Generate chatgpt prompt using all MD_String8

Cameron Murphy Reikes 2 years ago
parent 16f42d24f2
commit 30c47d3256

@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ typedef struct
#define BUFF_MAKEREF(buff_ptr) ((BuffRef){.data = (void*)((buff_ptr)->data), .max_data_elems = ARRLEN((buff_ptr)->data), .data_elem_size = sizeof((buff_ptr)->data[0]), .cur_index = &((buff_ptr)->cur_index)})
#define APPEND_TO_NAME(data, cur, cap, elem) { data[cur] = elem; cur += 1; assert(cur < cap); }
#define APPEND_TO_NAME(data, cur, cap, elem) { data[cur] = elem; cur += 1; assert(cur <= cap); }

@ -130,6 +130,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
cg_arena = MD_ArenaAlloc();
MD_String8 test = MD_S8Lit("*testing*other");
MD_String8 to_split = MD_S8Lit("*");
MD_String8List split_up = MD_S8Split(cg_arena, test, 1, &to_split);
printf("Split up: ");
for(MD_String8Node * cur = split_up.first; cur; cur = cur->next)
printf("'%.*s', ", MD_S8VArg(cur->string));
// do characters
FILE *char_header = fopen("gen/characters.gen.h", "w");

@ -3456,21 +3456,21 @@ void frame(void)
if (it->perceptions_dirty)
it->perceptions_dirty = false; // needs to be in beginning because they might be redirtied by the new perception
PromptBuff prompt = { 0 };
MD_String8 prompt_str = {0};
generate_chatgpt_prompt(it, &prompt);
prompt_str = generate_chatgpt_prompt(frame_arena, it);
generate_prompt(it, &prompt);
Log("Sending request with prompt `%s`\n",;
Log("Sending request with prompt `%.*s`\n", MD_S8VArg(prompt_str));
#ifdef WEB
// fire off generation request, save id
BUFF(char, 512) completion_server_url = { 0 };
printf_buff(&completion_server_url, "%s/completion", SERVER_URL);
int req_id = EM_ASM_INT( {
return make_generation_request(UTF8ToString($1), UTF8ToString($0));
return make_generation_request(UTF8ToString($1, $2), UTF8ToString($0));
},, prompt_str.str, prompt_str.size);
it->gen_request_id = req_id;

