// you will die someday #define CURRENT_VERSION 9 // wehenver you change Entity increment this boz #define SOKOL_IMPL #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) #define DESKTOP #define SOKOL_D3D11 #endif #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) #define WEB #define SOKOL_GLES2 #endif #include "buff.h" #include "sokol_app.h" #include "sokol_gfx.h" #include "sokol_time.h" #include "sokol_audio.h" #include "sokol_log.h" #include "sokol_glue.h" #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_image.h" #define STB_TRUETYPE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_truetype.h" #define STB_DS_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_ds.h" #include "HandmadeMath.h" #define DR_WAV_IMPLEMENTATION #include "dr_wav.h" #pragma warning(disable : 4996) // fopen is safe. I don't care about fopen_s #include #ifdef DEVTOOLS #ifdef DESKTOP #define PROFILING #define PROFILING_IMPL #endif #endif #include "profiling.h" #define ENTITIES_ITER(ents) for(Entity *it = ents; it < ents + ARRLEN(ents); it++) if(it->exists) double clamp(double d, double min, double max) { const double t = d < min ? min : d; return t > max ? max : t; } float clampf(float d, float min, float max) { const float t = d < min ? min : d; return t > max ? max : t; } float clamp01(float f) { return clampf(f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } #ifdef min #undef min #endif int min(int a, int b) { if(a < b) return a; else return b; } // so can be grep'd and removed #define dbgprint(...) { printf("Debug | %s:%d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); } Vec2 RotateV2(Vec2 v, float theta) { return V2( v.X * cosf(theta) - v.Y * sinf(theta), v.X * sinf(theta) + v.Y * cosf(theta) ); } Vec2 ReflectV2(Vec2 v, Vec2 normal) { assert(fabsf(LenV2(normal) - 1.0f) < 0.01f); // must be normalized Vec2 to_return = SubV2(v, MulV2F(normal, 2.0f * DotV2(v, normal))); assert(!isnan(to_return.x)); assert(!isnan(to_return.y)); return to_return; } typedef struct AABB { Vec2 upper_left; Vec2 lower_right; } AABB; typedef struct Quad { union { struct { Vec2 ul; // upper left Vec2 ur; // upper right Vec2 lr; // lower right Vec2 ll; // lower left }; Vec2 points[4]; }; } Quad; typedef struct TileInstance { uint16_t kind; } TileInstance; typedef struct AnimatedTile { uint16_t id_from; bool exists; int num_frames; uint16_t frames[32]; } AnimatedTile; typedef struct TileSet { sg_image *img; uint16_t first_gid; AnimatedTile animated[128]; } TileSet; #ifdef DEVTOOLS #define SERVER_URL "http://localhost:8090" #else #define SERVER_URL "https://rpgpt.duckdns.org" #endif #include "makeprompt.h" Sentence from_str(char *s) { Sentence to_return = {0}; while(*s != '\0') { BUFF_APPEND(&to_return, *s); s++; } return to_return; } typedef struct Overlap { bool is_tile; // in which case e will be null, naturally TileInstance t; Entity *e; } Overlap; typedef BUFF(Overlap, 16) Overlapping; #define LEVEL_TILES 150 #define LAYERS 3 #define TILE_SIZE 32 // in pixels #define MAX_ENTITIES 128 #define PLAYER_SPEED 3.5f // in meters per second #define PLAYER_ROLL_SPEED 7.0f typedef struct Level { TileInstance tiles[LAYERS][LEVEL_TILES][LEVEL_TILES]; Entity initial_entities[MAX_ENTITIES]; // shouldn't be directly modified, only used to initialize gs.entities on loading of level } Level; typedef struct TileCoord { int x; // column int y; // row } TileCoord; // no alignment etc because lazy typedef struct Arena { char *data; size_t data_size; size_t cur; } Arena; Entity *player = NULL; // up here, used in text backend callback typedef struct AudioSample { float *pcm_data; // allocated by loader, must be freed uint64_t pcm_data_length; } AudioSample; typedef struct AudioPlayer { AudioSample *sample; // if not 0, exists double volume; // ZII, 1.0 + this again double pitch; // zero initialized, the pitch used to play is 1.0 + this double cursor_time; // in seconds, current audio sample is cursor_time * sample_rate } AudioPlayer; AudioPlayer playing_audio[128] = {0}; #define SAMPLE_RATE 44100 AudioSample load_wav_audio(const char *path) { unsigned int channels; unsigned int sampleRate; AudioSample to_return = {0}; to_return.pcm_data = drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32(path, &channels, &sampleRate, &to_return.pcm_data_length, 0); assert(channels == 1); assert(sampleRate == SAMPLE_RATE); return to_return; } uint64_t cursor_pcm(AudioPlayer *p) { return (uint64_t)(p->cursor_time * SAMPLE_RATE); } float float_rand( float min, float max ) { float scale = rand() / (float) RAND_MAX; /* [0, 1.0] */ return min + scale * ( max - min ); /* [min, max] */ } void play_audio(AudioSample *sample, float volume) { AudioPlayer *to_use = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(playing_audio); i++) { if(playing_audio[i].sample == 0) { to_use = &playing_audio[i]; break; } } assert(to_use); *to_use = (AudioPlayer){0}; to_use->sample = sample; to_use->volume = volume; to_use->pitch = float_rand(0.9f, 1.1f); } // keydown needs to be referenced when begin text input, // on web it disables event handling so the button up event isn't received bool keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_MENU] = {0}; bool in_dialog() { return player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING; } #ifdef DESKTOP bool receiving_text_input = false; Sentence text_input_buffer = {0}; #else #ifdef WEB EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void stop_controlling_input() { _sapp_emsc_unregister_eventhandlers(); // stop getting input, hand it off to text input } EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void start_controlling_input() { memset(keydown, 0, ARRLEN(keydown)); _sapp_emsc_register_eventhandlers(); } #else #error "No platform defined for text input! #endif // web #endif // desktop Vec2 FloorV2(Vec2 v) { return V2(floorf(v.x), floorf(v.y)); } Arena make_arena(size_t max_size) { return (Arena) { .data = calloc(max_size, 1), .data_size = max_size, .cur = 0, }; } void reset(Arena *a) { memset(a->data, 0, a->data_size); a->cur = 0; } char *get(Arena *a, size_t of_size) { assert(a->data != NULL); char *to_return = a->data + a->cur; a->cur += of_size; assert(a->cur < a->data_size); return to_return; } Arena scratch = {0}; char *tprint(const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); int size = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, argptr) + 1; // for null terminator char *to_return = get(&scratch, size); vsnprintf(to_return, size, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); return to_return; } bool V2ApproxEq(Vec2 a, Vec2 b) { return LenV2(SubV2(a, b)) <= 0.01f; } AABB entity_sword_aabb(Entity *e, float width, float height) { if(e->facing_left) { return (AABB){ .upper_left = AddV2(e->pos, V2(-width, height)), .lower_right = AddV2(e->pos, V2(0.0, -height)), }; } else { return (AABB){ .upper_left = AddV2(e->pos, V2(0.0, height)), .lower_right = AddV2(e->pos, V2(width, -height)), }; } } float max_coord(Vec2 v) { return v.x > v.y ? v.x : v.y; } // aabb advice by iRadEntertainment Vec2 entity_aabb_size(Entity *e) { if(e->is_character) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*0.9f, TILE_SIZE*0.5f); } else if(e->is_npc) { if(npc_is_knight_sprite(e)) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*0.5f, TILE_SIZE*0.5f); } else if(e->npc_kind == NPC_GodRock) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*0.5f, TILE_SIZE*0.5f); } else if(e->npc_kind == NPC_OldMan) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*0.5f, TILE_SIZE*0.5f); } else if(e->npc_kind == NPC_Death) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*1.10f, TILE_SIZE*1.10f); } else if(npc_is_skeleton(e)) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*1.0f, TILE_SIZE*1.0f); } else if(e->npc_kind == NPC_MOOSE) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*1.0f, TILE_SIZE*1.0f); } else if(e->npc_kind == NPC_TheGuard) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*0.5f, TILE_SIZE*0.5f); } else { assert(false); return (Vec2){0}; } } else if(e->is_bullet) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*0.25f, TILE_SIZE*0.25f); } else if(e->is_prop) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*0.5f, TILE_SIZE*0.5f); } else if(e->is_item) { return V2(TILE_SIZE*0.5f, TILE_SIZE*0.5f); } else { assert(false); return (Vec2){0}; } } bool is_tile_solid(TileInstance t) { uint16_t tile_id = t.kind; uint16_t collideable[] = { 57 , 58 , 59 , 121, 122, 123, 185, 186, 187, 249, 250, 251, 313, 314, 315, 377, 378, 379, }; for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(collideable); i++) { if(tile_id == collideable[i]+1) return true; } return false; //return tile_id == 53 || tile_id == 0 || tile_id == 367 || tile_id == 317 || tile_id == 313 || tile_id == 366 || tile_id == 368; } bool is_overlap_collision(Overlap o) { if(o.is_tile) { return is_tile_solid(o.t); } else { assert(o.e); return !o.e->is_item; } } // tilecoord is integer tile position, not like tile coord Vec2 tilecoord_to_world(TileCoord t) { return V2( (float)t.x * (float)TILE_SIZE * 1.0f, -(float)t.y * (float)TILE_SIZE * 1.0f ); } // points from tiled editor have their own strange and alien coordinate system (local to the tilemap Y+ down) Vec2 tilepoint_to_world(Vec2 tilepoint) { Vec2 tilecoord = MulV2F(tilepoint, 1.0/TILE_SIZE); return tilecoord_to_world((TileCoord){(int)tilecoord.X, (int)tilecoord.Y}); } TileCoord world_to_tilecoord(Vec2 w) { // world = V2(tilecoord.x * tile_size, -tilecoord.y * tile_size) // world.x = tilecoord.x * tile_size // world.x / tile_size = tilecoord.x // world.y = -tilecoord.y * tile_size // - world.y / tile_size = tilecoord.y return (TileCoord){ (int)floorf(w.X / TILE_SIZE), (int)floorf(-w.Y / TILE_SIZE) }; } AABB tile_aabb(TileCoord t) { return (AABB) { .upper_left = tilecoord_to_world(t), .lower_right = AddV2(tilecoord_to_world(t), V2(TILE_SIZE, -TILE_SIZE)), }; } Vec2 rotate_counter_clockwise(Vec2 v) { return V2(-v.Y, v.X); } Vec2 rotate_clockwise(Vec2 v) { return V2(v.y, -v.x); } Vec2 aabb_center(AABB aabb) { return MulV2F(AddV2(aabb.upper_left, aabb.lower_right), 0.5f); } AABB centered_aabb(Vec2 at, Vec2 size) { return (AABB){ .upper_left = AddV2(at, V2(-size.X/2.0f, size.Y/2.0f)), .lower_right = AddV2(at, V2( size.X/2.0f, -size.Y/2.0f)), }; } AABB entity_aabb_at(Entity *e, Vec2 at) { return centered_aabb(at, entity_aabb_size(e)); } AABB entity_aabb(Entity *e) { Vec2 at = e->pos; /* following doesn't work because in move_and_slide I'm not using this function if(e->is_character) // aabb near feet { at = AddV2(at, V2(0.0f, -50.0f)); } */ return entity_aabb_at(e, at); } TileInstance get_tile_layer(Level *l, int layer, TileCoord t) { bool out_of_bounds = false; out_of_bounds |= t.x < 0; out_of_bounds |= t.x >= LEVEL_TILES; out_of_bounds |= t.y < 0; out_of_bounds |= t.y >= LEVEL_TILES; //assert(!out_of_bounds); if(out_of_bounds) return (TileInstance){0}; return l->tiles[layer][t.y][t.x]; } TileInstance get_tile(Level *l, TileCoord t) { return get_tile_layer(l, 0, t); } sg_image load_image(const char *path) { sg_image to_return = {0}; int png_width, png_height, num_channels; const int desired_channels = 4; stbi_uc* pixels = stbi_load( path, &png_width, &png_height, &num_channels, 0); assert(pixels); Log("Pah %s | Loading image with dimensions %d %d\n", path, png_width, png_height); to_return = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc) { .width = png_width, .height = png_height, .