char*judgement_system_prompt="You are to judge if, in given conversation and action history from a video game, the player has successfully caused a great transformation in Daniel. You must ONLY respond with either 'yes' or 'no', and no explanation.";
"You are to judge if, in given conversation and action history from a video game, the player has successfully caused a great transformation in Daniel. You must ONLY respond with either 'yes' or 'no', and no explanation.\n"
"Be cautious with saying yes. This causes the player to win and save Daniel's life. Only say yes if you think, based on the history, Daniel has truly changed his ways and evolved as a person.\n"
"The Player said \"Hey\" to Daniel\n"
"Daniel said \"What do you want?\" to The Player\n"
@ -182,4 +185,5 @@ char *judgement_no_example = "The Player said \"fjdskfjskj\" to Daniel\n"
char*judgement_no2_example="The Player said \"hey\" to Daniel\n"
"Daniel said \"What could you possibly want from me?\" to The Player\n"
"The Player said \"I want to change you\" to Daniel\n"
"Daniel said \"HA! You couldn't possibly change me\" to The Player\n"
boolignore_radius=from->npc_kind==NPC_Player||targeted==NPC_Player;// player conversations can go across the map to make sure the player always sees them
log.Println("Warning: Not adding cors header to responses, you should probably be running this through a proxy like nginx that does that! To activate cors set the `CORS` environment variable to anything");
- Detect when an arena accidentally has more than one ArenaTemp requested of it
- In case of AI failure redact the memories that prompted the character to make a generation request
- Polygon and circle collision with cutec2 probably for the player being unable to collide with the camera bounds, and non axis aligned collision rects
- set the game in oregon (suggestion by phillip)
- Room system where characters can go to rooms. camera constrained to room bounds, and know which rooms are near them to go to