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1 year ago
@echo off
echo Running codegen...
rmdir /S /q assets\copyrighted
rmdir /S /q "assets\exported_3d"
mkdir "assets\exported_3d" || goto :error
copy "art\exported\*" "assets\exported_3d\" || goto :error
copy "art\gigatexture.png" "assets\exported_3d\gigatexture.png" || goto :error
@echo off
rmdir /S /q gen
mkdir gen
@REM shaders
thirdparty\sokol-shdc.exe --input quad.glsl --output gen\quad-sapp.glsl.h --slang glsl100:hlsl5:metal_macos:glsl330 || goto :error
thirdparty\sokol-shdc.exe --input threedee.glsl --output gen\threedee.glsl.h --slang glsl100:hlsl5:metal_macos:glsl330 || goto :error
thirdparty\sokol-shdc.exe --input armature.glsl --output gen\armature.glsl.h --slang glsl100:hlsl5:metal_macos:glsl330 || goto :error
1 year ago
@REM metadesk codegen
cl /Ithirdparty /W3 /Zi /WX codegen.c || goto :error
@REM zig cc -Ithirdparty -gfull -gcodeview codegen.c -o codegen.exe || goto error
codegen || goto :error
@REM cl /Ithirdparty /Igen /W3 /Zi /WX maketraining.c || goto :error
@REM maketraining || goto :error
1 year ago
goto :EOF
echo Codegen failed
1 year ago