Queue everything to render, never immediately draw

Cameron Murphy Reikes 2 years ago
parent a1c8bb9090
commit 33a19ce611


@ -1413,13 +1413,12 @@ typedef struct DrawParams
AABB clip_to; // if world space is in world space, if screen space is in screen space - Lao Tzu
float y_coord_sorting; // Y_COORD_IN_BACK, or the smallest value, is all the way in the back, Y_COORD_IN_FRONT is in the front
float alpha_clip_threshold;
bool queue_for_translucent;
bool do_clipping;
} DrawParams;
BUFF(DrawParams, 1024*2) translucent_queue = {0};
BUFF(DrawParams, 1024*5) rendering_queue = {0};
Vec2 into_clip_space(Vec2 screen_space_point)
@ -1431,35 +1430,6 @@ Vec2 into_clip_space(Vec2 screen_space_point)
// The image region is in pixel space of the image
void draw_quad(DrawParams d)
quad_fs_params_t params = {0};
params.tint[0] = d.tint.R;
params.tint[1] = d.tint.G;
params.tint[2] = d.tint.B;
params.tint[3] = d.tint.A;
params.alpha_clip_threshold = d.alpha_clip_threshold;
if(d.do_clipping &&
aabb_is_valid(d.clip_to) && LenV2(aabb_size(d.clip_to)) > 0.1)
d.clip_to.upper_left = world_to_screen(d.clip_to.upper_left);
d.clip_to.lower_right = world_to_screen(d.clip_to.lower_right);
Vec2 aabb_clip_ul = into_clip_space(d.clip_to.upper_left);
Vec2 aabb_clip_lr = into_clip_space(d.clip_to.lower_right);
params.clip_ul[0] = aabb_clip_ul.x;
params.clip_ul[1] = aabb_clip_ul.y;
params.clip_lr[0] = aabb_clip_lr.x;
params.clip_lr[1] = aabb_clip_lr.y;
params.clip_ul[0] = -1.0;
params.clip_ul[1] = 1.0;
params.clip_lr[0] = 1.0;
params.clip_lr[1] = -1.0;
Vec2 *points = d.quad.points;
@ -1471,99 +1441,10 @@ void draw_quad(DrawParams d)
// we've aplied the world space transform
d.world_space = false;
BUFF_APPEND(&translucent_queue, d);
PROFILE_SCOPE("Draw quad")
// if the rendering call is different, and the batch must be flushed
if(d.image.id != cur_batch_image.id || memcmp(&params,&cur_batch_params,sizeof(params)) != 0 )
cur_batch_image = d.image;
cur_batch_params = params;
BUFF_APPEND(&rendering_queue, d);
AABB cam_aabb = screen_cam_aabb();
AABB points_bounding_box = { .upper_left = V2(INFINITY, -INFINITY), .lower_right = V2(-INFINITY, INFINITY) };
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
points_bounding_box.upper_left.X = fminf(points_bounding_box.upper_left.X, points[i].X);
points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y = fmaxf(points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y, points[i].Y);
points_bounding_box.lower_right.X = fmaxf(points_bounding_box.lower_right.X, points[i].X);
points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y = fminf(points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y, points[i].Y);
if(!overlapping(cam_aabb, points_bounding_box))
//dbgprint("Out of screen, cam aabb %f %f %f %f\n", cam_aabb.upper_left.X, cam_aabb.upper_left.Y, cam_aabb.lower_right.X, cam_aabb.lower_right.Y);
//dbgprint("Points boundig box %f %f %f %f\n", points_bounding_box.upper_left.X, points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y, points_bounding_box.lower_right.X, points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y);
continue; // cull out of screen quads
float new_vertices[ FLOATS_PER_VERTEX*4 ] = {0};
Vec2 region_size = SubV2(d.image_region.lower_right, d.image_region.upper_left);
assert(region_size.X > 0.0);
assert(region_size.Y > 0.0);
Vec2 tex_coords[4] =
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(0.0, 0.0)),
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(region_size.X, 0.0)),
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(region_size.X, region_size.Y)),
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(0.0, region_size.Y)),
// convert to uv space
sg_image_info info = sg_query_image_info(d.image);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
tex_coords[i] = DivV2(tex_coords[i], V2((float)info.width, (float)info.height));
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Vec2 in_clip_space = into_clip_space(points[i]);
new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 0] = in_clip_space.X;
new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 1] = in_clip_space.Y;
// update Y_COORD_IN_BACK, Y_COORD_IN_FRONT when this changes
float unmapped = (clampf(d.y_coord_sorting, -1.0f, 2.0f));
float mapped = (unmapped + 1.0f)/3.0f;
new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 2] = 1.0f - (float)clamp(mapped, 0.0, 1.0);
new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 3] = tex_coords[i].X;
new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 4] = tex_coords[i].Y;
// two triangles drawn, six vertices
