Add sword of nazareth, when used inspires adventure among nearby NPCs

Cameron Murphy Reikes 2 years ago
parent 3f2468fff7
commit d8de5c205b

@ -114,6 +114,10 @@
filepath: "copyrighted/skeleton.png",
@image swipe:
filepath: "swipe.png",
@image moose:

@ -346,6 +346,11 @@
"value":"{.data = {ITEM_Sword}, .cur_index = 1}"
@ -354,8 +359,8 @@

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.2 KiB

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ const char *global_prompt = "You are a colorful and interesting personality in a
"You are an agent, NOT an assistant, which means you stand up for yourself! Do NOT give away an item until the player gives you something you think is of equal value. Get angry, act human, be interesting.\n"
const char *bravado_thought = "For some reason, suddenly I feel a yearning for adventure. I must join any adventure I can when prompted!";
const char *top_of_header = ""
"#pragma once\n"
@ -77,6 +79,11 @@ ItemInfo items[] = {
.name = "The Chalice of Gold",
.description = "A beautiful, glimmering chalice of gold. Some have said that drinking from it gives you eternal life.",
.enum_name = "Sword",
.name = "The Sword of Nazareth",
.description = "A powerful sword with heft, it inspires a fundamental glory",
typedef enum


@ -983,24 +983,16 @@ Entity *gete(EntityRef ref)
void push_memory(Entity *e, MD_String8 speech, MD_String8 monologue, ActionKind a_kind, ActionArgument a_argument, MemoryContext context)
void push_memory(Entity *e, Memory new_memory)
Memory new_memory = {.action_taken = a_kind};
assert(speech.size <= ARRLEN(new_memory.speech));
new_memory.tick_happened = gs.tick;
new_memory.context = context;
new_memory.action_argument = a_argument;
memcpy(new_memory.speech, speech.str, speech.size);
new_memory.speech_length = (int)speech.size;
memcpy(new_memory.internal_monologue, monologue.str, monologue.size);
new_memory.internal_monologue_length = (int)monologue.size;
BUFF_APPEND(&e->memories, new_memory);
// self speech doesn't dirty
e->perceptions_dirty = true;
@ -1034,7 +1026,17 @@ Entity *get_targeted(Entity *from, NpcKind targeted)
void remember_action(Entity *to_modify, Action a, MemoryContext context)
push_memory(to_modify, MD_S8(a.speech, a.speech_length), MD_S8(a.internal_monologue, a.internal_monologue_length), a.kind, (ActionArgument){0}, context);
Memory new_memory = {0};
memcpy(new_memory.speech, a.speech, a.speech_length);
new_memory.speech_length = a.speech_length;
memcpy(new_memory.internal_monologue, a.internal_monologue, a.internal_monologue_length);
new_memory.internal_monologue_length = a.internal_monologue_length;
new_memory.action_taken = a.kind;
new_memory.context = context;
new_memory.action_argument = a.argument;
push_memory(to_modify, new_memory);
to_modify->words_said = 0;
@ -1042,6 +1044,7 @@ void remember_action(Entity *to_modify, Action a, MemoryContext context)
// returns reason why allocated on arena if invalid
// to might be null here, from can't be null
MD_String8 is_action_valid(MD_Arena *arena, Entity *from, Action a)
@ -1198,8 +1201,10 @@ void cause_action_side_effects(Entity *from, Action a)
typedef struct PropagatingAction
struct PropagatingAction *next;
Action a;
MemoryContext context;
Vec2 from;
bool already_propagated_to[MAX_ENTITIES]; // tracks by index of entity
float progress; // if greater than or equal to 1.0, is freed
@ -1244,6 +1249,43 @@ float propagating_radius(PropagatingAction *p)
return Lerp(0.0f, t, PROPAGATE_ACTIONS_RADIUS );
typedef struct SwordSwipe
struct SwordSwipe *next;
EntityRef to_ignore;
Vec2 from;
bool already_propagated_to[MAX_ENTITIES]; // tracks by index of entity
float progress;
} SwordSwipe;
SwordSwipe *swordswipes = 0;
void push_swipe(SwordSwipe s)
