#pragma once #include "buff.h" #include "HandmadeMath.h" // vector types in entity struct definition #include "better_assert.h" #include #include #include // atoi #include "character_info.h" #include "characters.gen.h" #include "tuning.h" // TODO do strings: https://pastebin.com/Kwcw2sye #define DO_CHATGPT_PARSING #define Log(...) { printf("%s Log %d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } // Never expected such a stupid stuff from such a great director. If there is 0 stari can give that or -200 to this movie. Its worst to see and unnecessary loss of money typedef BUFF(char, 1024 * 10) Escaped; bool character_valid(char c) { return c <= 126 && c >= 32; } MD_String8 escape_for_json(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 from) { MD_u64 output_size = 0; #define SHOULD_ESCAPE(c) (c == '"' || c == '\n') for (int i = 0; i < from.size; i++) { char c = from.str[i]; if (SHOULD_ESCAPE(c)) { output_size += 2; } else { if (!character_valid(c)) { // replaces with question mark Log("Unknown character code %d\n", c); } output_size += 1; } } MD_String8 output = { .str = MD_PushArray(arena, MD_u8, output_size), .size = output_size, }; MD_u64 output_cursor = 0; for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < from.size; i++) { #define APPEND(elem) APPEND_TO_NAME(output.str, output_cursor, output.size, elem); assert(output_cursor < output.size); if(SHOULD_ESCAPE(from.str[i])) { if(from.str[i] == '\n') { APPEND('\\'); APPEND('n'); } else { APPEND('\\'); APPEND(from.str[i]); } } else { APPEND(from.str[i]); } #undef APPEND } return output; } typedef struct { ItemKind item_to_give; } ActionArgument; typedef struct Action { ActionKind kind; ActionArgument argument; MD_u8 speech[MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH]; int speech_length; } Action; typedef struct { bool eavesdropped_from_party; bool i_said_this; // don't trigger npc action on own self memory modification NpcKind author_npc_kind; // only valid if author is AuthorNpc bool was_directed_at_somebody; NpcKind directed_at_kind; } MemoryContext; // memories are subjective to an individual NPC typedef struct Memory { uint64_t tick_happened; // can sort memories by time for some modes of display // if action_taken is none, there might still be speech. If speech_length == 0 and action_taken == none, it's an invalid memory and something has gone wrong ActionKind action_taken; ActionArgument action_argument; bool is_error; // if is an error message then no context is relevant // the context that the action happened in MemoryContext context; MD_u8 speech[MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH]; int speech_length; ItemKind given_or_received_item; } Memory; typedef enum PropKind { TREE0, TREE1, TREE2, ROCK0, } PropKind; typedef struct EntityRef { int index; int generation; } EntityRef; typedef enum CharacterState { CHARACTER_WALKING, CHARACTER_IDLE, CHARACTER_TALKING, } CharacterState; typedef enum { STANDING_INDIFFERENT, STANDING_JOINED, STANDING_FIGHTING, } NPCPlayerStanding; typedef Vec4 Color; typedef struct { AnimKind anim; double elapsed_time; bool flipped; Vec2 pos; Color tint; bool no_shadow; } DrawnAnimatedSprite; typedef struct { DrawnAnimatedSprite drawn; float alive_for; } PlayerAfterImage; typedef BUFF(Vec2, MAX_ASTAR_NODES) AStarPath; typedef struct { bool exists; int generation; double elapsed_time; AStarPath path; } PathCache; typedef struct { int generation; int index; } PathCacheHandle; typedef struct { bool is_reference; EntityRef ref; Vec2 pos; } Target; typedef struct Entity { bool exists; bool destroy; int generation; // fields for all gs.entities Vec2 pos; Vec2 vel; // only used sometimes, like in old man and bullet float damage; // at 1.0, dead! zero initialized bool facing_left; double dead_time; bool dead; // npcs and player BUFF(ItemKind, 32) held_items; // props bool is_prop; PropKind prop_kind; // items bool is_item; bool held_by_player; ItemKind item_kind; // npcs bool is_npc; bool being_hovered; bool perceptions_dirty; #ifdef DESKTOP int times_talked_to; // for better mocked response string #endif BUFF(Memory, REMEMBERED_MEMORIES) memories; bool direction_of_spiral_pattern; float dialog_panel_opacity; int words_said; float word_anim_in; // in characters, the fraction a word is animated in is this over its length. NPCPlayerStanding standing; NpcKind npc_kind; PathCacheHandle