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Takes in the string prompt, and api URL // the api url must start with `http://` or https. function make_generation_request(p, api) { cur_id += 1; let to_push = { "id": cur_id, "request": new XMLHttpRequest(), "retries_remaining": 5, "request_info": {"url": api, "body": p} } console.log("Making generation request with id " + to_push.id); generation_requests.push(to_push) resend_request(to_push) return cur_id; } // returns 0 if not done yet, 1 if succeeded, 2 if failed after too many retries (i.e server down, or no internet) // -1 if it doesn't exist function get_generation_request_status(id) { for(let i = 0; i < generation_requests.length; i++) { if(generation_requests[i].id == id) { let http_status = generation_requests[i].request.status; if(http_status == 200) { return 1; } else if(http_status == 0) { // not done yet return 0; } else { // errored if(generation_requests[i].retries_remaining > 0) { generation_requests[i].retries_remaining -= 1; resend_request(generation_requests[i]); return 0; } else { return 2; // too many retries, failed } } } } return -1; } function done_with_generation_request(id) { console.log("Removing request with id " + id); let new_generation_requests = []; for(let i = 0; i < generation_requests.length; i++) { if(generation_requests[i].id == id) { } else { new_generation_requests.push(generation_requests[i]) } } generation_requests = new_generation_requests; } // doesn't fill string if not done yet, or the id doesn't exist function get_generation_request_content(id) { let to_return = ""; for(let i = 0; i < generation_requests.length; i++) { if(generation_requests[i].id == id) { to_return = generation_requests[i].request.responseText; break; } } return to_return;; } </script> {{{ SCRIPT }}} </body></html>