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8, .min_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST, .num_mipmaps = 0, .wrap_u = SG_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, .wrap_v = SG_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, .mag_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST, .data.subimage[0][0] = { .ptr = pixels, .size = (size_t)(png_width * png_height * 4), } }); stbi_image_free(pixels); return to_return; } #include "assets.gen.c" #include "quad-sapp.glsl.h" AABB level_aabb = { .upper_left = {0.0f, 0.0f}, .lower_right = {TILE_SIZE * LEVEL_TILES, -(TILE_SIZE * LEVEL_TILES)} }; typedef struct GameState { int version; Entity entities[MAX_ENTITIES]; } GameState; GameState gs = {0}; PathCache cached_paths[32] = {0}; bool is_path_cache_old(double elapsed_time, PathCache *cache) { double time_delta = elapsed_time - cache->elapsed_time; if(time_delta < 0.0) { // path was cached in the future... likely from old save or something. Always invalidate return true; } else { return time_delta >= TIME_BETWEEN_PATH_GENS; } } PathCacheHandle cache_path(double elapsed_time, AStarPath *path) { ARR_ITER_I(PathCache, cached_paths, i) { if(!it->exists || is_path_cache_old(elapsed_time, it)) { int gen = it->generation; *it = (PathCache){0}; it->generation = gen + 1; it->path = *path; it->elapsed_time = elapsed_time; it->exists = true; return (PathCacheHandle){.generation = it->generation, .index = i}; } } return (PathCacheHandle){0}; } // passes in the time to return 0 and invalidate if too old PathCache *get_path_cache(double elapsed_time, PathCacheHandle handle) { if(handle.generation == 0) { return 0; } else { assert(handle.index >= 0); assert(handle.index < ARRLEN(cached_paths)); PathCache *to_return = &cached_paths[handle.index]; if(to_return->exists && to_return->generation == handle.generation) { if(is_path_cache_old(elapsed_time, to_return)) { to_return->exists = false; return 0; } else { return to_return; } } else { return 0; } } } double unprocessed_gameplay_time = 0.0; #define MINIMUM_TIMESTEP (1.0/60.0) EntityRef frome(Entity *e) { EntityRef to_return = { .index = (int)(e - gs.entities), .generation = e->generation, }; assert(to_return.index >= 0); assert(to_return.index < ARRLEN(gs.entities)); return to_return; } Entity *gete(EntityRef ref) { if(ref.generation == 0) return 0; Entity *to_return = &gs.entities[ref.index]; if(!to_return->exists || to_return->generation != ref.generation) { return 0; } else { return to_return; } } bool eq(EntityRef ref1, EntityRef ref2) { return ref1.index == ref2.index && ref1.generation == ref2.generation; } Entity *new_entity() { for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(gs.entities); i++) { if(!gs.entities[i].exists) { Entity *to_return = &gs.entities[i]; int gen = to_return->generation; *to_return = (Entity){0}; to_return->exists = true; to_return->generation = gen + 1; return to_return; } } assert(false); return NULL; } void update_player_from_entities() { player = 0; ENTITIES_ITER(gs.entities) { if(it->is_character) { assert(player == 0); player = it; } } assert(player != 0); } void reset_level() { // load level Level *to_load = &level_level0; { assert(ARRLEN(to_load->initial_entities) == ARRLEN(gs.entities)); memcpy(gs.entities, to_load->initial_entities, sizeof(Entity) * MAX_ENTITIES); gs.version = CURRENT_VERSION; ENTITIES_ITER(gs.entities) { if(it->generation == 0) it->generation = 1; // zero value generation means doesn't exist } } update_player_from_entities(); } #ifdef WEB EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void dump_save_data() { EM_ASM({ save_game_data = new Int8Array(Module.HEAP8.buffer, $0, $1); }, (char*)(&gs), sizeof(gs)); } EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void read_from_save_data(char *data, size_t length) { GameState read_data = {0}; memcpy((char*)(&read_data), data, length); if(read_data.version != CURRENT_VERSION) { Log("Bad gamestate, has version %d expected version %d\n", read_data.version, CURRENT_VERSION); } else { gs = read_data; update_player_from_entities(); } } #endif // a callback, when 'text backend' has finished making text. End dialog void end_text_input(char *what_player_said) { // avoid double ending text input if(player->state != CHARACTER_TALKING) { return; } player->state = CHARACTER_IDLE; size_t player_said_len = strlen(what_player_said); int actual_len = 0; for(int i = 0; i < player_said_len; i++) if(what_player_said[i] != '\n') actual_len++; if(actual_len == 0) { // this just means cancel the dialog } else { Sentence what_player_said_sentence = {0}; assert(player_said_len < ARRLEN(what_player_said_sentence.data)); for(int i = 0; i < player_said_len; i++) { char c = what_player_said[i]; if(c == '\n') break; BUFF_APPEND(&what_player_said_sentence, c); } Entity *talking = gete(player->talking_to); assert(talking); ItemKind player_holding = ITEM_none; if(gete(player->holding_item) != 0) { player_holding = gete(player->holding_item)->item_kind; } if(talking->last_seen_holding_kind != player_holding) { process_perception(talking, (Perception){.type = PlayerHeldItemChanged, .holding = player_holding,}); } process_perception(talking, (Perception){.type = PlayerDialog, .player_dialog = what_player_said_sentence,}); } } /* AnimatedSprite moose_idle = { .img = &image_moose, .time_per_frame = 0.15, .num_frames = 8, .start = {0.0, 0.0}, .horizontal_diff_btwn_frames = 347.0f, .region_size = {347.0f, 160.0f}, .offset = {-1.5f, -10.0f}, }; */ sg_image image_font = {0}; float font_line_advance = 0.0f; const float font_size = 32.0; stbtt_bakedchar cdata[96]; // ASCII 32..126 is 95 glyphs static struct { sg_pass_action pass_action; sg_pipeline pip; sg_bindings bind; } state; void audio_stream_callback(float *buffer, int num_frames, int num_channels) { assert(num_channels == 1); const int num_samples = num_frames * num_channels; double time_to_play = (double)num_frames / (double)SAMPLE_RATE; double time_per_sample = 1.0 / (double)SAMPLE_RATE; for(int i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) { float output_frame = 0.0f; for(int audio_i = 0; audio_i < ARRLEN(playing_audio); audio_i++) { AudioPlayer *it = &playing_audio[audio_i]; if(it->sample != 0) { if(cursor_pcm(it) >= it->sample->pcm_data_length) { it->sample = 0; } else { output_frame += it->sample->pcm_data[cursor_pcm(it)]*(float)(it->volume + 1.0); it->cursor_time += time_per_sample*(it->pitch + 1.0); } } } buffer[i] = output_frame; } } typedef BUFF(Entity*, 16) SwordToDamage; SwordToDamage entity_sword_to_do_damage(Entity *from, Overlapping o) { SwordToDamage to_return = {0}; BUFF_ITER(Overlap, &o) { if(!it->is_tile && it->e != from) { bool done_damage = false; Entity *looking_for = it->e; BUFF_ITER(EntityRef, &from->done_damage_to_this_swing) { EntityRef ref = *it; Entity *it = gete(ref); if(it == looking_for) done_damage = true; } if(!done_damage) { if(!BUFF_HAS_SPACE(&from->done_damage_to_this_swing)) { BUFF_REMOVE_FRONT(&from->done_damage_to_this_swing); Log("Too many things to do damage to...\n"); assert(false); } BUFF_APPEND(&to_return, looking_for); BUFF_APPEND(&from->done_damage_to_this_swing, frome(looking_for)); } } } return to_return; } #define WHITE ((Color){1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}) #define BLACK ((Color){0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}) #define RED ((Color){1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}) #define PINK ((Color){1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}) #define BLUE ((Color){0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}) #define GREEN ((Color){0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}) #define BROWN (colhex(0x4d3d25)) Color colhex(uint32_t hex) { int r = (hex & 0xff0000) >> 16; int g = (hex & 0x00ff00) >> 8; int b = (hex & 0x0000ff) >> 0; return (Color){ (float)r / 255.0f, (float)g / 255.0f, (float)b / 255.0f, 1.0f }; } Color blendalpha(Color c, float alpha) { Color to_return = c; to_return.a = alpha; return to_return; } void init(void) { #ifdef WEB EM_ASM({ set_server_url(UTF8ToString($0)); }, SERVER_URL); #endif Log("Size of entity struct: %zu\n", sizeof(Entity)); Log("Size of %d gs.entities: %zu kb\n", (int)ARRLEN(gs.entities), sizeof(gs.entities)/1024); sg_setup(&(sg_desc){ .context = sapp_sgcontext(), }); stm_setup(); saudio_setup(&(saudio_desc){ .stream_cb = audio_stream_callback, .logger.func = slog_func, }); scratch = make_arena(1024 * 10); load_assets(); reset_level(); #ifdef WEB EM_ASM({ load_all(); }); #endif // load font { FILE* fontFile = fopen("assets/orange kid.ttf", "rb"); fseek(fontFile, 0, SEEK_END); size_t size = ftell(fontFile); /* how long is the file ? */ fseek(fontFile, 0, SEEK_SET); /* reset */ unsigned char *fontBuffer = malloc(size); fread(fontBuffer, size, 1, fontFile); fclose(fontFile); unsigned char *font_bitmap = calloc(1, 512*512); stbtt_BakeFontBitmap(fontBuffer, 0, font_size, font_bitmap, 512, 512, 32, 96, cdata); unsigned char *font_bitmap_rgba = malloc(4 * 512 * 512); // stack would be too big if allocated on stack (stack overflow) for(int i = 0; i < 512 * 512; i++) { font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 0] = 255; font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 1] = 255; font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 2] = 255; font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 3] = font_bitmap[i]; } image_font = sg_make_image( &(sg_image_desc){ .width = 512, .height = 512, .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8, .min_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST, .mag_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST, .data.subimage[0][0] = { .ptr = font_bitmap_rgba, .size = (size_t)(512 * 512 * 4), } } ); stbtt_fontinfo font; stbtt_InitFont(&font, fontBuffer, 0); int ascent = 0; int descent = 0; int lineGap = 0; float scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font, font_size); stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&font, &ascent, &descent, &lineGap); font_line_advance = (float)(ascent - descent + lineGap) * scale * 0.75f; free(font_bitmap_rgba); free(fontBuffer); } state.bind.vertex_buffers[0] = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc) { .usage = SG_USAGE_STREAM, //.data = SG_RANGE(vertices), #ifdef DEVTOOLS .size = 1024*2500, #else .size = 1024*700, #endif .label = "quad-vertices" }); const sg_shader_desc *desc = quad_program_shader_desc(sg_query_backend()); assert(desc); sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(desc); Color clearcol = colhex(0x98734c); state.pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc) { .shader = shd, .depth = { .compare = SG_COMPAREFUNC_LESS_EQUAL, .write_enabled = true }, .layout = { .attrs = { [ATTR_quad_vs_position].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT3, [ATTR_quad_vs_texcoord0].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT2, } }, .colors[0].blend = (sg_blend_state) { // allow transparency .enabled = true, .src_factor_rgb = SG_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA, .dst_factor_rgb = SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, .op_rgb = SG_BLENDOP_ADD, .src_factor_alpha = SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE, .dst_factor_alpha = SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, .op_alpha = SG_BLENDOP_ADD, }, .label = "quad-pipeline", }); state.pass_action = (sg_pass_action) { //.colors[0] = { .action=SG_ACTION_CLEAR, .value={12.5f/255.0f, 12.5f/255.0f, 12.5f/255.0f, 1.0f } } //.colors[0] = { .action=SG_ACTION_CLEAR, .value={255.5f/255.0f, 255.5f/255.0f, 255.5f/255.0f, 1.0f } } // 0x898989 is the color in tiled .colors[0] = { .action=SG_ACTION_CLEAR, .value={clearcol.r, clearcol.g, clearcol.b, 1.0f } } }; } Vec2 screen_size() { return V2((float)sapp_width(), (float)sapp_height()); } typedef struct Camera { Vec2 pos; float scale; } Camera; bool mobile_controls = false; Vec2 thumbstick_base_pos = {0}; Vec2 thumbstick_nub_pos = {0}; typedef struct TouchMemory { // need this because uintptr_t = 0 *doesn't* mean no touching! bool active; uintptr_t identifier; } TouchMemory; TouchMemory activate(uintptr_t by) { //Log("Activating %ld\n", by); return (TouchMemory){.active = true, .identifier = by}; } // returns if deactivated bool maybe_deactivate(TouchMemory *memory, uintptr_t ended_identifier) { if(memory->active) { if(memory->identifier == ended_identifier) { //Log("Deactivating %ld\n", memory->identifier); *memory = (TouchMemory){0}; return true; } } else { return false; } return false; } TouchMemory movement_touch = {0}; TouchMemory roll_pressed_by = {0}; TouchMemory attack_pressed_by = {0}; TouchMemory interact_pressed_by = {0}; bool mobile_roll_pressed = false; bool mobile_attack_pressed = false; bool mobile_interact_pressed = false; float thumbstick_base_size() { if(screen_size().x < screen_size().y) { return screen_size().x * 0.24f; } else { return screen_size().x * 0.14f; } } float mobile_button_size() { if(screen_size().x < screen_size().y) { return screen_size().x * 0.2f; } else { return screen_size().x * 0.09f; } } Vec2 roll_button_pos() { return V2(screen_size().x - mobile_button_size(), screen_size().y * 0.4f); } Vec2 interact_button_pos() { return V2(screen_size().x - mobile_button_size()*2.0f, screen_size().y * (0.4f + (0.4f - 0.25f))); } Vec2 attack_button_pos() { return V2(screen_size().x - mobile_button_size()*2.0f, screen_size().y * 0.25f); } // everything is in