@ -956,52 +956,48 @@ bool char_in_str(char c, const char *str)
return false ;
return false ;
typedef struct
bool succeeded ;
Sentence error_message ;
} ChatgptParse ;
ChatgptParse parse_chatgpt_response ( Entity * it , char * sentence_str , Perception * out )
// if returned string has size greater than 0, it's the error message. Allocated
// on arena passed into it
MD_String8 parse_chatgpt_response ( MD_Arena * arena , Entity * e , MD_String8 sentence , Perception * out )
ChatgptParse to_return = { 0 } ;
MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch ( & arena , 1 ) ;
MD_String8 error_message = { 0 } ;
* out = ( Perception ) { 0 } ;
* out = ( Perception ) { 0 } ;
out - > type = NPCDialog ;
out - > type = NPCDialog ;
size_t sentence_length = strlen ( sentence_str ) ;
MD_String8 action_prefix = MD_S8Lit ( " ACT_ " ) ;
MD_u64 act_pos = MD_S8FindSubstring ( sentence , action_prefix , 0 , 0 ) ;
// dialog begins at ACT_
if ( act_pos = = sentence . size )
const char * to_find = " ACT_ " ;
size_t to_find_len = strlen ( to_find ) ;
bool found = false ;
while ( true )
if ( * sentence_str = = ' \0 ' ) break ;
if ( strncmp ( sentence_str , to_find , to_find_len ) = = 0 )
sentence_str + = to_find_len ;
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " Couldn't find beginning of action '%.*s' in sentence " , MD_S8VArg ( action_prefix ) ) ;
found = true ;
goto endofparsing ;
break ;
sentence_str + = 1 ;
if ( ! found )
MD_u64 beginning_of_action = act_pos + action_prefix . size ;
MD_u64 parenth = MD_S8FindSubstring ( sentence , MD_S8Lit ( " ( " ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
MD_u64 space = MD_S8FindSubstring ( sentence , MD_S8Lit ( " " ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
MD_u64 end_of_action = parenth < space ? parenth : space ;
if ( end_of_action = = sentence . size )
printf_buff ( & to_return . error_message , " Couldn't find action beginning with 'ACT_'. \n " ) ;
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " '%.*s' prefix doesn't end with a ' ' or a '(', like how 'ACT_none ' or 'ACT_give_item(ITEM_sandwich) does. " , MD_S8VArg ( action_prefix ) ) ;
return to_return ;
goto endofparsing ;
MD_String8 given_action_string = MD_S8Substring ( sentence , beginning_of_action , end_of_action ) ;
SmallTextChunk action_string = { 0 } ;
sentence_str + = get_until ( & action_string , sentence_str , " ( " ) ;
bool found_action = false ;
AvailableActions available = { 0 } ;
AvailableActions available = { 0 } ;
fill_available_actions ( it , & available ) ;
fill_available_actions ( e , & available ) ;
bool found_action = false ;
MD_String8List given_action_strings = { 0 } ;
BUFF_ITER ( Action , & available )
BUFF_ITER ( Action , & available )
if ( strcmp ( actions [ * it ] . name , action_string . data ) = = 0 )
MD_String8 action_str = MD_S8CString ( actions [ * it ] . name ) ;
MD_S8ListPush ( scratch . arena , & given_action_strings , action_str ) ;
if ( MD_S8Match ( action_str , given_action_string , 0 ) )
found_action = true ;
found_action = true ;
out - > npc_action_type = * it ;
out - > npc_action_type = * it ;
@ -1010,96 +1006,107 @@ ChatgptParse parse_chatgpt_response(Entity *it, char *sentence_str, Perception *
if ( ! found_action )
if ( ! found_action )
printf_buff ( & to_return . error_message , " Could not find action associated with parsed 'ACT_' string `%s` \n " , action_string . data ) ;
MD_StringJoin join = { . pre = MD_S8Lit ( " " ) , . mid = MD_S8Lit ( " , " ) , . post = MD_S8Lit ( " " ) } ;
out - > npc_action_type = ACT_none ;