size_t total_size = 6*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX;
// batched a little too close to the sun
if(cur_batch_data_index + total_size >= ARRLEN(cur_batch_data))
cur_batch_image = d.image;
cur_batch_params = params;
#define PUSH_VERTEX(vert) { memcpy(&cur_batch_data[cur_batch_data_index], &vert, FLOATS_PER_VERTEX*sizeof(float)); cur_batch_data_index += FLOATS_PER_VERTEX; }
int translucent_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
int rendering_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
DrawParams *a_draw = (DrawParams*)a;
DrawParams *b_draw = (DrawParams*)b;
@ -1571,17 +1452,6 @@ int translucent_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
return (int)((a_draw->y_coord_sorting - b_draw->y_coord_sorting)*1000.0f);
void draw_all_translucent()
qsort(&translucent_queue.data[0], translucent_queue.cur_index, sizeof(translucent_queue.data[0]), translucent_compare);
BUFF_ITER(DrawParams, &translucent_queue)
it->queue_for_translucent = false;
void swap(Vec2 *p1, Vec2 *p2)
Vec2 tmp = *p1;
@ -1613,7 +1483,7 @@ void colorquad(bool world_space, Quad q, Color col)
queue = true;
// y coord sorting for colorquad puts it below text for dialog panel
draw_quad((DrawParams){world_space, q, image_white_square, full_region(image_white_square), col, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT - 0.05f, .queue_for_translucent = queue});
draw_quad((DrawParams){world_space, q, image_white_square, full_region(image_white_square), col, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT - 0.05f, });
@ -1830,10 +1700,10 @@ AABB draw_text(TextParams t)
shadow_quad.points[i] = AddV2(shadow_quad.points[i], V2(0.0, -1.0));
draw_quad((DrawParams){t.world_space, shadow_quad, image_font, font_atlas_region, (Color){0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.4f}, t.clip_to, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, .queue_for_translucent = true, .do_clipping = t.do_clipping});
draw_quad((DrawParams){t.world_space, shadow_quad, image_font, font_atlas_region, (Color){0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.4f}, t.clip_to, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, .do_clipping = t.do_clipping});
draw_quad((DrawParams){t.world_space, to_draw, image_font, font_atlas_region, col, t.clip_to, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, .queue_for_translucent = true, .do_clipping = t.do_clipping});
draw_quad((DrawParams){t.world_space, to_draw, image_font, font_atlas_region, col, t.clip_to, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, .do_clipping = t.do_clipping});
@ -1879,7 +1749,7 @@ void draw_shadow_for(DrawParams d)
d.tint = (Color){0,0,0,0.2f};
d.y_coord_sorting -= 0.05f;
d.alpha_clip_threshold = 0.0f;
d.queue_for_translucent = true;
dbgline(sheared_quad.ul, sheared_quad.ur);
dbgline(sheared_quad.ur, sheared_quad.lr);
dbgline(sheared_quad.lr, sheared_quad.ll);
@ -1920,7 +1790,7 @@ void draw_animated_sprite(DrawnAnimatedSprite d)
region.lower_right = AddV2(region.upper_left, s->region_size);
DrawParams drawn = (DrawParams){true, q, spritesheet_img, region, d.tint, .y_coord_sorting = y_sort_pos, .queue_for_translucent = true};
DrawParams drawn = (DrawParams){true, q, spritesheet_img, region, d.tint, .y_coord_sorting = y_sort_pos, };
if(!d.no_shadow) draw_shadow_for(drawn);
@ -3545,7 +3415,7 @@ F cost: G + H
float size = 100.0f;
Vec2 midpoint = MulV2F(AddV2(interacting_with->pos, player->pos), 0.5f);
draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(AddV2(midpoint, V2(0.0, 5.0f + sinf((float)elapsed_time*3.0f)*5.0f)), V2(size, size)), IMG(image_e_icon), blendalpha(WHITE, clamp01(1.0f - learned_e)), .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, .queue_for_translucent = true});
draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(AddV2(midpoint, V2(0.0, 5.0f + sinf((float)elapsed_time*3.0f)*5.0f)), V2(size, size)), IMG(image_e_icon), blendalpha(WHITE, clamp01(1.0f - learned_e)), .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, });
// interaction circle
@ -3590,7 +3460,7 @@ F cost: G + H
// hurt vignette
if(player->damage > 0.0)
draw_quad((DrawParams){false, (Quad){.ul=V2(0.0f, screen_size().Y), .ur = screen_size(), .lr = V2(screen_size().X, 0.0f)}, image_hurt_vignette, full_region(image_hurt_vignette), (Color){1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, player->damage}, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, .queue_for_translucent = true});