pixels in world space, 43 pixels is approx 1 meter measured from // merchant sprite being 5'6" const float pixels_per_meter = 43.0f; Camera cam = {.scale = 2.0f }; Vec2 cam_offset() { Vec2 to_return = AddV2(cam.pos, MulV2F(screen_size(), 0.5f)); to_return = FloorV2(to_return); // avoid pixel glitching on tilemap atlas return to_return; } // in pixels Vec2 img_size(sg_image img) { sg_image_info info = sg_query_image_info(img); return V2((float)info.width, (float)info.height); } #define IMG(img) img, full_region(img) // full region in pixels AABB full_region(sg_image img) { return (AABB) { .upper_left = V2(0.0f, 0.0f), .lower_right = img_size(img), }; } // screen coords are in pixels counting from bottom left as (0,0), Y+ is up Vec2 world_to_screen(Vec2 world) { Vec2 to_return = world; to_return = MulV2F(to_return, cam.scale); to_return = AddV2(to_return, cam_offset()); return to_return; } Vec2 screen_to_world(Vec2 screen) { Vec2 to_return = screen; to_return = SubV2(to_return, cam_offset()); to_return = MulV2F(to_return, 1.0f/cam.scale); return to_return; } AABB aabb_at(Vec2 at, Vec2 size) { return (AABB){ .upper_left = at, .lower_right = AddV2(at, V2(size.x, -size.y)), }; } AABB aabb_at_yplusdown(Vec2 at, Vec2 size) { return (AABB){ .upper_left = at, .lower_right = AddV2(at, V2(size.x, size.y)), }; } Quad quad_at(Vec2 at, Vec2 size) { Quad to_return; to_return.points[0] = V2(0.0, 0.0); to_return.points[1] = V2(size.X, 0.0); to_return.points[2] = V2(size.X, -size.Y); to_return.points[3] = V2(0.0, -size.Y); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { to_return.points[i] = AddV2(to_return.points[i], at); } return to_return; } Quad tile_quad(TileCoord coord) { Quad to_return = quad_at(tilecoord_to_world(coord), V2(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)); return to_return; } // out must be of at least length 4 Quad quad_centered(Vec2 at, Vec2 size) { Quad to_return = quad_at(at, size); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { to_return.points[i] = AddV2(to_return.points[i], V2(-size.X*0.5f, size.Y*0.5f)); } return to_return; } bool aabb_is_valid(AABB aabb) { Vec2 size_vec = SubV2(aabb.lower_right, aabb.upper_left); // negative in vertical direction return size_vec.Y < 0.0f && size_vec.X > 0.0f; } // positive in both directions Vec2 aabb_size(AABB aabb) { assert(aabb_is_valid(aabb)); Vec2 size_vec = SubV2(aabb.lower_right, aabb.upper_left); // negative in vertical direction size_vec.y *= -1.0; return size_vec; } Quad quad_aabb(AABB aabb) { Vec2 size_vec = SubV2(aabb.lower_right, aabb.upper_left); // negative in vertical direction assert(aabb_is_valid(aabb)); return (Quad) { .ul = aabb.upper_left, .ur = AddV2(aabb.upper_left, V2(size_vec.X, 0.0f)), .lr = AddV2(aabb.upper_left, size_vec), .ll = AddV2(aabb.upper_left, V2(0.0f, size_vec.Y)), }; } // both segment_a and segment_b must be arrays of length 2 bool segments_overlapping(float *a_segment, float *b_segment) { assert(a_segment[1] >= a_segment[0]); assert(b_segment[1] >= b_segment[0]); float total_length = (a_segment[1] - a_segment[0]) + (b_segment[1] - b_segment[0]); float farthest_to_left = fminf(a_segment[0], b_segment[0]); float farthest_to_right = fmaxf(a_segment[1], b_segment[1]); if (farthest_to_right - farthest_to_left < total_length) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool overlapping(AABB a, AABB b) { // x axis { float a_segment[2] = { a.upper_left.X, a.lower_right.X }; float b_segment[2] = { b.upper_left.X, b.lower_right.X }; if(segments_overlapping(a_segment, b_segment)) { } else { return false; } } // y axis { float a_segment[2] = { a.lower_right.Y, a.upper_left.Y }; float b_segment[2] = { b.lower_right.Y, b.upper_left.Y }; if(segments_overlapping(a_segment, b_segment)) { } else { return false; } } return true; // both segments overlapping } bool has_point(AABB aabb, Vec2 point) { return (aabb.upper_left.X < point.X && point.X < aabb.lower_right.X) && (aabb.upper_left.Y > point.Y && point.Y > aabb.lower_right.Y); } AABB screen_cam_aabb() { return (AABB){ .upper_left = V2(0.0, screen_size().Y), .lower_right = V2(screen_size().X, 0.0) }; } AABB world_cam_aabb() { AABB to_return = screen_cam_aabb(); to_return.upper_left = screen_to_world(to_return.upper_left); to_return.lower_right = screen_to_world(to_return.lower_right); return to_return; } int num_draw_calls = 0; #define FLOATS_PER_VERTEX (3 + 2) float cur_batch_data[1024*10] = {0}; int cur_batch_data_index = 0; // @TODO check last tint as well, do this when factor into drawing parameters sg_image cur_batch_image = {0}; quad_fs_params_t cur_batch_params = {0}; void flush_quad_batch() { if(cur_batch_image.id == 0 || cur_batch_data_index == 0) return; // flush called when image changes, image starts out null! state.bind.vertex_buffer_offsets[0] = sg_append_buffer(state.bind.vertex_buffers[0], &(sg_range){cur_batch_data, cur_batch_data_index*sizeof(*cur_batch_data)}); state.bind.fs_images[SLOT_quad_tex] = cur_batch_image; sg_apply_bindings(&state.bind); sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS, SLOT_quad_fs_params, &SG_RANGE(cur_batch_params)); assert(cur_batch_data_index % FLOATS_PER_VERTEX == 0); sg_draw(0, cur_batch_data_index/FLOATS_PER_VERTEX, 1); num_draw_calls += 1; memset(cur_batch_data, 0, cur_batch_data_index*sizeof(*cur_batch_data)); cur_batch_data_index = 0; } #define Y_COORD_IN_BACK (-1.0f) #define Y_COORD_IN_FRONT (3.0f) typedef struct DrawParams { bool world_space; Quad quad; sg_image image; AABB image_region; Color tint; AABB clip_to; // if world space is in world space, if screen space is in screen space - Lao Tzu float y_coord_sorting; // Y_COORD_IN_BACK, or the smallest value, is all the way in the back, Y_COORD_IN_FRONT is in the front float alpha_clip_threshold; bool queue_for_translucent; } DrawParams; BUFF(DrawParams, 1024*2) translucent_queue = {0}; Vec2 into_clip_space(Vec2 screen_space_point) { Vec2 zero_to_one = DivV2(screen_space_point, screen_size()); Vec2 in_clip_space = SubV2(MulV2F(zero_to_one, 2.0), V2(1.0, 1.0)); return in_clip_space; } // The image region is in pixel space of the image void draw_quad(DrawParams d) { quad_fs_params_t params = {0}; params.tint[0] = d.tint.R; params.tint[1] = d.tint.G; params.tint[2] = d.tint.B; params.tint[3] = d.tint.A; params.alpha_clip_threshold = d.alpha_clip_threshold; if(aabb_is_valid(d.clip_to) && LenV2(aabb_size(d.clip_to)) > 0.1) { if(d.world_space) { d.clip_to.upper_left = world_to_screen(d.clip_to.upper_left); d.clip_to.lower_right = world_to_screen(d.clip_to.lower_right); } Vec2 aabb_clip_ul = into_clip_space(d.clip_to.upper_left); Vec2 aabb_clip_lr = into_clip_space(d.clip_to.lower_right); params.clip_ul[0] = aabb_clip_ul.x; params.clip_ul[1] = aabb_clip_ul.y; params.clip_lr[0] = aabb_clip_lr.x; params.clip_lr[1] = aabb_clip_lr.y; } else { params.clip_ul[0] = -1.0; params.clip_ul[1] = 1.0; params.clip_lr[0] = 1.0; params.clip_lr[1] = -1.0; } Vec2 *points = d.quad.points; if(d.world_space) { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { points[i] = world_to_screen(points[i]); } } // we've aplied the world space transform d.world_space = false; if(d.queue_for_translucent) { BUFF_APPEND(&translucent_queue, d); return; } PROFILE_SCOPE("Draw quad") { // if the rendering call is different, and the batch must be flushed if(d.image.id != cur_batch_image.id || memcmp(¶ms,&cur_batch_params,sizeof(params)) != 0 ) { flush_quad_batch(); cur_batch_image = d.image; cur_batch_params = params; } AABB cam_aabb = screen_cam_aabb(); AABB points_bounding_box = { .upper_left = V2(INFINITY, -INFINITY), .lower_right = V2(-INFINITY, INFINITY) }; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { points_bounding_box.upper_left.X = fminf(points_bounding_box.upper_left.X, points[i].X); points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y = fmaxf(points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y, points[i].Y); points_bounding_box.lower_right.X = fmaxf(points_bounding_box.lower_right.X, points[i].X); points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y = fminf(points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y, points[i].Y); } if(!overlapping(cam_aabb, points_bounding_box)) { //dbgprint("Out of screen, cam aabb %f %f %f %f\n", cam_aabb.upper_left.X, cam_aabb.upper_left.Y, cam_aabb.lower_right.X, cam_aabb.lower_right.Y); //dbgprint("Points boundig box %f %f %f %f\n", points_bounding_box.upper_left.X, points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y, points_bounding_box.lower_right.X, points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y); continue; // cull out of screen quads } float new_vertices[ FLOATS_PER_VERTEX*4 ] = {0}; Vec2 region_size = SubV2(d.image_region.lower_right, d.image_region.upper_left); assert(region_size.X > 0.0); assert(region_size.Y > 0.0); Vec2 tex_coords[4] = { AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(0.0, 0.0)), AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(region_size.X, 0.0)), AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(region_size.X, region_size.Y)), AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(0.0, region_size.Y)), }; // convert to uv space sg_image_info info = sg_query_image_info(d.image); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tex_coords[i] = DivV2(tex_coords[i], V2((float)info.width, (float)info.height)); } for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Vec2 in_clip_space = into_clip_space(points[i]); new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 0] = in_clip_space.X; new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 1] = in_clip_space.Y; // update Y_COORD_IN_BACK, Y_COORD_IN_FRONT when this changes float unmapped = (clampf(d.y_coord_sorting, -1.0f, 2.0f)); float mapped = (unmapped + 1.0f)/3.0f; new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 2] = 1.0f - (float)clamp(mapped, 0.0, 1.0); new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 3] = tex_coords[i].X; new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 4] = tex_coords[i].Y; } // two triangles drawn, six vertices size_t total_size = 6*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX; // batched a little too close to the sun if(cur_batch_data_index + total_size >= ARRLEN(cur_batch_data)) { flush_quad_batch(); cur_batch_image = d.image; cur_batch_params = params; } #define PUSH_VERTEX(vert) { memcpy(&cur_batch_data[cur_batch_data_index], &vert, FLOATS_PER_VERTEX*sizeof(float)); cur_batch_data_index += FLOATS_PER_VERTEX; } PUSH_VERTEX(new_vertices[0*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX]); PUSH_VERTEX(new_vertices[1*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX]); PUSH_VERTEX(new_vertices[2*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX]); PUSH_VERTEX(new_vertices[0*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX]); PUSH_VERTEX(new_vertices[2*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX]); PUSH_VERTEX(new_vertices[3*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX]); #undef PUSH_VERTEX } } int translucent_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { DrawParams *a_draw = (DrawParams*)a; DrawParams *b_draw = (DrawParams*)b; return (int)((a_draw->y_coord_sorting - b_draw->y_coord_sorting)*1000.0f); } void draw_all_translucent() { qsort(&translucent_queue.data[0], translucent_queue.cur_index, sizeof(translucent_queue.data[0]), translucent_compare); BUFF_ITER(DrawParams, &translucent_queue) { it->queue_for_translucent = false; draw_quad(*it); } BUFF_CLEAR(&translucent_queue); } void swap(Vec2 *p1, Vec2 *p2) { Vec2 tmp = *p1; *p1 = *p2; *p2 = tmp; } double anim_sprite_duration(AnimKind anim) { AnimatedSprite *s = GET_TABLE_PTR(sprites, anim); return s->num_frames * s->time_per_frame; } Vec2 tile_id_to_coord(sg_image tileset_image, Vec2 tile_size, uint16_t tile_id) { int tiles_per_row = (int)(img_size(tileset_image).X / tile_size.X); int tile_index = tile_id - 1; int tile_image_row = tile_index / tiles_per_row; int tile_image_col = tile_index - tile_image_row*tiles_per_row; Vec2 tile_image_coord = V2((float)tile_image_col * tile_size.X, (float)tile_image_row*tile_size.Y); return tile_image_coord; } void colorquad(bool world_space, Quad q, Color col) { bool queue = false; if(col.A < 1.0f) { queue = true; } // y coord sorting for colorquad puts it below text for dialog panel draw_quad((DrawParams){world_space, q, image_white_square, full_region(image_white_square), col, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT - 0.05f, .queue_for_translucent = queue}); } // in world coordinates void line(Vec2 from, Vec2 to, float line_width, Color color) { Vec2 normal = rotate_counter_clockwise(NormV2(SubV2(to, from))); Quad line_quad = { .points = { AddV2(from, MulV2F(normal, line_width)), // upper left AddV2(to, MulV2F(normal, line_width)), // upper right AddV2(to, MulV2F(normal, -line_width)), // lower right AddV2(from, MulV2F(normal, -line_width)), // lower left } }; colorquad(true, line_quad, color); } #ifdef DEVTOOLS bool show_devtools = true; #ifdef PROFILING extern bool profiling; #else bool profiling; #endif #endif Color debug_color = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; #define dbgcol(col) DeferLoop(debug_color = col, debug_color = RED) void dbgsquare(Vec2 at) { #ifdef DEVTOOLS if(!show_devtools) return; colorquad(true, quad_centered(at, V2(3.0, 3.0)), debug_color); #else (void)at; #endif } void dbgline(Vec2 from, Vec2 to) { #ifdef DEVTOOLS if(!show_devtools) return; line(from, to, 0.5f, debug_color); #else (void)from; (void)to; #endif } void dbgvec(Vec2 from, Vec2 vec) { Vec2 to = AddV2(from, vec); dbgline(from, to); } // in world space void dbgrect(AABB rect) { #ifdef DEVTOOLS if(!show_devtools) return; if(!aabb_is_valid(rect)) { dbgsquare(rect.upper_left); } else { const float line_width = 0.5; Color col = debug_color; Quad q = quad_aabb(rect); line(q.ul, q.ur, line_width, col); line(q.ur, q.lr, line_width, col); line(q.lr, q.ll, line_width, col); line(q.ll, q.ul, line_width, col); } #else (void)rect; #endif } // from_point is for knockback void request_do_damage(Entity *to, Entity *from, float damage) { Vec2 from_point = from->pos; if(to == NULL) return; if(to->is_bullet) { Vec2 norm = NormV2(SubV2(to->pos, from_point)); dbgvec(from_point, norm); to->vel = ReflectV2(to->vel, norm); dbgprint("deflecitng\n"); } else if(true) { // damage processing is done in process perception so in training, has accurate values for // NPC health if(to->is_character) { to->damage += damage; } else { if(from->is_character) { process_perception(to, (Perception){.type = PlayerAction, .player_action_type = ACT_hits_npc, .damage_done = damage,}); } else { process_perception(to, (Perception){.type = EnemyAction, .enemy_action_type = ACT_hits_npc, .damage_done = damage,}); } } to->vel = MulV2F(NormV2(SubV2(to->pos, from_point)), 15.0f); } else { Log("Can't do damage to npc...\n"); } } typedef struct TextParams { bool world_space; bool dry_run; const char *text; Vec2 pos; Color color; float scale; AABB clip_to; // if in world space, in world space. In space of pos given Color *colors; // color per character, if not null must be array of same length as text } TextParams; // returns bounds. To measure text you can set dry run to true and get the bounds AABB draw_text(TextParams t) { size_t text_len = strlen(t.text); AABB bounds = {0}; float y = 0.0; float x = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < text_len; i++) { stbtt_aligned_quad q; float old_y = y; stbtt_GetBakedQuad(cdata, 512, 512, t.text[i]-32, &x, &y, &q, 1); float difference = y - old_y; y = old_y + difference; Vec2 size = V2(q.x1 - q.x0, q.y1 - q.y0); if(t.text[i] == '\n') { #ifdef DEVTOOLS y += font_size*0.75f; // arbitrary, only debug t.text has newlines x = 0.0; #else assert(false); #endif } if(size.Y > 0.0 && size.X > 0.0) { // spaces (and maybe other characters) produce quads of size 0 Quad to_draw = { .points = { AddV2(V2(q.x0, -q.y0), V2(0.0f, 0.0f)), AddV2(V2(q.x0, -q.y0), V2(size.X, 0.0f)), AddV2(V2(q.x0, -q.y0), V2(size.X, -size.Y)), AddV2(V2(q.x0, -q.y0), V2(0.0f, -size.Y)), }, }; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { to_draw.points[i] = MulV2F(to_draw.points[i], t.scale); } AABB font_atlas_region = (AABB) { .upper_left = V2(q.s0, q.t0), .lower_right = V2(q.s1, q.t1), }; font_atlas_region.upper_left.X *= img_size(image_font).X; font_atlas_region.lower_right.X *= img_size(image_font).X; font_atlas_region.upper_left.Y *= img_size(image_font).Y; font_atlas_region.lower_right.Y *= img_size(image_font).Y; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { bounds.upper_left.X = fminf(bounds.upper_left.X, to_draw.points[i].X); bounds.upper_left.Y = fmaxf(bounds.upper_left.Y, to_draw.points[i].Y); bounds.lower_right.X = fmaxf(bounds.lower_right.X, to_draw.points[i].X); bounds.lower_right.Y = fminf(bounds.lower_right.Y, to_draw.points[i].Y); } for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { to_draw.points[i] = AddV2(to_draw.points[i], t.pos); } if(!t.dry_run) { Color col = t.color; if(t.colors) { col = t.colors[i]; } if(false) // drop shadow, don't really like it if(t.world_space) { Quad shadow_quad = to_draw; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { shadow_quad.points[i] = AddV2(shadow_quad.points[i], V2(0.0, -1.0)); } draw_quad((DrawParams){t.world_space, shadow_quad, image_font, font_atlas_region, (Color){0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.4f}, t.clip_to, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, .queue_for_translucent = true}); } draw_quad((DrawParams){t.world_space, to_draw, image_font, font_atlas_region, col, t.clip_to, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, .queue_for_translucent = true}); } } } bounds.upper_left = AddV2(bounds.upper_left, t.pos); bounds.lower_right = AddV2(bounds.lower_right, t.pos); return bounds; } float y_coord_sorting_at(Vec2 pos) { float y_coord_sorting = world_to_screen(pos).y / screen_size().y; y_coord_sorting = 1.0f - y_coord_sorting; // debug draw the y cord sorting value #if 0 char *to_draw = tprint("%f", y_coord_sorting); draw_text((TextParams){true, false, to_draw, pos, BLACK, 1.0f}); #endif return y_coord_sorting; } void draw_shadow_for(DrawParams d) { Quad sheared_quad = d.quad; float height = d.quad.ur.y - d.quad.lr.y; Vec2 shear_addition = V2(-height*0.35f, -height*0.2f); sheared_quad.ul = AddV2(sheared_quad.ul, shear_addition); sheared_quad.ur = AddV2(sheared_quad.ur, shear_addition); d.quad = sheared_quad; d.tint = (Color){0,0,0,0.2f}; d.y_coord_sorting -= 0.05f; d.alpha_clip_threshold = 0.0f; d.queue_for_translucent = true; dbgline(sheared_quad.ul, sheared_quad.ur); dbgline(sheared_quad.ur, sheared_quad.lr); dbgline(sheared_quad.lr, sheared_quad.ll); dbgline(sheared_quad.ll, sheared_quad.ul); draw_quad(d); } //void draw_animated_sprite(AnimatedSprite *s, double elapsed_time, bool flipped, Vec2 pos, Color tint) void draw_animated_sprite(DrawnAnimatedSprite d) { AnimatedSprite *s = GET_TABLE_PTR(sprites, d.anim); sg_image spritesheet_img = *GET_TABLE(anim_img_table, d.anim); float y_sort_pos = y_coord_sorting_at(d.pos); d.pos = AddV2(d.pos, s->offset); int index = (int)floor(d.elapsed_time/s->time_per_frame) % s->num_frames; if(s->no_wrap) { index = (int)floor(d.elapsed_time/s->time_per_frame); if(index >= s->num_frames) index = s->num_frames - 1; } Quad q = quad_centered(d.pos, s->region_size); if(d.flipped) { swap(&q.points[0], &q.points[1]); swap(&q.points[3], &q.points[2]); } AABB region; region.upper_left = AddV2(s->start, V2(index * s->horizontal_diff_btwn_frames, 0.0f)); float width = img_size(spritesheet_img).X; while(region.upper_left.X >= width) { region.upper_left.X -= width; region.upper_left.Y += s->region_size.Y; } region.lower_right = AddV2(region.upper_left, s->region_size); DrawParams drawn = (DrawParams){true, q, spritesheet_img, region, d.tint, .y_coord_sorting = y_sort_pos, .queue_for_translucent = true}; if(!d.no_shadow) draw_shadow_for(drawn); draw_quad(drawn); } // gets aabbs overlapping the input aabb, including gs.entities and tiles Overlapping get_overlapping(Level *l, AABB aabb) { Overlapping to_return = {0}; Quad q = quad_aabb(aabb); // the corners, jessie PROFILE_SCOPE("checking the corners") for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { TileCoord to_check = world_to_tilecoord(q.points[i]); TileInstance t = get_tile_layer(l, 2, to_check); if(is_tile_solid(t)) { Overlap element = ((Overlap){.is_tile = true, .t = t}); //{ (&to_return)[(&to_return)->cur_index++] = element; assert((&to_return)->cur_index < ARRLEN((&to_return)->data)); } BUFF_APPEND(&to_return, element); } } // the gs.entities jessie PROFILE_SCOPE("checking the entities") ENTITIES_ITER(gs.entities) { if(!(it->is_character && it->is_rolling) && overlapping(aabb, entity_aabb(it))) { BUFF_APPEND(&to_return, (Overlap){.e = it}); } } return to_return; } typedef struct CollisionInfo { bool happened; Vec2 normal; }CollisionInfo; typedef struct MoveSlideParams { Entity *from; Vec2 position; Vec2 movement_this_frame; // optional bool dont_collide_with_entities; CollisionInfo *col_info_out; } MoveSlideParams; // returns new pos after moving and sliding against collidable things Vec2 move_and_slide(MoveSlideParams p) { Vec2 collision_aabb_size = entity_aabb_size(p.from); Vec2 new_pos = AddV2(p.position, p.movement_this_frame); assert(collision_aabb_size.x > 0.0f); assert(collision_aabb_size.y > 0.0f); AABB at_new = centered_aabb(new_pos, collision_aabb_size); BUFF(AABB, 256) to_check = {0}; // add tilemap boxes { Vec2 at_new_size_vector = SubV2(at_new.lower_right, at_new.upper_left); Vec2 points_to_check[] = { AddV2(at_new.upper_left, V2(0.0, 0.0)), AddV2(at_new.upper_left, V2(at_new_size_vector.X, 0.0)), AddV2(at_new.upper_left, V2(at_new_size_vector.X, at_new_size_vector.Y)), AddV2(at_new.upper_left, V2(0.0, at_new_size_vector.Y)), }; for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(points_to_check); i++) { Vec2 *it = &points_to_check[i]; TileCoord tilecoord_to_check = world_to_tilecoord(*it); if(is_tile_solid(get_tile_layer(&level_level0, 2, tilecoord_to_check))) { AABB t = tile_aabb(tilecoord_to_check); BUFF_APPEND(&to_check, t); } } } // add entity boxes if(!p.dont_collide_with_entities && !(p.from->is_character && p.from->is_rolling)) { ENTITIES_ITER(gs.entities) { if(!(it->is_character && it->is_rolling) && it != p.from && !(it->is_npc && it->dead) && !it->is_item) { BUFF_APPEND(&to_check, centered_aabb(it->pos, entity_aabb_size(it))); } } } // here we do some janky C stuff to resolve collisions with the closest // box first, because doing so is a simple heuristic to avoid depenetrating and losing // sideways velocity. It's visual and I can't put diagrams in code so uh oh! typedef BUFF(AABB, 32) OverlapBuff; OverlapBuff actually_overlapping = {0}; BUFF_ITER(AABB, &to_check) { if(overlapping(at_new, *it)) { BUFF_APPEND(&actually_overlapping, *it); } } float smallest_distance = FLT_MAX; int smallest_aabb_index = 0; int i = 0; BUFF_ITER(AABB, &actually_overlapping) { float cur_dist = LenV2(SubV2(aabb_center(at_new), aabb_center(*it))); if(cur_dist < smallest_distance){ smallest_distance = cur_dist; smallest_aabb_index = i; } i++; } OverlapBuff overlapping_smallest_first = {0}; if(actually_overlapping.cur_index > 0) { BUFF_APPEND(&overlapping_smallest_first, actually_overlapping.data[smallest_aabb_index]); } BUFF_ITER_I(AABB, &actually_overlapping, i) { if(i == smallest_aabb_index) { } else { BUFF_APPEND(&overlapping_smallest_first, *it); } } // overlapping BUFF_ITER(AABB, &overlapping_smallest_first) { dbgcol(GREEN) { dbgrect(*it); } } //overlapping_smallest_first = actually_overlapping; BUFF_ITER(AABB, &actually_overlapping) dbgcol(WHITE) dbgrect(*it); BUFF_ITER(AABB, &overlapping_smallest_first) dbgcol(WHITE) dbgsquare(aabb_center(*it)); CollisionInfo info = {0}; for(int col_iter_i = 0; col_iter_i < 1; col_iter_i++) BUFF_ITER(AABB, &overlapping_smallest_first) { AABB to_depenetrate_from = *it; int iters_tried_to_push_apart = 0; while(overlapping(to_depenetrate_from, at_new) && iters_tried_to_push_apart < 500) { const float move_dist = 0.1f; info.happened = true; Vec2 from_point = aabb_center(to_depenetrate_from); Vec2 to_player = NormV2(SubV2(aabb_center(at_new), from_point)); Vec2 compass_dirs[4] = { V2( 1.0, 0.0), V2(-1.0, 0.0), V2(0.0, 1.0), V2(0.0, -1.0), }; int closest_index = -1; float closest_dot = -99999999.0f; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { float dot = DotV2(compass_dirs[i], to_player); if(dot > closest_dot) { closest_index = i; closest_dot = dot; } } assert(closest_index != -1); Vec2 move_dir = compass_dirs[closest_index]; info.normal = move_dir; dbgvec(from_point, MulV2F(move_dir, 30.0f)); Vec2 move = MulV2F(move_dir, move_dist); at_new.upper_left = AddV2(at_new.upper_left,move); at_new.lower_right = AddV2(at_new.lower_right,move); iters_tried_to_push_apart++; } } if(p.col_info_out) *p.col_info_out = info; Vec2 result_pos = aabb_center(at_new); dbgrect(centered_aabb(result_pos, collision_aabb_size)); return result_pos; } // returns next vertical cursor position float draw_wrapped_text(bool dry_run, Vec2 at_point, float max_width, char *text, Color *colors, float text_scale, bool going_up, AABB clip_to) { char *sentence_to_draw = text; size_t sentence_len = strlen(sentence_to_draw); Vec2 cursor = at_point; while(sentence_len > 0) { char line_to_draw[MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH] = {0}; Color colors_to_draw[MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH] = {0}; size_t chars_from_sentence = 0; AABB line_bounds = {0}; while(chars_from_sentence <= sentence_len) { memset(line_to_draw, 0, MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH); memcpy(line_to_draw, sentence_to_draw, chars_from_sentence); line_bounds = draw_text((TextParams){true, true, line_to_draw, cursor, BLACK, text_scale, clip_to}); if(line_bounds.lower_right.X > at_point.X + max_width) { // too big assert(chars_from_sentence > 0); chars_from_sentence -= 1; break; } chars_from_sentence += 1; } if(chars_from_sentence > sentence_len) chars_from_sentence--; memset(line_to_draw, 0, MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH); memcpy(line_to_draw, sentence_to_draw, chars_from_sentence); memcpy(colors_to_draw, colors, chars_from_sentence*sizeof(Color)); //float line_height = line_bounds.upper_left.Y - line_bounds.lower_right.Y; float line_height = font_line_advance * text_scale; AABB drawn_bounds = draw_text((TextParams){true, dry_run, line_to_draw, AddV2(cursor, V2(0.0f, -line_height)), BLACK, text_scale, clip_to, colors_to_draw}); if(!dry_run) dbgrect(drawn_bounds); // caught a random infinite loop in the debugger, this will stop it assert(chars_from_sentence >= 0); // defensive programming if(chars_from_sentence == 0) { break; } sentence_len -= chars_from_sentence; sentence_to_draw += chars_from_sentence; colors += chars_from_sentence; cursor = V2(drawn_bounds.upper_left.X, drawn_bounds.lower_right.Y); } return cursor.Y; } Sentence *last_said_sentence(Entity *npc) { BUFF_ITER_I(Perception, &npc->remembered_perceptions, i) { bool is_last_said = i == npc->remembered_perceptions.cur_index - 1; if(is_last_said && it->type == NPCDialog) { return &it->npc_dialog; } } return 0; } void draw_dialog_panel(Entity *talking_to, float alpha) { float panel_width = 250.0f; float panel_height = 150.0f; float panel_vert_offset = 30.0f; AABB dialog_panel = (AABB){ .upper_left = AddV2(talking_to->pos, V2(-panel_width/2.0f, panel_vert_offset+panel_height)), .lower_right = AddV2(talking_to->pos, V2(panel_width/2.0f, panel_vert_offset)), }; AABB constrict_to = world_cam_aabb(); dialog_panel.upper_left.x = fmaxf(constrict_to.upper_left.x, dialog_panel.upper_left.x); dialog_panel.lower_right.y = fmaxf(constrict_to.lower_right.y, dialog_panel.lower_right.y); dialog_panel.upper_left.y = fminf(constrict_to.upper_left.y, dialog_panel.upper_left.y); dialog_panel.lower_right.x = fminf(constrict_to.lower_right.x, dialog_panel.lower_right.x); if(aabb_is_valid(dialog_panel)) { Quad dialog_quad = quad_aabb(dialog_panel); float line_width = 2.0f; Quad panel_quad = dialog_quad; { float inset = line_width; panel_quad.ul = AddV2(panel_quad.ul, V2(inset, -inset)); panel_quad.ll = AddV2(panel_quad.ll, V2(inset, inset)); panel_quad.lr = AddV2(panel_quad.lr, V2(-inset, inset)); panel_quad.ur = AddV2(panel_quad.ur, V2(-inset, -inset)); } colorquad(true, panel_quad, (Color){1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.7f*alpha}); Color line_color = (Color){0,0,0,alpha}; line(AddV2(dialog_quad.ul, V2(-line_width,0.0)), AddV2(dialog_quad.ur, V2(line_width,0.0)), line_width, line_color); line(dialog_quad.ur, dialog_quad.lr, line_width, line_color); line(AddV2(dialog_quad.lr, V2(line_width,0.0)), AddV2(dialog_quad.ll, V2(-line_width,0.0)), line_width, line_color); line(dialog_quad.ll, dialog_quad.ul, line_width, line_color); float padding = 5.0f; dialog_panel.upper_left = AddV2(dialog_panel.upper_left, V2(padding, -padding)); dialog_panel.lower_right = AddV2(dialog_panel.lower_right, V2(-padding, padding)); if(aabb_is_valid(dialog_panel)) { float new_line_height = dialog_panel.lower_right.Y; typedef struct { Sentence s; bool is_player; } DialogElement; BUFF(DialogElement, 32) dialog = {0}; BUFF_ITER(Perception, &talking_to->remembered_perceptions) { if(it->type == NPCDialog) { Sentence to_say = it->npc_dialog; Sentence *last_said = last_said_sentence(talking_to); if(last_said == &it->npc_dialog) { to_say = (Sentence){0}; for(int i = 0; i < min(it->npc_dialog.cur_index, (int)talking_to->characters_said); i++) { BUFF_APPEND(&to_say, it->npc_dialog.data[i]); } } BUFF_APPEND(&dialog, ((DialogElement){ .s = to_say, .is_player = false }) ); } else if(it->type == PlayerDialog) { BUFF_APPEND(&dialog, ((DialogElement){ .s = it->player_dialog, .is_player = true }) ); } } if(dialog.cur_index > 0) { for(int i = dialog.cur_index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DialogElement *it = &dialog.data[i]; { Color *colors = calloc(sizeof(*colors), it->s.cur_index); for(int char_i = 0; char_i < it->s.cur_index; char_i++) { if(it->is_player) { colors[char_i] = BLACK; } else { colors[char_i] = colhex(0x345e22); } colors[char_i] = blendalpha(colors[char_i], alpha); } float measured_line_height = draw_wrapped_text(true, V2(dialog_panel.upper_left.X, new_line_height), dialog_panel.lower_right.X - dialog_panel.upper_left.X, it->s.data, colors, 0.5f, true, dialog_panel); new_line_height += (new_line_height - measured_line_height); draw_wrapped_text(false, V2(dialog_panel.upper_left.X, new_line_height), dialog_panel.lower_right.X - dialog_panel.upper_left.X, it->s.data, colors, 0.5f, true, dialog_panel); free(colors); } } } dbgrect(dialog_panel); } } } #define ROLL_KEY SAPP_KEYCODE_LEFT_SHIFT double elapsed_time = 0.0; double last_frame_processing_time = 0.0; uint64_t last_frame_time; Vec2 mouse_pos = {0}; // in screen space bool interact_just_pressed = false; bool mouse_just_clicked = false; float learned_shift = 0.0; float learned_space = 0.0; float learned_e = 0.0; #ifdef DEVTOOLS bool mouse_frozen = false; #endif void frame(void) { static float speed_factor = 1.0f; // elapsed_time double unwarped_dt_double = 0.0; { unwarped_dt_double = stm_sec(stm_diff(stm_now(), last_frame_time)); unwarped_dt_double = fmin(unwarped_dt_double, MINIMUM_TIMESTEP * 5.0); // clamp dt at maximum 5 frames, avoid super huge dt elapsed_time += unwarped_dt_double*speed_factor; last_frame_time = stm_now(); } double dt_double = unwarped_dt_double*speed_factor; float unwarped_dt = (float)unwarped_dt_double; float dt = (float)dt_double; #if 0 { printf("Frametime: %.1f ms\n", dt*1000.0); sg_begin_default_pass(&state.pass_action, sapp_width(), sapp_height()); sg_apply_pipeline(state.pip); //colorquad(false, quad_at(V2(0.0, 100.0), V2(100.0f, 100.0f)), RED); sg_image img = image_white_square; AABB region = full_region(img); //region.lower_right.X *= 0.5f; draw_quad((DrawParams){false,quad_at(V2(0.0, 100.0), V2(100.0f, 100.0f)), img, region, WHITE}); flush_quad_batch(); sg_end_pass(); sg_commit(); reset(&scratch); } return; #endif PROFILE_SCOPE("frame") { #ifdef DESKTOP if(!receiving_text_input && in_dialog()) { receiving_text_input = true; BUFF_CLEAR(&text_input_buffer); } #endif // better for vertical aspect ratios if(screen_size().x < 0.7f*screen_size().y) { cam.scale = 2.3f; } else { cam.scale = 2.0f; } uint64_t time_start_frame = stm_now(); Vec2 movement = {0}; bool attack = false; bool roll = false; bool interact = false; if(mobile_controls) { movement = SubV2(thumbstick_nub_pos, thumbstick_base_pos); if(LenV2(movement) > 0.0f) { movement = MulV2F(NormV2(movement), LenV2(movement)/(thumbstick_base_size()*0.5f)); } attack = mobile_attack_pressed; roll = mobile_roll_pressed; interact = interact_just_pressed; } else { movement = V2( (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_D] - (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_A], (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_W] - (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_S] ); attack = keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_SPACE]; #ifdef DEVTOOLS attack = attack || keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_LEFT_CONTROL]; #endif roll = keydown[ROLL_KEY]; interact = interact_just_pressed; } if(LenV2(movement) > 1.0) { movement = NormV2(movement); } sg_begin_default_pass(&state.pass_action, sapp_width(), sapp_height()); sg_apply_pipeline(state.pip); Level *cur_level = &level_level0; // Draw Tilemap draw tilemap tilemap drawing #if 1 PROFILE_SCOPE("tilemap") { Vec2 starting_world = AddV2(world_cam_aabb().upper_left, V2(-TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)); Vec2 ending_world = AddV2(world_cam_aabb().lower_right, V2(TILE_SIZE, -TILE_SIZE)); TileCoord starting_point = world_to_tilecoord(starting_world); TileCoord ending_point = world_to_tilecoord(ending_world); int starting_row = starting_point.y; int ending_row = ending_point.y; int starting_col = starting_point.x; int ending_col = ending_point.x; for(int layer = 0; layer < LAYERS; layer++) { for(int row = starting_row; row < ending_row; row++) { for(int col = starting_col; col < ending_col; col++) { TileCoord cur_coord = { col, row }; TileInstance cur = get_tile_layer(cur_level, layer, cur_coord); int tileset_i = 0; uint16_t max_gid = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(tilesets); i++) { TileSet tileset = tilesets[i]; if(cur.kind > tileset.first_gid && tileset.first_gid > max_gid) { tileset_i = i; max_gid = tileset.first_gid; } } TileSet tileset = tilesets[tileset_i]; cur.kind -= tileset.first_gid - 1; if(cur.kind != 0) { Vec2 tile_size = V2(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE); sg_image tileset_image = *tileset.img; Vec2 tile_image_coord = tile_id_to_coord(tileset_image, tile_size, cur.kind); AnimatedTile *anim = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(tileset.animated)/sizeof(*tileset.animated); i++) { if(tileset.animated[i].exists && tileset.animated[i].id_from == cur.kind-1) { anim = &tileset.animated[i]; } } if(anim) { double time_per_frame = 0.1; int frame_index = (int)(elapsed_time/time_per_frame) % anim->num_frames; tile_image_coord = tile_id_to_coord(tileset_image, tile_size, anim->frames[frame_index]+1); } AABB region; region.upper_left = tile_image_coord; region.lower_right = AddV2(region.upper_left, tile_size); draw_quad((DrawParams){true, tile_quad(cur_coord), tileset_image, region, WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_BACK}); } } } } } #endif assert(player != NULL); // gameplay processing loop, do multiple if lagging // these are static so that, on frames where no gameplay processing is necessary and just rendering, the rendering uses values from last frame static Entity *interacting_with = 0; // used by rendering to figure out who to draw dialog box on static bool player_in_combat = false; const float dialog_interact_size = 2.5f * TILE_SIZE; float speed_target; if(player->in_conversation_mode) { speed_target = 0.0f; } else { speed_target = 1.0f; } speed_factor = Lerp(speed_factor, unwarped_dt*10.0f, speed_target); if(fabsf(speed_factor - speed_target) <= 0.05f) { speed_factor = speed_target; } int num_timestep_loops = 0; { unprocessed_gameplay_time += unwarped_dt; float timestep = fminf(unwarped_dt, (float)MINIMUM_TIMESTEP); while(unprocessed_gameplay_time >= timestep) { num_timestep_loops++; unprocessed_gameplay_time -= timestep; float unwarped_dt = timestep; float dt = unwarped_dt*speed_factor; // process gs.entities player_in_combat = false; // in combat set by various enemies when they fight the player PROFILE_SCOPE("entity processing") { ENTITIES_ITER(gs.entities) { assert(!(it->exists && it->generation == 0)); #ifdef WEB if(it->is_npc) { if(it->gen_request_id != 0) { assert(it->gen_request_id > 0); int status = EM_ASM_INT({ return get_generation_request_status($0); }, it->gen_request_id); if(status == 0) { // simply not done yet } else { if(status == 1) { // done! we can get the string char sentence_str[MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH] = {0}; EM_ASM({ let generation = get_generation_request_content($0); stringToUTF8(generation, $1, $2); }, it->gen_request_id, sentence_str, ARRLEN(sentence_str)); // parse out from the sentence NPC action and dialog Perception out = {0}; #ifdef DO_CHATGPT_PARSING bool text_was_well_formatted = parse_chatgpt_response(it, sentence_str, &out); #else bool text_was_well_formatted = parse_ai_response(it, sentence_str, &out); #endif if(text_was_well_formatted) { process_perception(it, out); } else { it->perceptions_dirty = true; // on poorly formatted AI, just retry request. } EM_ASM({ done_with_generation_request($0); }, it->gen_request_id); } else if(status == 2) { Log("Failed to generate dialog! Fuck!