MD_String8 possible_actions_str = MD_S8ListJoin ( scratch . arena , given_action_strings , & join ) ;
return to_return ;
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " Action string given is '%.*s', but available actions are: [%.*s] " , MD_S8VArg ( given_action_string ) , MD_S8VArg ( possible_actions_str ) ) ;
goto endofparsing ;
MD_u64 start_looking_for_quote = end_of_action ;
SmallTextChunk dialog_str = { 0 } ;
if ( actions [ out - > npc_action_type ] . takes_argument )
if ( actions [ out - > npc_action_type ] . takes_argument )
# define EXPECT(chr, val) if (chr != val) { printf_buff(&to_return.error_message, "Improperly formatted sentence, expected character '%c' but got '%c'\n", val, chr); return to_return; }
if ( end_of_action > = sentence . size )
EXPECT ( * sentence_str , ' ( ' ) ;
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " Expected '(' after the given action '%.*s%.*s' which takes an argument, but sentence ended prematurely " , MD_S8VArg ( action_prefix ) , MD_S8VArg ( MD_S8CString ( actions [ out - > npc_action_type ] . name ) ) ) ;
sentence_str + = 1 ;
goto endofparsing ;
char should_be_paren = sentence . str [ end_of_action ] ;
if ( should_be_paren ! = ' ( ' )
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " Expected '(' after the given action '%.*s%.*s' which takes an argument, but found character '%c' " , MD_S8VArg ( action_prefix ) , MD_S8VArg ( MD_S8CString ( actions [ out - > npc_action_type ] . name ) ) , should_be_paren ) ;
goto endofparsing ;
MD_u64 beginning_of_arg = end_of_action ;
MD_u64 end_of_arg = MD_S8FindSubstring ( sentence , MD_S8Lit ( " ) " ) , beginning_of_arg , 0 ) ;
if ( end_of_arg = = sentence . size )
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " Expected ')' to close the action string's argument, but couldn't find one " ) ;
goto endofparsing ;
SmallTextChunk argument = { 0 } ;
MD_String8 argument = MD_S8Substring ( sentence , beginning_of_arg , end_of_arg ) ;
sentence_str + = get_until ( & argument , sentence_str , " ) " ) ;
start_looking_for_quote = end_of_arg + 1 ;
if ( out - > npc_action_type = = ACT_give_item )
if ( out - > npc_action_type = = ACT_give_item )
Entity * e = it ;
MD_String8 item_prefix = MD_S8Lit ( " ITEM_ " ) ;
bool found = false ;
MD_u64 item_prefix_begin = MD_S8FindSubstring ( argument , item_prefix , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( item_prefix_begin = = argument . size )
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " Expected prefix 'ITEM_' before the give_item action, but found '%.*s' instead " , MD_S8VArg ( argument ) ) ;
goto endofparsing ;
MD_u64 item_name_begin = item_prefix_begin + item_prefix . size ;
MD_u64 item_name_end = argument . size ;
MD_String8 item_name = MD_S8Substring ( argument , item_name_begin , item_name_end ) ;
bool item_found = false ;
MD_String8List possible_item_strings = { 0 } ;
BUFF_ITER ( ItemKind , & e - > held_items )
BUFF_ITER ( ItemKind , & e - > held_items )
const char * without_item_prefix = & argument . data [ 0 ] ;
MD_String8 item_str = MD_S8CString ( items [ * it ] . enum_name ) ;
EXPECT ( * without_item_prefix , ' I ' ) ;
MD_S8ListPush ( scratch . arena , & possible_item_strings , item_str ) ;
without_item_prefix + = 1 ;
if ( MD_S8Match ( item_str , item_name , 0 ) )
EXPECT ( * without_item_prefix , ' T ' ) ;
without_item_prefix + = 1 ;
EXPECT ( * without_item_prefix , ' E ' ) ;
without_item_prefix + = 1 ;
EXPECT ( * without_item_prefix , ' M ' ) ;
without_item_prefix + = 1 ;
EXPECT ( * without_item_prefix , ' _ ' ) ;
without_item_prefix + = 1 ;
if ( strcmp ( items [ * it ] . enum_name , without_item_prefix ) = = 0 )