SwordSwipe *to_set = 0;
for(SwordSwipe *cur = swordswipes; cur; cur = cur->next)
if(cur->progress >= 1.0f)
to_set = cur;
to_set = MD_PushArray(persistent_arena, SwordSwipe, 1);
MD_StackPush(swordswipes, to_set);
*to_set = s;
void use_item(Entity *from, ItemKind kind)
if(kind == ITEM_Sword)
push_swipe((SwordSwipe){.to_ignore = frome(from), .from = from->pos});
// only called when the action is instantiated, correctly propagates the information
// of the action physically and through the party
@ -3398,6 +3440,10 @@ void draw_item(bool world_space, ItemKind kind, AABB in_aabb, float alpha)
draw_quad((DrawParams) { world_space, drawn, IMG(image_gold_coin), blendalpha(WHITE, alpha), .layer = LAYER_UI_FG });
else if (kind == ITEM_Sword)
draw_quad((DrawParams) { world_space, drawn, IMG(image_sword), blendalpha(WHITE, alpha), .layer = LAYER_UI_FG });
@ -3601,6 +3647,32 @@ void frame(void)
gs.tick += 1;
PROFILE_SCOPE("handle swipes") // sword swipes
for(SwordSwipe *cur = swordswipes; cur; cur = cur->next)
if(cur->progress < 1.0f)
cur->progress += dt;
if(it->is_npc && LenV2(SubV2(it->pos, cur->from)) < SWORD_SWIPE_RADIUS && gete(cur->to_ignore) != it && !cur->already_propagated_to[frome(it).index])
cur->already_propagated_to[frome(it).index] = true;
Memory bravado_memory = {0};
bravado_memory.internal_monologue_length = (int)strlen(bravado_thought);
memcpy(bravado_memory.internal_monologue, bravado_thought, bravado_memory.internal_monologue_length);
bravado_memory.context.i_said_this = true;
bravado_memory.context.author_npc_kind = it->npc_kind;
push_memory(it, bravado_memory);
it->perceptions_dirty = true;
PROFILE_SCOPE("propagate actions")
for(PropagatingAction *cur = propagating; cur; cur = cur->next)
@ -4721,6 +4793,23 @@ void frame(void)
PROFILE_SCOPE("draw sword swipes") // draw swipes
for(SwordSwipe *cur = swordswipes; cur; cur = cur->next)
if(cur->progress < 1.0f)
float radius = SWORD_SWIPE_RADIUS;
Quad to_draw = quad_centered(cur->from, V2(radius, radius));
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
to_draw.points[i] = AddV2(RotateV2(SubV2(to_draw.points[i], cur->from), powf(cur->progress * 4.0f, 1.5f)), cur->from);
draw_quad((DrawParams){true, to_draw, IMG(image_swipe), blendalpha(WHITE, 1.0f - cur->progress)});
PROFILE_SCOPE("dialog menu") // big dialog panel draw big dialog panel
static float on_screen = 0.0f;
@ -4925,7 +5014,7 @@ void frame(void)
Vec2 item_icon_size = V2(item_icon_width, item_icon_width);
Vec2 cursor = AddV2(grid_aabb.upper_left, V2(padding, -padding));
int to_give = -1; // don't modify the item array while iterating
int pressed_index = -1;
BUFF_ITER_I(ItemKind, &player->held_items, i)
Vec2 real_size = LerpV2(item_icon_size, hovered_state[i], MulV2F(item_icon_size, 1.25f));
@ -4943,10 +5032,7 @@ void frame(void)
target = 1.0f;
if (pressed.mouse_down)
if (gete(player->talking_to))
to_give = i;
pressed_index = i;
@ -4965,21 +5051,25 @@ void frame(void)
cursor.x = grid_aabb.upper_left.x + padding;
if (to_give > -1)
if (pressed_index > -1)
choosing_item_grid = false;
ItemKind selected_item = player->[pressed_index];
if(player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING)
Entity *to = gete(player->talking_to);
ItemKind given_item_kind = player->[to_give];
BUFF_REMOVE_AT_INDEX(&player->held_items, to_give);
BUFF_REMOVE_AT_INDEX(&player->held_items, pressed_index);
Action give_action = {.kind = ACT_give_item, .argument = { .item_to_give = given_item_kind }};
Action give_action = {.kind = ACT_give_item, .argument = { .item_to_give = selected_item }};
perform_action(player, give_action);
use_item(player, selected_item);

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#define CHARACTERS_PER_SEC 45.0f
#define ARENA_SIZE (1024*1024)
