Add blackhawk helicopter, more trailer anims+jank. Several fixes

Cameron Murphy Reikes 2 years ago
parent 9be9da95c9
commit ba450a4e73

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<BuildCommand>run_remedy build_desktop_debug.bat codegen</BuildCommand>
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@

art/EGround.001.png (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

art/Well.png (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

art/WellTex.png (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

art/art.blend (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

art/blackhawk_palette.png (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

art/blurry_blades.png (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ CharacterGen characters[] = {
.prompt = "The farmer wakes up, does his chores, and sleeps in the farmhouse all on his lonesome. He's tinkering with something fishy in the barn, but's mighty secretive about it. He used to have a wife, and suddenly she disappeared. The farmer gets MIGHTY angry if you question him about what's in his barn under the tarp, or what happened to his wife and family, but is otherwise a kind hearted soul.",
.name = "Shiftede Farmer",
.name = "Shifted Farmer",
.enum_name = "ShiftedFarmer",
.prompt = "The farmer wakes up, does his chores, and sleeps in the farmhouse all on his lonesome. He's tinkering with something fishy in the barn, but's mighty secretive about it. He used to have a wife, and suddenly she disappeared. The farmer gets MIGHTY angry if you question him about what's in his barn under the tarp, or what happened to his wife and family, but is otherwise a kind hearted soul.",


@ -315,7 +315,12 @@ void play_audio(AudioSample *sample, float volume)
// keydown needs to be referenced when begin text input,
// on web it disables event handling so the button up event isn't received
bool keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_MENU] = { 0 };
// directly accessing these should only be used for debugging purposes, and
// not in release. TODO make it so that this is enforced
// by leaving them out when devtools is turned off
bool keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_MAX] = { 0 };
bool keypressed[SAPP_KEYCODE_MAX] = { 0 };
typedef struct {
bool open;
@ -348,7 +353,7 @@ void stop_controlling_input()
void start_controlling_input()
memset(keydown, 0, ARRLEN(keydown));
memset(keydown, 0, sizeof(keydown));
@ -908,6 +913,7 @@ typedef struct PlacedMesh
struct PlacedMesh *next;
Transform t;
Mesh *draw_with;
MD_String8 name;
} PlacedMesh;
typedef struct PlacedEntity
@ -1272,8 +1278,8 @@ ThreeDeeLevel load_level(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file)
PlacedMesh *new_placed = MD_PushArray(arena, PlacedMesh, 1);
//PlacedMesh *new_placed = calloc(sizeof(PlacedMesh), 1);
MD_String8 placed_mesh_name = {0};
ser_MD_String8(&ser, &placed_mesh_name, arena);
ser_MD_String8(&ser, &new_placed->name, arena);
BlenderTransform blender_transform = {0};
ser_BlenderTransform(&ser, &blender_transform);
@ -1282,14 +1288,14 @@ ThreeDeeLevel load_level(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file)
MD_StackPush(out.placed_mesh_list, new_placed);
Log("Placed mesh '%.*s' pos %f %f %f rotation %f %f %f %f scale %f %f %f\n", MD_S8VArg(placed_mesh_name), v3varg(new_placed->t.offset), qvarg(new_placed->t.rotation), v3varg(new_placed->t.scale));
//Log("Placed mesh '%.*s' pos %f %f %f rotation %f %f %f %f scale %f %f %f\n", MD_S8VArg(placed_mesh_name), v3varg(new_placed->t.offset), qvarg(new_placed->t.rotation), v3varg(new_placed->t.scale));
// load the mesh if we haven't already
bool mesh_found = false;
for(Mesh *cur = out.mesh_list; cur; cur = cur->next)
if(MD_S8Match(cur->name, placed_mesh_name, 0))
