Happening by END OF STREAM: - Payment working - Fixed timesep the gameplay (which means separate player rendering) - Make action between stars much more technical sounding so AI doesn't hallucinate responses - Help you fight and fight you actions - New characters/items from fate - New art in - Old man in beginning is invincible - Make new openai key (it was leaked) - Add cancel button - Style buttons - Make map better - Fade dialog with distance - Make vignette in front - Ignore keyrepeat events - Remove control attack key as devtools - Particle fx and sound fx for when hit - Max text length on text input SHIP BETA - Make ANOTHER tiktok if you can. Por favor Later: - Put playgpt.io in twitch title - Portal at end, exit level - Keep people away from skeletons, make aggroed/chase state where you can't talk to people - Perfect dodge roll just after you roll, sound effect and particles. Lets you keep momentum. Each dodge roll takes slightly different amount of time so you have to judge it