@ -1805,6 +1805,15 @@ float batteries_use_energy(GameState *gs, Entity *grid, float *energy_left_over,
return energy_to_use;
return energy_to_use;
float sun_dist_no_gravity()
// return (GRAVITY_CONSTANT * (SUN_MASS * mass / (distance * distance))) / mass;
// 0.01f = (GRAVITY_CONSTANT * (SUN_MASS / (distance_sqr)));
// 0.01f / GRAVITY_CONSTANT = SUN_MASS / distance_sqr;
// distance = sqrt( SUN_MASS / (0.01f / GRAVITY_CONSTANT) )
float entity_mass(Entity *m)
float entity_mass(Entity *m)
if (m->body != NULL)
if (m->body != NULL)
@ -1818,27 +1827,44 @@ float entity_mass(Entity *m)
float sun_gravity_accel_at_point(V2 p, Entity *entity_with_gravity)
V2 sun_gravity_accel_for_entity(Entity *entity_with_gravity)
if (V2length(V2sub(entity_pos(entity_with_gravity), SUN_POS)) > sun_dist_no_gravity())
return 0.0f;
return (V2){0};
V2 rel_vector = V2sub(entity_pos(entity_with_gravity), SUN_POS);
V2 rel_vector = V2sub(entity_pos(entity_with_gravity), SUN_POS);
float mass = entity_mass(entity_with_gravity);
float mass = entity_mass(entity_with_gravity);
assert(mass != 0.0f);
assert(mass != 0.0f);
float distance = V2length(rel_vector);
float distance_sqr = V2lengthsqr(rel_vector);
// return (GRAVITY_CONSTANT * (SUN_MASS * mass / (distance * distance))) / mass;
// return (GRAVITY_CONSTANT * (SUN_MASS * mass / (distance * distance))) / mass;
// the mass divides out
// the mass divides out
return (GRAVITY_CONSTANT * (SUN_MASS / (distance * distance)));
float accel_magnitude = (GRAVITY_CONSTANT * (SUN_MASS / (distance_sqr)));
V2 towards_sun = V2normalize(V2scale(rel_vector, -1.0f));
return V2scale(towards_sun, accel_magnitude);
void entity_set_velocity(Entity *e, V2 vel)
assert(e->body != NULL);
cpBodySetVelocity(e->body, v2_to_cp(vel));
void entity_ensure_in_orbit(Entity *e)
void entity_ensure_in_orbit(Entity *e)
assert(e->body != NULL);
assert(e->body != NULL);
cpVect pos = v2_to_cp(V2sub(entity_pos(e), SUN_POS));
V2 gravity_accel = sun_gravity_accel_for_entity(e);
cpFloat r = cpvlength(pos);
if (V2length(gravity_accel) > 0.00f)
cpFloat v = cpfsqrt(sun_gravity_accel_at_point(cp_to_v2(pos), e) / r) / r;
cpBodySetVelocity(e->body, cpvmult(cpvperp(pos), v));
float dist = V2length(V2sub(entity_pos(e), SUN_POS));
V2 orthogonal_to_gravity = V2normalize(V2rotate(gravity_accel, PI / 2.0f));
V2 wanted_vel = V2scale(orthogonal_to_gravity, sqrtf(V2length(gravity_accel) * dist));
cpBodySetVelocity(e->body, v2_to_cp(wanted_vel));
// cpVect pos = v2_to_cp(V2sub(entity_pos(e), SUN_POS));
// cpFloat r = cpvlength(pos);
// cpFloat v = cpfsqrt(sun_gravity_accel_at_point(cp_to_v2(pos), e) / r) / r;
// cpBodySetVelocity(e->body, cpvmult(cpvperp(pos), v));
V2 box_vel(Entity *box)
V2 box_vel(Entity *box)
@ -1893,7 +1919,7 @@ void create_bomb_station(GameState *gs, V2 pos, enum BoxType platonic_type)
BOX_AT_TYPE(grid, ((V2){-BOX_SIZE * 6.0, -BOX_SIZE * 2.0}), BoxExplosive);
BOX_AT_TYPE(grid, ((V2){-BOX_SIZE * 6.0, -BOX_SIZE * 2.0}), BoxExplosive);
BOX_AT_TYPE(grid, ((V2){-BOX_SIZE * 6.0, -BOX_SIZE * 3.0}), BoxExplosive);
BOX_AT_TYPE(grid, ((V2){-BOX_SIZE * 6.0, -BOX_SIZE * 3.0}), BoxExplosive);
BOX_AT_TYPE(grid, ((V2){-BOX_SIZE * 6.0, -BOX_SIZE * 5.0}), BoxExplosive);
BOX_AT_TYPE(grid, ((V2){-BOX_SIZE * 6.0, -BOX_SIZE * 5.0}), BoxExplosive);
@ -2317,8 +2343,15 @@ void process(GameState *gs, float dt)
if (e->body != NULL)
if (e->body != NULL)
cpVect g = cpvmult(pos_rel_sun, -sun_gravity_accel_at_point(entity_pos(e), e) / (sqdist * cpfsqrt(sqdist)));
cpBodyUpdateVelocity(e->body, g, 1.0f, dt);
// cpVect g = cpvmult(pos_rel_sun, -sun_gravity_accel_at_point(entity_pos(e), e) / (sqdist * cpfsqrt(sqdist)));
// sun gravitational pull
V2 accel = sun_gravity_accel_for_entity(e);
V2 new_vel = entity_vel(gs, e);
new_vel = V2add(new_vel, V2scale(accel, dt));
cpBodySetVelocity(e->body, v2_to_cp(new_vel));
// cpBodySetVelocity(e->body, )
// cpBodyUpdateVelocity(e->body, g, 1.0f, dt);
@ -2446,7 +2479,7 @@ void process(GameState *gs, float dt)
cur_box->sun_amount = clamp01(V2dot(box_facing_vector(cur_box), V2normalize(V2sub(SUN_POS, entity_pos(cur_box)))));
cur_box->sun_amount = clamp01(V2dot(box_facing_vector(cur_box), V2normalize(V2sub(SUN_POS, entity_pos(cur_box)))));
// less sun the farther away you are!
// less sun the farther away you are!
cur_box->sun_amount *= lerp(1.0f, 0.0f, clamp01(V2length(V2sub(entity_pos(cur_box), SUN_POS)) / SUN_NO_MORE_ELECTRICITY_OR_GRAVITY));
cur_box->sun_amount *= lerp(1.0f, 0.0f, clamp01(V2length(V2sub(entity_pos(cur_box), SUN_POS)) / sun_dist_no_gravity()));
energy_to_add += cur_box->sun_amount * SOLAR_ENERGY_PER_SECOND * dt;
energy_to_add += cur_box->sun_amount * SOLAR_ENERGY_PER_SECOND * dt;