import bpy import bmesh import os import shutil import struct from mathutils import *; from math import * from bpy_extras.io_utils import (axis_conversion) C = bpy.context D = LEVEL_EXPORT_NAME = "level" EXPORT_DIRECTORY = "exported" print("\n\nLet's get it started") if os.path.exists(bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}")): shutil.rmtree(bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}")) os.makedirs(bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}")) def write_b8(f, boolean: bool): f.write(bytes(struct.pack("?", boolean))) def write_f32(f, number: float): f.write(bytes(struct.pack("f", number))) def write_u64(f, number: int): f.write(bytes(struct.pack("Q", number))) def write_i32(f, number: int): f.write(bytes(struct.pack("i", number))) def write_v3(f, vector): write_f32(f, vector.x) write_f32(f, vector.y) write_f32(f, vector.z) def write_quat(f, quat): write_f32(f, quat.x) write_f32(f, quat.y) write_f32(f, quat.z) write_f32(f, quat.w) def write_string(f, s: str): encoded = s.encode("utf8") write_u64(f, len(encoded)) f.write(encoded) def write_4x4matrix(f, m): # writes each row, sequentially, row major for row in range(4): for col in range(4): write_f32(f, m[row][col]) # for the level.bin level_object_data = [] collision_cubes = [] placed_entities = [] saved_meshes = set() mapping = axis_conversion( from_forward = "Y", from_up = "Z", to_forward = "-Z", to_up = "Y", ) mapping.resize_4x4() # meshes can either be Meshes, or Armatures. Armatures contain all mesh data to draw it, and any anims it has for o in D.objects: if o.type == "MESH": if o.parent and o.parent.type == "ARMATURE": mesh_object = o o = o.parent object_transform_info = (mesh_name, mapping @ mesh_object.location, mesh_object.rotation_euler, mesh_object.scale) if o.users_collection[0].name == 'Level': assert(False, "Cannot put armatures in the level. The level is for static placed meshes. For dynamic entities, you put them outside of the level collection") else: placed_entities.append((,) + object_transform_info) armature_name = output_filepath = bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}/{armature_name}.bin") print(f"Exporting armature to {output_filepath}") with open(output_filepath, "wb") as f: write_b8(f, True) bones_in_armature = [] for b in bones_in_armature.append(b) # the inverse model space pos of the bones write_u64(f, len(bones_in_armature)) for b in bones_in_armature: model_space_pose = mapping @ b.matrix_local inverse_model_space_pose = (mapping @ b.matrix_local).inverted() write_4x4matrix(f, model_space_pose) write_4x4matrix(f, inverse_model_space_pose) write_f32(f, b.length) # write the pose information write_u64(f, len(o.pose.bones)) for pose_bone in o.pose.bones: parent_index = -1 if pose_bone.parent: for i in range(len(bones_in_armature)): if bones_in_armature[i] == pose_bone.parent.bone: parent_index = i break if parent_index == -1: assert(false, f"Couldn't find parent of bone {pose_bone}") print(f"Parent of bone {} is index {parent_index} in list {bones_in_armature}") parent_space_pose = None if pose_bone.parent: parent_space_pose = pose_bone.parent.matrix.inverted() @ pose_bone.matrix else: parent_space_pose = mapping @ pose_bone.matrix print("parent_space_pose of the bone with no parent:") print(parent_space_pose) write_string(f, write_i32(f, parent_index) #parent_space_pose = mapping @ pose_bone.matrix translation = parent_space_pose.to_translation() rotation = parent_space_pose.to_quaternion() scale = parent_space_pose.to_scale() write_v3(f, translation) write_quat(f, rotation) write_v3(f, scale) # write the mesh data for the