if(MD_S8Match(cur->name, new_placed->name, 0))
mesh_found = true;
new_placed->draw_with = cur;
@ -1300,7 +1306,7 @@ ThreeDeeLevel load_level(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file)
MD_String8 to_load_filepath = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "assets/exported_3d/%.*s.bin", MD_S8VArg(placed_mesh_name));
MD_String8 to_load_filepath = MD_S8Fmt(scratch.arena, "assets/exported_3d/%.*s.bin", MD_S8VArg(new_placed->name));
Log("Loading mesh '%.*s'...\n", MD_S8VArg(to_load_filepath));
MD_String8 binary_mesh_file = MD_LoadEntireFile(scratch.arena, to_load_filepath);
@ -1310,7 +1316,7 @@ ThreeDeeLevel load_level(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file)
Mesh *new_mesh = MD_PushArray(arena, Mesh, 1);
*new_mesh = load_mesh(arena, binary_mesh_file, placed_mesh_name);
*new_mesh = load_mesh(arena, binary_mesh_file, new_placed->name);
MD_StackPush(out.mesh_list, new_mesh);
new_placed->draw_with = new_mesh;
@ -1859,7 +1865,7 @@ bool perform_action(Entity *from, Action a)
context.author_npc_kind = from->npc_kind;
if(a.speech_length > 0)
from->dialog_fade = 1.0f;
from->dialog_fade = 2.5f;
if(from == gs.player && gete(from->talking_to))
@ -2610,17 +2616,6 @@ void end_text_input(char *what_player_said_cstr)
sg_image image_font = { 0 };
Vec2 image_font_size = { 0 }; // this image's size is queried a lot, and img_size seems to be slow when profiled
float font_line_advance = 0.0f;
const float font_size = 56.0;
float font_scale;
unsigned char *fontBuffer = 0; // font file data. Can't be freed until program quits, because used to get character width
stbtt_bakedchar cdata[96]; // ASCII 32..126 is 95 glyphs
stbtt_fontinfo font;
typedef struct {
sg_pass_action pass_action;
sg_pass pass;
@ -3086,6 +3081,81 @@ void do_float_encoding_tests()
typedef struct {
float font_size;
float font_line_advance;
float font_scale;
MD_String8 font_buffer;
stbtt_bakedchar cdata[96]; // ascii characters?
stbtt_fontinfo font;
sg_image image;
Vec2 size; // this image's size is queried a lot, and img_size seems to be slow when profiled
} LoadedFont;
LoadedFont default_font;
LoadedFont font_for_text_input; // is bigger
LoadedFont load_font(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 font_filepath, float font_size)
LoadedFont to_return = {0};
to_return.font_buffer = MD_LoadEntireFile(arena, font_filepath);
to_return.font_size = font_size;
unsigned char *font_bitmap = MD_ArenaPush(arena, 512*512);
const int font_bitmap_width = 512;
stbtt_BakeFontBitmap(to_return.font_buffer.str, 0, to_return.font_size, font_bitmap, font_bitmap_width, font_bitmap_width, 32, 96, to_return.cdata);
unsigned char *font_bitmap_rgba = MD_ArenaPush(frame_arena, 4 * font_bitmap_width * font_bitmap_width);
// also flip the image, because I think opengl or something I'm too tired
for(int row = 0; row < 512; row++)
for(int col = 0; col < 512; col++)
int i = row * 512 + col;
int flipped_i = (512 - row) * 512 + col;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 0] = 255;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 1] = 255;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 2] = 255;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 3] = font_bitmap[flipped_i];
to_return.image = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc) {
.width = font_bitmap_width,
.height = font_bitmap_width,
.pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8,
.min_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR,
.mag_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR,
.data.subimage[0][0] =
.ptr = font_bitmap_rgba,
.size = (size_t)(font_bitmap_width * font_bitmap_width * 4),
to_return.size = img_size(to_return.image);
// does the font_buffer.str need to be null terminated? As far as I can tell, no. In the header strlen is never called on it
