#pragma once #include "buff.h" #include "HandmadeMath.h" // vector types in entity struct definition #include #include #include #include // atoi #include "characters.gen.h" NPC_Skeleton, NPC_MOOSE, } NpcKind; #define Log(...) { printf("%s Log %d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } // REFACTORING:: also have to update in javascript!!!!!!!! #define MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH 400 // LOOOK AT AGBOVE COMMENT GBEFORE CHANGING typedef BUFF(char, MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH) Sentence; #define SENTENCE_CONST(txt) {.data=txt, .cur_index=sizeof(txt)} #define SENTENCE_CONST_CAST(txt) (Sentence)SENTENCE_CONST(txt) #define REMEMBERED_PERCEPTIONS 24 typedef enum PerceptionType { Invalid, // so that zero value in training structs means end of perception PlayerAction, PlayerDialog, NPCDialog, // includes an npc action in every npc dialog. So it's often nothing EnemyAction, // An enemy performed an action against the NPC PlayerHeldItemChanged, } PerceptionType; typedef struct Perception { PerceptionType type; union { // player action Action player_action_type; // player dialog Sentence player_dialog; // npc dialog struct { Action npc_action_type; Sentence npc_dialog; }; // enemy action Action enemy_action_type; // player holding item. MUST precede any perceptions which come after the player is holding the item ItemKind holding; }; } Perception; typedef enum PropKind { TREE0, TREE1, TREE2, ROCK0, } PropKind; typedef struct EntityRef { int index; int generation; } EntityRef; typedef enum CharacterState { CHARACTER_WALKING, CHARACTER_IDLE, CHARACTER_ATTACK, CHARACTER_TALKING, } CharacterState; typedef enum { STANDING_INDIFFERENT, STANDING_JOINED, STANDING_FIGHTING, } NPCPlayerStanding; typedef struct Entity { bool exists; bool destroy; int generation; // fields for all gs.entities Vec2 pos; Vec2 vel; // only used sometimes, like in old man and bullet float damage; // at 1.0, dead! zero initialized bool facing_left; double dead_time; bool dead; // multiple gs.entities have a sword swing BUFF(EntityRef, 8) done_damage_to_this_swing; // only do damage once, but hitbox stays around bool is_bullet; // props bool is_prop; PropKind prop_kind; // items bool is_item; bool held_by_player; ItemKind item_kind; // npcs bool is_npc; bool perceptions_dirty; BUFF(Perception, REMEMBERED_PERCEPTIONS) remembered_perceptions; bool direction_of_spiral_pattern; double character_say_timer; int characters_said; NPCPlayerStanding standing; NpcKind npc_kind; ItemKind last_seen_holding_kind; #ifdef WEB int gen_request_id; #endif bool walking; double shotgun_timer; bool moved; Vec2 target_goto; // only for skeleton npc double swing_timer; // character bool is_character; EntityRef holding_item; Vec2 to_throw_direction; CharacterState state; EntityRef talking_to; // Maybe should be generational index, but I dunno. No death yet bool is_rolling; // can only roll in idle or walk states double time_not_rolling; // for cooldown for roll, so you can't just hold it and be invincible double roll_progress; double swing_progress; } Entity; bool npc_is_knight_sprite(Entity *it) { return it->is_npc && ( it->npc_kind == NPC_Max || it->npc_kind == NPC_Hunter || it->npc_kind == NPC_John || it->npc_kind == NPC_Blocky); } typedef BUFF(char, MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH*(REMEMBERED_PERCEPTIONS+4)) PromptBuff; typedef BUFF(Action, 8) AvailableActions; void fill_available_actions(Entity *it, AvailableActions *a) { *a = (AvailableActions){0}; BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_none); if(it->npc_kind == NPC_GodRock) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_heals_player); } else { if(it->standing == STANDING_INDIFFERENT) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_fights_player); BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_joins_player); } else if(it->standing == STANDING_JOINED) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_leaves_player); BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_fights_player); } else if(it->standing == STANDING_FIGHTING) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_leaves_player); } if(npc_is_knight_sprite(it)) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_strikes_air); } if(it->npc_kind == NPC_Blocky) { if(!it->moved) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_allows_player_to_pass); } } } } void process_perception(Entity *it, Perception p) { if(it->is_npc) { if(p.type != NPCDialog) it->perceptions_dirty = true; if(!BUFF_HAS_SPACE(&it->remembered_perceptions)) BUFF_REMOVE_FRONT(&it->remembered_perceptions); BUFF_APPEND(&it->remembered_perceptions, p); if(p.type == PlayerHeldItemChanged) { it->last_seen_holding_kind = p.holding; } else if(p.type == NPCDialog) { if(p.npc_action_type == ACT_allows_player_to_pass) { it->target_goto = AddV2(it->pos, V2(-50.0, 0.0)); it->moved = true; } else if(p.npc_action_type == ACT_fights_player) { it->standing = STANDING_FIGHTING; } else if(p.npc_action_type == ACT_leaves_player) { it->standing = STANDING_INDIFFERENT; } else if(p.npc_action_type == ACT_joins_player) { it->standing = STANDING_JOINED; } } } } #define printf_buff(buff_ptr, ...) { int written = snprintf((buff_ptr)->data+(buff_ptr)->cur_index, ARRLEN((buff_ptr)->data) - (buff_ptr)->cur_index, __VA_ARGS__); assert(written >= 0); (buff_ptr)->cur_index += written; }; // returns if action index was valid bool action_from_index(Entity *it, Action *out, int action_index) { AvailableActions available = {0}; fill_available_actions(it, &available); if(action_index < 0 || action_index >= available.cur_index) { return false; } else { *out = available.data[action_index]; return true; } } // don't call on untrusted action, doesn't return error int action_to_index(Entity *it, Action a) { AvailableActions available = {0}; fill_available_actions(it, &available); Action target_action = a; int index = -1; for(int i = 0; i < available.cur_index; i++) { if(available.data[i] == target_action) { index = i; break; } } assert(index != -1); return index; } bool npc_does_dialog(Entity *it) { return it->npc_kind < ARRLEN(prompt_table); } void generate_prompt(Entity *it, PromptBuff *into) { assert(it->is_npc); *into = (PromptBuff){0}; // global prompt printf_buff(into, "%s", global_prompt); printf_buff(into, "%s", "\n"); // npc description prompt assert(it->npc_kind < ARRLEN(prompt_table)); printf_buff(into, "%s", prompt_table[it->npc_kind]); printf_buff(into, "%s", "\n"); // item prompt if(it->last_seen_holding_kind != ITEM_none) { assert(it->last_seen_holding_kind < ARRLEN(item_prompt_table)); printf_buff(into, "%s", item_prompt_table[it->last_seen_holding_kind]); printf_buff(into, "%s", "\n"); } // available actions prompt AvailableActions available = {0}; fill_available_actions(it, &available); printf_buff(into, "%s", "The NPC possible actions array, indexed by ACT_INDEX: ["); BUFF_ITER(Action, &available) { printf_buff(into, "%s", action_strings[*it]); printf_buff(into, "%s", ", "); } printf_buff(into, "%s", "]\n"); Entity *e = it; ItemKind last_holding = ITEM_none; BUFF_ITER(Perception, &e->remembered_perceptions) { if(it->type == PlayerAction) { assert(it->player_action_type < ARRLEN(action_strings)); printf_buff(into, "Player: ACT %s \n", action_strings[it->player_action_type]); } else if(it->type == EnemyAction) { assert(it->enemy_action_type < ARRLEN(action_strings)); printf_buff(into, "An Enemy: ACT %s \n", action_strings[it->player_action_type]); } else if(it->type == PlayerDialog) { printf_buff(into, "%s", "Player: \""); printf_buff(into, "%s", it->player_dialog.data); printf_buff(into, "%s", "\"\n"); } else if(it->type == NPCDialog) { printf_buff(into, "%s: ACT %s \"%s\"\n", name_table[e->npc_kind], action_strings[it->npc_action_type], it->npc_dialog.data); } else if(it->type == PlayerHeldItemChanged) { if(last_holding != it->holding) { if(last_holding != ITEM_none) { printf_buff(into, "%s", item_discard_message_table[last_holding]); printf_buff(into, "%s", "\n"); } if(it->holding != ITEM_none) { printf_buff(into, "%s", item_possess_message_table[it->holding]); printf_buff(into, "%s", "\n"); } last_holding = it->holding; } } else { assert(false); } } printf_buff(into, "%s: ACT_INDEX", name_table[e->npc_kind]); } // returns if the response was well formatted bool parse_ai_response(Entity *it, char *sentence_str, Perception *out) { *out = (Perception){0}; out->type = NPCDialog; size_t sentence_length = strlen(sentence_str); bool text_was_well_formatted = true; BUFF(char, 128) action_index_string = {0}; int npc_sentence_beginning = 0; for(int i = 0; i < sentence_length; i++) { if(i == 0) { if(sentence_str[i] != ' ') { text_was_well_formatted = false; Log("Poorly formatted AI string, did not start with a ' ': `%s`\n", sentence_str); break; } } else { if(sentence_str[i] == ' ') { npc_sentence_beginning = i + 2; break; } else { BUFF_APPEND(&action_index_string, sentence_str[i]); } } } if(sentence_str[npc_sentence_beginning - 1] != '"' || npc_sentence_beginning == 0) { Log("Poorly formatted AI string, sentence beginning incorrect in AI string `%s` NPC sentence beginning %d ...\n", sentence_str, npc_sentence_beginning); text_was_well_formatted = false; } Action npc_action = 0; if(text_was_well_formatted) { int index_of_action = atoi(action_index_string.data); if(!action_from_index(it, &npc_action, index_of_action)) { Log("AI output invalid action index %d action index string %s\n", index_of_action, action_index_string.data); } } Sentence what_npc_said = {0}; bool found_end_quote = false; for(int i = npc_sentence_beginning; i < sentence_length; i++) { if(sentence_str[i] == '"') { found_end_quote = true; break; } else { BUFF_APPEND(&what_npc_said, sentence_str[i]); } } if(!found_end_quote) { Log("Poorly formatted AI string, couln't find matching end quote in string %s...\n", sentence_str); text_was_well_formatted = false; } if(text_was_well_formatted) { out->npc_action_type = npc_action; out->npc_dialog = what_npc_said; } return text_was_well_formatted; }