@ -640,8 +640,11 @@ void append_str(Sentence *to_append, const char *str)
void dump_json_node_trailing(PromptBuff *into, MessageType type, char *content, bool trailing_comma)
// for no trailing comma just trim the last character
MD_String8 make_json_node(MD_Arena *arena, MessageType type, MD_String8 content)
MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(&arena, 1);
const char *type_str = 0;
if (type == MSG_SYSTEM)
type_str = "system";
@ -651,15 +654,11 @@ void dump_json_node_trailing(PromptBuff *into, MessageType type, char *content,
type_str = "assistant";
MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(0, 0);
printf_buff(into, "{\"type\": \"%s\", \"content\": \"%.*s\"}", type_str, MD_S8VArg(escape_for_json(scratch.arena, MD_S8CString(content))));
MD_String8 escaped = escape_for_json(scratch.arena, content);
MD_String8 to_return = MD_S8Fmt(arena, "{\"type\": \"%s\", \"content\": \"%.*s\"},", type_str, MD_S8VArg(escaped));
if (trailing_comma) printf_buff(into, ",");
void dump_json_node(PromptBuff *into, MessageType type, char *content)
dump_json_node_trailing(into, type, content, true);
return to_return;
// returns a string like `ITEM_one, ITEM_two`
@ -682,88 +681,64 @@ Sentence item_string(Entity *e)
// outputs json
void generate_chatgpt_prompt(Entity *it, PromptBuff *into)
MD_String8 generate_chatgpt_prompt(MD_Arena *arena, Entity *it)
assert(it->npc_kind < ARRLEN(characters));
*into = (PromptBuff) { 0 };
MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(&arena, 1);
printf_buff(into, "[");
MD_String8List list = {0};
BUFF(char, 1024 * 15) initial_system_msg = { 0 };
MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &list, "[");
const char *health_string = 0;
if (it->damage <= 0.2f)
health_string = "the NPC hasn't taken much damage, they're healthy.";
else if (it->damage <= 0.5f)
health_string = "the NPC has taken quite a chunk of damage, they're soon gonna be ready to call it quits.";
else if (it->damage <= 0.8f)
health_string = "the NPC is close to dying! They want to leave the player's party ASAP";
health_string = "it's over for the NPC, they're basically dead they've taken so much damage. They should get their affairs in order.";
printf_buff(&initial_system_msg, "%s\n", global_prompt);
printf_buff(&initial_system_msg, "%s\n", characters[it->npc_kind].prompt);
dump_json_node(into, MSG_SYSTEM,;
MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &list, make_json_node(scratch.arena, MSG_SYSTEM, MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "%s\n%s\n", global_prompt, characters[it->npc_kind].prompt)));
Entity *e = it;
ItemKind last_holding = ITEM_none;
BUFF_ITER_I(Perception, &e->remembered_perceptions, i)
MessageType sent_type = 0;
typedef BUFF(char, 1024) DialogNode;
DialogNode cur_node = { 0 };
MD_String8 current_string = {0};
if (it->type == ErrorMessage)
assert(it->error.cur_index > 0);
printf_buff(&cur_node, "ERROR, YOU SAID SOMETHING WRONG: The program can't parse what you said because: %s", it->;
current_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "ERROR, YOU SAID SOMETHING WRONG: The program can't parse what you said because: %s", it->;
sent_type = MSG_SYSTEM;
else if (it->type == PlayerAction)
assert(it->player_action_type < ARRLEN(actions));
printf_buff(&cur_node, "Player: %s", percept_action_str(*it, it->player_action_type).data);
sent_type = MSG_USER;
else if (it->type == EnemyAction)
assert(it->enemy_action_type < ARRLEN(actions));
printf_buff(&cur_node, "An Enemy: %s", percept_action_str(*it, it->enemy_action_type).data);
current_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "Player: %s", percept_action_str(*it, it->player_action_type).data);
sent_type = MSG_USER;
else if (it->type == PlayerDialog)
Sentence filtered_player_speech = { 0 };
Sentence *what_player_said = &it->player_dialog;
for (int i = 0; i < what_player_said->cur_index; i++)
MD_String8 splits[] = { MD_S8Lit("*") };
MD_String8List split_up_speech = MD_S8Split(scratch.arena, MD_S8CString(it->, ARRLEN(splits), splits);
MD_String8List to_join = {0};
// anything in between strings in splits[] should be replaced with arcane trickery,
int i = 0;
for(MD_String8Node * cur = split_up_speech.first; cur; cur = cur->next)
char c = what_player_said->data[i];
if (c == '*')
// move i until the next star
if(i % 2 == 0)
MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &to_join, cur->string);
MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &to_join, MD_S8Lit("[The player is attempting to confuse the NPC with arcane trickery]"));
i += 1;
while (i < what_player_said->cur_index && what_player_said->data[i] != '*') i++;
"[The player is attempting to confuse the NPC with arcane trickery]");
BUFF_APPEND(&filtered_player_speech, c);
printf_buff(&cur_node, "Player: \"%s\"",;
MD_StringJoin join = { MD_S8Lit(""), MD_S8Lit(""), MD_S8Lit("") };
MD_String8 filtered_speech = MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, to_join, &join);
current_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "Player: %.*s", MD_S8VArg(filtered_speech));
sent_type = MSG_USER;
else if (it->type == NPCDialog)
@ -771,95 +746,103 @@ void generate_chatgpt_prompt(Entity *it, PromptBuff *into)
