Happening by END OF STREAM: DONE - Payment working DONE - Fixed timesep the gameplay (which means separate player rendering) DONE - Maybe factor actions! into the game to replace ** stuff. In beginning of each line before quotes, have ACT@fights_player, or other actions, and by default ACT@nothing to force AI to say something about what action is performed DONE - Help you fight and fight you actions DONE- Handle wanting another request, dirty perception, when already waiting on a request DONE - Do not use webhooks (shitty, bad idea propagated by bad docs) query stripe for if the payment went through on request if not fulfilled yet DONE - New art in DON'T NEED - Old man in beginning is invincible DONE - Add cancel button DONE - Style buttons DONE - nockin git thing DONE - Make TREE1 prop work DONE - Enemy hitting NPC is enemy perception not player peception of player hitting them DONE - Third button for dialog/item stuff, not roll button. E on desktop. Touchscreen button only visible when appropriate to let player know what it's for DON'T NEED, SET BACKGROUND COLOR - Clamp camera to boundaries of level DONE - Ignore keyrepeat events DONE - Remove control attack key as devtools DONE - Tune fade popping at dist when you go too far awy DONE - Fade dialog with distance DONE - Make vignette in front - Make new openai key (it was leaked) - Animate text characters coming in - Instead of roll animation, 5 sprite long trail of past moves for juice - Cells interlinked (interlinked) - Particle fx and sound fx for when hit - Max text length on text input - Sword combat for sword npcs - Fade for dialog not tied to interacting, starts when outside of interacting range, when begin conversation fades completely in SHIP BETA - Make ANOTHER tiktok if you can. Por favor - Make map better, add new characters/items from fate Later: - Respond to cancel with stripe, redirect to ?cancelled=true that clears day pass ticket cookie and ui value - Strange ring item from braid that slows down time? - GodRock spawns skeletons like a boss when he fights you - Put playgpt.io in twitch title - Portal at end, exit level - Keep people away from skeletons, make aggroed/chase state where you can't talk to people - Perfect dodge roll just after you roll, sound effect and particles. Lets you keep momentum. Each dodge roll takes slightly different amount of time so you have to judge it