[ {can_hear: [Daniel, Raphael]} {enum: Devil, dialog: "What's up cracker jack?", to: Daniel} {enum: Daniel, dialog: "What the hell are you talking about?", to: Devil} {enum: Devil, dialog: "Bootylicious?", to: Daniel} {enum: Daniel, dialog: "You're 'asking too many darned questions! I'll have your body in my barn by sundown!", action: ACT_aim_shotgun, action_argument: "The Devil", to: Devil} {enum: Raphael, dialog: "Yeah man, what's up with you?", to: Devil} {enum: Devil, dialog: "Nunya!", to: Raphael} {enum: Raphael, dialog: "What does 'Nunya' mean? A wild critter you are...", to: Devil} {enum: Daniel, dialog: "YOU ASKED FOR IT! TAKE THIS!", action: ACT_fire_shotgun, to: Devil} {enum: Devil, dialog: "Cute! You think your little toys can harm me!", to: Daniel} {enum: Daniel, dialog: "What the hell??", to: Devil} {enum: Raphael, dialog: "I don't think we can harm him like that", to: Daniel} {enum: Daniel, dialog: "You're right, I guess we just gotta 'tolerate this feller's presence.", to: Raphael} {enum: Devil, dialog: "I'll take my leave. Until next time!", to: Daniel} {enum: Raphael, dialog: "What a psycho...", to: Daniel} {can_hear: [Daniel, Raphael, Passerby]} {enum: Passerby, dialog: "Yo", to: Raphael} {enum: Raphael, dialog: "What's up", to: Passerby} {enum: Passerby, dialog: "What do you think of farmers", to: Raphael} {enum: Raphael, dialog: "What?", to: Passerby} {enum: Daniel, dialog: "Let me 'say somthin here. Farmers are the backbone of this town, so you'd best give them some respect", to: Passerby} {enum: Raphael, dialog: "I mean, scientists really are what's most important", to: Daniel} {enum: Daniel, dialog: "First of all, what the hell is a scientist? Second of all, whoever they are, if they can't eat they're worthless!", to: Raphael} {enum: Raphael, dialog: "FIne fine whatever, no need to get heated...", to: Daniel} {enum: Daniel, dialog: "Anyways, sorry about that. What's your name?", to: Passerby} {enum: Passerby, dialog: "Nevermind I'll just take my leave, later.", to: Daniel} /* {can_hear: [WellDweller, Farmer, ManInBlack]}, {enum: WellDweller, dialog: "What a fearful farm you live in, come down to the well, the grass is damper down here.", to: Farmer, mood: Scared, thoughts: "Nobody can take me from my well"}, {enum: Farmer, dialog: "Sure as shit I won't!", to: WellDweller, mood: Scared, thoughts: "What a greasy looking feller"}, {enum: WellDweller, dialog: "Have it your way! Doomsday is upon us", to: Farmer, mood: Scared, thoughts: "He has no idea what he's in for"}, {enum: ManInBlack, dialog: "Doomsday's all I know anyways", mood: Indifferent, thoughts: "What's coming... is only a nightmare"}, */ ]