@ -430,6 +430,19 @@ void destroy_child_shape(cpBody *body, cpShape *shape, void *data)
void entity_free_allocated(Entity *e)
#define MAYBE_FREE(variable, free_call) \
if (variable != NULL) \
{ \
free_call(variable); \
variable = NULL; \
MAYBE_FREE(e->shape, cpShapeFree);
MAYBE_FREE(e->body, cpBodyFree);
MAYBE_FREE(e->landed_constraint, cpConstraintFree);
// Destroys the entity and puts its slot back into the free list. Doesn't obey game rules
// like making sure grids don't have holes in them, for that you want entity_destroy.
// *Does* free all owned memory/entities though, e.g grids free the boxes they own.
@ -451,14 +464,10 @@ void entity_memory_free(GameState *gs, Entity *e)
if (e->shape != NULL)
cpSpaceRemoveShape(gs->space, e->shape);
e->shape = NULL;
if (e->landed_constraint != NULL)
cpSpaceRemoveConstraint(gs->space, e->landed_constraint);
e->landed_constraint = NULL;
if (e->body != NULL)
@ -467,9 +476,8 @@ void entity_memory_free(GameState *gs, Entity *e)
cpBodyEachConstraint(e->body, destroy_constraints, NULL);
cpBodyEachShape(e->body, destroy_child_shape, (void *)gs);
cpSpaceRemoveBody(gs->space, e->body);
e->body = NULL;
Entity *front_of_free_list = get_entity(gs, gs->free_list);
if (front_of_free_list != NULL)
@ -594,14 +602,19 @@ static const cpShapeFilter FILTER_DEFAULT = {CP_NO_GROUP, DEFAULT, CP_ALL_CATEGO
// size is (1/2 the width, 1/2 the height)
void create_rectangle_shape(GameState *gs, Entity *e, Entity *parent, cpVect pos, cpVect size, double mass)
PROFILE_SCOPE("Create rectangle shape")
// @Robust remove this garbage
if (e->shape != NULL)
PROFILE_SCOPE("Freeing shape")
cpSpaceRemoveShape(gs->space, e->shape);
e->shape = NULL;
cpBB box = cpBBNew(-size.x + pos.x, -size.y + pos.y, size.x + pos.x, size.y + pos.y);
cpVect verts[4] = {
@ -615,10 +628,17 @@ void create_rectangle_shape(GameState *gs, Entity *e, Entity *parent, cpVect pos
e->shape_parent_entity = get_id(gs, parent);
e->shape = (cpShape *)cpPolyShapeInitRaw(cpPolyShapeAlloc(), parent->body, 4, verts, 0.0); // this cast is done in chipmunk, not sure why it works
cpShapeSetUserData(e->shape, (void *)e);
PROFILE_SCOPE("Setting mass")
cpShapeSetMass(e->shape, mass);
PROFILE_SCOPE("Adding shape")
cpSpaceAddShape(gs->space, e->shape);
cpShapeSetFilter(e->shape, FILTER_DEFAULT);
void create_circle_shape(GameState *gs, Entity *e, double radius)
e->shape = cpCircleShapeNew(e->body, ORB_RADIUS, cpv(0, 0));
@ -1016,9 +1036,6 @@ static void on_damage(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, cpDataPointer userData)
// if(entity_a->is_missile) {getPointFunc = cpArbiterGetPointA;
// if(entity_b->is_missile) getPointFunc = cpArbiterGetPointB;
double damage = cpvlength((cpArbiterTotalImpulse(arb))) * COLLISION_DAMAGE_SCALING;
if (entity_a->is_box && entity_a->box_type == BoxExplosive)
@ -1028,22 +1045,18 @@ static void on_damage(cpArbiter *arb, cpSpace *space, cpDataPointer userData)
if (damage > 0.05)
// Log("Collision with damage %f\n", damage);
entity_a->damage += damage;
entity_b->damage += damage;
// b must be the key passed into the post step removed, the key is cast into its shape
// cpSpaceAddPostStepCallback(space, (cpPostStepFunc)postStepRemove, b, NULL);
// cpSpaceAddPostStepCallback(space, (cpPostStepFunc)postStepRemove, a, NULL);
// must be called with zero initialized game state, because copies the server side computing!
