You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

590 lines
15 KiB

#pragma once
#include "buff.h"
#include "HandmadeMath.h" // vector types in entity struct definition
#include "better_assert.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // atoi
#include "character_info.h"
#include "characters.gen.h"
#include "tuning.h"
#define Log(...) { printf("%s Log %d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); }
// Never expected such a stupid stuff from such a great director. If there is 0 stari can give that or -200 to this movie. Its worst to see and unnecessary loss of money
#define PushWithLint(arena, list, ...) { MD_S8ListPushFmt(arena, list, __VA_ARGS__); if(false) printf( __VA_ARGS__); }
#define FmtWithLint(arena, ...) (0 ? printf(__VA_ARGS__) : (void)0, MD_S8Fmt(arena, __VA_ARGS__))
typedef BUFF(char, 1024 * 10) Escaped;
bool character_valid(char c)
return c <= 126 && c >= 32;
MD_String8 escape_for_json(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 from)
MD_u64 output_size = 0;
#define SHOULD_ESCAPE(c) (c == '"' || c == '\n' || c == '\\')
for (int i = 0; i < from.size; i++)
char c = from.str[i];
output_size += 2;
if (!character_valid(c))
// replaces with question mark
Log("Unknown character code %d\n", c);
output_size += 1;
MD_String8 output = {
.str = MD_PushArray(arena, MD_u8, output_size),
.size = output_size,
MD_u64 output_cursor = 0;
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < from.size; i++)
#define APPEND(elem) APPEND_TO_NAME(output.str, output_cursor, output.size, elem);
assert(output_cursor < output.size);
if(from.str[i] == '\n')
#undef APPEND
return output;
typedef struct TextChunk
int text_length;
} TextChunk;
typedef struct TextChunkList
struct TextChunkList *next;
struct TextChunkList *prev;
TextChunk text;
} TextChunkList;
typedef struct
NpcKind targeting;
} ActionArgument;
// returns ai understandable, human readable name, so not the enum name
MD_String8 action_argument_string(ActionArgument arg)
return MD_S8CString(characters[arg.targeting].name);
typedef struct Action
ActionKind kind;
ActionArgument argument;
TextChunk speech;
NpcKind talking_to_kind;
} Action;
typedef struct
bool i_said_this; // don't trigger npc action on own self memory modification
NpcKind author_npc_kind;
NpcKind talking_to_kind;
bool heard_physically; // if not physically, the source was directly
bool dont_show_to_player; // jester and past memories are hidden to the player when made into dialog
} MemoryContext;
// memories are subjective to an individual NPC
typedef struct Memory
struct Memory *prev;
struct Memory *next;
// if action_taken is none, there might still be speech. If speech_length == 0 and action_taken == none, it's an invalid memory and something has gone wrong
ActionKind action_taken;
ActionArgument action_argument;
MemoryContext context;
TextChunk speech;
} Memory;
typedef enum PropKind
} PropKind;
typedef struct EntityRef
int index;
int generation;
} EntityRef;
typedef enum CharacterState
} CharacterState;
typedef enum
} NPCPlayerStanding;
typedef Vec4 Color;
typedef BUFF(Vec2, MAX_ASTAR_NODES) AStarPath;
typedef struct
bool exists;
int generation;
double elapsed_time;
AStarPath path;
} PathCache;
typedef struct
int generation;
int index;
} PathCacheHandle;
typedef struct
bool is_reference;
EntityRef ref;
Vec2 pos;
} Target;
// text chunk must be a literal, not a pointer
// and this returns a s8 that points at the text chunk memory
#define TextChunkString8(t) MD_S8((MD_u8*)t.text, t.text_length)
#define TextChunkVArg(t) MD_S8VArg(TextChunkString8(t))
void chunk_from_s8(TextChunk *into, MD_String8 from)
assert(from.size < ARRLEN(into->text));
memset(into->text, 0, ARRLEN(into->text));
memcpy(into->text, from.str, from.size);
into->text_length = (int)from.size;
typedef struct Entity
bool exists;
bool destroy;
int generation;
// the kinds are at the top so you can quickly see what kind an entity is in the debugger
bool is_world; // the static world. An entity is always returned when you collide with something so support that here
bool is_npc;
bool is_character;
// fields for all gs.entities
Vec2 pos;
Vec2 last_moved;
float rotation;
Vec2 vel; // only used sometimes, like in old man and bullet
float damage; // at 1.0, dead! zero initialized
bool dead;
// npcs
NpcKind npc_kind;
EntityRef joined;
bool being_hovered;
bool perceptions_dirty;
float dialog_fade;
TextChunkList *errorlist_first;
TextChunkList *errorlist_last;
#ifdef DESKTOP
int times_talked_to; // for better mocked response string
float loading_anim_in;
Memory *memories_first;
Memory *memories_last;
Memory *memories_added_while_time_stopped;
float dialog_panel_opacity;
int words_said;
float word_anim_in; // in characters, the fraction a word is animated in is this over its length.
