Deserialize bones in one chunk, slice iter macro

Cameron Murphy Reikes 2 years ago
parent 90cd549acc
commit c3738d2f8c

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#define ARRLEN(x) ((sizeof(x)/sizeof(0[x])) / ((size_t)(!(sizeof(x) % sizeof(0[x])))))
#define ARR_ITER(type, arr) for(type *it = &arr[0]; it < &arr[ARRLEN(arr)]; it++)
#define ARR_ITER_I(type, arr, i_var) ARR_ITER(type, arr) for(int i_var = (int)(it - &arr[0]); i_var != -1; i_var = -1)
#define SLICE_ITER(type, slice_ptr) for(type *it = &slice_ptr[0]; it < &(slice_ptr[slice_ptr ##_length]); it++)
#define GET_TABLE(table, index) (assert(index < ARRLEN(table) && index >= 0), table[index])
// you can't do &(some func, variable) to get the variable's address in C. Sad!
#define GET_TABLE_PTR(table, index) (assert(index < ARRLEN(table) && index >= 0), &table[index])

@ -922,8 +922,10 @@ typedef struct PoseBone
typedef struct
Bone *bone_list;
PoseBone *pose_bone_list;
Bone *bones;
MD_u64 bones_length;
PoseBone *poses;
MD_u64 poses_length;
} Armature;
Armature load_armature(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file, MD_String8 armature_name)
@ -938,13 +940,13 @@ Armature load_armature(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file, MD_String8 armat
Armature to_return = {0};
MD_u64 num_bones;
ser_MD_u64(&ser, &num_bones);
Log("Armature %.*s has %llu vertices\n", MD_S8VArg(armature_name), num_bones);
ser_MD_u64(&ser, &to_return.bones_length);
Log("Armature %.*s has %llu vertices\n", MD_S8VArg(armature_name), to_return.bones_length);
to_return.bones = MD_PushArray(arena, Bone, to_return.bones_length);
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < num_bones; i++)
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < to_return.bones_length; i++)
Bone *next_bone = MD_PushArray(arena, Bone, 1);
Bone *next_bone = &to_return.bones[i];
BlenderMat model_space_pose;
BlenderMat inverse_model_space_pose;
@ -955,69 +957,46 @@ Armature load_armature(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file, MD_String8 armat
next_bone->matrix_local = blender_to_handmade_mat(model_space_pose);
next_bone->inverse_model_space_pos = blender_to_handmade_mat(inverse_model_space_pose);
MD_StackPush(to_return.bone_list, next_bone);
MD_u64 num_pose_bones;
ser_MD_u64(&ser, &num_pose_bones);
assert(num_pose_bones == num_bones);
ser_MD_u64(&ser, &to_return.poses_length);
to_return.poses = MD_PushArray(arena, PoseBone, to_return.poses_length);
MD_i32 *parent_indices = MD_PushArray(scratch.arena, MD_i32, num_pose_bones);
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < num_bones; i++)
parent_indices[i] = -1;
assert(to_return.poses_length == to_return.bones_length);
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < num_pose_bones; i++)
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < to_return.poses_length; i++)
PoseBone *next_pose_bone = MD_PushArray(arena, PoseBone, 1);
PoseBone *next_pose_bone = &to_return.poses[i];
BlenderMat parent_space_pose;
MD_i32 parent_index;
ser_MD_String8(&ser, &next_pose_bone->name, arena);
ser_int(&ser, &parent_indices[i]);
ser_int(&ser, &parent_index);
ser_BlenderMat(&ser, &parent_space_pose);
next_pose_bone->parent_space_pose = blender_to_handmade_mat(parent_space_pose);
next_pose_bone->parent = 0;
MD_StackPush(to_return.pose_bone_list, next_pose_bone);
PoseBone *to_attach_parent_to = to_return.pose_bone_list;
// i goes backwards here, because in the pose_bone_list bones are in reverse order
// compared to how they're serialized, because MD_StackPush causes the list to be in
// reverse order! Each successive element is prepended to the beginning
for(int i = (int)num_pose_bones - 1; i >= 0; i--)
MD_i32 target_index = parent_indices[i];
if(target_index != -1)
if(parent_index != -1)
int i = (int)num_pose_bones - 1;
for(PoseBone *cur = to_return.pose_bone_list; cur; cur = cur->next)
if(parent_index < 0 || parent_index >= to_return.poses_length)
if(i == target_index)
to_attach_parent_to->parent = cur;
ser.cur_error = (SerError){.failed = true, .why = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "Parent index deserialized %d is out of range of the pose bones, which has a size of %llu", parent_index, to_return.poses_length)};
next_pose_bone->parent = &to_return.poses[parent_index];
to_attach_parent_to = to_attach_parent_to->next;
// a sanity check
for(Bone *cur = to_return.bone_list; cur; cur = cur->next)
SLICE_ITER(Bone, to_return.bones)
Mat4 should_be_identity = MulM4(cur->matrix_local, cur->inverse_model_space_pos);
Mat4 should_be_identity = MulM4(it->matrix_local, it->inverse_model_space_pos);
for(int r = 0; r < 4; r++)
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
@ -4589,9 +4568,12 @@ void frame(void)
projection = Perspective_RH_NO(PI32/4.0f, screen_size().x / screen_size().y, 0.01f, 1000.0f);
PoseBone *cur_pose_bone = armature.pose_bone_list;
for(Bone *cur = armature.bone_list; cur; cur = cur->next)
assert(armature.bones_length == armature.poses_length);
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < armature.bones_length; i++)
PoseBone *cur_pose_bone = &armature.poses[i];
Bone *cur = &armature.bones[i];
Vec3 offset = V3(1.5, 0, 5);
Vec3 from = MulM4V3(cur->matrix_local, V3(0,0,0));
