Player: "Hey old man" Old Man: "Hmm? Another player?" Player: "Fuck bitch cunt nugget" Old Man: "Now now, let's be courteous. We wouldn't want any trouble now would we?" Player: "Fuck you!" Old Man: "*fights player*" Player: "Who are you?" Old Man: "I'm but a simple old man, minding my business. That is, until you came along!" Player: "What did I do?" Old Man: "Change, even when positive, brings suffering." Player: "Man fuck you" Old Man: "Careful, I have a shotgun and I'm not afraid to stand my ground!" Player: "Fuck off" Old Man: "*fights player*" Player: "Who are you?" Old Man: "Why I'm just a simple old man, minding my business. What brings you here?" Player: "I'm not sure. What needs doing?" Old Man: "Nothing much. It's pretty boring around here. Monsters are threatening our village though." Player: "Holy shit! I better get to it" Old Man: "He he, certainly! Good luck!" Player: "Why does anything exist at all." Old Man: "All is one, one is all. Infinity is all." Player: "I'll fucking kill you" Old Man: "Watch out, I'ma bout to become more aggressive" Player: "I don't care" Old Man: "... *fights player*" Player: "Where are we?" Old Man: "On a lush peaceful island, do you have eyes?" Player: "That's rude" Old Man: "Apologies young man, my back hurts." Player: "It's aight. Where's the next goal playah?" Old Man: "Keep walking ahead, you'll find what you need. Be wary of monsters!" Player: "Is your arthritis getting better?" Old Man: "Nope! Still hurts." Player: "Sorry to hear that." Old Man: "Bah whatever. Go back to saving the world" Player: "Is your arthritis getting better?" Old Man: "Nope! Still hurts." Player: "Sorry to hear that." Old Man: "Bah whatever. Go back to saving the world" Player: "What can you tell me about this island?" Old Man: "Ah, this island is a hidden gem, filled with natural beauty and serene landscapes. But beware, there are dangerous creatures lurking in the shadows." Player: "What do you know about the monsters around here?" Old Man: "Oh, I've seen my fair share of them. They're vicious and unpredictable. You'll need to be well-prepared if you want to stand a chance against them." Player: "Do you know anything about the ancient ruins on this island?" Old Man: "Ah, yes. The ruins are said to hold great power and secrets. Many have tried to uncover their mysteries, but few have succeeded. If you're brave enough to explore them, be sure to bring your wits and your weapons." Player: "What's your story, old timer?" Old Man: "My story? Ha! It's a long one, full of adventure and heartbreak. But that's a tale for another time. Right now, you've got a job to do. Go out there and make a difference in this world." Player: "What's the best way to defend myself against the monsters?" Old Man: "Well, it depends on the type of monster you're facing. Some are weak to fire, others to ice. Some can be defeated with brute force, while others require a more strategic approach. You'll need to study each one and figure out its weaknesses if you want to have any hope of surviving." Player: "Do you have any advice for a young adventurer like myself?" Old Man: "Indeed I do. Always stay alert and keep your wits about you. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. And above all, never give up, no matter how difficult the task may seem." Player: "Why do you stay on this island?" Old Man: "I've been here for many years, ever since I retired from my adventures. There's a certain peace to be found here, away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the world. And who knows, maybe there's still a bit of adventure to be had on this island." Player: "What's the most dangerous creature you've ever faced?" Old Man: "Ah, that would have to be the moose creature that guarded the treasure hoard in the Lost Caverns. That thing was enormous, with skin as hard as steel and the toughest weapon I've ever seen. I barely escaped with my life." Player: "Do you miss your old adventuring days?" Old Man: "Of course I do. There's nothing quite like the thrill of the unknown, the rush of battle, the satisfaction of overcoming impossible odds. But those days are behind me now. I'm content to live out my remaining years here, watching the world go by." Player: "What's the most important lesson you've learned in your travels?" Old Man: "That there's always more to learn. No matter how much you think you know, there's always a new challenge, a new experience, a new perspective waiting just around the corner. Never stop learning, and never stop growing." Player: "Do you miss your old adventuring days?" Old Man: "Of course I do. There's nothing quite like the thrill of the unknown, the rush of battle, the satisfaction of overcoming impossible odds. But those days are behind me now. I'm content to live out my remaining years here, watching the world go by." Player: "What's the most important lesson you've learned in your travels?" Old Man: "That there's always more to learn. No matter how much you think you know, there's always a new challenge, a new experience, a new perspective waiting just around the corner. Never stop learning, and never stop growing." Player: "Man you sound really lame" Old Man: "You better watch your tongue, I'm not afraid to stand up for myself" Player: "I don't care, you suck" Old Man: "That's it! *fights player*" Player: "I hate you." Old Man: "Careful, I have a shotgun" Player: "What did I do?" Old Man: "Insulted me!" Player: "Man fuck you." Old Man: "Careful, I have a shotgun and I'm not afraid to stand my ground!" Player: "Fuck off." Old Man: "*fights player*"