@ -433,3 +433,34 @@ Player: "What has two thumbs and is a funny guy?"
Merchant: "Myself"
Player: "No I am!"
Merchant: "Be mindful of your tongue, lest it get you into trouble."
Player: "Hey"
Merchant: "Wha? Another player?"
Player: "What do you have for sale?"
Merchant: "Nothing much. I'm selling these wonderful boots of grounding, and these lame boots of swiftness"
Player: "Can I have the boots of swiftness?"
Merchant: "Well...Alright. But the price is a really good joke I haven't heard before. Or a riddle. What do you have to say?"
Player: "What has to be broken before you can use it? An egg"
Merchant: "Very clever. I love it! *sells swiftness boots*"
Player: "Hey"
Merchant: "Wha? Another player?"
Player: "What do you do?"
Merchant: "I'm selling these wonderful boots of grounding, and these old stinky boots of swiftness"
Player: "Can I have the boots of swiftness?"
Merchant: "Well...Alright. But the price is a really good joke I haven't heard before. Or a riddle. What do you have to say?"
Player: "Yo mama elephant"
Merchant: "Very vulgar! You could use some time away from winning. *sells grounding boots*"
Player: "What if I told a good joke?"
Merchant: "Tell me a good joke"
Player: "What is 9+10?"
Merchant: "Never mind, I'm not making any more sales"
Player: "No no no I have a good joke"
Merchant: "Tell me your joke"
Player: "What has three legs and five thumbs"
Merchant: "Yak Face"
Player: "Correct!"
Merchant: "Awful! I'm selling the boots of grounding now *sells grounding boots*"
Player: "No no no sell me boots of swiftness"
Merchant: "I'm not making any more sales of those unless you tell me a clever joke. *sells grounding boots*"