You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

273 lines
10 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define assert(cond, explanation) { if(!cond) { printf("Codegen assertion line %d %s failed: %.*s\n", __LINE__, #cond, MD_S8VArg(explanation)); __debugbreak(); exit(1); } }
#pragma warning(disable : 4996) // nonsense about fopen being insecure
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // loss of data warning
#pragma warning(disable : 4101) // unreferenced local variable
#include "md.h"
#include "md.c"
#pragma warning(pop)
MD_String8 OUTPUT_FOLDER = MD_S8LitComp("gen"); // no trailing slash
MD_String8 ASSETS_FOLDER = MD_S8LitComp("assets");
#define log(...) { printf("Codegen: "); printf(__VA_ARGS__); }
void dump(MD_Node* from) {
printf("/ %.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(from->string));
int d = 0;
for(MD_EachNode(child, from->first_child))
printf("|-- Child %d %.*s\n", d, MD_S8VArg(child->string));
d += 1;
void dump_root(MD_Node* from) {
// Iterate through each top-level node
for(MD_EachNode(node, from->first_child))
printf("/ %.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(node->string));
// Print the name of each of the node's tags
for(MD_EachNode(tag, node->first_tag))
printf("|-- Tag %.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(tag->string));
// Print the name of each of the node's children
for(MD_EachNode(child, node->first_child))
printf("|-- Child %.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(child->string));
bool has_decimal(MD_String8 s)
for(int i = 0; i < s.size; i++)
if(s.str[i] == '.') return true;
return false;
MD_Arena *cg_arena = NULL;
MD_String8 ChildValue(MD_Node *n, MD_String8 name) {
MD_Node *child_with_value = MD_ChildFromString(n, name, 0);
assert(child_with_value, MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "Could not find child named '%.*s' of node '%.*s'", MD_S8VArg(name), MD_S8VArg(n->string)));
assert(child_with_value->first_child, MD_S8Lit("Must have child"));
return child_with_value->first_child->string;
MD_String8 asset_file_path(MD_String8 filename) {
return MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "%.*s/%.*s", MD_S8VArg(ASSETS_FOLDER), MD_S8VArg(filename));
char *nullterm(MD_String8 s) {
char *to_return = malloc(s.size + 1);
memcpy(to_return, s.str, s.size);
to_return[s.size] = '\0';
return to_return;
char* fillnull(char *s, char c) {
while(*s != '\0') {
if(*s == c) {
*s = '\0';
return s + 1;
assert(false, MD_S8Lit("Couldn't find char"));
return NULL;
char* goto_end_of(char *tomove, size_t max_move, char *pattern) {
size_t pattern_len = strlen(pattern);
for(int i = 0; i < max_move; i++) {
if(strncmp(tomove, pattern, pattern_len) == 0) {
tomove += pattern_len;
return tomove;
return NULL;
#define list_printf(list_ptr, ...) MD_S8ListPush(cg_arena, list_ptr, MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, __VA_ARGS__))
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
cg_arena = MD_ArenaAlloc();
assert(cg_arena, MD_S8Lit("Memory"));
char *nulled = nullterm(MD_S8Lit("test"));
// I hope to God MD_String8's are null terminated...