PathCacheHandle cached_path;
int gen_request_id;
Vec2 target_goto;
// character
bool waiting_on_speech_with_somebody;
EntityRef interacting_with; // for drawing outline on maybe interacting with somebody
Vec2 to_throw_direction;
BUFF(Vec2, 8) position_history; // so npcs can follow behind the player
CharacterState state;
EntityRef talking_to;
} Entity;
typedef BUFF(NpcKind, 32) CanTalkTo;
float entity_max_damage(Entity *e)
return 1.0f;
typedef BUFF(ActionKind, 8) AvailableActions;
typedef struct GameState {
uint64_t tick;
bool won;
// processing may still occur after time has stopped on the gamestate,
bool stopped_time;
// these must point entities in its own array.
Entity *player;
Entity *world_entity;
Entity entities[MAX_ENTITIES];
} GameState;
#define ENTITIES_ITER(ents) for (Entity *it = ents; it < ents + ARRLEN(ents); it++) if (it->exists && !it->destroy && it->generation > 0)
Entity *gete_specified(GameState *gs, EntityRef ref)
if (ref.generation == 0) return 0;
Entity *to_return = &gs->entities[ref.index];
if (!to_return->exists || to_return->generation != ref.generation)
return 0;
return to_return;
void fill_available_actions(GameState *gs, Entity *it, AvailableActions *a)
*a = (AvailableActions) { 0 };
if(gete_specified(gs, it->joined))
bool npc_does_dialog(Entity *it)
return it->npc_kind < ARRLEN(characters);
// for no trailing comma just trim the last character
MD_String8 make_json_node(MD_Arena *arena, MessageType type, MD_String8 content)
MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(&arena, 1);
const char *type_str = 0;
if (type == MSG_SYSTEM)
type_str = "system";
else if (type == MSG_USER)
type_str = "user";
else if (type == MSG_ASSISTANT)
type_str = "assistant";
MD_String8 escaped = escape_for_json(scratch.arena, content);
MD_String8 to_return = FmtWithLint(arena, "{\"type\": \"%s\", \"content\": \"%.*s\"},", type_str, MD_S8VArg(escaped));
return to_return;
// outputs json which is parsed by the server
MD_String8 generate_chatgpt_prompt(MD_Arena *arena, GameState *gs, Entity *e, CanTalkTo can_talk_to)
assert(e->npc_kind < ARRLEN(characters));
MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(&arena, 1);
MD_String8List list = {0};
PushWithLint(scratch.arena, &list, "[");
#define AddFmt(...) PushWithLint(scratch.arena, &current_list, __VA_ARGS__)
#define AddNewNode(node_type) { MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &list, make_json_node(scratch.arena, node_type, MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, current_list, &(MD_StringJoin){0}))); current_list = (MD_String8List){0}; }
// make first system node
MD_String8List current_list = {0};
AddFmt("%s\n\n", global_prompt);
AddFmt("%s\n\n", characters[e->npc_kind].prompt);
AddFmt("The characters who are near you, that you can target:\n");
BUFF_ITER(NpcKind, &can_talk_to)
AddFmt("%s\n", characters[*it].name);
// @TODO unhardcode this, this will be a description of where the character is right now
AddFmt("You're currently standing in Daniel's farm's barn, a run-down structure that barely serves its purpose. Daniel's mighty protective of it though.\n");
AddFmt("The actions you can perform, what they do, and the arguments they expect:\n");
AvailableActions can_perform;
fill_available_actions(gs, e, &can_perform);
BUFF_ITER(ActionKind, &can_perform)
AddFmt("%s - %s - %s\n", actions[*it].name, actions[*it].description, actions[*it].argument_description);
MD_String8List current_list = {0};
for(Memory *it = e->memories_first; it; it = it->next)
// going through memories, I'm going to accumulate human understandable sentences for what happened in current_list.
// when I see an 'i_said_this' memory, that means I flush. and add a new assistant node.
// write a new human understandable sentence or two to current_list
if (!it->context.i_said_this) {
// dump a human understandable sentence description of what happened in this memory
if(it->action_taken != ACT_none)
if(it->action_taken == ACT_join)
AddFmt("%s joined %s\n", characters[it->context.author_npc_kind].name, characters[it->action_argument.targeting].name);
else if(it->action_taken == ACT_leave)
// Needs better handling of when you leave, because the person you were following died. Maybe entities don't die anymore?
