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import bpy
import bmesh
import os
import shutil
import struct
from mathutils import *; from math import *
from bpy_extras.io_utils import (axis_conversion)
from dataclasses import dataclass
C = bpy.context
D =
EXPORT_DIRECTORY = "../assets/exported_3d"
if os.path.exists(bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}")):
def write_b8(f, boolean: bool):
f.write(bytes(struct.pack("?", boolean)))
def write_f32(f, number: float):
f.write(bytes(struct.pack("f", number)))
def write_u64(f, number: int):
f.write(bytes(struct.pack("Q", number)))
def write_i32(f, number: int):
f.write(bytes(struct.pack("i", number)))
def write_u16(f, number: int): # unsigned short, used in shaders to figure out which bone index is current
f.write(bytes(struct.pack("H", number)))
def write_v3(f, vector):
write_f32(f, vector.x)
write_f32(f, vector.y)
write_f32(f, vector.z)
def write_quat(f, quat):
write_f32(f, quat.x)
write_f32(f, quat.y)
write_f32(f, quat.z)
write_f32(f, quat.w)
def write_string(f, s: str):
encoded = s.encode("utf8")
write_u64(f, len(encoded))
def write_4x4matrix(f, m):
# writes each row, sequentially, row major
for row in range(4):
for col in range(4):
write_f32(f, m[row][col])
def normalize_joint_weights(weights):
total_weights = sum(weights)
result = [0,0,0,0]
if total_weights != 0:
for i, weight in enumerate(weights): result[i] = weight/total_weights
return result
# for the level.bin
mapping = axis_conversion(
from_forward = "Y",
from_up = "Z",
to_forward = "-Z",
to_up = "Y",
project_directory = bpy.path.abspath("//")
def is_file_in_project(file_path):
file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(project_directory):
if file_name in files:
return True
return False
saved_images = set()
def ensure_tex_saved_and_get_name(o) -> str:
"""returns the name of the mesh's texture's png in the exported directory, of the current object"""
assert o.type == "MESH", f"Object {} isn't a mesh and is attempting to be saved as such"
mesh_name = o.to_mesh().name
# find the image object in the material of the object
img_obj = None
assert len(o.material_slots) == 1, f"Don't know which material slot to pick from in mesh {mesh_name} object {}, there must only be one material slot on every mesh"
mat = o.material_slots[0]
for node in mat.material.node_tree.nodes:
if node.type == "TEX_IMAGE":
assert img_obj == None, f"Material on object {} has more than one image node in its material, so I don't know which image node to use in the game engine. Make sure materials only use one image node"
img_obj = node.image
assert img_obj, f"Mesh {mesh_name} in its material doesn't have an image object"
image_filename = f"{}.png"
if image_filename in saved_images:
save_to = f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}/{image_filename}"
if img_obj.packed_file:
assert img_obj.filepath != "", f"filepath '{img_obj.filepath}' in mesh {mesh_name} Isn't there but should be, as it has no packed image"
old_path = bpy.path.abspath(img_obj.filepath)
if not is_file_in_project(old_path):
print(f"Image {image_filename} has filepath {img_obj.filepath}, outside of the current directory. So we're copying it baby. Hoo-rah!")
new_path = bpy.path.abspath(f"//{image_filename}")
assert not os.path.exists(new_path), f"Tried to migrate {image_filename} to a new home {new_path}, but its already taken. It's over!"
shutil.copyfile(old_path, new_path)
img_obj.filepath = bpy.path.relpath(new_path)
img_obj.filepath = bpy.path.relpath(img_obj.filepath)
assert is_file_in_project(bpy.path.abspath(img_obj.filepath)), f"The image {image_filename} has filepath {img_obj.filepath} which isn't in the project directory {project_directory}, even after copying it! WTF"
return image_filename
def export_armatures():
print("Exporting armatures...")
exported = D.collections.get("Exported")
assert exported != None, f"No exported collection named 'Exported' in scene, very bad! Did everything to get exported get deleted?"