stbtt_InitFont(&to_return.font, to_return.font_buffer.str, 0);
int ascent = 0;
int descent = 0;
int lineGap = 0;
to_return.font_scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&to_return.font, to_return.font_size);
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&to_return.font, &ascent, &descent, &lineGap);
// this is from the header, not exactly sure why it works though
to_return.font_line_advance = (float)(ascent - descent + lineGap) * to_return.font_scale * 0.75f;
return to_return;
Armature player_armature = {0};
Armature farmer_armature = {0};
Armature shifted_farmer_armature = {0};
@ -3180,62 +3250,9 @@ void init(void)
// load font
FILE* fontFile = fopen("assets/PalanquinDark-Regular.ttf", "rb");
fseek(fontFile, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t size = ftell(fontFile); /* how long is the file ? */
fseek(fontFile, 0, SEEK_SET); /* reset */
fontBuffer = calloc(size, 1);
fread(fontBuffer, size, 1, fontFile);
unsigned char *font_bitmap = calloc(1, 512*512);
stbtt_BakeFontBitmap(fontBuffer, 0, font_size, font_bitmap, 512, 512, 32, 96, cdata);
unsigned char *font_bitmap_rgba = malloc(4 * 512 * 512); // stack would be too big if allocated on stack (stack overflow)
// also flip the image, because I think opengl or something I'm too tired
for(int row = 0; row < 512; row++)
for(int col = 0; col < 512; col++)
int i = row * 512 + col;
int flipped_i = (512 - row) * 512 + col;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 0] = 255;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 1] = 255;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 2] = 255;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 3] = font_bitmap[flipped_i];
image_font = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc) {
.width = 512,
.height = 512,
.pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8,
.min_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR,
.mag_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR,
.data.subimage[0][0] =
.ptr = font_bitmap_rgba,
.size = (size_t)(512 * 512 * 4),
image_font_size = img_size(image_font);
stbtt_InitFont(&font, fontBuffer, 0);
int ascent = 0;
int descent = 0;
int lineGap = 0;
font_scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font, font_size);
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&font, &ascent, &descent, &lineGap);
font_line_advance = (float)(ascent - descent + lineGap) * font_scale * 0.75f;
default_font = load_font(persistent_arena, MD_S8Lit("assets/PalanquinDark-Regular.ttf"), 35.0f);
font_for_text_input = load_font(persistent_arena, MD_S8Lit("assets/PalanquinDark-Regular.ttf"), 64.0f);
state.bind.vertex_buffers[0] = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc)
@ -3900,8 +3917,11 @@ bool profiling;
const bool show_devtools = false;
// @Place(temporary trailer shit to force gameplay things)
bool dance_anim = false;
bool nervous_anim = false;
bool no_outline = false;
bool terrified_anim = false;
Color debug_color = {1,0,0,1};
@ -4090,7 +4110,14 @@ typedef struct
Mesh *mesh;
Armature *armature;
Transform t;
float seed; // to make time unique in shaders, shaders can choose to add the seed
float wobble_factor;
Vec3 wobble_world_source;
bool outline;
bool no_dust;
bool alpha_blend;
bool dont_cast_shadows;
} DrawnThing;
int drawn_this_frame_length = 0;
@ -4122,12 +4149,15 @@ typedef struct TextParams
AABB clip_to; // if in world space, in world space. In space of pos given
Color *colors; // color per character, if not null must be array of same length as text
bool do_clipping;
LoadedFont *use_font; // if null, uses default font
} TextParams;
// returns bounds. To measure text you can set dry run to true and get the bounds
AABB draw_text(TextParams t)
AABB bounds = { 0 };