void initialize(GameState *gs, void *entity_arena, size_t entity_arena_size)
bool is_server_side = gs->server_side_computing;
*gs = (GameState){0};
memset(entity_arena, 0, entity_arena_size); // SUPER critical. Random vals in the entity data causes big problem
gs->entities = (Entity *)entity_arena;
gs->max_entities = (unsigned int)(entity_arena_size / sizeof(Entity));
gs->space = cpSpaceNew();
@ -1052,7 +1065,10 @@ void initialize(GameState *gs, void *entity_arena, size_t entity_arena_size)
handler->postSolveFunc = on_damage;
gs->server_side_computing = is_server_side;
void destroy(GameState *gs)
// can't zero out gs data because the entity memory arena is reused
// on deserialization
@ -1060,14 +1076,15 @@ void destroy(GameState *gs)
if (gs->entities[i].exists)
entity_memory_free(gs, &gs->entities[i]);
gs->entities[i] = (Entity){0};
gs->entities[i] = (Entity){0}; // IMPORTANT expects zeroed for initialize
gs->space = NULL;
gs->cur_next_entity = 0;
// center of mass, not the literal position
cpVect grid_com(Entity *grid)
@ -1434,6 +1451,8 @@ SerMaybeFailure ser_player(SerState *ser, Player *p)
SerMaybeFailure ser_entity(SerState *ser, GameState *gs, Entity *e)
PROFILE_SCOPE("Ser entity")
@ -1626,44 +1645,14 @@ SerMaybeFailure ser_entity(SerState *ser, GameState *gs, Entity *e)
case BoxLandingGear:
bool is_null = e->landed_constraint == NULL;
if (!is_null)
EntityID from = {0};
EntityID to = {0};
cpVect pin = {0};
if (ser->serializing)
from = get_id(gs, cp_body_entity(cpConstraintGetBodyA(e->landed_constraint)));
to = get_id(gs, cp_body_entity(cpConstraintGetBodyB(e->landed_constraint)));
pin = cpPivotJointGetAnchorA(e->landed_constraint);
SER_MAYBE_RETURN(ser_entityid(ser, &from));
SER_MAYBE_RETURN(ser_entityid(ser, &to));
SER_MAYBE_RETURN(ser_V2(ser, &pin));
if (!ser->serializing)
Entity *from_entity = get_entity(gs, from);
Entity *to_entity = get_entity(gs, to);
if (from_entity == NULL || to_entity == NULL)
e->landed_constraint = cpPivotJointNew(from_entity->body, to_entity->body, pin);
cpSpaceAddConstraint(gs->space, e->landed_constraint);
on_create_constraint(e, e->landed_constraint);
SER_MAYBE_RETURN(ser_entityid(ser, &e->shape_to_land_on));
return ser_ok;
@ -3210,6 +3199,8 @@ void process(struct GameState *gs, double dt)
// PROFILE_SCOPE("Grid processing")
Entity *grid = e;
float e; // turn all references to e into errors
// calculate how much energy solar panels provide
double energy_to_add = 0.0;
BOXES_ITER(gs, cur_box, grid)
@ -3251,6 +3242,7 @@ void process(struct GameState *gs, double dt)
// use the energy, stored in the batteries, in various boxes
BOXES_ITER(gs, cur_box, grid)
if (cur_box->box_type == BoxThruster)
cur_box->energy_effectiveness = batteries_use_energy(gs, grid, &non_battery_energy_left_over, cur_box->wanted_thrust * THRUSTER_ENERGY_USED_PER_SECOND * dt);
@ -3506,8 +3498,49 @@ void process(struct GameState *gs, double dt)
if (cur_box->box_type == BoxLandingGear)
cpVect landing_point = cpvadd(entity_pos(cur_box), cpvmult(box_facing_vector(cur_box), BOX_SIZE / 2.0));
Entity *must_have_shape = get_entity(gs, cur_box->shape_to_land_on);
bool want_have_constraint = true;
if (want_have_constraint)
want_have_constraint &= must_have_shape != NULL;
if (want_have_constraint)
want_have_constraint &= must_have_shape->shape != NULL;
if (want_have_constraint)
want_have_constraint &= cpShapeGetBody(must_have_shape->shape) != NULL;
if (want_have_constraint)
want_have_constraint &= cpvdist(entity_pos(must_have_shape), landing_point) < BOX_SIZE + LANDING_GEAR_MAX_DIST;
#define DELETE_CONSTRAINT(constraint) \
{ \
cpSpaceRemoveConstraint(gs->space, constraint); \
cpConstraintFree(constraint); \
constraint = NULL; \
if (want_have_constraint)
flight_assert(must_have_shape != NULL);
cpBody *body_a = box_grid(cur_box)->body;
cpBody *body_b = cpShapeGetBody(must_have_shape->shape);
if (cur_box->landed_constraint != NULL && (cpConstraintGetBodyA(cur_box->landed_constraint) != body_a || cpConstraintGetBodyB(cur_box->landed_constraint) != body_b))
if (cur_box->landed_constraint == NULL)
cur_box->landed_constraint = cpPivotJointNew(body_a, body_b, landing_point);
cpSpaceAddConstraint(gs->space, cur_box->landed_constraint);
on_create_constraint(cur_box, cur_box->landed_constraint);
if (cur_box->landed_constraint != NULL)
cur_box->shape_to_land_on = (EntityID){0};
// maybe see something to land on
cpVect along = box_facing_vector(cur_box);
cpVect from = cpvadd(entity_pos(cur_box), cpvmult(along, BOX_SIZE / 2.0 + 0.03));
cpVect to = cpvadd(from, cpvmult(along, LANDING_GEAR_MAX_DIST));
@ -3516,12 +3549,7 @@ void process(struct GameState *gs, double dt)
cpShape *found = cpSpaceSegmentQueryFirst(gs->space, from, to, 0.0, FILTER_DEFAULT, &query_result);
if (found != NULL && cpShapeGetBody(found) != box_grid(cur_box)->body)
cpVect anchor = cpvadd(entity_pos(cur_box), cpvmult(along, BOX_SIZE / 2.0));
cpBody *a = box_grid(cur_box)->body;
cpBody *b = cpShapeGetBody(found);
cur_box->landed_constraint = cpPivotJointNew(a, b, anchor);
cpSpaceAddConstraint(gs->space, cur_box->landed_constraint);
on_create_constraint(cur_box, cur_box->landed_constraint);
cur_box->shape_to_land_on = get_id(gs, cp_shape_entity(found));