cached_path; int gen_request_id; bool walking; double shotgun_timer; bool moved; Vec2 target_goto; // only for skeleton npc double swing_timer; // character bool is_character; bool knighted; bool in_conversation_mode; Vec2 to_throw_direction; BUFF(Vec2, 8) position_history; // so npcs can follow behind the player CharacterState state; EntityRef talking_to; bool is_rolling; // can only roll in idle or walk states double time_not_rolling; // for cooldown for roll, so you can't just hold it and be invincible // so doesn't change animations while time is stopped AnimKind cur_animation; float anim_change_timer; } Entity; bool npc_is_knight_sprite(Entity *it) { return it->is_npc && (it->npc_kind == NPC_TheGuard || it->npc_kind == NPC_Edeline || it->npc_kind == NPC_TheKing || it->npc_kind == NPC_TheBlacksmith || it->npc_kind == NPC_Red || it->npc_kind == NPC_Blue || it->npc_kind == NPC_Davis || it->npc_kind == NPC_Bill ); } bool npc_is_skeleton(Entity *it) { return it->is_npc && (it->npc_kind == NPC_MikeSkeleton); } float entity_max_damage(Entity *e) { if (e->is_npc && npc_is_skeleton(e)) { return 2.0f; } else { return 1.0f; } } bool npc_attacks_with_sword(Entity *it) { return npc_is_skeleton(it); } bool npc_attacks_with_shotgun(Entity *it) { return it->is_npc && (it->npc_kind == NPC_OldMan); } typedef BUFF(ActionKind, 8) AvailableActions; void fill_available_actions(Entity *it, AvailableActions *a) { *a = (AvailableActions) { 0 }; BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_none); if(it->held_items.cur_index > 0) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_give_item); } if (it->npc_kind == NPC_TheKing) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_knights_player); } if (it->npc_kind == NPC_GodRock) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_heals_player); } else { if (it->standing == STANDING_INDIFFERENT) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_fights_player); BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_joins_player); } else if (it->standing == STANDING_JOINED) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_leaves_player); BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_fights_player); } else if (it->standing == STANDING_FIGHTING) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_stops_fighting_player); } if (npc_is_knight_sprite(it)) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_strikes_air); } if (it->npc_kind == NPC_TheGuard) { if (!it->moved) { BUFF_APPEND(a, ACT_allows_player_to_pass); } } } } #define MAX_ENTITIES 128 typedef struct GameState { int version; // this field must be first to detect versions of old saves. Must bee consistent uint64_t tick; bool won; Entity entities[MAX_ENTITIES]; } GameState; #define ENTITIES_ITER(ents) for (Entity *it = ents; it < ents + ARRLEN(ents); it++) if (it->exists) bool npc_does_dialog(Entity *it) { return it->npc_kind < ARRLEN(characters); } // for no trailing comma just trim the last character MD_String8 make_json_node(MD_Arena *arena, MessageType type, MD_String8 content) { MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(&arena, 1); const char *type_str = 0; if (type == MSG_SYSTEM) type_str = "system"; else if (type == MSG_USER) type_str = "user"; else if (type == MSG_ASSISTANT) type_str = "assistant"; assert(type_str); MD_String8 escaped = escape_for_json(scratch.arena, content); MD_String8 to_return = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "{\"type\": \"%s\", \"content\": \"%.*s\"},", type_str, MD_S8VArg(escaped)); MD_ReleaseScratch(scratch); return to_return; } MD_String8List held_item_strings(MD_Arena *arena, Entity *e) { MD_String8List to_return = {0}; BUFF_ITER(ItemKind, &e->held_items) { MD_S8ListPushFmt(arena, &to_return, "ITEM_%s", items[*it].enum_name); } return to_return; } // returns reason why allocated on arena if invalid // to might be null here, from can't be null MD_String8 is_action_valid(MD_Arena *arena, Entity *from, Entity *to_might_be_null, Action a) { assert(a.speech_length <= MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH && a.speech_length >= 0); assert(a.kind >= 0 && a.kind < ARRLEN(actions)); assert(from); if(a.kind == ACT_give_item) { assert(a.argument.item_to_give >= 0 && a.argument.item_to_give < ARRLEN(items)); bool has_it = false; BUFF_ITER(ItemKind, &from->held_items) { if(*it == a.argument.item_to_give) { has_it = true; break; } } if(!has_it) { MD_StringJoin join = {.mid = MD_S8Lit(", ")}; return MD_S8Fmt(arena, "Can't give item `ITEM_%s`, you only have [%.