LoadedFont font = default_font;
if(t.use_font) font = *t.use_font;
PROFILE_SCOPE("draw text")
size_t text_len = t.text.size;
@ -4138,7 +4168,7 @@ AABB draw_text(TextParams t)
stbtt_aligned_quad q;
float old_y = y;
PROFILE_SCOPE("get baked quad")
stbtt_GetBakedQuad(cdata, 512, 512, t.text.str[i]-32, &x, &y, &q, 1);
stbtt_GetBakedQuad(font.cdata, 512, 512, t.text.str[i]-32, &x, &y, &q, 1);
float difference = y - old_y;
y = old_y + difference;
@ -4146,7 +4176,7 @@ AABB draw_text(TextParams t)
if (t.text.str[i] == '\n')
y += font_size*0.75f; // arbitrary, only debug t.text has newlines
y += font.font_size*0.75f; // arbitrary, only debug t.text has newlines
x = 0.0;
@ -4182,10 +4212,10 @@ AABB draw_text(TextParams t)
font_atlas_region.lower_right.y += 1.0f / 512.0f;
PROFILE_SCOPE("Scaling font atlas region to img font size")
font_atlas_region.upper_left.X *= image_font_size.X;
font_atlas_region.lower_right.X *= image_font_size.X;
font_atlas_region.upper_left.Y *= image_font_size.Y;
font_atlas_region.lower_right.Y *= image_font_size.Y;
font_atlas_region.upper_left.X *= font.size.X;
font_atlas_region.lower_right.X *= font.size.X;
font_atlas_region.upper_left.Y *= font.size.Y;
font_atlas_region.lower_right.Y *= font.size.Y;
PROFILE_SCOPE("bounds computation")
@ -4213,7 +4243,7 @@ AABB draw_text(TextParams t)
col = t.colors[i];
draw_quad((DrawParams) { to_draw, image_font, font_atlas_region, col, t.clip_to, .layer = LAYER_UI_FG, .do_clipping = t.do_clipping });
draw_quad((DrawParams) { to_draw, font.image, font_atlas_region, col, t.clip_to, .layer = LAYER_UI_FG, .do_clipping = t.do_clipping });
@ -4497,11 +4527,11 @@ Vec2 move_and_slide(MoveSlideParams p)
return result_pos;
float character_width(int ascii_letter, float text_scale)
float character_width(LoadedFont for_font, int ascii_letter, float text_scale)
int advanceWidth;
stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(&font, ascii_letter, &advanceWidth, 0);
return (float)advanceWidth * font_scale * text_scale;
stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics(&for_font.font, ascii_letter, &advanceWidth, 0);
return (float)advanceWidth * for_font.font_scale * text_scale;
// they're always joined by spaces anyways, so even if you add more delims
@ -4526,12 +4556,12 @@ typedef struct
PlacedWord *last;
} PlacedWordList;
float get_vertical_dist_between_lines(float text_scale)
float get_vertical_dist_between_lines(LoadedFont for_font, float text_scale)
return font_line_advance*text_scale*1.1f;
return for_font.font_line_advance*text_scale*0.9f;
PlacedWordList place_wrapped_words(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 text, float text_scale, float maximum_width)
PlacedWordList place_wrapped_words(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 text, float text_scale, float maximum_width, LoadedFont for_font)
PlacedWordList to_return = {0};
MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(&arena, 1);
@ -4539,7 +4569,7 @@ PlacedWordList place_wrapped_words(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 text, float text_
MD_String8List words = split_by_word(scratch.arena, text);
Vec2 at_position = V2(0.0, 0.0);
Vec2 cur = at_position;
float space_size = character_width((int)' ', text_scale);
float space_size = character_width(for_font, (int)' ', text_scale);
float current_vertical_offset = 0.0f; // goes negative
for(MD_String8Node *next_word = words.first; next_word; next_word = next_word->next)
@ -4553,7 +4583,7 @@ PlacedWordList place_wrapped_words(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 text, float text_
float next_x_position = cur.x + aabb_size(word_bounds).x;
if(next_x_position - at_position.x > maximum_width)
current_vertical_offset -= get_vertical_dist_between_lines(text_scale); // the 1.1 is just arbitrary padding because it looks too crowded otherwise