\n"); // need somethin better here. Maybe each sentence has to know if it's player or NPC, that way I can remove the player's dialog process_perception(it, (Perception){.type = NPCDialog, .npc_action_type = ACT_none, .npc_dialog = SENTENCE_CONST("I'm not sure...")}); } else if(status == -1) { Log("Generation request doesn't exist anymore, that's fine...\n"); } else { Log("Unknown generation request status: %d\n", status); } it->gen_request_id = 0; } } } #endif if(fabsf(it->vel.x) > 0.01f) it->facing_left = it->vel.x < 0.0f; if(it->dead) { it->dead_time += dt; } it->being_hovered = false; if(player->in_conversation_mode) { if(has_point(entity_aabb(it), screen_to_world(mouse_pos))) { it->being_hovered = true; if(mouse_just_clicked) { player->talking_to = frome(it); player->state = CHARACTER_TALKING; } } } if(it->is_npc) { // character speech animation text input if(true) { const float characters_per_sec = 35.0f; double before = it->characters_said; int length = 0; if(last_said_sentence(it)) length = last_said_sentence(it)->cur_index; if((int)before < length) { it->characters_said += characters_per_sec*unwarped_dt; } else { it->characters_said = (double)length; } if( (int)it->characters_said > (int)before ) { float dist = LenV2(SubV2(it->pos, player->pos)); float volume = Lerp(-0.6f, clamp01(dist/70.0f), -1.0f); play_audio(&sound_simple_talk, volume); } } if(it->standing == STANDING_FIGHTING || it->standing == STANDING_JOINED) { Entity *targeting = player; /* G cost: distance from the current node to the start node H cost: distance from the current node to the target node G H SUM F cost: G + H */ Vec2 to = targeting->pos; PathCache *cached = get_path_cache(elapsed_time, it->cached_path); AStarPath path = {0}; bool succeeded = false; if(cached) { path = cached->path; succeeded = true; } else { Vec2 from = it->pos; typedef struct AStarNode { bool exists; struct AStarNode * parent; bool in_closed_set; bool in_open_set; float f_score; // total of g score and h score float g_score; // distance from the node to the start node Vec2 pos; } AStarNode; BUFF(AStarNode, MAX_ASTAR_NODES) nodes = {0}; struct { Vec2 key; AStarNode *value; } *node_cache = 0; #define V2_HASH(v) (FloorV2(v)) const float jump_size = TILE_SIZE/2.0f; BUFF_APPEND(&nodes, ((AStarNode){.in_open_set = true, .pos = from})); Vec2 from_hash = V2_HASH(from); float got_there_tolerance = max_coord(entity_aabb_size(player))*1.5f; hmput(node_cache, from_hash, &nodes.data[0]); bool should_quit = false; AStarNode *last_node = 0; PROFILE_SCOPE("A* Pathfinding") // astar pathfinding a star while(!should_quit) { int openset_size = 0; BUFF_ITER(AStarNode, &nodes) if(it->in_open_set) openset_size += 1; if(openset_size == 0) { should_quit = true; } else { AStarNode *current = 0; PROFILE_SCOPE("Get lowest fscore astar node in open set") { float min_fscore = INFINITY; int min_fscore_index = -1; BUFF_ITER_I(AStarNode, &nodes, i) if(it->in_open_set) { if(it->f_score < min_fscore) { min_fscore = it->f_score; min_fscore_index = i; } } assert(min_fscore_index >= 0); current = &nodes.data[min_fscore_index]; assert(current); } float length_to_goal = 0.0f; PROFILE_SCOPE("get length to goal") length_to_goal = LenV2(SubV2(to, current->pos)); if(length_to_goal <= got_there_tolerance) { succeeded = true; should_quit = true; last_node = current; } else { current->in_open_set = false; Vec2 neighbor_positions[] = { V2(-jump_size, 0.0f), V2( jump_size, 0.0f), V2(0.0f, jump_size), V2(0.0f, -jump_size), V2(-jump_size, jump_size), V2( jump_size, jump_size), V2( jump_size, -jump_size), V2(-jump_size, -jump_size), }; ARR_ITER(Vec2, neighbor_positions) *it = AddV2(*it, current->pos); Entity *e = it; PROFILE_SCOPE("Checking neighbor positions") ARR_ITER(Vec2, neighbor_positions) { Vec2 cur_pos = *it; dbgsquare(cur_pos); bool would_block_me = false; PROFILE_SCOPE("Checking for overlap") { Overlapping overlapping_at_want = get_overlapping(&level_level0, entity_aabb_at(e, cur_pos)); BUFF_ITER(Overlap, &overlapping_at_want) if(is_overlap_collision(*it) && !(it->e && it->e == e)) would_block_me = true; } if(would_block_me) { } else { AStarNode *existing = 0; Vec2 hash = V2_HASH(cur_pos); existing = hmget(node_cache, hash); if(false) PROFILE_SCOPE("look for existing A* node") BUFF_ITER(AStarNode, &nodes) { if(V2ApproxEq(it->pos, cur_pos)) { existing = it; break; } } float tentative_gscore = current->g_score + jump_size; if(tentative_gscore < (existing ? existing->g_score : INFINITY)) { if(!existing) { if(!BUFF_HAS_SPACE(&nodes)) { should_quit = true; succeeded = false; } else { BUFF_APPEND(&nodes, (AStarNode){0}); existing = &nodes.data[nodes.cur_index-1]; existing->pos = cur_pos; Vec2 pos_hash = V2_HASH(cur_pos); hmput(node_cache, pos_hash, existing); } } if(existing) PROFILE_SCOPE("estimate heuristic") { existing->parent = current; existing->g_score = tentative_gscore; float h_score = 0.0f; { // diagonal movement heuristic from some article Vec2 curr_cell = *it; Vec2 goal = to; float D = jump_size; float D2 = LenV2(V2(jump_size, jump_size)); float dx = fabsf(curr_cell.x - goal.x); float dy = fabsf(curr_cell.y - goal.y); float h = D * (dx + dy) + (D2 - 2 * D) * fminf(dx, dy); h_score += h; // approx distance with manhattan distance //h_score += fabsf(existing->pos.x - to.x) + fabsf(existing->pos.y - to.y); } existing->f_score = tentative_gscore + h_score; existing->in_open_set = true; } } } } } } } hmfree(node_cache); node_cache = 0; // reconstruct path if(succeeded) { assert(last_node); AStarNode *cur = last_node; while(cur) { BUFF_PUSH_FRONT(&path, cur->pos); cur = cur->parent; } } if(succeeded) it->cached_path = cache_path(elapsed_time, &path); } Vec2 next_point_on_path = {0}; if(succeeded) { float nearest_dist = INFINITY; int nearest_index = -1; Entity *from = it; BUFF_ITER_I(Vec2, &path, i) { float dist = LenV2(SubV2(*it, from->pos)); if(dist < nearest_dist) { nearest_dist = dist; nearest_index = i; } } assert(nearest_index >= 0); int target_index = (nearest_index + 1); if(target_index >= path.cur_index) { next_point_on_path = to; } else { next_point_on_path = path.data[target_index]; } } BUFF_ITER_I(Vec2, &path, i) { if(i == 0) { } else { dbgcol(BLUE) dbgline(*it, path.data[i-1]); } } { if(npc_attacks_with_sword(it)) { if(fabsf(it->vel.x) > 0.01f) it->facing_left = it->vel.x < 0.0f; it->pos = move_and_slide((MoveSlideParams){it, it->pos, MulV2F(it->vel, pixels_per_meter * dt)}); AABB weapon_aabb = entity_sword_aabb(it, 30.0f, 18.0f); Vec2 target_vel = {0}; Overlapping overlapping_weapon = get_overlapping(cur_level, weapon_aabb); if(it->swing_timer > 0.0) { player_in_combat = true; it->swing_timer += dt; if(it->swing_timer >= anim_sprite_duration(ANIM_skeleton_swing_sword)) { it->swing_timer = 0.0; } if(it->swing_timer >= 0.4f) { SwordToDamage to_damage = entity_sword_to_do_damage(it, overlapping_weapon); Entity *from = it; BUFF_ITER(Entity *, &to_damage) { request_do_damage(*it, from, DAMAGE_SWORD); } } } else { // in huntin' range //it->walking = LenV2(SubV2(player->pos, it->pos)) < 250.0f; it->walking = true; if(it->walking) { player_in_combat = true; Entity *skele = it; BUFF_ITER(Overlap, &overlapping_weapon) { if(it->e && it->e->is_character) { skele->swing_timer += dt; BUFF_CLEAR(&skele->done_damage_to_this_swing); } } target_vel = MulV2F(NormV2(SubV2(next_point_on_path, it->pos)), PLAYER_ROLL_SPEED); } else { } } it->vel = LerpV2(it->vel, dt*8.0f, target_vel); } if(npc_attacks_with_shotgun(it)) if(succeeded) { Vec2 to_player = NormV2(SubV2(targeting->pos, it->pos)); Vec2 rotate_direction; if(it->direction_of_spiral_pattern) { rotate_direction = rotate_counter_clockwise(to_player); } else { rotate_direction = rotate_clockwise(to_player); } Vec2 target_vel = NormV2(SubV2(next_point_on_path, it->pos)); target_vel = MulV2F(target_vel, 3.0f); it->vel = LerpV2(it->vel, 15.0f * dt, target_vel); CollisionInfo col = {0}; it->pos = move_and_slide((MoveSlideParams){it, it->pos, MulV2F(it->vel, pixels_per_meter * dt), .col_info_out = &col}); if(col.happened) { it->direction_of_spiral_pattern = !it->direction_of_spiral_pattern; } if(it->standing == STANDING_FIGHTING) { it->shotgun_timer += dt; Vec2 to_player = NormV2(SubV2(targeting->pos, it->pos)); if(it->shotgun_timer >= 1.0f) { it->shotgun_timer = 0.0f; const float spread = (float)PI/4.0f; // shoot shotgun int num_bullets = 5; for(int i = 0; i < num_bullets; i++) { Vec2 dir = to_player; float theta = Lerp(-spread/2.0f, ((float)i / (float)(num_bullets - 1)), spread/2.0f); dir = RotateV2(dir, theta); Entity *new_bullet = new_entity(); new_bullet->is_bullet = true; new_bullet->pos = AddV2(it->pos, MulV2F(dir, 20.0f)); new_bullet->vel = MulV2F(dir, 15.0f); it->vel = AddV2(it->vel, MulV2F(dir, -3.0f)); } } } } } } if(it->npc_kind == NPC_OldMan) { /* draw_dialog_panel(it); Entity *targeting = player; it->shotgun_timer += dt; Vec2 to_player = NormV2(SubV2(targeting->pos, it->pos)); if(it->shotgun_timer >= 1.0f) { it->shotgun_timer = 0.0f; const float spread = (float)PI/4.0f; // shoot shotgun int num_bullets = 5; for(int i = 0; i < num_bullets; i++) { Vec2 dir = to_player; float theta = Lerp(-spread/2.0f, ((float)i / (float)(num_bullets - 1)), spread/2.0f); dir = RotateV2(dir, theta); Entity *new_bullet = new_entity(); new_bullet->is_bullet = true; new_bullet->pos = AddV2(it->pos, MulV2F(dir, 20.0f)); new_bullet->vel = MulV2F(dir, 15.0f); it->vel = AddV2(it->vel, MulV2F(dir, -3.0f)); } } Vec2 target_vel = NormV2(AddV2(rotate_counter_clockwise(to_player), MulV2F(to_player, 0.5f))); target_vel = MulV2F(target_vel, 3.0f); it->vel = LerpV2(it->vel, 15.0f * dt, target_vel); it->pos = move_and_slide((MoveSlideParams){it, it->pos, MulV2F(it->vel, pixels_per_meter * dt)}); */ } else if(npc_is_skeleton(it)) { if(it->dead) { } else { } // skelton combat and movement } else if(it->npc_kind == NPC_Death) { } #if 0 else if(it->npc_kind == DEATH) { draw_animated_sprite(&death_idle, elapsed_time, true, AddV2(it->pos, V2(0, 30.0f)), col); } else if(it->npc_kind == MERCHANT) { draw_animated_sprite(&merchant_idle, elapsed_time, true, AddV2(it->pos, V2(0, 30.0f)), col); } #endif else if(it->npc_kind == NPC_MOOSE) { } else if(it->npc_kind == NPC_GodRock) { } else if(it->npc_kind == NPC_Edeline) { } else if(it->npc_kind == NPC_TheGuard) { if(it->moved) { it->walking = true; Vec2 towards = SubV2(it->target_goto, it->pos); if(LenV2(towards) > 1.0f) { it->pos = LerpV2(it->pos, dt*5.0f, it->target_goto); } } else { it->walking = false; } } else { assert(false); } if(it->damage >= entity_max_damage(it)) { if(npc_is_skeleton(it)) { it->dead = true; } else { it->destroy = true; } } } else if (it->is_item) { if(it->held_by_player) { Vec2 held_spot = V2(15.0f * (player->facing_left ? -1.0f : 1.0f), 7.0f); it->pos = AddV2(player->pos, held_spot); } else { it->vel = LerpV2(it->vel, dt*7.0f, V2(0.0f,0.0f)); CollisionInfo info = {0}; it->pos = move_and_slide((MoveSlideParams){it, it->pos, MulV2F(it->vel, pixels_per_meter * dt), .dont_collide_with_entities = true, .col_info_out = &info}); if(info.happened) it->vel = ReflectV2(it->vel, info.normal); } //draw_quad((DrawParams){true, it->pos, IMG(image_white_square) } else if (it->is_bullet) { it->pos = AddV2(it->pos, MulV2F(it->vel, pixels_per_meter * dt)); dbgvec(it->pos, it->vel); Overlapping over = get_overlapping(cur_level, entity_aabb(it)); Entity *from_bullet = it; bool destroy_bullet = false; BUFF_ITER(Overlap, &over) if(it->e != from_bullet) { if(!it->is_tile && !