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{can_hear: [Daniel, Raphael]}
{enum: Devil, dialog: "What's up cracker jack?", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "What the hell are you talking about?", to: Devil}
{enum: Devil, dialog: "Bootylicious?", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "You're 'asking too many darned questions! I'll have your body in my barn by sundown!", action: ACT_aim_shotgun, action_argument: "The Devil", to: Devil}
{enum: Raphael, dialog: "Yeah man, what's up with you?", to: Devil}
{enum: Devil, dialog: "Nunya!", to: Raphael}
{enum: Raphael, dialog: "What does 'Nunya' mean? A wild critter you are...", to: Devil}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "YOU ASKED FOR IT! TAKE THIS!", action: ACT_fire_shotgun, to: Devil}
{enum: Devil, dialog: "Cute! You think your little toys can harm me!", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "What the hell??", to: Devil}
{enum: Raphael, dialog: "I don't think we can harm him like that", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "You're right, I guess we just gotta 'tolerate this feller's presence.", to: Raphael}
{enum: Devil, dialog: "I'll take my leave. Until next time!", to: Daniel}
{enum: Raphael, dialog: "What a psycho...", to: Daniel, action: ACT_end_conversation, action_argument: "Daniel"}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "I agree.", to: Raphael, action: ACT_end_conversation, action_argument: "Raphael"}
{can_hear: [Daniel, Raphael, Passerby]}
{enum: Passerby, dialog: "Yo?", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "Are you askin' a question", to: Passerby}
{enum: Passerby, dialog: "I guess so? What do you think of farmers?", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "I don't tolerate questions. Get out of my sight before I make you!", to: Passerby, action: ACT_aim_shotgun, action_argument: "Passerby"}
{enum: Raphael, dialog: "What's going on here?", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "THIS DAMNED FOOL DOESN'T UNDERSTAND RESPECT", to: Raphael}
{enum: Raphael, dialog: "Easy man, easy. I ain't much for helpin' folk but you're outta control.", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "I WON'T TOLERATE IT", to: Raphael}
{enum: Passerby, dialog: "Hey man woah, just put down the gun", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "YOU BETTER MAKE ME!", to: Passerby}
{enum: Passerby, dialog: "Why do you have the gun anyways?", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "ANOTHER QUESTION??? YOU HAD THIS COMING TO YOU!", to: Passerby, action: ACT_fire_shotgun}
{enum: Raphael, dialog: "Oh God! What have you done??", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "Exactly what I'll do to you if you don't keep your mouth shut", to: Raphael, action: ACT_put_shotgun_away}
{enum: Raphael, dialog: "Y-y-y-yes sir.", to: Daniel, action: ACT_end_conversation, action_argument: "Daniel"}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "Now leave me be", to: Raphael, action: ACT_end_conversation, action_argument: "Raphael"}
{can_hear: [Daniel, Raphael]}
{enum: Raphael, dialog: "Say Daniel, why do you get so worked up all the time?", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "I'm not gonna talk about it", to: Raphael}
{enum: Raphael, dialog: "Suit yourself partner, but I reckon you've got issues to work through", to: Daniel}
{enum: Daniel, dialog: "Enough! I'm angry sometimes and that's that.", to: Raphael, action: ACT_end_conversation, action_argument: "Raphael"}
{can_hear: [Devil, Angel]}
{enum: Devil, dialog: "You will fall!", to: Angel}
{enum: Angel, dialog: "Perhaps. And then I will rise as He has, from the corpse and ashes, the sun rises.", to: Devil}
{can_hear: [Passerby, Angel]}
{enum: Passerby, dialog: "fjdsklajf", to: Angel}
{enum: Angel, dialog: "Cryptic gibberish upon me, is casting a stone upon God", to: Passerby}
{enum: Passerby, dialog: "What is my purpose here?", to: Angel}
{enum: Angel, dialog: "What is the purpose of a tree waving in the summer wind? A river carving a path into the countryside? Only God knows his plan. But your purpose, here, has been assigned. You must kill raphael. Good luck.", to: Passerby, action: ACT_assign_gameplay_objective, action_argument: "KILL Raphael"}
{can_hear: [WellDweller, Farmer, ManInBlack]},
{enum: WellDweller, dialog: "What a fearful farm you live in, come down to the well, the grass is damper down here.", to: Farmer, mood: Scared, thoughts: "Nobody can take me from my well"},
{enum: Farmer, dialog: "Sure as shit I won't!", to: WellDweller, mood: Scared, thoughts: "What a greasy looking feller"},
{enum: WellDweller, dialog: "Have it your way! Doomsday is upon us", to: Farmer, mood: Scared, thoughts: "He has no idea what he's in for"},
{enum: ManInBlack, dialog: "Doomsday's all I know anyways", mood: Indifferent, thoughts: "What's coming... is only a nightmare"},