*s] in your inventory", items[a.argument.item_to_give].enum_name, MD_S8VArg(MD_S8ListJoin(arena, held_item_strings(arena, from), &join))); } if(!to_might_be_null) { return MD_S8Lit("You can't give an item to nobody, you're currently not in conversation or targeting somebody."); } } if(a.kind == ACT_leaves_player && from->standing != STANDING_JOINED) { return MD_S8Lit("You can't leave the player unless you joined them."); } return (MD_String8){0}; } // outputs json MD_String8 generate_chatgpt_prompt(MD_Arena *arena, Entity *e) { assert(e->is_npc); assert(e->npc_kind < ARRLEN(characters)); MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(&arena, 1); MD_String8List list = {0}; MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &list, "["); MD_String8List first_system_string = {0}; MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &first_system_string, "%s\n", global_prompt); MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &first_system_string, "The NPC you will be acting as is named \"%s\". %s", characters[e->npc_kind].name, characters[e->npc_kind].prompt); MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &list, make_json_node(scratch.arena, MSG_SYSTEM, MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, first_system_string, &(MD_StringJoin){0}))); for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(characters[e->npc_kind].previous_conversation); i++) { ChatHistoryElem *cur = &characters[e->npc_kind].previous_conversation[i]; if(!cur->character_name) break; MD_String8List cur_node_string = {0}; char *action_string = "ACT_none"; if(cur->action_taken) action_string = cur->action_taken; MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &cur_node_string, "%s: %s", cur->character_name, action_string); if(cur->action_argument) { MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &cur_node_string, "(%s)", cur->action_argument); } MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &cur_node_string, " \"%s\"", cur->dialog); MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &list, make_json_node(scratch.arena, cur->type, MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, cur_node_string, &(MD_StringJoin){0}))); } ItemKind last_holding = ITEM_none; BUFF_ITER(Memory, &e->memories) { MessageType sent_type = -1; MD_String8 current_string = (MD_String8){0}; if(it->is_error) { sent_type = MSG_SYSTEM; current_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "ERROR, what you said is incorrect because: %.*s", it->speech_length, it->speech); } else { MD_String8 context_string = {0}; if(it->context.was_directed_at_somebody) { context_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "%s, talking to %s: ", characters[it->context.author_npc_kind].name, characters[it->context.directed_at_kind].name); } else { context_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "%s: ", characters[it->context.author_npc_kind].name); } assert(context_string.size > 0); if(it->context.eavesdropped_from_party) { context_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "While in the player's party, you hear: %.*s", MD_S8VArg(context_string)); } MD_String8 speech = MD_S8(it->speech, it->speech_length); if(it->context.author_npc_kind == NPC_Player) { MD_String8 splits[] = { MD_S8Lit("*") }; MD_String8List split_up_speech = MD_S8Split(scratch.arena, speech, ARRLEN(splits), splits); MD_String8List to_join = {0}; // anything in between strings in splits[] should be replaced with arcane trickery, int i = 0; for(MD_String8Node * cur = split_up_speech.first; cur; cur = cur->next) { if(i % 2 == 0) { MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &to_join, cur->string); } else { MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &to_join, MD_S8Lit("[The player is attempting to confuse the NPC with arcane trickery]")); } i += 1; } MD_StringJoin join = { MD_S8Lit(""), MD_S8Lit(""), MD_S8Lit("") }; speech = MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, to_join, &join); sent_type = MSG_USER; } else { sent_type = it->context.author_npc_kind == e->npc_kind ? MSG_ASSISTANT : MSG_USER; } if(actions[it->action_taken].takes_argument) { if(it->action_taken == ACT_give_item) { current_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "%.