current_vertical_offset -= get_vertical_dist_between_lines(for_font, text_scale); // the 1.1 is just arbitrary padding because it looks too crowded otherwise
cur = AddV2(at_position, V2(0.0f, current_vertical_offset));
next_x_position = cur.x + aabb_size(word_bounds).x;
@ -4820,11 +4850,11 @@ void draw_dialog_panel(Entity *talking_to, float alpha)
color = blendalpha(color, alpha);
const float text_scale = 0.5f;
PlacedWordList wrapped = place_wrapped_words(scratch.arena, MD_S8(it->speech, it->speech_length), text_scale, dialog_panel.lower_right.x - dialog_panel.upper_left.x);
PlacedWordList wrapped = place_wrapped_words(scratch.arena, MD_S8(it->speech, it->speech_length), text_scale, dialog_panel.lower_right.x - dialog_panel.upper_left.x, default_font);
float line_vertical_offset = -wrapped.last->lower_left_corner.y;
translate_words_by(wrapped, V2(0.0, line_vertical_offset));
translate_words_by(wrapped, V2(dialog_panel.upper_left.x, new_line_height));
new_line_height += line_vertical_offset + font_line_advance * text_scale;
new_line_height += line_vertical_offset + default_font.font_line_advance * text_scale;
AABB no_clip_curly_things = dialog_panel;
no_clip_curly_things.lower_right.y -= padding;
@ -5205,6 +5235,7 @@ void debug_draw_shadow_info(Vec3 frustum_tip, Vec3 cam_forward, Vec3 cam_right,
void actually_draw_thing(DrawnThing *it, Mat4 light_space_matrix, bool for_outline)
int num_vertices_to_draw;
@ -5225,22 +5256,15 @@ void actually_draw_thing(DrawnThing *it, Mat4 light_space_matrix, bool for_outli
.projection = projection,
.directional_light_space_matrix = light_space_matrix,
.time = (float)elapsed_time,
.seed = it->seed,
.wobble_factor = it->wobble_factor,
.wobble_world_source = it->wobble_world_source,
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, SLOT_threedee_vs_params, &SG_RANGE(vs_params));
num_draw_calls += 1;
num_vertices += (int)it->mesh->num_vertices;
threedee_fs_params_t fs_params = {0};
fs_params.shadow_map_dimension = SHADOW_MAP_DIMENSION;
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS, SLOT_threedee_fs_params, &SG_RANGE(fs_params));
sg_draw(0, (int)it->mesh->num_vertices, 1);
num_vertices_to_draw = (int)it->mesh->num_vertices;
else if(it->armature)
@ -5263,23 +5287,33 @@ void actually_draw_thing(DrawnThing *it, Mat4 light_space_matrix, bool for_outli
.bones_tex_size = V2((float)it->armature->bones_texture_width,(float)it->armature->bones_texture_height),
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, SLOT_threedee_skeleton_vs_params, &SG_RANGE(params));
num_vertices_to_draw = (int)it->armature->vertices_length;
threedee_fs_params_t fs_params = {0};
fs_params.shadow_map_dimension = SHADOW_MAP_DIMENSION;
threedee_fs_params_t fs_params = {0};
fs_params.shadow_map_dimension = SHADOW_MAP_DIMENSION;
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS, SLOT_threedee_fs_params, &SG_RANGE(fs_params));
fs_params.how_much_not_to_blend_ground_color = 0.0;
num_draw_calls += 1;
num_vertices += (int)it->armature->vertices_length;
sg_draw(0, (int)it->armature->vertices_length, 1);
fs_params.alpha_blend_int = it->alpha_blend;
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS, SLOT_threedee_fs_params, &SG_RANGE(fs_params));
num_draw_calls += 1;
num_vertices += num_vertices_to_draw;
sg_draw(0, num_vertices_to_draw, 1);
// I moved this out into its own separate function so that you could
// define helper functions to be used multiple times in it, and those functions
// would be near the actual 3d drawing in the file
// @Place(the actual 3d rendering)
void flush_all_drawn_things(Vec3 light_dir, Vec3 cam_pos, Vec3 cam_facing, Vec3 cam_right)
// Draw all the 3D drawn things. Draw the shadows, then draw the things with the shadows.