draw_quad((DrawParams){false, (Quad){.ul=V2(0.0f, screen_size().Y), .ur = screen_size(), .lr = V2(screen_size().X, 0.0f)}, image_hurt_vignette, full_region(image_hurt_vignette), (Color){1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, player->damage}, .y_coord_sorting = Y_COORD_IN_FRONT, });
player->anim_change_timer += dt;
@ -3894,9 +3764,6 @@ F cost: G + H
// translucent
// item grid modal draw item grid
static float visible = 0.0f;
@ -4043,6 +3910,124 @@ F cost: G + H
PROFILE_SCOPE("flush rendering")
qsort(&rendering_queue.data[0], rendering_queue.cur_index, sizeof(rendering_queue.data[0]), rendering_compare);
BUFF_ITER(DrawParams, &rendering_queue)
DrawParams d = *it;
PROFILE_SCOPE("Draw quad")
Vec2 *points = d.quad.points;
quad_fs_params_t params = {0};
params.tint[0] = d.tint.R;
params.tint[1] = d.tint.G;
params.tint[2] = d.tint.B;
params.tint[3] = d.tint.A;
params.alpha_clip_threshold = d.alpha_clip_threshold;
if(d.do_clipping &&
aabb_is_valid(d.clip_to) && LenV2(aabb_size(d.clip_to)) > 0.1)
d.clip_to.upper_left = world_to_screen(d.clip_to.upper_left);
d.clip_to.lower_right = world_to_screen(d.clip_to.lower_right);
Vec2 aabb_clip_ul = into_clip_space(d.clip_to.upper_left);
Vec2 aabb_clip_lr = into_clip_space(d.clip_to.lower_right);
params.clip_ul[0] = aabb_clip_ul.x;
params.clip_ul[1] = aabb_clip_ul.y;
params.clip_lr[0] = aabb_clip_lr.x;
params.clip_lr[1] = aabb_clip_lr.y;
params.clip_ul[0] = -1.0;
params.clip_ul[1] = 1.0;
params.clip_lr[0] = 1.0;
params.clip_lr[1] = -1.0;
// if the rendering call is different, and the batch must be flushed
if(d.image.id != cur_batch_image.id || memcmp(&params,&cur_batch_params,sizeof(params)) != 0 )
cur_batch_image = d.image;
cur_batch_params = params;
AABB cam_aabb = screen_cam_aabb();
AABB points_bounding_box = { .upper_left = V2(INFINITY, -INFINITY), .lower_right = V2(-INFINITY, INFINITY) };
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
points_bounding_box.upper_left.X = fminf(points_bounding_box.upper_left.X, points[i].X);
points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y = fmaxf(points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y, points[i].Y);
points_bounding_box.lower_right.X = fmaxf(points_bounding_box.lower_right.X, points[i].X);
points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y = fminf(points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y, points[i].Y);
if(!overlapping(cam_aabb, points_bounding_box))
//dbgprint("Out of screen, cam aabb %f %f %f %f\n", cam_aabb.upper_left.X, cam_aabb.upper_left.Y, cam_aabb.lower_right.X, cam_aabb.lower_right.Y);
//dbgprint("Points boundig box %f %f %f %f\n", points_bounding_box.upper_left.X, points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y, points_bounding_box.lower_right.X, points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y);
continue; // cull out of screen quads
float new_vertices[ FLOATS_PER_VERTEX*4 ] = {0};
Vec2 region_size = SubV2(d.image_region.lower_right, d.image_region.upper_left);
assert(region_size.X > 0.0);
assert(region_size.Y > 0.0);
Vec2 tex_coords[4] =
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(0.0, 0.0)),
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(region_size.X, 0.0)),
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(region_size.X, region_size.Y)),
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(0.0, region_size.Y)),
// convert to uv space
sg_image_info info = sg_query_image_info(d.image);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
tex_coords[i] = DivV2(tex_coords[i], V2((float)info.width, (float)info.height));
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Vec2 in_clip_space = into_clip_space(points[i]);
new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 0] = in_clip_space.X;
new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 1] = in_clip_space.Y;
// update Y_COORD_IN_BACK, Y_COORD_IN_FRONT when this changes
float unmapped = (clampf(d.y_coord_sorting, -1.0f, 2.0f));
float mapped = (unmapped + 1.0f)/3.0f;
new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 2] = 1.0f - (float)clamp(mapped, 0.0, 1.0);
new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 3] = tex_coords[i].X;
new_vertices[i*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX + 4] = tex_coords[i].Y;
// two triangles drawn, six vertices
size_t total_size = 6*FLOATS_PER_VERTEX;
// batched a little too close to the sun
if(cur_batch_data_index + total_size >= ARRLEN(cur_batch_data))
cur_batch_image = d.image;
cur_batch_params = params;
#define PUSH_VERTEX(vert) { memcpy(&cur_batch_data[cur_batch_data_index], &vert, FLOATS_PER_VERTEX*sizeof(float)); cur_batch_data_index += FLOATS_PER_VERTEX; }