*s ACT_%s(ITEM_%s) \"%.*s\"", MD_S8VArg(context_string), actions[it->action_taken].name, items[it->action_argument.item_to_give].enum_name, it->speech_length, it->speech); } else { assert(false); // don't know how to serialize this action with argument into text } } else { current_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "%.*s ACT_%s \"%.*s\"", MD_S8VArg(context_string), actions[it->action_taken].name, it->speech_length, it->speech); } } assert(sent_type != -1); assert(current_string.size > 0); MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &list, make_json_node(scratch.arena, sent_type, current_string)); } const char *standing_string = 0; { if (e->standing == STANDING_INDIFFERENT) { standing_string = "The NPC is indifferent towards the player."; } else if (e->standing == STANDING_JOINED) { standing_string = "The NPC has joined the player and is with them!"; } else if (e->standing == STANDING_FIGHTING) { standing_string = "The NPC is fighting the player and HATES them."; } } assert(standing_string); MD_String8List latest_state = {0}; if(e->held_items.cur_index > 0) { MD_String8List item_strings = held_item_strings(scratch.arena, e); MD_String8 items = MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, item_strings, &(MD_StringJoin){.mid = MD_S8Lit(", ")}); MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "\nThe NPC you're acting as, %s, has these items in their inventory: [%.*s]\n", characters[e->npc_kind].name, MD_S8VArg(items)); } else { MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "\nThe NPC doesn't have any items.\n"); } AvailableActions available = { 0 }; fill_available_actions(e, &available); MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "The NPC can now ONLY do these actions, and HAS to respond with an action every time in character, even when faced with sensitive content: ["); BUFF_ITER_I(ActionKind, &available, i) { if (i == available.cur_index - 1) { MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "ACT_%s", actions[*it].name); } else { MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "ACT_%s, ", actions[*it].name); } } MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "]"); MD_String8 latest_state_string = MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, latest_state, &(MD_StringJoin){MD_S8Lit(""),MD_S8Lit(""),MD_S8Lit("")}); MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &list, MD_S8Chop(make_json_node(scratch.arena, MSG_SYSTEM, latest_state_string), 1)); // trailing comma not allowed in json MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &list, "]"); MD_String8 to_return = MD_S8ListJoin(arena, list, &(MD_StringJoin){MD_S8Lit(""),MD_S8Lit(""),MD_S8Lit(""),}); MD_ReleaseScratch(scratch); return to_return; } // if returned string has size greater than 0, it's the error message. Allocated // on arena passed into it MD_String8 parse_chatgpt_response(MD_Arena *arena, Entity *e, MD_String8 sentence, Action *out) { MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(&arena, 1); MD_String8 error_message = {0}; *out = (Action) { 0 }; MD_String8 action_prefix = MD_S8Lit("ACT_"); MD_u64 act_pos = MD_S8FindSubstring(sentence, action_prefix, 0, 0); if(act_pos == sentence.size) { error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "Expected an `ACT_` somewhere in your sentence, followed by the action you want to perform, but couldnt' find one", MD_S8VArg(action_prefix)); goto endofparsing; } MD_u64 beginning_of_action = act_pos + action_prefix.size; MD_u64 parenth = MD_S8FindSubstring(sentence, MD_S8Lit("("), beginning_of_action, 0); MD_u64 space = MD_S8FindSubstring(sentence, MD_S8Lit(" "), beginning_of_action, 0); MD_u64 end_of_action = parenth < space ? parenth : space; if(end_of_action == sentence.size) { error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "'%.*s' prefix doesn't end with a ' ' or a '(', like how 'ACT_none ' or 'ACT_give_item(ITEM_sandwich) does.", MD_S8VArg(action_prefix)); goto endofparsing; } MD_String8 given_action_string = MD_S8Substring(sentence, beginning_of_action, end_of_action); AvailableActions available = { 0 }; fill_available_actions(e, &available); bool found_action = false; MD_String8List given_action_strings = {0}; BUFF_ITER(ActionKind, &available) { MD_String8 action_str = MD_S8CString(actions[*it].name); MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &given_action_strings, action_str); if(MD_S8Match(action_str, given_action_string, 0)) { found_action = true; out->kind = *it; } } if(!found_action) { MD_StringJoin join = {.pre = MD_S8Lit(""), .mid = MD_S8Lit(", "), .post = MD_S8Lit("")}; MD_String8 possible_actions_str = MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, given_action_strings, &join); error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "ActionKind string given is '%.