armatures_collection = exported.children.get("Armatures")
assert armatures_collection != None, f"No child named 'Armatures' on the exported collection, this is required"
A = armatures_collection
armatures_to_export = []
for o in A.objects:
if o.type == "MESH":
assert o.parent, f"Mesh named {} without parent in armatures collection is invalid, only armatures allowed in there!"
assert o.parent.type == "ARMATURE", f"Mesh named {} isn't an armature, and isn't a child of an armature. This isn't allowed."
elif o.type == "ARMATURE":
assert False, f"Object named {} is of an unknown type '{o.type}', only objects that are Meshes or Armature are allowed in the armatures collection"
for armature_object in armatures_to_export:
# get the body mesh object
body_object = None
for c in armature_object.children:
assert body_object == None, f"On object {}, more than one child has a name that starts with 'Body', specifically '{}' and '{}', only one child's name is allowed to start with 'Body' in this object."
body_object = c
# initialize important variables
mesh_object = body_object
armature_object = armature_object
output_filepath = bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}/{}.bin")
mesh_image_filename = ensure_tex_saved_and_get_name(mesh_object)
#print(f"Exporting armature with image filename {mesh_image_filename} to {output_filepath}")
with open(output_filepath, "wb") as f:
write_b8(f, True) # first byte is true if it's an armature file
write_string(f, mesh_image_filename)
bones_in_armature = []
for b in
# the inverse model space pos of the bones
write_u64(f, len(bones_in_armature))
for b in bones_in_armature:
model_space_pose = mapping @ b.matrix_local
inverse_model_space_pose = (mapping @ b.matrix_local).inverted()
parent_index = -1
if b.parent:
for i in range(len(bones_in_armature)):
if bones_in_armature[i] == b.parent:
parent_index = i
if parent_index == -1:
assert False, f"Couldn't find parent of bone {b}"
#print(f"Parent of bone {} is index {parent_index} in list {bones_in_armature}")
write_i32(f, parent_index)
write_4x4matrix(f, model_space_pose)
write_4x4matrix(f, inverse_model_space_pose)
write_f32(f, b.length)
# write the pose information
# it's very important that the array of pose bones contains the same amount of bones
# as there are in the edit bones. Because the edit bones are exported, etc etc. Cowabunga!
assert(len(armature_object.pose.bones) == len(bones_in_armature))
armature = armature_object
anims = []
assert armature.animation_data, "Armatures are assumed to have an animation right now"
for track in armature.animation_data.nla_tracks:
for strip in track.strips:
#print(f"Writing {len(anims)} animations")
write_u64(f, len(anims))
for animation in anims:
old_action = armature.animation_data.action
armature.animation_data.action = animation
startFrame = int(animation.frame_range.x)
endFrame = int(animation.frame_range.y)
total_frames = (endFrame - startFrame) + 1 # the end frame is inclusive
#print(f"Exporting animation {} with {total_frames} frames")
write_u64(f, total_frames)
time_per_anim_frame = 1.0 / float(bpy.context.scene.render.fps)
for frame in range(startFrame, endFrame+1):
time_through_this_frame_occurs_at = (frame - startFrame) * time_per_anim_frame
write_f32(f, time_through_this_frame_occurs_at)
for pose_bone_i in range(len(armature_object.pose.bones)):
pose_bone = armature_object.pose.bones[pose_bone_i]
