@ -922,8 +922,10 @@ typedef struct PoseBone
typedef struct
Bone * bone_list ;
PoseBone * pose_bone_list ;
Bone * bones ;
MD_u64 bones_length ;
PoseBone * poses ;
MD_u64 poses_length ;
} Armature ;
Armature load_armature ( MD_Arena * arena , MD_String8 binary_file , MD_String8 armature_name )
@ -938,13 +940,13 @@ Armature load_armature(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file, MD_String8 armat
} ;
Armature to_return = { 0 } ;
MD_u64 num_bones ;
ser_MD_u64( & ser , & num_bones ) ;
Log ( " Armature %.*s has %llu vertices \n " , MD_S8VArg ( armature_name ) , num_bones ) ;
ser_MD_u64 ( & ser , & to_return . bones_length ) ;
Log( " Armature %.*s has %llu vertices \n " , MD_S8VArg ( armature_name ) , to_return . bones_length ) ;
to_return . bones = MD_PushArray ( arena , Bone , to_return . bones_length ) ;
for ( MD_u64 i = 0 ; i < num_bones ; i + + )
for ( MD_u64 i = 0 ; i < to_return. bones_length ; i + + )
Bone * next_bone = MD_PushArray ( arena , Bone , 1 ) ;
Bone * next_bone = & to_return . bones [ i ] ;
BlenderMat model_space_pose ;
BlenderMat inverse_model_space_pose ;
@ -955,69 +957,46 @@ Armature load_armature(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file, MD_String8 armat
next_bone - > matrix_local = blender_to_handmade_mat ( model_space_pose ) ;
next_bone - > inverse_model_space_pos = blender_to_handmade_mat ( inverse_model_space_pose ) ;
MD_StackPush ( to_return . bone_list , next_bone ) ;
MD_u64 num_pose_bones ;
ser_MD_u64 ( & ser , & num_pose_bones ) ;
assert ( num_pose_bones = = num_bones ) ;
ser_MD_u64 ( & ser , & to_return . poses_length ) ;
to_return . poses = MD_PushArray ( arena , PoseBone , to_return . poses_length ) ;
MD_i32 * parent_indices = MD_PushArray ( scratch . arena , MD_i32 , num_pose_bones ) ;
for ( MD_u64 i = 0 ; i < num_bones ; i + + )
parent_indices [ i ] = - 1 ;
assert ( to_return . poses_length = = to_return . bones_length ) ;
for ( MD_u64 i = 0 ; i < num_pose_bones ; i + + )
for ( MD_u64 i = 0 ; i < to_return . poses_length ; i + + )
PoseBone * next_pose_bone = MD_PushArray ( arena , PoseBone , 1 ) ;
PoseBone * next_pose_bone = & to_return . poses [ i ] ;
BlenderMat parent_space_pose ;
MD_i32 parent_index ;
ser_MD_String8 ( & ser , & next_pose_bone - > name , arena ) ;
ser_int ( & ser , & parent_ind ices[ i ] ) ;
ser_int ( & ser , & parent_ind ex ) ;
ser_BlenderMat ( & ser , & parent_space_pose ) ;
next_pose_bone - > parent_space_pose = blender_to_handmade_mat ( parent_space_pose ) ;
next_pose_bone - > parent = 0 ;
MD_StackPush ( to_return . pose_bone_list , next_pose_bone ) ;
PoseBone * to_attach_parent_to = to_return . pose_bone_list ;
// i goes backwards here, because in the pose_bone_list bones are in reverse order
// compared to how they're serialized, because MD_StackPush causes the list to be in
// reverse order! Each successive element is prepended to the beginning
for ( int i = ( int ) num_pose_bones - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
assert ( to_attach_parent_to ) ;
MD_i32 target_index = parent_indices [ i ] ;
if ( target_index ! = - 1 )
if ( parent_index ! = - 1 )
int i = ( int ) num_pose_bones - 1 ;
for ( PoseBone * cur = to_return . pose_bone_list ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
if ( parent_index < 0 | | parent_index > = to_return . poses_length )
if ( i = = target_index )
to_attach_parent_to - > parent = cur ;
break ;
i - - ;
ser . cur_error = ( SerError ) { . failed = true , . why = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " Parent index deserialized %d is out of range of the pose bones, which has a size of %llu " , parent_index , to_return . poses_length ) } ;
next_pose_bone - > parent = & to_return . poses [ parent_index ] ;
assert ( to_attach_parent_to - > parent ) ;
to_attach_parent_to = to_attach_parent_to - > next ;
assert ( ! ser . cur_error . failed ) ;
MD_ReleaseScratch ( scratch ) ;
// a sanity check
for ( Bone * cur = to_return . bone_list ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
SLICE_ITER ( Bone , to_return . bones )
Mat4 should_be_identity = MulM4 ( cur- > matrix_local , cur - > inverse_model_space_pos ) ;
Mat4 should_be_identity = MulM4 ( it- > matrix_local , it - > inverse_model_space_pos ) ;
for ( int r = 0 ; r < 4 ; r + + )
for ( int c = 0 ; c < 4 ; c + + )
@ -4589,9 +4568,12 @@ void frame(void)
projection = Perspective_RH_NO ( PI32 / 4.0f , screen_size ( ) . x / screen_size ( ) . y , 0.01f , 1000.0f ) ;
PoseBone * cur_pose_bone = armature . pose_bone_list ;
for ( Bone * cur = armature . bone_list ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
assert ( armature . bones_length = = armature . poses_length ) ;
for ( MD_u64 i = 0 ; i < armature . bones_length ; i + + )
PoseBone * cur_pose_bone = & armature . poses [ i ] ;
Bone * cur = & armature . bones [ i ] ;
Vec3 offset = V3 ( 1.5 , 0 , 5 ) ;
Vec3 from = MulM4V3 ( cur - > matrix_local , V3 ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;