@echo on echo Running codegen... if exist gen\ ( echo "Codegen folder already exists, not deleting because that messes with vscode intellisense..." ) else ( mkdir gen ) @REM shaders thirdparty\sokol-shdc.exe --input threedee.glsl --output gen\threedee.glsl.h --slang glsl100:hlsl5:metal_macos:glsl330 || goto :error @REM metadesk codegen cl /nologo /diagnostics:caret /Ithirdparty /W3 /Zi /WX codegen.c || goto :error @REM zig cc -Ithirdparty -gfull -gcodeview codegen.c -o codegen.exe || goto error codegen || goto :error @REM cl /nologo /diagnostics:caret /Ithirdparty /Igen /W3 /Zi /WX maketraining.c || goto :error @REM maketraining || goto :error goto :EOF :error echo Codegen failed exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%