item_found = true ;
out - > given_item = * it ;
out - > given_item = * it ;
if ( found )
Log ( " Duplicate item enum name? Really weird... \n " ) ;
found = true ;
if ( ! found )
if ( ! item_found )
printf_buff ( & to_return . error_message , " Couldn't find item in the inventory of the NPC to give. You said `%s`, but you have [%s] in your inventory \n " , argument . data , item_string ( it ) . data ) ;
MD_StringJoin join = { . pre = MD_S8Lit ( " " ) , . mid = MD_S8Lit ( " , " ) , . post = MD_S8Lit ( " " ) } ;
return to_return ;
MD_String8 possible_items_str = MD_S8ListJoin ( scratch . arena , possible_item_strings , & join ) ;
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " Item string given is '%.*s', but available items to give are: [%.*s] " , MD_S8VArg ( item_name ) , MD_S8VArg ( possible_items_str ) ) ;
goto endofparsing ;
printf_buff ( & to_return . error_message , " Don't know how to handle argument in action of type `%s` \n " , actions [ out - > npc_action_type ] . name ) ;
assert ( false ) ; // if action takes an argument but we don't handle it, this should be a terrible crash
# ifdef DEVTOOLS
// not sure if this should never happen or not, need more sleep...
assert ( false ) ;
# endif
return to_return ;
EXPECT ( * sentence_str , ' ) ' ) ;
sentence_str + = 1 ;
EXPECT ( * sentence_str , ' ' ) ;
sentence_str + = 1 ;
EXPECT ( * sentence_str , ' " ' ) ;
sentence_str + = 1 ;
sentence_str + = get_until ( & dialog_str , sentence_str , " \" \n " ) ;
if ( start_looking_for_quote > = sentence . size )
if ( dialog_str . cur_index > = ARRLEN ( out - > npc_dialog . data ) )
printf_buff ( & to_return . error_message , " Dialog string `%s` too big to fit in sentence size %d \n " , dialog_str . data ,
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " Wanted to start looking for quote for NPC speech, but sentence ended prematurely " ) ;
( int ) ARRLEN ( out - > npc_dialog . data ) ) ;
goto endofparsing ;
return to_return ;
char next_char = * ( sentence_str + 1 ) ;
MD_u64 beginning_of_speech = MD_S8FindSubstring ( sentence , MD_S8Lit ( " \" " ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( ! ( next_char = = ' \0 ' | | next_char = = ' \n ' ) )
MD_u64 end_of_speech = MD_S8FindSubstring ( sentence , MD_S8Lit ( " \" " ) , beginning_of_speech + 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( beginning_of_speech = = sentence . size | | end_of_speech = = sentence . size )
printf_buff ( & to_return . error_message , " Expected dialog to end after the last quote, but instead found character '%c' \n " , next_char ) ;
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " Expected dialog enclosed by two quotes (i.e \" My name is greg \" ) after the action, but couldn't find anything! " ) ;
return to_return ;
goto endofparsing ;
memcpy ( out - > npc_dialog . data , dialog_str . data , dialog_str . cur_index ) ;
MD_String8 speech = MD_S8Substring ( sentence , beginning_of_speech + 1 , end_of_speech ) ;
out - > npc_dialog . cur_index = dialog_str . cur_index ;
to_return . succeeded = true ;
if ( speech . size > = ARRLEN ( out - > npc_dialog . data ) )
return to_return ;
error_message = MD_S8Fmt ( arena , " The speech given is %llu bytes big, but the maximum allowed is %llu bytes. " , speech . size , ARRLEN ( out - > npc_dialog . data ) ) ;
goto endofparsing ;
to_return . succeeded = false ;
memcpy ( out - > npc_dialog . data , speech . str , speech . size ) ;
return to_return ;
out - > npc_dialog . cur_index = ( int ) speech . size ;
endofparsing :
MD_ReleaseScratch ( scratch ) ;
return error_message ;