# in the engine, it's assumed that the poses are in the same order as the bones
# they're referring to. This checks that that is the case.
assert(pose_bone.bone == bones_in_armature[pose_bone_i])
parent_space_pose = None
if pose_bone.parent:
parent_space_pose = pose_bone.parent.matrix.inverted() @ pose_bone.matrix
parent_space_pose = mapping @ pose_bone.matrix
translation = parent_space_pose.to_translation()
rotation = parent_space_pose.to_quaternion()
scale = parent_space_pose.to_scale()
write_v3(f, translation)
write_quat(f, rotation)
write_v3(f, scale)
armature.animation_data.action = old_action
# write the mesh data for the armature
bm =
mesh = mesh_object.to_mesh()
bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces)
vertices = []
armature = armature_object
for polygon in mesh.polygons:
if len(polygon.loop_indices) == 3:
for loopIndex in polygon.loop_indices:
loop = mesh.loops[loopIndex]
position = mesh.vertices[loop.vertex_index].undeformed_co
uv =[loop.index].uv
normal = loop.normal
jointIndices = [0,0,0,0]
jointWeights = [0,0,0,0]
for jointBindingIndex, group in enumerate(mesh.vertices[loop.vertex_index].groups):
if jointBindingIndex < 4:
groupIndex =
boneName = mesh_object.vertex_groups[groupIndex].name
jointIndices[jointBindingIndex] =
if jointIndices[jointBindingIndex] == -1:
# it's fine that this references a real bone, the bone at index 0,
# because the weight of its influence is 0
jointIndices[jointBindingIndex] = 0
jointWeights[jointBindingIndex] = 0.0
jointWeights[jointBindingIndex] = group.weight
vertices.append((position, uv, jointIndices, normalize_joint_weights(jointWeights)))
write_u64(f, len(vertices))
vertex_i = 0
for v_and_uv in vertices:
v, uv, jointIndices, jointWeights = v_and_uv
write_f32(f, v.x)
write_f32(f, v.y)
write_f32(f, v.z)
write_f32(f, uv.x)
write_f32(f, uv.y)
for i in range(4):
write_u16(f, jointIndices[i])
for i in range(4):
write_f32(f, jointWeights[i])
vertex_i += 1
#print(f"Wrote {len(vertices)} vertices")
def collect_and_validate_mesh_objects(collection_with_only_mesh_objects):
to_return = []
for o in collection_with_only_mesh_objects.all_objects:
assert o.type == "MESH", f"The collection '{}' is assumed to contain only mesh objects but the object '{}' which is a child of it isn't a mesh object"
return to_return
def get_startswith(name_of_overarching_thing, iterable, starts_with):
Gets the thing in iterable that starts with starts with, and makes sure there's only *one* thing that starts with starts with
name_of_overarching_thing is for the error message, for reporting in what collection things went wrong in.
to_return = None
for thing in iterable:
assert to_return == None, f"Duplicate thing that starts with '{starts_with}' found in {name_of_overarching_thing} called {}"
to_return = thing
assert to_return != None, f"Couldn't find thing that starts with '{starts_with}' as a child of '{name_of_overarching_thing}', but one is required"
return to_return
def no_hidden(objects):
to_return = []
for o in objects:
if not o.hide_get():
return to_return
def export_meshes_and_levels():
print("Exporting meshes and levels")
exported = D.collections.get("Exported")
assert exported != None, f"No exported collection named 'Exported' in scene, very bad! Did everything to get exported get deleted?"
mesh_names_to_export = set()
meshes_to_export = []
# add the collection 'Meshes' objects to mesh_objects_to_export
if True:
meshes = get_startswith("Exported", exported.children, "Meshes")
to_export = collect_and_validate_mesh_objects(meshes)
for m in no_hidden(to_export):
# export each level: its placed entities, placed meshes, and add to meshes_to_export and mesh_names_to_export. Those must be exported to their correct paths for the rooms to point at valid data.