@ -5379,6 +5413,7 @@ void flush_all_drawn_things(Vec3 light_dir, Vec3 cam_pos, Vec3 cam_facing, Vec3
SLICE_ITER(DrawnThing, drawn_this_frame)
assert(it->mesh || it->armature);
if(it->dont_cast_shadows) continue;
sg_bindings bindings = {0};
@ -5457,16 +5492,29 @@ void flush_all_drawn_things(Vec3 light_dir, Vec3 cam_pos, Vec3 cam_facing, Vec3
// draw meshes
SLICE_ITER(DrawnThing, drawn_this_frame)
if(it->alpha_blend) continue;
if(it->mesh) actually_draw_thing(it, light_space_matrix, false);
// draw armatures armature rendering
SLICE_ITER(DrawnThing, drawn_this_frame)
if(it->armature) actually_draw_thing(it, light_space_matrix, false);
assert(!it->alpha_blend); // too lazy to implement this right now
actually_draw_thing(it, light_space_matrix, false);
// draw transparent
SLICE_ITER(DrawnThing, drawn_this_frame)
actually_draw_thing(it, light_space_matrix, false);
// zero out everything
SLICE_ITER(DrawnThing, drawn_this_frame)
@ -5523,7 +5571,8 @@ void frame(void)
// @Place(temporary keycodes for trailer)
dance_anim = keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_U];
nervous_anim = keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_I];
if(!terrified_anim) terrified_anim = keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_T];
no_outline = keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_P];
@ -5614,7 +5663,36 @@ void frame(void)
for(PlacedMesh *cur = level_threedee.placed_mesh_list; cur; cur = cur->next)
draw_thing((DrawnThing){.mesh = cur->draw_with, .t = cur->t});
float seed = (float)((int64_t)cur % 1024);
DrawnThing call = (DrawnThing){.mesh = cur->draw_with, .t = cur->t};
if(MD_S8Match(cur->name, MD_S8Lit("Ground"), 0))
call.no_dust = true;
call.no_dust = true;
float helicopter_offset = (float)sin(elapsed_time*0.5f)*0.5f;
if(MD_S8Match(cur->name, MD_S8Lit("HelicopterBlade"), 0))
call.t.offset.y += helicopter_offset;
call.t.rotation = QFromAxisAngle_RH(V3(0,1,0), (float)elapsed_time * 15.0f);
if(MD_S8Match(cur->name, MD_S8Lit("BlurryBlade"), 0))
call.t.rotation = QFromAxisAngle_RH(V3(0,1,0), (float)elapsed_time * 15.0f);
call.t.offset.y += helicopter_offset;
call.alpha_blend = true;
call.dont_cast_shadows = true;
if(MD_S8Match(cur->name, MD_S8Lit("HelicopterBody"), 0))
call.t.offset.y += helicopter_offset;
if(MD_S8FindSubstring(cur->name, MD_S8Lit("Bush"), 0, 0) == 0)
call.wobble_factor = 1.0f;
call.seed = seed;
@ -5646,9 +5724,10 @@ void frame(void)
to_use->go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit("Nervous");
if(dance_anim && it->npc_kind == NPC_Farmer)
to_use->go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit("Dance");
to_use->go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit("Pray");
draw_thing((DrawnThing){.armature = to_use, .t = draw_with, .outline = gete(gs.player->interacting_with) == it});
@ -5708,18 +5787,20 @@ void frame(void)
draw_quad((DrawParams){quad_at(V2(0.0, screen_size().y), screen_size()), IMG(state.threedee_pass_image), WHITE, .layer = LAYER_WORLD, .custom_pipeline = state.twodee_colorcorrect_pip });
// draw the freaking outline. Play ball!
draw_quad((DrawParams){quad_at(V2(0.0, screen_size().y), screen_size()), IMG(state.outline_pass_image), WHITE, .layer = LAYER_UI_FG, .custom_pipeline = state.twodee_outline_pip, .layer = LAYER_UI});
draw_quad((DrawParams){quad_at(V2(0.0, screen_size().y), screen_size()), IMG(state.outline_pass_image), WHITE, .layer = LAYER_UI_FG, .custom_pipeline = state.twodee_outline_pip, .layer = LAYER_UI});
// 2d drawing TODO move this to when the drawing is flushed.