MD_String8 writeto = MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "%.*s/assets.gen.c", MD_S8VArg(OUTPUT_FOLDER));
log("Writing to %.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(writeto));
FILE *output = fopen(writeto.str, "w");
MD_ParseResult parse = MD_ParseWholeFile(cg_arena, MD_S8Lit("assets.mdesk"));
MD_String8List declarations_list = {0};
MD_String8List load_list = {0};
MD_String8List level_decl_list = {0};
MD_String8List tileset_decls = {0};
for(MD_EachNode(node, parse.node->first_child)) {
if(MD_S8Match(node->first_tag->string, MD_S8Lit("image"), 0)) {
MD_String8 variable_name = MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "image_%.*s", MD_S8VArg(node->string));
log("New image variable %.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(variable_name));
MD_String8 filepath = ChildValue(node, MD_S8Lit("filepath"));
filepath = asset_file_path(filepath);
assert(filepath.str != 0, MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "No filepath specified for image '%.*s'", MD_S8VArg(node->string)));
FILE *asset_file = fopen(filepath.str, "r");
assert(asset_file, MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "Could not open filepath %.*s for asset '%.*s'", MD_S8VArg(filepath), MD_S8VArg(node->string)));
MD_S8ListPush(cg_arena, &declarations_list, MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "sg_image %.*s = {0};\n", MD_S8VArg(variable_name)));
MD_S8ListPush(cg_arena, &load_list, MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "%.*s = load_image(\"%.*s\");\n", MD_S8VArg(variable_name), MD_S8VArg(filepath)));
if(MD_S8Match(node->first_tag->string, MD_S8Lit("tileset"), 0)) {
// not a variable anymore
MD_String8 variable_name = MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "tileset_%.*s", MD_S8VArg(node->string));
log("New tileset %.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(variable_name));
MD_String8 filepath = asset_file_path(ChildValue(node, MD_S8Lit("filepath")));
MD_String8 tileset_file_contents = MD_LoadEntireFile(cg_arena, filepath);
list_printf(&tileset_decls, "{\n", MD_S8VArg(variable_name));
list_printf(&tileset_decls, ".first_gid = %.*s,\n", MD_S8VArg(ChildValue(node, MD_S8Lit("firstgid"))));
list_printf(&tileset_decls, ".img = &%.*s,\n", MD_S8VArg(ChildValue(node, MD_S8Lit("image"))));
list_printf(&tileset_decls, ".animated = {\n");
char *end = tileset_file_contents.str + tileset_file_contents.size;
char *cur = tileset_file_contents.str;
int num_animated_tiles = 0;
while(cur < end) {
cur = goto_end_of(cur, end - cur, "<tile id=\"");
if(cur == NULL) break;
char *end_of_anim = goto_end_of(cur, end - cur, "</animation>");
if(end_of_anim == NULL) break;
char *new_cur = fillnull(cur, '"');
int frame_from = atoi(cur);
cur = new_cur;
list_printf(&tileset_decls, "{ .id_from = %d, .frames = { ", frame_from);
int num_frames = 0;
while(true) {
char *next_frame = goto_end_of(cur, end - cur, "<frame tileid=\"");
if(end_of_anim == NULL || next_frame == NULL || next_frame > end_of_anim) break;
char *new_cur = fillnull(next_frame, '"');
int frame = atoi(next_frame);
list_printf(&tileset_decls, "%d, ", frame);
cur = new_cur;
list_printf(&tileset_decls, "}, .num_frames = %d },\n", num_frames);
if(num_animated_tiles == 0) list_printf(&tileset_decls, "0");
list_printf(&tileset_decls, "}},\n");
if(MD_S8Match(node->first_tag->string, MD_S8Lit("level"), 0)) {
MD_String8 variable_name = MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "level_%.*s", MD_S8VArg(node->string));
log("New level variable %.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(variable_name));
