You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

79 lines
2.2 KiB

package main
import (
openai ""
func main() {
api_key := os.Getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
if api_key == "" {
fmt.Printf("Must provide openai key\n")
c := openai.NewClient(api_key)
messages := make([]openai.ChatCompletionMessage, 0)
messages = append(messages, openai.ChatCompletionMessage {
Role: "system",
Content: `You are a wise dungeonmaster who carefully crafts interesting dialog and actions for an NPC in an action-rpg video game. The NPC performs actions by prefixing their dialog with the action they perform at that time.
An example interaction between the player and an NPC:
Player: ACT_walks_up
Player: "What's going on npc?"
Fredrick: ACT_none "Hello young warrior, how are you doing?"
Player: "I'll kill you"
Fredrick: ACT_strikes_air "Watch yourself!"
Player: ACT_hits_npc
Fredrick: ACT_fights_player "There will be blood!"
The NPC you will be acting as, Fredrick, is a soldier in death's cohort.
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
for {
fmt.Printf("Say something with format [action] \"dialog\": ")
text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
messages = append(messages, openai.ChatCompletionMessage {
Role: "user",
Content: text + "Fredrick: ",
toGenerate := make([]openai.ChatCompletionMessage, len(messages))
copy(toGenerate, messages)
toGenerate = append(toGenerate, toGenerate[len(toGenerate)-1])
toGenerate[len(toGenerate)-2] = openai.ChatCompletionMessage {
Role: "system",
Content: "The NPC can now ONLY do these actions: [ACT_none, ACT_fights_player, ACT_joins_player, ACT_strikes_air]",
fmt.Printf("Generating with messages: `%s`\n", toGenerate)
resp, err := c.CreateChatCompletion(
Model: openai.GPT3Dot5Turbo,
Messages: toGenerate,
Stop: []string{"\n"},
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to generate: %s\n", err)
} else {
//fmt.Printf("Response: `%s`\n", resp)
messages = append(messages, openai.ChatCompletionMessage {
Role: "assistant",
Content: resp.Choices[0].Message.Content,
fmt.Printf("Tokens used: %d\n", resp.Usage.TotalTokens)
fmt.Printf("Response: `%s`\n", resp.Choices[0].Message.Content)