@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ typedef struct MousePressed
} MousePressed ;
static MousePressed mousepressed [ MAX_MOUSEBUTTON ] = { 0 } ;
static EntityID maybe_inviting_this_player = { 0 } ;
static EntityID hovering_this_player = { 0 } ;
bool confirm_invite_this_player = false ;
bool accept_invite = false ;
bool reject_invite = false ;
@ -1032,8 +1033,31 @@ static void ui(bool draw, double dt, double width, double height)
// draw maybe inviting
// draw maybe inviting and helper text
Entity * maybe_hovering = get_entity ( & gs , hovering_this_player ) ;
if ( draw & & maybe_hovering ! = NULL & & myplayer ( ) ! = NULL & & myplayer ( ) - > squad ! = SquadNone & & myplayer ( ) - > squad ! = maybe_hovering - > owning_squad )
cpVect pos = world_to_screen ( width , height , entity_pos ( maybe_hovering ) ) ;
set_color ( WHITE ) ;
draw_circle ( pos , 28.0 + sin ( exec_time * 5.0 ) * 6.5 ) ;
sgp_set_image ( 0 , image_rightclick ) ;
cpVect draw_at = cpvadd ( pos , cpv ( 0 , 50.0 ) ) ;
pipeline_scope ( goodpixel_pipeline )
scale_at ( 1.0 , - 1.0 , draw_at . x , draw_at . y ) ;
draw_texture_centered ( draw_at , 100.0 + sin ( exec_time * 5.0 ) * 10.0 ) ;
sgp_reset_image ( 0 ) ;
Entity * inviting = get_entity ( & gs , maybe_inviting_this_player ) ;
if ( inviting ! = NULL & & myplayer ( ) ! = NULL )
@ -1041,7 +1065,7 @@ static void ui(bool draw, double dt, double width, double height)
width , height ,
cpvadd ( entity_pos ( inviting ) ,
( cpVect ) { . y = player_scaling * PLAYER_SIZE . y / 2.0 } ) ) ;
cpVect pos = cpvadd ( top_of_head , ( cpVect ) { . y = - 30.0 } ) ;
cpVect pos = cpvadd ( top_of_head , ( cpVect ) { . y = - 30.0 } ) ; // -y is up because in screen space here
cpVect to_mouse = cpvsub ( mouse_pos ,
world_to_screen ( width , height , entity_pos ( inviting ) ) ) ;
bool selecting_to_invite =
@ -1679,15 +1703,18 @@ static void frame(void)
// process player interaction (squad invites)
if ( interact_pressed & & myplayer ( ) ! = NULL & & myplayer ( ) - > squad ! = SquadNone )
if ( cur ! = myentity ( ) & & cur - > is_player & &
has_point ( centered_at ( entity_pos ( cur ) , cpvmult ( PLAYER_SIZE , player_scaling ) ) , world_mouse_pos ) )
if ( get_entity ( & gs , hovering_this_player ) ! = NULL )
maybe_inviting_this_player = get_id ( & gs , cur ) ;
maybe_inviting_this_player = hovering_this_player ;
interact_pressed = false ;
// Create and send input packet, and predict a frame of gamestate
static InputFrame cur_input_frame = {
@ -1994,6 +2021,8 @@ static void frame(void)
if ( zoom > 50.0 )
player_scaling = player_scaling_target ; // For press tab zoom shortcut. Bad hack to make zooming in not jarring with the bigger player. Comment this out and press tab to see!
player_scaling = lerp ( player_scaling , player_scaling_target , dt * 15.0 ) ;
hovering_this_player = ( EntityID ) { 0 } ;
// draw all types of entities
// draw grid
@ -2225,9 +2254,11 @@ static void frame(void)
// draw player
if ( e - > is_player & &
get_entity ( & gs , e - > currently_inside_of_box ) = = NULL )
if ( e - > is_player )
if ( e ! = myentity ( ) & & has_point ( centered_at ( entity_pos ( e ) , cpvmult ( PLAYER_SIZE , player_scaling ) ) , world_mouse_pos ) )
hovering_this_player = get_id ( & gs , e ) ;
if ( get_entity ( & gs , e - > currently_inside_of_box ) = = NULL )
rotate_at ( entity_rotation ( e ) , entity_pos ( e ) . x , entity_pos ( e ) . y ) ;
@ -2243,6 +2274,8 @@ static void frame(void)
// draw explosion
if ( e - > is_explosion )
sgp_set_image ( 0 , image_explosion ) ;