@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ void ser_grid(char **out, struct Grid *g)
ser_int(out, g->boxes[i].type); // @Robust separate enum serialization that checks for out of bounds enum
ser_int(out, g->boxes[i].rotation);
ser_float(out, g->boxes[i].thrust);
ser_float(out, g->boxes[i].energy_used);
ser_float(out, g->boxes[i].damage);
@ -362,6 +363,7 @@ void des_grid(char **in, struct Grid *g, struct GameState *gs)
des_int(in, (int *)&g->boxes[i].type);
des_int(in, (int *)&g->boxes[i].rotation);
des_float(in, &g->boxes[i].thrust);
des_float(in, &g->boxes[i].energy_used);
des_float(in, &g->boxes[i].damage);
@ -672,8 +674,7 @@ void process(struct GameState *gs, float dt)
V2 target_new_pos = V2lerp(p->pos, grid_com(g), dt * 20.0f);
p->vel = V2scale(V2sub(target_new_pos, p->pos), 1.0f / dt); // set vel correctly so newly built grids have the correct velocity copied from it
// set thruster forces from movement
float thruster_spice_consumption = 0.0f;
// set thruster thrust from movement
V2 target_direction = {0};
if (V2length(p->input.movement) > 0.0f)
@ -688,14 +689,12 @@ void process(struct GameState *gs, float dt)
float wanted_thrust = -V2dot(target_direction, thruster_direction(&g->boxes[ii]));
wanted_thrust = clamp01(wanted_thrust);
thruster_spice_consumption += wanted_thrust;
g->boxes[ii].thrust = wanted_thrust;
// cpBodyApplyForceAtWorldPoint(g->body, v2_to_cp(V2scale(p->input.movement, 5.0f)), v2_to_cp(grid_com(g)));
// bigger the ship, the more efficient the spice usage
p->spice_taken_away += dt * thruster_spice_consumption * THRUSTER_SPICE_PER_SECOND;
p->pos = V2add(p->pos, V2scale(p->vel, dt));
@ -775,15 +774,47 @@ void process(struct GameState *gs, float dt)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GRIDS; i++)
struct Box *batteries[MAX_BOXES_PER_GRID] = {0};
int cur_battery = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < MAX_BOXES_PER_GRID; ii++)
if (gs->grids[i].boxes[ii].type == BoxBattery)
assert(cur_battery < MAX_BOXES_PER_GRID);
batteries[cur_battery] = &gs->grids[i].boxes[ii];
int batteries_len = cur_battery;
float thruster_energy_consumption_per_second = 0.0f;
for (int ii = 0; ii < MAX_BOXES_PER_GRID; ii++)
if (gs->grids[i].boxes[ii].type == BoxThruster)
float energy_to_consume = gs->grids[i].boxes[ii].thrust * THRUSTER_ENERGY_USED_PER_SECOND * dt;
struct Box *max_capacity_battery = NULL;
float max_capacity_battery_energy_used = 1.0f;
for (int iii = 0; iii < batteries_len; iii++)
if (batteries[iii]->energy_used < max_capacity_battery_energy_used)
max_capacity_battery = batteries[iii];
max_capacity_battery_energy_used = batteries[iii]->energy_used;
if (max_capacity_battery != NULL && (1.0f - max_capacity_battery->energy_used) > energy_to_consume)
max_capacity_battery->energy_used += energy_to_consume;
cpBodyApplyForceAtWorldPoint(gs->grids[i].body, v2_to_cp(thruster_force(&gs->grids[i].boxes[ii])), v2_to_cp(box_pos(&gs->grids[i].boxes[ii])));
cpSpaceStep(gs->space, dt);