(it->e->is_bullet)) { // knockback and damage request_do_damage(it->e, from_bullet, DAMAGE_BULLET); destroy_bullet = true; } } if(destroy_bullet) *from_bullet = (Entity){0}; if(!has_point(level_aabb, it->pos)) *it = (Entity){0}; } else if(it->is_character) { } else if(it->is_prop) { } else { assert(false); } } } PROFILE_SCOPE("Destroy gs.entities, maybe send generation requests") { ENTITIES_ITER(gs.entities) { if(it->destroy) { int gen = it->generation; *it = (Entity){0}; it->generation = gen; } if(it->perceptions_dirty && !npc_does_dialog(it)) { it->perceptions_dirty = false; } if(it->perceptions_dirty) { PromptBuff prompt = {0}; #ifdef DO_CHATGPT_PARSING generate_chatgpt_prompt(it, &prompt); #else generate_prompt(it, &prompt); #endif Log("Sending request with prompt `%s`\n", prompt.data); #ifdef WEB // fire off generation request, save id BUFF(char, 512) completion_server_url = {0}; printf_buff(&completion_server_url, "%s/completion", SERVER_URL); int req_id = EM_ASM_INT({ return make_generation_request(UTF8ToString($1), UTF8ToString($0)); }, completion_server_url.data, prompt.data); it->gen_request_id = req_id; #endif #ifdef DESKTOP BUFF(char, 1024) mocked_ai_response = {0}; #define SAY(act, txt) { printf_buff(&mocked_ai_response, "%s \"%s\"", actions[act], txt); } if(it->npc_kind == NPC_TheGuard) { if(it->last_seen_holding_kind == ITEM_Tripod && !it->moved) { SAY(ACT_allows_player_to_pass, "Here you go"); } else { SAY(ACT_none, "You passed"); } } else { //SAY(ACT_joins_player, "I am an NPC"); SAY(ACT_fights_player, "I am an NPC. Bla bla bl alb djsfklalfkdsaj. Did you know shortcake?"); } Perception p = {0}; assert(parse_chatgpt_response(it, mocked_ai_response.data, &p)); process_perception(it, p); #undef SAY #endif it->perceptions_dirty = false; } } } PROFILE_SCOPE("process player") { // do dialog Entity *closest_interact_with = 0; { // find closest to talk to { AABB dialog_rect = centered_aabb(player->pos, V2(dialog_interact_size , dialog_interact_size)); dbgrect(dialog_rect); Overlapping possible_dialogs = get_overlapping(cur_level, dialog_rect); float closest_interact_with_dist = INFINITY; BUFF_ITER(Overlap, &possible_dialogs) { bool entity_talkable = true; if(entity_talkable) entity_talkable = entity_talkable && !it->is_tile; if(entity_talkable) entity_talkable = entity_talkable && it->e->is_npc; //if(entity_talkable) entity_talkable = entity_talkable && !(it->e->npc_kind == NPC_Skeleton); #ifdef WEB if(entity_talkable) entity_talkable = entity_talkable && it->e->gen_request_id == 0; #endif bool entity_pickupable = !it->is_tile && !gete(player->holding_item) && it->e->is_item; if(entity_talkable || entity_pickupable) { float dist = LenV2(SubV2(it->e->pos, player->pos)); if(dist < closest_interact_with_dist) { closest_interact_with_dist = dist; closest_interact_with = it->e; } } } } interacting_with = closest_interact_with; if(player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING) { interacting_with = gete(player->talking_to); assert(interacting_with); } // maybe get rid of talking to if(player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING) { if(gete(player->talking_to) == 0) { player->state = CHARACTER_IDLE; } } } if(interact) { if(player->in_conversation_mode) { player->in_conversation_mode = false; } else if(closest_interact_with) { if(closest_interact_with->is_npc) { // begin dialog with closest npc player->state = CHARACTER_TALKING; player->talking_to = frome(closest_interact_with); } else if(closest_interact_with->is_item) { // pick up item closest_interact_with->held_by_player = true; player->holding_item = frome(closest_interact_with); } else { assert(false); } } else { if(gete(player->holding_item)) { // throw item if not talking to somebody with item Entity *thrown = gete(player->holding_item); assert(thrown); thrown->vel = MulV2F(player->to_throw_direction, 20.0f); thrown->held_by_player = false; player->holding_item = (EntityRef){0}; } else { player->in_conversation_mode = true; } } } float speed = 0.0f; { if(roll && !player->is_rolling && player->time_not_rolling > 0.3f && (player->state == CHARACTER_IDLE || player->state == CHARACTER_WALKING)) { player->is_rolling = true; player->roll_progress = 0.0; } if(attack && (player->state == CHARACTER_IDLE || player->state == CHARACTER_WALKING)) { player->state = CHARACTER_ATTACK; BUFF_CLEAR(&player->done_damage_to_this_swing); player->swing_progress = 0.0; } // after images BUFF_ITER(PlayerAfterImage, &player->after_images) { it->alive_for += dt; } if(player->after_images.data[0].alive_for >= AFTERIMAGE_LIFETIME) { BUFF_REMOVE_FRONT(&player->after_images); } // roll processing { if(player->state != CHARACTER_IDLE && player->state != CHARACTER_WALKING) { player->roll_progress = 0.0; player->is_rolling = false; } if(player->is_rolling) { player->after_image_timer += dt; player->time_not_rolling = 0.0f; player->roll_progress += dt; if(player->roll_progress > anim_sprite_duration(ANIM_knight_rolling)) { player->is_rolling = false; } } if(!player->is_rolling) player->time_not_rolling += dt; } Vec2 target_vel = {0}; if(LenV2(movement) > 0.01f) player->to_throw_direction = NormV2(movement); if(player->state == CHARACTER_WALKING) { speed = PLAYER_SPEED; if(player->is_rolling) speed = PLAYER_ROLL_SPEED; if(gete(player->holding_item) && gete(player->holding_item)->item_kind == ITEM_Boots) { speed *= 2.0f; } if(LenV2(movement) == 0.0) { player->state = CHARACTER_IDLE; } else { } } else if(player->state == CHARACTER_IDLE) { if(LenV2(movement) > 0.01) player->state = CHARACTER_WALKING; } else if(player->state == CHARACTER_ATTACK) { AABB weapon_aabb = entity_sword_aabb(player, 40.0f, 25.0f); dbgrect(weapon_aabb); SwordToDamage to_damage = entity_sword_to_do_damage(player, get_overlapping(cur_level, weapon_aabb)); BUFF_ITER(Entity*, &to_damage) { request_do_damage(*it, player, DAMAGE_SWORD); } player->swing_progress += dt; if(player->swing_progress > anim_sprite_duration(ANIM_knight_attack)) { player->state = CHARACTER_IDLE; } } else if(player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING) { } else { assert(false); // unknown character state? not defined how to process } } // not time stopped // velocity processing { Vec2 target_vel = MulV2F(movement, pixels_per_meter * speed); player->vel = LerpV2(player->vel, dt * 15.0f, target_vel); player->pos = move_and_slide((MoveSlideParams){player, player->pos, MulV2F(player->vel, dt)}); } // health if(player->damage >= 1.0) { reset_level(); } } interact_just_pressed = false; mouse_just_clicked = false; interact = false; } // while loop } PROFILE_SCOPE("render player") { DrawnAnimatedSprite to_draw = {0}; Vec2 character_sprite_pos = AddV2(player->pos, V2(0.0, 20.0f)); // if somebody, show their dialog panel if(interacting_with) { // interaction keyboard hint if(!mobile_controls) { float size = 100.0f; Vec2 midpoint = MulV2F(AddV2(interacting_with->pos, player->pos), 0.5f); draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(AddV2(midpoint, V2(0.0, 5.0f + sinf((float)elapsed_time*3.0f)*5.0f)), V2(size, size)), IMG(image_e_icon), blendalpha(WHITE, clamp01(1.0f - learned_e)), .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, .queue_for_translucent = true}); } // interaction circle draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(interacting_with->pos, V2(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)), image_hovering_circle, full_region(image_hovering_circle), WHITE}); } if(player->state == CHARACTER_WALKING) { if(player->is_rolling) { to_draw = (DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_knight_running, player->roll_progress, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE}; } else { to_draw = (DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_knight_running, elapsed_time, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE}; } } else if(player->state == CHARACTER_IDLE) { if(player->is_rolling) { to_draw = (DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_knight_running, player->roll_progress, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE}; } else { to_draw = (DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_knight_idle, elapsed_time, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE}; } } else if(player->state == CHARACTER_ATTACK) { to_draw = (DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_knight_attack, player->swing_progress, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE}; } else if(player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING) { to_draw = (DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_knight_idle, elapsed_time, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE}; } else { assert(false); // unknown character state? not defined how to draw } // hurt vignette if(player->damage > 0.0) { draw_quad((DrawParams){false, (Quad){.ul=V2(0.0f, screen_size().Y), .ur = screen_size(), .lr = V2(screen_size().X, 0.0f)}, image_hurt_vignette, full_region(image_hurt_vignette), (Color){1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, player->damage}, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, .queue_for_translucent = true}); } player->anim_change_timer += dt; if(player->anim_change_timer >= 0.05f) { player->anim_change_timer = 0.0f; player->cur_animation = to_draw.anim; } to_draw.anim = player->cur_animation; Vec2 target_sprite_pos = to_draw.pos; BUFF_ITER_I(PlayerAfterImage, &player->after_images, i) { { DrawnAnimatedSprite to_draw = it->drawn; to_draw.tint.a = 0.5f; float progress_through_life = it->alive_for / AFTERIMAGE_LIFETIME; if(progress_through_life > 0.5f) { float fade_amount = (progress_through_life - 0.5f)/0.5f; to_draw.tint.a = Lerp(0.8f, fade_amount, 0.0f); Vec2 target; if(i != player->after_images.cur_index-1) target = player->after_images.data[i+1].drawn.pos; else target = target_sprite_pos; to_draw.pos = LerpV2(to_draw.pos, fade_amount, target); } to_draw.no_shadow = true; draw_animated_sprite(to_draw); } } //if(player->is_rolling^) to_draw.tint.a = 0.5f; if(to_draw.anim) { draw_animated_sprite(to_draw); if(player->after_image_timer >= TIME_TO_GEN_AFTERIMAGE) { player->after_image_timer = 0.0; if(BUFF_HAS_SPACE(&player->after_images)) BUFF_APPEND(&player->after_images, (PlayerAfterImage){.drawn = to_draw}); } } } // render gs.entities render entities PROFILE_SCOPE("entity rendering") ENTITIES_ITER(gs.entities) { #ifdef WEB if(it->gen_request_id != 0) { draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(AddV2(it->pos, V2(0.0, 50.0)), V2(100.0,100.0)), IMG(image_thinking), WHITE}); } #endif Color col = LerpV4(WHITE, it->damage, RED); if(it->is_npc) { float dist = LenV2(SubV2(it->pos, player->pos)); dist -= 10.0f; // radius around point where dialog is completely opaque float max_dist = dialog_interact_size/2.0f; float alpha = 1.0f - (float)clamp(dist/max_dist, 0.0, 1.0); if(gete(player->talking_to) == it && player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING) alpha = 1.0f; if(it->being_hovered) { draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(it->pos, V2(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)), IMG(image_hovering_circle), WHITE}); alpha = 1.0f; } // health bar { Vec2 health_bar_size = V2(TILE_SIZE, 0.1f * TILE_SIZE); float health_bar_progress = 1.0f - (it->damage / entity_max_damage(it)); Vec2 health_bar_center = AddV2(it->pos, V2(0.0f, -15.0f)); Vec2 bar_upper_left = AddV2(health_bar_center, MulV2F(health_bar_size, -0.5f)); draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_at(bar_upper_left, health_bar_size), IMG(image_white_square), BROWN}); draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_at(bar_upper_left, V2(health_bar_size.x * health_bar_progress, health_bar_size.y)), IMG(image_white_square), GREEN}); } it->dialog_panel_opacity = Lerp(it->dialog_panel_opacity, unwarped_dt*10.0f, alpha); draw_dialog_panel(it, it->dialog_panel_opacity); if(it->npc_kind == NPC_OldMan) { bool face_left =SubV2(player->pos, it->pos).x < 0.0f; draw_animated_sprite((DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_old_man_idle, elapsed_time, face_left, it->pos, col}); } else if(npc_is_skeleton(it)) { Color col = WHITE; if(it->dead) { draw_animated_sprite((DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_skeleton_die, it->dead_time, it->facing_left, it->pos, col}); } else { if(it->swing_timer > 0.0) { // swinging sword draw_animated_sprite((DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_skeleton_swing_sword, it->swing_timer, it->facing_left, it->pos, col}); } else { if(it->walking) { draw_animated_sprite((DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_skeleton_run, elapsed_time, it->facing_left, it->pos, col}); } else { draw_animated_sprite((DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_skeleton_idle, elapsed_time, it->facing_left, it->pos, col}); } } } } else if(it->npc_kind == NPC_Death) { draw_animated_sprite((DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_death_idle, elapsed_time, true, AddV2(it->pos, V2(0, 