MD_String8 filepath = asset_file_path(ChildValue(node, MD_S8Lit("filepath")));
MD_ParseResult level_parse = MD_ParseWholeFile(cg_arena, filepath);
assert(!MD_NodeIsNil(level_parse.node->first_child), MD_S8Lit("Failed to load level file"));
MD_Node *layers = MD_ChildFromString(level_parse.node->first_child, MD_S8Lit("layers"), 0);
fprintf(output, "Level %.*s = {\n", MD_S8VArg(variable_name));
MD_String8List tile_layer_decls = {0};
for(MD_EachNode(lay, layers->first_child)) {
MD_String8 type = MD_ChildFromString(lay, MD_S8Lit("type"), 0)->first_child->string;
if(MD_S8Match(type, MD_S8Lit("objectgroup"), 0)) {
fprintf(output, ".initial_entities = {\n");
for(MD_EachNode(object, MD_ChildFromString(lay, MD_S8Lit("objects"), 0)->first_child)) {
// negative numbers for object position aren't supported here
MD_String8 name = MD_ChildFromString(object, MD_S8Lit("name"), 0)->first_child->string;
MD_String8 x_string = MD_ChildFromString(object, MD_S8Lit("x"), 0)->first_child->string;
MD_String8 y_string = MD_ChildFromString(object, MD_S8Lit("y"), 0)->first_child->string;
y_string = MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "-%.*s", MD_S8VArg(y_string));
if(has_decimal(x_string)) x_string = MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "%.*sf", MD_S8VArg(x_string));
if(has_decimal(y_string)) y_string = MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "%.*sf", MD_S8VArg(y_string));
if(MD_S8Match(name, MD_S8Lit("PLAYER"), 0))
fprintf(output, "{ .exists = true, .is_character = true, .pos = { .X=%.*s, .Y=%.*s }, }, ", MD_S8VArg(x_string), MD_S8VArg(y_string));
fprintf(output, "{ .exists = true, .is_npc = true, .npc_kind = %.*s, .pos = { .X=%.*s, .Y=%.*s }, }, ", MD_S8VArg(name), MD_S8VArg(x_string), MD_S8VArg(y_string));
fprintf(output, "\n}, // entities\n");
if(MD_S8Match(type, MD_S8Lit("tilelayer"), 0)) {
int width = atoi(nullterm(MD_ChildFromString(layers->first_child, MD_S8Lit("width"), 0)->first_child->string));
int height = atoi(nullterm(MD_ChildFromString(layers->first_child, MD_S8Lit("height"), 0)->first_child->string));
MD_Node *data = MD_ChildFromString(lay, MD_S8Lit("data"), 0);
int num_index = 0;
MD_String8List cur_layer_decl = {0};
list_printf(&cur_layer_decl, "{ \n");
list_printf(&cur_layer_decl, "{ ");
for(MD_EachNode(tile_id_node, data->first_child)) {
list_printf(&cur_layer_decl, "%.*s, ", MD_S8VArg(tile_id_node->string));
if(num_index % width == width - 1) {
if(MD_NodeIsNil(tile_id_node->next)) {
list_printf(&cur_layer_decl, "},\n}, // tiles for this layer\n");
} else {
list_printf(&cur_layer_decl, "},\n{ ");
num_index += 1;
MD_StringJoin join = MD_ZERO_STRUCT;
MD_String8 layer_decl_string = MD_S8ListJoin(cg_arena, cur_layer_decl, &join);
MD_S8ListPush(cg_arena, &tile_layer_decls, layer_decl_string);
fprintf(output, ".tiles = {\n");
// layer decls
MD_StringJoin join = MD_ZERO_STRUCT;
MD_String8 layers_string = MD_S8ListJoin(cg_arena, tile_layer_decls, &join);
fprintf(output, "%.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(layers_string));
//MD_S8ListPush(cg_arena, &tile_layer_delcs, layer_decl_string);
fprintf(output, "} // tiles\n");
fprintf(output, "\n}; // %.*s\n", MD_S8VArg(variable_name));
MD_StringJoin join = MD_ZERO_STRUCT;
MD_String8 declarations = MD_S8ListJoin(cg_arena, declarations_list, &join);
MD_String8 loads = MD_S8ListJoin(cg_arena, load_list, &join);
fprintf(output, "%.*s\nvoid load_assets() {\n%.*s\n}\n", MD_S8VArg(declarations), MD_S8VArg(loads));
fprintf(output, "TileSet tilesets[] = { %.*s\n };", MD_S8VArg(MD_S8ListJoin(cg_arena, tileset_decls, &join)));
return 0;