",

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:8e1e7aa63a5629e94a496cbc56ccdf6c990c32ef9372e7f11f8340a6cf3a1734
size 10845


@ -3138,7 +3138,7 @@ void init(void)
// load font
FILE* fontFile = fopen("assets/Roboto-Regular.ttf", "rb");
FILE* fontFile = fopen("assets/PalanquinDark-Regular.ttf", "rb");
fseek(fontFile, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t size = ftell(fontFile); /* how long is the file ? */
fseek(fontFile, 0, SEEK_SET); /* reset */
@ -4013,33 +4013,6 @@ void dbgplanerect(AABB aabb)
dbgplaneline(q.ll, q.ul);
void draw_armature(Mat4 view, Mat4 projection, Transform t, Armature *armature)
Mat4 model = transform_to_matrix(t);
threedee_skeleton_vs_params_t params = {
.model = model,
.view = view,
.projection = projection,
.bones_tex_size = V2((float)armature->bones_texture_width,(float)armature->bones_texture_height),
state.threedee_bind.vertex_buffers[0] = armature->loaded_buffer;
state.threedee_bind.vs_images[SLOT_threedee_bones_tex] = armature->bones_texture;
state.threedee_bind.fs_images[SLOT_threedee_tex] = armature->image;
state.threedee_bind.fs_images[SLOT_threedee_shadow_map] = state.shadows.color_img;
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, SLOT_threedee_skeleton_vs_params, &SG_RANGE(params));
num_draw_calls += 1;
num_vertices += (int)armature->vertices_length;
sg_draw(0, (int)armature->vertices_length, 1);
typedef struct
Mesh *mesh;
@ -4481,6 +4454,11 @@ typedef struct
PlacedWord *last;
} PlacedWordList;
float get_vertical_dist_between_lines(float text_scale)
return font_line_advance*text_scale*1.1f;
PlacedWordList place_wrapped_words(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 text, float text_scale, float maximum_width)
PlacedWordList to_return = {0};
@ -4503,7 +4481,7 @@ PlacedWordList place_wrapped_words(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 text, float text_
float next_x_position = cur.x + aabb_size(word_bounds).x;
if(next_x_position - at_position.x > maximum_width)
current_vertical_offset -= font_line_advance*text_scale*1.1f; // the 1.1 is just arbitrary padding because it looks too crowded otherwise
current_vertical_offset -= get_vertical_dist_between_lines(text_scale); // the 1.1 is just arbitrary padding because it looks too crowded otherwise
cur = AddV2(at_position, V2(0.0f, current_vertical_offset));
next_x_position = cur.x + aabb_size(word_bounds).x;
@ -5240,6 +5218,7 @@ void flush_all_drawn_things(Vec3 light_dir, Vec3 cam_pos, Vec3 cam_facing, Vec3
// Draw all the 3D drawn things. Draw the shadows, then draw the things with the shadows.
// Process armatures and upload their skeleton textures
// Animate armatures, and upload their bone textures. Also debug draw their skeleton
SLICE_ITER(DrawnThing, drawn_this_frame)
@ -5509,51 +5488,6 @@ void frame(void)
movement = NormV2(movement);
// progress the animation, then blend the two animations if necessary, and finally
// output into anim_blended_poses
ARR_ITER(Armature*, armatures)
Armature *cur = *it;
if(cur->go_to_animation.size > 0)
if(MD_S8Match(cur->go_to_animation, cur->target_animation, 0))
memcpy(cur->current_poses, cur->anim_blended_poses, cur->bones_length * sizeof(*cur->current_poses));
cur->target_animation = cur->go_to_animation;
cur->animation_blend_t = 0.0f;
cur->go_to_animation = (MD_String8){0};
if(cur->animation_blend_t < 1.0f)
cur->animation_blend_t += dt / ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME;
Animation *to_anim = get_anim_by_name(cur, cur->target_animation);
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < cur->bones_length; i++)
Transform *output_transform = &cur->anim_blended_poses[i];
Transform from_transform = cur->current_poses[i];
Transform to_transform = get_animated_bone_transform(&to_anim->tracks[i], &cur->bones[i], (float)elapsed_time);
*output_transform = lerp_transforms(from_transform, cur->animation_blend_t, to_transform);
Animation *cur_anim = get_anim_by_name(cur, cur->target_animation);