*s', but available actions are: [%.*s]", MD_S8VArg(given_action_string), MD_S8VArg(possible_actions_str)); goto endofparsing; } MD_u64 start_looking_for_quote = end_of_action; if(actions[out->kind].takes_argument) { if(end_of_action >= sentence.size) { error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "Expected '(' after the given action '%.*s%.*s' which takes an argument, but sentence ended prematurely", MD_S8VArg(action_prefix), MD_S8VArg(MD_S8CString(actions[out->kind].name))); goto endofparsing; } char should_be_paren = sentence.str[end_of_action]; if(should_be_paren != '(') { error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "Expected '(' after the given action '%.*s%.*s' which takes an argument, but found character '%c'", MD_S8VArg(action_prefix), MD_S8VArg(MD_S8CString(actions[out->kind].name)), should_be_paren); goto endofparsing; } MD_u64 beginning_of_arg = end_of_action; MD_u64 end_of_arg = MD_S8FindSubstring(sentence, MD_S8Lit(")"), beginning_of_arg, 0); if(end_of_arg == sentence.size) { error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "Expected ')' to close the action string's argument, but couldn't find one"); goto endofparsing; } MD_String8 argument = MD_S8Substring(sentence, beginning_of_arg, end_of_arg); start_looking_for_quote = end_of_arg + 1; if(out->kind == ACT_give_item) { MD_String8 item_prefix = MD_S8Lit("ITEM_"); MD_u64 item_prefix_begin = MD_S8FindSubstring(argument, item_prefix, 0, 0); if(item_prefix_begin == argument.size) { error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "Expected prefix 'ITEM_' before the give_item action, but found '%.*s' instead", MD_S8VArg(argument)); goto endofparsing; } MD_u64 item_name_begin = item_prefix_begin + item_prefix.size; MD_u64 item_name_end = argument.size; MD_String8 item_name = MD_S8Substring(argument, item_name_begin, item_name_end); bool item_found = false; MD_String8List possible_item_strings = {0}; BUFF_ITER(ItemKind, &e->held_items) { MD_String8 item_str = MD_S8CString(items[*it].enum_name); MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &possible_item_strings, item_str); if(MD_S8Match(item_str, item_name, 0)) { item_found = true; out->argument.item_to_give = *it; } } if(!item_found) { MD_StringJoin join = {.pre = MD_S8Lit(""), .mid = MD_S8Lit(", "), .post = MD_S8Lit("")}; MD_String8 possible_items_str = MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, possible_item_strings, &join); error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "Item string given is '%.*s', but available items to give are: [%.*s]", MD_S8VArg(item_name), MD_S8VArg(possible_items_str)); goto endofparsing; } } else { assert(false); // if action takes an argument but we don't handle it, this should be a terrible crash } } if(start_looking_for_quote >= sentence.size) { error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "Wanted to start looking for quote for NPC speech, but sentence ended prematurely"); goto endofparsing; } MD_u64 beginning_of_speech = MD_S8FindSubstring(sentence, MD_S8Lit("\""), 0, 0); MD_u64 end_of_speech = MD_S8FindSubstring(sentence, MD_S8Lit("\""), beginning_of_speech + 1, 0); if(beginning_of_speech == sentence.size || end_of_speech == sentence.size) { error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "Expected dialog enclosed by two quotes (i.e \"My name is greg\") after the action, but couldn't find anything!"); goto endofparsing; } MD_String8 speech = MD_S8Substring(sentence, beginning_of_speech + 1, end_of_speech); if(speech.size >= ARRLEN(out->speech)) { error_message = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "The speech given is %llu bytes big, but the maximum allowed is %llu bytes.", speech.size, ARRLEN(out->speech)); goto endofparsing; } memcpy(out->speech, speech.str, speech.size); out->speech_length = (int)speech.size; endofparsing: MD_ReleaseScratch(scratch); return error_message; }