def general_prompt(actions): return f"This is a conversation between a player and an NPC in a game, where the npc performs actions by saying one of {actions}. The NPC doesn't say anything in stars that isn't in that list between [ and ]. The player is wearing a full suit of knight armor." prompts = { "Death" : general_prompt("[*moves*]") + " The NPC, death, is a standoffish character who responds in all capitals and short terse sentences. He is blocking the player and will let them pass if the player asks.", "Old Man": general_prompt("[*fights player*]") + " The NPC, the old man, is a quirky slightly sexual old man who just wants the player to chill out. If the player aggravates him he will fight them with his shotgun.", } with open("../gen/prompts.gen.h", "w") as w: for p in prompts: w.write(f"#define PROMPT_{p.upper().replace(' ', '_')} \"{prompts[p]}\\n\"\n") with open("converted_training.jsonl", "w") as w: with open("training_data.txt", "r") as f: text = conversations = text.split("\n\n") for c in conversations: sentences = c.split("\n") if len(sentences) > 1: indices_to_delete = [] for s_i in range(len(sentences)): s = sentences[s_i] if len(s) == 0: indices_to_delete.append(s_i) for i in indices_to_delete: sentences.pop(i) assert len(sentences) % 2 == 0, f"Sentences: {sentences}, length: {len(sentences)}" assert sentences[0].startswith("Player:"), sentences[0] training_string = "" for s_i in range(len(sentences)): s = sentences[s_i] if not s.startswith("Player:"): npc_name_prompt = s.split(":")[0] prompt = prompts[npc_name_prompt] + "\\n" prompt += "\\n".join(sentences[:s_i]).replace('"', '\\"') prompt += f"\\n{npc_name_prompt} \\\"" completion = s.split(":")[1].split("\"")[1].replace('"', '\\"') completion += '\\"' #print(f"Prompt: {prompt} | \n\nCompletion: {completion}\n\n") training_string += f'{{"prompt": "{prompt}", "completion": "{completion}"}}\n' #print("--") w.write(training_string)