@ -1644,17 +1644,23 @@ MD_String8 is_action_valid(MD_Arena *arena, Entity *from, Action a)
error_message = FmtWithLint ( arena , " You can't join somebody, you're already in %s's party " , characters [ gete ( from - > joined ) - > npc_kind ] . name ) ;
if ( error_message . size = = 0 & & a . kind = = ACT_fire_shotgun & & gete ( from - > aiming_shotgun_at ) = = 0 )
error_message = MD_S8Lit ( " You can't fire your shotgun without aiming it first " ) ;
bool target_is_character = a . kind = = ACT_join | | a . kind = = ACT_fire_shotgun ;
if ( error_message . size = = 0 & & a . kind = = ACT_join )
if ( error_message . size = = 0 & & target_is_character )
bool talk_to_valid = false ;
bool arg _valid = false ;
BUFF_ITER ( NpcKind , & talk )
if ( * it = = a . argument . targeting ) talk_to_valid = true ;
if ( * it = = a . argument . targeting ) arg_valid = true ;
if ( talk_to _valid = = false )
if ( arg _valid = = false )
error_message = FmtWithLint ( arena , " Your action_argument for who t o join, %s, is either invalid (you can't joi n nobody) or it's not an NPC that's near you right now." , characters [ a . argument . targeting ] . name ) ;
error_message = FmtWithLint ( arena , " Your action_argument for who t his action should be directed at, %s, is either invalid (you can't operate o n nobody) or it's not an NPC that's near you right now." , characters [ a . argument . targeting ] . name ) ;
@ -1719,6 +1725,12 @@ void cause_action_side_effects(Entity *from, Action a)
from - > joined = ( EntityRef ) { 0 } ;
if ( a . kind = = ACT_aim_shotgun )
Entity * target = get_targeted ( from , a . argument . targeting ) ;
assert ( target ) ; // error checked in is_action_valid
from - > aiming_shotgun_at = frome ( target ) ;
MD_ReleaseScratch ( scratch ) ;
@ -3084,6 +3096,7 @@ Armature *armatures[] = {
Mesh mesh_player = { 0 } ;
Mesh mesh_simple_worm = { 0 } ;
Mesh mesh_shotgun = { 0 } ;
void stbi_flip_into_correct_direction ( bool do_it )
@ -3139,6 +3152,9 @@ void init(void)
binary_file = MD_LoadEntireFile ( frame_arena , MD_S8Lit ( " assets/exported_3d/ExportedWithAnims.bin " ) ) ;
mesh_player = load_mesh ( persistent_arena , binary_file , MD_S8Lit ( " ExportedWithAnims.bin " ) ) ;
binary_file = MD_LoadEntireFile ( frame_arena , MD_S8Lit ( " assets/exported_3d/ShotgunMesh.bin " ) ) ;
mesh_shotgun = load_mesh ( persistent_arena , binary_file , MD_S8Lit ( " ShotgunMesh.bin " ) ) ;
binary_file = MD_LoadEntireFile ( frame_arena , MD_S8Lit ( " assets/exported_3d/ArmatureExportedWithAnims.bin " ) ) ;
player_armature = load_armature ( persistent_arena , binary_file , MD_S8Lit ( " ArmatureExportedWithAnims.bin " ) ) ;
@ -3750,6 +3766,11 @@ Vec3 ray_intersect_plane(Vec3 ray_point, Vec3 ray_vector, Vec3 plane_point, Vec3
float d = DotV3 ( plane_point , MulV3F ( plane_normal , - 1.0f ) ) ;
float denom = DotV3 ( plane_normal , ray_vector ) ;
if ( fabsf ( denom ) < = 1e-4 f )
// also could mean doesn't intersect plane
return plane_point ;
assert ( fabsf ( denom ) > 1e-4 f ) ; // avoid divide by zero
float t = - ( DotV3 ( plane_normal , ray_point ) + d ) / DotV3 ( plane_normal , ray_vector ) ;
@ -4690,13 +4711,18 @@ bool imbutton_key(AABB button_aabb, float text_scale, MD_String8 text, int key,
# define imbutton(...) imbutton_key(__VA_ARGS__, __LINE__, unwarped_dt, false)
Quat rot_on_plane_to_quat ( float rot )
return QFromAxisAngle_RH ( V3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) , AngleRad ( - rot ) ) ;
Transform entity_transform ( Entity * e )
// Models must face +X in blender. This is because, in the 2d game coordinate system,
// a zero degree 2d rotation means you're facing +x, and this is how it is in the game logic.
// The rotation is negative for some reason that I'm not quite sure about though, something about
// the handedness of the 3d coordinate system not matching the handedness of the 2d coordinate system
Quat entity_rot = QFromAxisAngle_RH( V3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) , AngleRad ( - e - > rotation ) ) ;
Quat entity_rot = rot_on_plane_to_quat( e - > rotation ) ;
return ( Transform ) { . offset = AddV3 ( plane_point ( e - > pos ) , V3 ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) , . rotation = entity_rot , . scale = V3 ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) } ;
@ -5479,6 +5505,15 @@ void frame(void)
to_use - > go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit ( " Idle " ) ;
draw_thing ( ( DrawnThing ) { . armature = to_use , . t = draw_with , . outline = gete ( gs . player - > interacting_with ) = = it } ) ;
if ( gete ( it - > aiming_shotgun_at ) )
Transform shotgun_t = draw_with ;
shotgun_t . offset . y + = 2.0f ;
shotgun_t . scale = V3 ( 3 , 3 , 3 ) ;
shotgun_t . rotation = rot_on_plane_to_quat ( AngleOfV2 ( SubV2 ( gete ( it - > aiming_shotgun_at ) - > pos , it - > pos ) ) ) ;
draw_thing ( ( DrawnThing ) { . mesh = & mesh_shotgun , . t = shotgun_t } ) ;
@ -6395,14 +6430,14 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
if ( it - > memories_last - > context . talking_to_kind = = it - > npc_kind )
//if (it->memories_last->context.author_npc_kind != it->npc_kind)
const char * action = " none " ;
const char * action = " aim_shotgun " ;
char * rigged_dialog [ ] = {
" Repeated amounts of testing dialog overwhelmingly in support of the mulaney brothers " ,
} ;
char * next_dialog = rigged_dialog [ it - > times_talked_to % ARRLEN ( rigged_dialog ) ] ;
char * target = characters [ it - > memories_last - > context . author_npc_kind ] . name ;
target = characters [ NPC_Player ] . name ;
ai_response = FmtWithLint ( frame_arena , " { \" target \" : \" %s \" , \" action \" : \" %s \" , \" speech\" : \" %s \" } " , target , action , next_dialog ) ;
ai_response = FmtWithLint ( frame_arena , " { \" target \" : \" %s \" , \" action \" : \" %s \" , \" action_arg\" : \" Raphael \" , \" speech\" : \" %s \" } " , target , action , next_dialog ) ;
# ifdef DESKTOP
it - > times_talked_to + = 1 ;
# endif
@ -6433,6 +6468,7 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
assert ( succeeded ) ;
assert ( error_message . size = = 0 ) ;
assert ( is_action_valid ( frame_arena , it , a ) ) ;
perform_action ( & gs , it , a ) ;