30.0f)), col}); } else if(it->npc_kind == NPC_GodRock) { Vec2 prop_size = V2(46.0f, 40.0f); DrawParams d = (DrawParams){true, quad_centered(AddV2(it->pos, V2(-0.0f, 0.0)), prop_size), image_props_atlas, aabb_at_yplusdown(V2(15.0f, 219.0f), prop_size), WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = y_coord_sorting_at(AddV2(it->pos, V2(0.0f, 20.0f))), .alpha_clip_threshold = 0.7f}; draw_shadow_for(d); draw_quad(d); } else if(npc_is_knight_sprite(it)) { Color tint = WHITE; if(it->npc_kind == NPC_TheGuard) { tint = colhex(0xa84032); } else if(it->npc_kind == NPC_Edeline) { tint = colhex(0x8c34eb); } else { assert(false); } draw_animated_sprite((DrawnAnimatedSprite){ANIM_knight_idle, elapsed_time, true, AddV2(it->pos, V2(0, 30.0f)), tint}); } else if(it->npc_kind == NPC_MOOSE) { //draw_animated_sprite(&moose_idle, elapsed_time, true, AddV2(it->pos, V2(0, 30.0f)), col); } else { assert(false); } } else if (it->is_item) { Quad drawn = quad_centered(it->pos, V2(15.0f, 15.0f)); if(it->item_kind == ITEM_Tripod) { draw_quad((DrawParams){true, drawn, IMG(image_tripod), WHITE}); } else if(it->item_kind == ITEM_Boots) { draw_quad((DrawParams){true, drawn, IMG(image_boots), WHITE}); } else if(it->item_kind == ITEM_WhiteSquare) { colorquad(true, drawn, WHITE); } else { assert(false); } } else if (it->is_bullet) { AABB normal_aabb = entity_aabb(it); Quad drawn = quad_centered(aabb_center(normal_aabb), MulV2F(aabb_size(normal_aabb), 1.5f)); draw_quad((DrawParams){true, drawn, IMG(image_bullet), WHITE}); } else if(it->is_character) { } else if(it->is_prop) { DrawParams d = {0}; if(it->prop_kind == TREE0) { Vec2 prop_size = V2(74.0f, 122.0f); d = (DrawParams){true, quad_centered(AddV2(it->pos, V2(-5.0f, 45.0)), prop_size), image_props_atlas, aabb_at_yplusdown(V2(2.0f, 4.0f), prop_size), WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = y_coord_sorting_at(AddV2(it->pos, V2(0.0f, 20.0f))), .alpha_clip_threshold = 0.7f}; } else if(it->prop_kind == TREE1) { Vec2 prop_size = V2(94.0f, 120.0f); d = ((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(AddV2(it->pos, V2(-4.0f, 55.0)), prop_size), image_props_atlas, aabb_at_yplusdown(V2(105.0f, 4.0f), prop_size), WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = y_coord_sorting_at(AddV2(it->pos, V2(0.0f, 20.0f))), .alpha_clip_threshold = 0.4f}); } else if(it->prop_kind == TREE2) { Vec2 prop_size = V2(128.0f, 192.0f); d = ((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(AddV2(it->pos, V2(-2.5f, 70.0)), prop_size), image_props_atlas, aabb_at_yplusdown(V2(385.0f, 479.0f), prop_size), WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = y_coord_sorting_at(AddV2(it->pos, V2(0.0f, 20.0f))), .alpha_clip_threshold = 0.4f}); } else if(it->prop_kind == ROCK0) { Vec2 prop_size = V2(30.0f, 22.0f); d = (DrawParams){true, quad_centered(AddV2(it->pos, V2(0.0f, 25.0)), prop_size), image_props_atlas, aabb_at_yplusdown(V2(66.0f, 235.0f), prop_size), WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = y_coord_sorting_at(AddV2(it->pos, V2(0.0f, 0.0f))), .alpha_clip_threshold = 0.7f}; } else { assert(false); } draw_shadow_for(d); draw_quad(d); } else { assert(false); } } // translucent draw_all_translucent(); // ui #define HELPER_SIZE 250.0f if(!mobile_controls) { float total_height = HELPER_SIZE * 2.0f; float vertical_spacing = HELPER_SIZE/2.0f; total_height -= (total_height - (vertical_spacing + HELPER_SIZE)); const float padding = 50.0f; float y = screen_size().y/2.0f + total_height/2.0f; draw_quad((DrawParams){false, quad_at(V2(padding, y), V2(HELPER_SIZE,HELPER_SIZE)), IMG(image_shift_icon), (Color){1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,fmaxf(0.0f, 1.0f-learned_shift)}, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT}); y -= vertical_spacing; draw_quad((DrawParams){false, quad_at(V2(padding, y), V2(HELPER_SIZE,HELPER_SIZE)), IMG(image_space_icon), (Color){1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,fmaxf(0.0f, 1.0f-learned_space)}, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT}); } if(mobile_controls) { float thumbstick_nub_size = (img_size(image_mobile_thumbstick_nub).x / img_size(image_mobile_thumbstick_base).x) * thumbstick_base_size(); draw_quad((DrawParams){false, quad_centered(thumbstick_base_pos, V2(thumbstick_base_size(), thumbstick_base_size())), IMG(image_mobile_thumbstick_base), WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT}); draw_quad((DrawParams){false, quad_centered(thumbstick_nub_pos, V2(thumbstick_nub_size, thumbstick_nub_size)), IMG(image_mobile_thumbstick_nub), WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT}); if(interacting_with || gete(player->holding_item)) { draw_quad((DrawParams){false, quad_centered(interact_button_pos(), V2(mobile_button_size(), mobile_button_size())), IMG(image_mobile_button), WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT}); } draw_quad((DrawParams){false, quad_centered(roll_button_pos(), V2(mobile_button_size(), mobile_button_size())), IMG(image_mobile_button), WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT}); draw_quad((DrawParams){false, quad_centered(attack_button_pos(), V2(mobile_button_size(), mobile_button_size())), IMG(image_mobile_button), WHITE, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT}); } #ifdef DEVTOOLS dbgsquare(screen_to_world(mouse_pos)); // tile coord if(show_devtools) { TileCoord hovering = world_to_tilecoord(screen_to_world(mouse_pos)); Vec2 points[4] ={0}; AABB q = tile_aabb(hovering); dbgrect(q); draw_text((TextParams){false, false, tprint("%d", get_tile(&level_level0, hovering).kind), world_to_screen(tilecoord_to_world(hovering)), BLACK, 1.0f}); } // debug draw font image { draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(V2(0.0, 0.0), V2(250.0, 250.0)), image_font,full_region(image_font), WHITE}); } // statistics if(show_devtools) PROFILE_SCOPE("statistics") { Vec2 pos = V2(0.0, screen_size().Y); int num_entities = 0; ENTITIES_ITER(gs.entities) num_entities++; char *stats = tprint("Frametime: %.1f ms\nProcessing: %.1f ms\nEntities: %d\nDraw calls: %d\nProfiling: %s\nNumber gameplay processing loops: %d\n", dt*1000.0, last_frame_processing_time*1000.0, num_entities, num_draw_calls, profiling ? "yes" : "no", num_timestep_loops); AABB bounds = draw_text((TextParams){false, true, stats, pos, BLACK, 1.0f}); pos.Y -= bounds.upper_left.Y - screen_size().Y; bounds = draw_text((TextParams){false, true, stats, pos, BLACK, 1.0f}); // background panel colorquad(false, quad_aabb(bounds), (Color){1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3f}); draw_text((TextParams){false, false, stats, pos, BLACK, 1.0f}); num_draw_calls = 0; } #endif // devtools // update camera position { Vec2 target = MulV2F(player->pos, -1.0f * cam.scale); if(LenV2(SubV2(target, cam.pos)) <= 0.2) { cam.pos = target; } else { cam.pos = LerpV2(cam.pos, unwarped_dt*8.0f, target); } } PROFILE_SCOPE("flush rendering") { flush_quad_batch(); sg_end_pass(); sg_commit(); } last_frame_processing_time = stm_sec(stm_diff(stm_now(),time_start_frame)); reset(&scratch); } } void cleanup(void) { sg_shutdown(); Log("Cleaning up\n"); } void event(const sapp_event *e) { if(e->key_repeat) return; if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_TOUCHES_BEGAN) { if(!mobile_controls) { thumbstick_base_pos = V2(screen_size().x * 0.25f, screen_size().y * 0.25f); thumbstick_nub_pos = thumbstick_base_pos; } mobile_controls = true; } #ifdef DESKTOP // the desktop text backend, for debugging purposes if(receiving_text_input) { if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_CHAR) { if(BUFF_HAS_SPACE(&text_input_buffer)) { BUFF_APPEND(&text_input_buffer, (char)e->char_code); } } if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_KEY_DOWN && e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_ENTER) { receiving_text_input = false; end_text_input(text_input_buffer.data); } } #endif // mobile handling touch controls handling touch input if(mobile_controls) { if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_TOUCHES_BEGAN) { #define TOUCHPOINT_SCREEN(point) V2(point.pos_x, screen_size().y - point.pos_y) for(int i = 0; i < e->num_touches; i++) { sapp_touchpoint point = e->touches[i]; Vec2 touchpoint_screen_pos = TOUCHPOINT_SCREEN(point); if(touchpoint_screen_pos.x < screen_size().x*0.4f) { if(!movement_touch.active) { //if(LenV2(SubV2(touchpoint_screen_pos, thumbstick_base_pos)) > 1.25f * thumbstick_base_size()) if(true) { thumbstick_base_pos = touchpoint_screen_pos; } movement_touch = activate(point.identifier); thumbstick_nub_pos = thumbstick_base_pos; } } if(LenV2(SubV2(touchpoint_screen_pos, roll_button_pos())) < mobile_button_size()*0.5f) { roll_pressed_by = activate(point.identifier); mobile_roll_pressed = true; } if(LenV2(SubV2(touchpoint_screen_pos, interact_button_pos())) < mobile_button_size()*0.5f) { interact_pressed_by = activate(point.identifier); mobile_interact_pressed = true; interact_just_pressed = true; } if(LenV2(SubV2(touchpoint_screen_pos, attack_button_pos())) < mobile_button_size()*0.5f) { attack_pressed_by = activate(point.identifier); mobile_attack_pressed = true; } } } if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_TOUCHES_MOVED) { for(int i = 0; i < e->num_touches; i++) { if(movement_touch.active) { if(e->touches[i].identifier == movement_touch.identifier) { thumbstick_nub_pos = TOUCHPOINT_SCREEN(e->touches[i]); Vec2 move_vec = SubV2(thumbstick_nub_pos, thumbstick_base_pos); float clampto_size = thumbstick_base_size()/2.0f; if(LenV2(move_vec) > clampto_size) { thumbstick_nub_pos = AddV2(thumbstick_base_pos, MulV2F(NormV2(move_vec), clampto_size)); } } } } } if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_TOUCHES_ENDED) { for(int i = 0; i < e->num_touches; i++) if(e->touches[i].changed) // only some of the touch events are released { if(maybe_deactivate(&interact_pressed_by, e->touches[i].identifier)) { mobile_interact_pressed = false; } if(maybe_deactivate(&roll_pressed_by, e->touches[i].identifier)) { mobile_roll_pressed = false; } if(maybe_deactivate(&attack_pressed_by, e->touches[i].identifier)) { mobile_attack_pressed = false; } if(maybe_deactivate(&movement_touch, e->touches[i].identifier)) { thumbstick_nub_pos = thumbstick_base_pos; } } } } if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_MOUSE_DOWN) { if(e->mouse_button == SAPP_MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT) { mouse_just_clicked = true; } } if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_KEY_DOWN) #ifdef DESKTOP if(!receiving_text_input) #endif { mobile_controls = false; assert(e->key_code < sizeof(keydown)/sizeof(*keydown)); keydown[e->key_code] = true; if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_E) { interact_just_pressed = true; } if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_LEFT_SHIFT) { learned_shift += 0.15f; } if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_SPACE) { learned_space += 0.15f; } if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_E) { learned_e += 0.15f; } #ifdef DESKTOP // very nice for my run from cmdline workflow, escape to quit if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_ESCAPE) { sapp_quit(); } #endif #ifdef DEVTOOLS if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_T) { mouse_frozen = !mouse_frozen; } if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_M) { mobile_controls = true; } if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_P) { profiling = !profiling; if(profiling) { init_profiling("rpgpt.spall"); init_profiling_mythread(0); } else { end_profiling_mythread(); end_profiling(); } } if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_7) { show_devtools = !show_devtools; } #endif } if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_KEY_UP) { keydown[e->key_code] = false; } if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_MOUSE_MOVE) { bool ignore_movement = false; #ifdef DEVTOOLS if(mouse_frozen) ignore_movement = true; #endif if(!ignore_movement) mouse_pos = V2(e->mouse_x, (float)sapp_height() - e->mouse_y); } } sapp_desc sokol_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; return (sapp_desc){ .init_cb = init, .frame_cb = frame, .cleanup_cb = cleanup, .event_cb = event, .width = 800, .height = 600, //.gl_force_gles2 = true, not sure why this was here in example, look into .window_title = "RPGPT", .win32_console_attach = true, .win32_console_create = true, .icon.sokol_default = true, }; }