AddFmt("%s left their party\n", characters[it->context.author_npc_kind].name);
if(it->speech.text_length > 0)
MD_String8 target_string = MD_S8Lit("the world");
if(it->context.talking_to_kind != NPC_nobody)
if(it->context.talking_to_kind == e->npc_kind)
target_string = MD_S8Lit("you");
target_string = MD_S8CString(characters[it->context.talking_to_kind].name);
MD_String8 speaking_to_you_helper = MD_S8Lit("(Speaking directly you) ");
if(it->context.talking_to_kind != e->npc_kind)
speaking_to_you_helper = MD_S8Lit("(Overheard conversation, they aren't speaking directly to you) ");
AddFmt("%.*s%s said \"%.*s\" to %.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(speaking_to_you_helper), characters[it->context.author_npc_kind].name, TextChunkVArg(it->speech), MD_S8VArg(target_string));
// if I said this, or it's the last memory, flush the current list as a user node
if(it->context.i_said_this || it == e->memories_last)
if(it == e->memories_last && e->errorlist_first)
AddFmt("Errors you made: \n");
for(TextChunkList *cur = e->errorlist_first; cur; cur = cur->next)
AddFmt("%.*s\n", TextChunkVArg(cur->text));
if(current_list.node_count > 0)
MD_String8List current_list = {0}; // shadow the list of human understandable sentences to quickly flush
AddFmt("\"speech\":\"%.*s\",", TextChunkVArg(it->speech));
AddFmt("\"action\":\"%s\",", actions[it->action_taken].name);
AddFmt("\"action_argument\":\"%.*s\",", MD_S8VArg(action_argument_string(it->action_argument)));
AddFmt("\"target\":\"%s\"}", characters[it->context.talking_to_kind].name);
MD_String8 with_trailing_comma = MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, list, &(MD_StringJoin){MD_S8Lit(""),MD_S8Lit(""),MD_S8Lit(""),});
MD_String8 no_trailing_comma = MD_S8Chop(with_trailing_comma, 1);
MD_String8 to_return = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "%.*s]", MD_S8VArg(no_trailing_comma));
return to_return;
MD_String8 get_field(MD_Node *parent, MD_String8 name)
return MD_ChildFromString(parent, name, 0)->first_child->string;
// if returned string has size greater than 0, it's the error message. Allocated
// on arena passed into it or in constant memory
MD_String8 parse_chatgpt_response(MD_Arena *arena, Entity *e, MD_String8 action_in_json, Action *out)
MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(&arena, 1);
MD_String8 error_message = {0};
*out = (Action) { 0 };
MD_ParseResult result = MD_ParseWholeString(scratch.arena, MD_S8Lit("chat_message"), action_in_json);
if(result.errors.node_count > 0)
MD_Message *cur = result.errors.first;
MD_CodeLoc loc = MD_CodeLocFromNode(cur->node);
error_message = FmtWithLint(arena, "Parse Error on column %d: %.*s", loc.column, MD_S8VArg(cur->string));
MD_Node *message_obj = result.node->first_child;
MD_String8 speech_str = {0};
MD_String8 action_str = {0};
MD_String8 action_arg_str = {0};
MD_String8 target_str = {0};
if(error_message.size == 0)
speech_str = get_field(message_obj, MD_S8Lit("speech"));
action_str = get_field(message_obj, MD_S8Lit("action"));
action_arg_str = get_field(message_obj, MD_S8Lit("action_arg"));
target_str = get_field(message_obj, MD_S8Lit("target"));
if(error_message.size == 0 && action_str.size == 0)
error_message = MD_S8Lit("The field `action` must be of nonzero length, if you don't want to do anything it should be `none`");
if(error_message.size == 0 && action_str.size == 0)
error_message = MD_S8Lit("The field `target` must be of nonzero length, if you don't want to target anybody it should be `nobody`");
} if(error_message.size == 0 && speech_str.size >= MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH)
error_message = FmtWithLint(arena, "Speech string provided is too big, maximum bytes is %d", MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH);
assert(!e->is_character); // player can't perform AI actions?
if(error_message.size == 0)
if(MD_S8Match(target_str, MD_S8Lit("nobody"), 0))
out->talking_to_kind = NPC_nobody;
bool found = false;
for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(characters); i++)
if(MD_S8Match(target_str, MD_S8CString(characters[i].name), 0))
found = true;
out->talking_to_kind = i;
error_message = FmtWithLint(arena, "Unrecognized character provided in talking_to: `%.*s`", MD_S8VArg(target_str));
if(error_message.size == 0)
memcpy(out->speech.text, speech_str.str, speech_str.size);
out->speech.text_length = (int)speech_str.size;
if(error_message.size == 0)
bool found_action = false;
for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(actions); i++)
if(MD_S8Match(MD_S8CString(actions[i].name), action_str, 0))
found_action = true;
out->kind = i;
error_message = FmtWithLint(arena, "Action `%.*s` is invalid, doesn't exist in the game", MD_S8VArg(action_str));
if(error_message.size == 0)
if(out->kind == ACT_join)
bool found_npc = false;
for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(characters); i++)
if(MD_S8Match(MD_S8CString(characters[i].name), action_arg_str, 0))
found_npc = true;
out->argument.targeting = i;
error_message = FmtWithLint(arena, "Argument for action `%.*s` you gave is `%.*s`, which doesn't exist in the game so is invalid", MD_S8VArg(action_str), MD_S8VArg(action_arg_str));
assert(false); // don't know how to parse the argument string for this kind of action...
return error_message;