rooms = exported.children.get("Rooms")
assert rooms != None, f"No child named 'Rooms' on the exported collection, this is required"
with open(bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}/{ROOMS_EXPORT_NAME}.bin"), "wb") as f:
write_u64(f, len(rooms.children))
for room_collection in rooms.children:
write_string(f, # the name of the room is the name of the room collection
# placed meshes (exported mesh name (which is the object's name), location, rotation, scale)
placed_meshes = []
if True:
meshes_collection = get_startswith(, room_collection.children, "Meshes")
for m in no_hidden(meshes_collection.objects):
assert m.rotation_euler.order == 'XYZ', f"Invalid rotation euler order for object of name '{}', it's {m.rotation_euler.order} but must be XYZ"
assert m.type == "MESH", f"In meshes collection '{}' object {} must be of type 'MESH' but instead is of type {m.type}"
if not in mesh_names_to_export:
placed_meshes.append((, mapping @ m.location, m.rotation_euler, m.scale))
# colliders (location, dimensions)
placed_colliders = []
if True:
colliders_collection = get_startswith(, room_collection.children, "Colliders")
for o in no_hidden(colliders_collection.objects):
assert"CollisionCube"), f"Object {} doesn't start with 'CollisionCube' and it's in the Colliders group of room {}, colliders must be collision cubes"
placed_colliders.append((o.location, o.dimensions))
# fill out placed_entities with a tuple of (name, location, rotation, scale)
placed_entities = []
if True:
entities_collection = get_startswith(, room_collection.children, "Entities")
for o in no_hidden(entities_collection.objects):
assert o.rotation_euler.order == 'XYZ', f"Invalid rotation euler order for object of name '{}', it's {o.rotation_euler.order} but must be XYZ"
placed_entities.append((, mapping @ o.location, o.rotation_euler, o.scale))
write_u64(f, len(placed_meshes))
for p in placed_meshes:
mesh_name, blender_pos, blender_rotation, blender_scale = p
write_string(f, mesh_name)
write_f32(f, blender_pos.x)
write_f32(f, blender_pos.y)
write_f32(f, blender_pos.z)
write_f32(f, blender_rotation.x)
write_f32(f, blender_rotation.y)
write_f32(f, blender_rotation.z)
write_f32(f, blender_scale.x)
write_f32(f, blender_scale.y)
write_f32(f, blender_scale.z)
write_u64(f, len(placed_colliders))
for c in placed_colliders:
blender_pos, blender_dims = c
write_f32(f, blender_pos.x)
write_f32(f, -blender_pos.y)
write_f32(f, blender_dims.x)
write_f32(f, blender_dims.y)
assert blender_dims.x > 0.0
assert blender_dims.y > 0.0
write_u64(f, len(placed_entities))
for e in placed_entities:
entity_name, blender_pos, blender_rotation, blender_scale = e
write_string(f, entity_name)
write_f32(f, blender_pos.x)
write_f32(f, blender_pos.y)
write_f32(f, blender_pos.z)
write_f32(f, blender_rotation.x)
write_f32(f, blender_rotation.y)
write_f32(f, blender_rotation.z)
write_f32(f, blender_scale.x)
write_f32(f, blender_scale.y)
write_f32(f, blender_scale.z)
# export all the meshes that the rooms file is referring to, and all the meshes that just need to be plain exported
for m in meshes_to_export:
assert o.type == "MESH"
assert o.parent == None, f"Mesh '{}' has a parent, but exporting mesh objects with parents isn't supported"
mesh_name =
image_filename = ensure_tex_saved_and_get_name(m)
output_filepath = bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}/{mesh_name}.bin")
with open(output_filepath, "wb") as f:
write_b8(f, False) # if it's an armature or not, first byte of the file
write_string(f, image_filename)
bm =
mesh = m.to_mesh()
assert len(mesh.uv_layers) == 1, f"Mesh object {} has more than 1 uv layer, which isn't allowed"
bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces)
vertices = []
for polygon in mesh.polygons:
if len(polygon.loop_indices) == 3:
for loopIndex in polygon.loop_indices:
loop = mesh.loops[loopIndex]
position = mesh.vertices[loop.vertex_index].undeformed_co
uv =[loop.index].uv
normal = loop.normal
vertices.append((position, uv))
write_u64(f, len(vertices))
for v_and_uv in vertices:
v, uv = v_and_uv
write_f32(f, v.x)
write_f32(f, v.y)
write_f32(f, v.z)
write_f32(f, uv.x)
write_f32(f, uv.y)