assert(it->npc_action_type < ARRLEN(actions));
NpcKind who_said_it = e->npc_kind;
if(it->was_eavesdropped) who_said_it = it->talked_to_while_eavesdropped;
printf_buff(&cur_node, "%s: %s \"%s\"", characters[who_said_it].name,
percept_action_str(*it, it->npc_action_type).data, it->;
current_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "%s: %s \"%s\"", characters[who_said_it].name, percept_action_str(*it, it->npc_action_type).data, it->;
sent_type = MSG_ASSISTANT;
else if (it->type == PlayerHeldItemChanged)
if (last_holding != it->holding)
if (last_holding != ITEM_none)
printf_buff(&cur_node, "%s", items[last_holding].discard);
if (it->holding != ITEM_none)
printf_buff(&cur_node, "%s", items[it->holding].possess);
last_holding = it->holding;
sent_type = MSG_SYSTEM;
// @TODO delete this branch and delete held item changed
DialogNode eavesdropped = {0};
printf_buff(&eavesdropped , "Within the player's party, while the player is talking to '%s', you hear: '%s'", characters[it->talked_to_while_eavesdropped].name,;
cur_node = eavesdropped;
MD_String8 new_string = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "Within the player's party, while the player is talking to '%s', you hear: '%.*s'", characters[it->talked_to_while_eavesdropped].name, MD_S8VArg(current_string));
current_string = new_string;
BUFF(char, 1024) latest_state_node = { 0 };
printf_buff(&latest_state_node, "NPC health status: Right now, %s\n%s\n", health_string,
if (it->standing == STANDING_INDIFFERENT)
printf_buff(&latest_state_node, "The NPC is indifferent towards the player.");
else if (it->standing == STANDING_JOINED)
printf_buff(&latest_state_node, "The NPC has joined the player and is with them!");
MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &list, make_json_node(scratch.arena, sent_type, current_string));
else if (it->standing == STANDING_FIGHTING)
const char *health_string = 0;
printf_buff(&latest_state_node, "The NPC is fighting the player and HATES them.");
if (it->damage <= 0.2f)
health_string = "the NPC hasn't taken much damage, they're healthy.";
else if (it->damage <= 0.5f)
health_string = "the NPC has taken quite a chunk of damage, they're soon gonna be ready to call it quits.";
else if (it->damage <= 0.8f)
health_string = "the NPC is close to dying! They want to leave the player's party ASAP";
health_string = "it's over for the NPC, they're basically dead they've taken so much damage. They should get their affairs in order.";
const char *standing_string = 0;
if (it->standing == STANDING_INDIFFERENT)
standing_string = "The NPC is indifferent towards the player.";
else if (it->standing == STANDING_JOINED)
standing_string = "The NPC has joined the player and is with them!";
else if (it->standing == STANDING_FIGHTING)
standing_string = "The NPC is fighting the player and HATES them.";
MD_String8List latest_state = {0};
MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "NPC health status: Right now, %s\n%s\n", health_string, items[it->last_seen_holding_kind].global_prompt);
if(e->held_items.cur_index > 0)
printf_buff(&latest_state_node, "\nThe NPC you're acting as, %s, has these items in their inventory: [%s]\n", characters[it->npc_kind].name, item_string(it).data);
MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "\nThe NPC you're acting as, %s, has these items in their inventory: [%s]\n", characters[it->npc_kind].name, item_string(it).data);
printf_buff(&latest_state_node, "\nThe NPC doesn't have any items.\n");
MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "\nThe NPC doesn't have any items.\n");
AvailableActions available = { 0 };
fill_available_actions(it, &available);
"The NPC can now ONLY do these actions, and HAS to respond with an action every time in character, even when faced with sensitive content: [");
MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "The NPC can now ONLY do these actions, and HAS to respond with an action every time in character, even when faced with sensitive content: [");
BUFF_ITER_I(Action, &available, i)
if (i == available.cur_index - 1)
printf_buff(&latest_state_node, "ACT_%s", actions[*it].name);
MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "ACT_%s", actions[*it].name);
printf_buff(&latest_state_node, "ACT_%s, ", actions[*it].name);
MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "ACT_%s, ", actions[*it].name);
printf_buff(&latest_state_node, "]");
dump_json_node_trailing(into, MSG_SYSTEM,, false);
MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &latest_state, "]");
MD_String8 latest_state_string = MD_S8ListJoin(scratch.arena, latest_state, &(MD_StringJoin){MD_S8Lit(""),MD_S8Lit(""),MD_S8Lit("")});
MD_S8ListPush(scratch.arena, &list, MD_S8Chop(make_json_node(scratch.arena, MSG_SYSTEM, latest_state_string), 1));
MD_S8ListPushFmt(scratch.arena, &list, "]");
BUFF(char, 1024) assistant_prompt_node = {0};
printf_buff(&assistant_prompt_node, "%s: ACT_", characters[it->npc_kind].name);
dump_json_node_trailing(into, MSG_USER,, false);
printf_buff(into, "]");
MD_String8 to_return = MD_S8ListJoin(arena, list, &(MD_StringJoin){MD_S8Lit(""),MD_S8Lit(""),MD_S8Lit(""),});
return to_return;