armature bm = mesh = mesh_object.to_mesh() bm.from_mesh(mesh) bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces) bm.transform(mapping) bm.to_mesh(mesh) vertices = [] for polygon in mesh.polygons: if len(polygon.loop_indices) == 3: for loopIndex in polygon.loop_indices: loop = mesh.loops[loopIndex] position = mesh.vertices[loop.vertex_index].undeformed_co uv =[loop.index].uv normal = loop.normal vertices.append((position, uv)) write_u64(f, len(vertices)) for v_and_uv in vertices: v, uv = v_and_uv write_f32(f, v.x) write_f32(f, v.y) write_f32(f, v.z) write_f32(f, uv.x) write_f32(f, uv.y) print(f"Wrote {len(vertices)} vertices") else: # if the parent type isn't an armature, i.e just a bog standard mesh mesh_name = o.to_mesh().name # use this over so instanced objects which refer to the same mesh, both use the same serialized mesh. object_transform_info = (mesh_name, mapping @ o.location, o.rotation_euler, o.scale) if o.users_collection[0].name == 'Level' and mesh_name == "CollisionCube": collision_cubes.append((o.location, o.dimensions)) else: if o.users_collection[0].name == 'Level': print(f"Object {} has mesh name {o.to_mesh().name}") assert(o.rotation_euler.order == 'XYZ') level_object_data.append(object_transform_info) else: placed_entities.append((,) + object_transform_info) if mesh_name in saved_meshes: continue saved_meshes.add(mesh_name) assert(mesh_name != LEVEL_EXPORT_NAME) output_filepath = bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}/{mesh_name}.bin") print(f"Exporting mesh to {output_filepath}") with open(output_filepath, "wb") as f: write_b8(f, False) bm = mesh = o.to_mesh() bm.from_mesh(mesh) bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces) bm.transform(mapping) bm.to_mesh(mesh) vertices = [] for polygon in mesh.polygons: if len(polygon.loop_indices) == 3: for loopIndex in polygon.loop_indices: loop = mesh.loops[loopIndex] position = mesh.vertices[loop.vertex_index].undeformed_co uv =[loop.index].uv normal = loop.normal vertices.append((position, uv)) write_u64(f, len(vertices)) for v_and_uv in vertices: v, uv = v_and_uv write_f32(f, v.x) write_f32(f, v.y) write_f32(f, v.z) write_f32(f, uv.x) write_f32(f, uv.y) print(f"Wrote {len(vertices)} vertices") with open(bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}/{LEVEL_EXPORT_NAME}.bin"), "wb") as f: write_u64(f, len(level_object_data)) for o in level_object_data: mesh_name, blender_pos, blender_rotation, blender_scale = o print(f"Writing instanced object of mesh {mesh_name}") write_string(f, mesh_name) write_f32(f, blender_pos.x) write_f32(f, blender_pos.y) write_f32(f, blender_pos.z) write_f32(f, blender_rotation.x) write_f32(f, blender_rotation.y) write_f32(f, blender_rotation.z) write_f32(f, blender_scale.x) write_f32(f, blender_scale.y) write_f32(f, blender_scale.z) write_u64(f, len(collision_cubes)) for c in collision_cubes: blender_pos, blender_dims = c write_f32(f, blender_pos.x) write_f32(f, -blender_pos.y) write_f32(f, blender_dims.x) write_f32(f, blender_dims.y) assert(blender_dims.x > 0.0) assert(blender_dims.y > 0.0) write_u64(f, len(placed_entities)) for p in placed_entities: # underscore is mesh name, prefer object name for name of npc. More obvious object_name, _, blender_pos, blender_rotation, blender_scale = p print(f"Writing placed entity '{object_name}'") write_string(f, object_name) write_f32(f, blender_pos.x) write_f32(f, blender_pos.y) write_f32(f, blender_pos.z) write_f32(f, blender_rotation.x) write_f32(f, blender_rotation.y) write_f32(f, blender_rotation.z) write_f32(f, blender_scale.x) write_f32(f, blender_scale.y) write_f32(f, blender_scale.z)