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < cur->bones_length; i++)
cur->anim_blended_poses[i] = get_animated_bone_transform(&cur_anim->tracks[i], &cur->bones[i], (float)elapsed_time);
Vec3 light_dir;
@ -5591,6 +5525,8 @@ void frame(void)
projection = Perspective_RH_NO(FIELD_OF_VIEW, screen_size().x / screen_size().y, NEAR_PLANE_DISTANCE, FAR_PLANE_DISTANCE);
// @Place(draw 3d things)
for(PlacedMesh *cur = level_threedee.placed_mesh_list; cur; cur = cur->next)
draw_thing((DrawnThing){.mesh = cur->draw_with, .t = cur->t});
@ -5625,6 +5561,52 @@ void frame(void)
// progress the animation, then blend the two animations if necessary, and finally
// output into anim_blended_poses
ARR_ITER(Armature*, armatures)
Armature *cur = *it;
float seed = (float)((int64_t)cur % 1024); // offset into elapsed time to make all of their animations out of phase
if(cur->go_to_animation.size > 0)
if(MD_S8Match(cur->go_to_animation, cur->target_animation, 0))
memcpy(cur->current_poses, cur->anim_blended_poses, cur->bones_length * sizeof(*cur->current_poses));
cur->target_animation = cur->go_to_animation;
cur->animation_blend_t = 0.0f;
cur->go_to_animation = (MD_String8){0};
if(cur->animation_blend_t < 1.0f)
cur->animation_blend_t += dt / ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME;
Animation *to_anim = get_anim_by_name(cur, cur->target_animation);
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < cur->bones_length; i++)
Transform *output_transform = &cur->anim_blended_poses[i];
Transform from_transform = cur->current_poses[i];
Transform to_transform = get_animated_bone_transform(&to_anim->tracks[i], &cur->bones[i], (float)elapsed_time + seed);
*output_transform = lerp_transforms(from_transform, cur->animation_blend_t, to_transform);
Animation *cur_anim = get_anim_by_name(cur, cur->target_animation);
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < cur->bones_length; i++)
cur->anim_blended_poses[i] = get_animated_bone_transform(&cur_anim->tracks[i], &cur->bones[i], (float)elapsed_time + seed);
flush_all_drawn_things(light_dir, cam_pos, facing, right);
@ -6365,7 +6347,9 @@ void frame(void)
bool succeeded = true; // couldn't get AI response if false
ai_response = MD_S8Fmt(frame_arena, "{who_i_am: \"%s\", talking_to: nobody, action: joins_player, thoughts: \"I'm thinking...\", mood: Happy}", characters[it->npc_kind].name);
const char *action = "none";
if(it->standing != STANDING_JOINED) action = "joins_player";
ai_response = MD_S8Fmt(frame_arena, "{who_i_am: \"%s\", talking_to: nobody, action: %s, speech: \"Hey what's up?\", thoughts: \"I'm thinking...\", mood: Happy}", characters[it->npc_kind].name, action);
@ -6690,6 +6674,42 @@ void frame(void)
// @Place(entity rendering)
// render gs.entities render entities
PROFILE_SCOPE("entity rendering")
const float text_scale = 1.0f;
float dist = LenV2(SubV2(it->pos, gs.player->pos));
float bubble_factor = 1.0f - clamp01(dist/6.0f);
Vec3 bubble_pos = AddV3(plane_point(it->pos), V3(0,1.7f,0)); // 1.7 meters is about 5'8", average person height
Vec2 screen_pos = threedee_to_screenspace(bubble_pos);
Vec2 size = V2(400.0f,400.0f);
Vec2 bubble_center = AddV2(screen_pos, V2(-10.0f,40.0f));
quad_centered(bubble_center, size),
blendalpha(WHITE, bubble_factor),
AABB placing_text_in = aabb_centered(AddV2(bubble_center, V2(0,10.0f)), V2(size.x*0.8f, size.y*0.15f));
MD_String8List last = last_said_without_unsaid_words(frame_arena, it);
PlacedWordList placed = place_wrapped_words(frame_arena, MD_S8ListJoin(frame_arena, last, &(MD_StringJoin){.mid=MD_S8Lit(" ")}), text_scale, aabb_size(placing_text_in).x);
//translate_words_by(placed, V2(placing_text_in.upper_left.x, placing_text_in.lower_right.y));
translate_words_by(placed, AddV2(placing_text_in.upper_left, V2(0, -get_vertical_dist_between_lines(text_scale))));
for(PlacedWord *cur = placed.first; cur; cur = cur->next)
draw_text((TextParams){false, cur->text, cur->lower_left_corner, colhex(0xEEE6D2), text_scale});
// 2d rendering
PROFILE_SCOPE("entity rendering")
