#ifndef TUNING_H // #pragma once isn't supported by sokol-shdc yet #define TUNING_H #define RANDOM_SEED 42 #define LEVEL_TILES 150 // width and height of level tiles array #define LAYERS 3 #define TILE_SIZE 0.5f // in pixels #define PLAYER_SPEED 0.15f // in meters per second #define PERCEPTION_HEARING_RAGE (TILE_SIZE*4.0f) #define CHARACTERS_PER_SEC 45.0f #define ANGEL_CHARACTERS_PER_SEC 35.0f #define SWORD_SWIPE_RADIUS (TILE_SIZE*3.0f) #define ARROW_SPEED 200.0f #define SECONDS_PER_ARROW 1.3f #define DIALOG_INTERACT_SIZE 5.0f // length of the centered AABB (not halfsize) around the player of who they're interacting with #define CAM_DISTANCE 15.0f #define CAM_VERTICAL_TO_HORIZONTAL_RATIO 0.95f #define DIALOG_FADE_TIME 3.0f #define AI_MAX_BUBBLE_PAGES_IN_OUTPUT 2 #define ARENA_SIZE (1024*1024*20) #define BIG_ARENA_SIZE (ARENA_SIZE * 4) #define PROFILING_SAVE_FILENAME "rpgpt.spall" #ifdef DEVTOOLS // server url cannot have trailing slash //#define MOCK_AI_RESPONSE #define SERVER_DOMAIN "localhost" #define SERVER_PORT 8090 #define IS_SERVER_SECURE 0 #else #define SERVER_DOMAIN "rpgpt.duckdns.org" #define SERVER_PORT 443 #define IS_SERVER_SECURE 1 #endif // this can never go down or else the forward compatibility of serialization breaks. #define MAX_ENTITIES 256 // REFACTORING:: also have to update in javascript!!!!!!!! #define MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH 800 // LOOOK AT AGBOVE COMMENT GBEFORE CHANGING #define SENTENCE_CONST(txt) { .data = txt, .cur_index = sizeof(txt) } #define SENTENCE_CONST_CAST(txt) (Sentence)SENTENCE_CONST(txt) #define MAXIMUM_THREEDEE_THINGS 1024 #define ANIMATION_BLEND_TIME 0.15f #define REMEMBERED_MEMORIES 64 #define REMEMBERED_ERRORS 6 #define MAX_AFTERIMAGES 6 #define TIME_TO_GEN_AFTERIMAGE (0.09f) #define AFTERIMAGE_LIFETIME (0.5f) #define DAMAGE_SWORD 0.05f #define DAMAGE_BULLET 0.2f // A* tuning #define MAX_ASTAR_NODES 512 #define TIME_BETWEEN_PATH_GENS (0.5f) //Rendering #define FIELD_OF_VIEW (0.6911112070083618) // FOV #define NEAR_PLANE_DISTANCE (0.01f) #define FAR_PLANE_DISTANCE (70.0f) #define SHADOW_MAP_DIMENSION (2048) // Post-processing #if 0 // use this to completely disable #define FILM_GRAIN_STRENGTH 0 // 0 to 100 #define CONTRAST_BOOST_MIN 0 // 0 to 255 #define CONTRAST_BOOST_MAX 255 // 0 to 255 #define VIGNETTE_STRENGTH 0 // 0 to 100 #define CROSS_PROCESS_STRENGTH 0 // 0 to 100 #else #define FILM_GRAIN_STRENGTH 0 // 0 to 100 #define CONTRAST_BOOST_MIN 11 // 0 to 255 #define CONTRAST_BOOST_MAX 204 // 0 to 255 #define VIGNETTE_STRENGTH 50 // 0 to 100 #define CROSS_PROCESS_STRENGTH 50 // 0 to 100 #endif #endif // TUNING_H