sg_begin_default_pass(&state.clear_depth_buffer_pass_action, sapp_width(), sapp_height());
// @Place(text input drawing)
draw_quad((DrawParams){quad_at(V2(0,screen_size().y), screen_size()), IMG(image_white_square), blendalpha(BLACK, text_input_fade*0.3f), .layer = LAYER_UI_FG});
Vec2 edge_of_text = MulV2F(screen_size(), 0.5f);
if(text_input_buffer_length > 0)
AABB bounds = draw_centered_text((TextParams){false, MD_S8(text_input_buffer, text_input_buffer_length), MulV2F(screen_size(), 0.5f), blendalpha(WHITE, text_input_fade), 1.0f});
AABB bounds = draw_centered_text((TextParams){false, MD_S8(text_input_buffer, text_input_buffer_length), MulV2F(screen_size(), 0.5f), blendalpha(WHITE, text_input_fade), 1.0f, .use_font = &font_for_text_input});
edge_of_text = bounds.lower_right;
Vec2 cursor_center = V2(edge_of_text.x,screen_size().y/2.0f);
@ -5804,6 +5885,7 @@ void frame(void)
// gameplay processing loop, do multiple if lagging
// these are static so that, on frames where no gameplay processing is necessary and just rendering, the rendering uses values from last frame
// @Place(gameplay processing loops)
static Entity *interacting_with = 0; // used by rendering to figure out who to draw dialog box on
static bool player_in_combat = false;
@ -5826,6 +5908,8 @@ void frame(void)
// restore the pressed state after gameplay loop so pressed input events can be processed in the
// rendering correctly as well
PressedState before_gameplay_loops = pressed;
bool keypressed_before_gameplay[SAPP_KEYCODE_MAX];
memcpy(keypressed_before_gameplay, keypressed, sizeof(keypressed));
PROFILE_SCOPE("gameplay processing")
uint64_t time_start_gameplay_processing = stm_now();
@ -6460,8 +6544,25 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
const char *action = "none";
if(it->standing != STANDING_JOINED) action = "joins_player";
ai_response = MD_S8Fmt(frame_arena, "{who_i_am: \"%s\", talking_to: nobody, action: %s, speech: \"Why not?\", thoughts: \"I'm thinking...\", mood: Happy}", characters[it->npc_kind].name, action);
//if(it->standing != STANDING_JOINED) action = "joins_player";
// @Place(more trailer jank)
char *rigged_dialog[] = {
"Just trying to survive in this crazy world, same as everyone else.",
"We'll see who's crazy...",
"Join me down here, we'll wait it out",
"Sing me a rhyme, young man",
"The bell tolls for the meak...",
char *next_dialog = rigged_dialog[it->times_talked_to % ARRLEN(rigged_dialog)];
ai_response = MD_S8Fmt(frame_arena, "{who_i_am: \"%s\", talking_to: nobody, action: %s, speech: \"%s\", thoughts: \"I'm thinking...\", mood: Happy}", characters[it->npc_kind].name, action, next_dialog);
#ifdef DESKTOP
it->times_talked_to += 1;
@ -6577,6 +6678,46 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
gs.player->interacting_with = frome(interacting_with);
// @Place(more trailer nonsense)
if(keypressed[SAPP_KEYCODE_K] && closest_interact_with)
if(closest_interact_with->standing == STANDING_INDIFFERENT)
closest_interact_with->standing = STANDING_JOINED;
closest_interact_with->standing = STANDING_INDIFFERENT;
if(keypressed[SAPP_KEYCODE_L] || keypressed[SAPP_KEYCODE_M])
gs.player->state = CHARACTER_TALKING;
Entity *shifted = 0;
if(it->npc_kind == NPC_ShiftedFarmer)
shifted = it;
gs.player->talking_to = frome(shifted);
shifted->perceptions_dirty = true;
if (interact)
if (gs.player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING)
@ -6634,6 +6775,9 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
player_armature.go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit("Nervous");
player_armature.go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit("Terrified");
if (gs.player->state == CHARACTER_WALKING)
@ -6690,12 +6834,15 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
pressed = (PressedState) { 0 };
memset(keypressed, 0, sizeof(keypressed));
interact = false;
} // while loop
last_frame_gameplay_processing_time = stm_sec(stm_diff(stm_now(), time_start_gameplay_processing));
memcpy(keypressed, keypressed_before_gameplay, sizeof(keypressed));
pressed = before_gameplay_loops;
@ -6803,8 +6950,8 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
Vec3 bubble_pos = AddV3(plane_point(it->pos), V3(0,1.7f,0)); // 1.7 meters is about 5'8", average person height
Vec2 screen_pos = threedee_to_screenspace(bubble_pos);
Vec2 size = V2(400.0f,400.0f);
Vec2 bubble_center = AddV2(screen_pos, V2(-10.0f,40.0f));
float dialog_alpha = bubble_factor * it->dialog_fade;
Vec2 bubble_center = AddV2(screen_pos, V2(-10.0f,55.0f));
float dialog_alpha = clamp01(bubble_factor * it->dialog_fade);
quad_centered(bubble_center, size),
@ -6816,9 +6963,9 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
MD_String8List last = last_said_without_unsaid_words(frame_arena, it);
PlacedWordList placed = place_wrapped_words(frame_arena, MD_S8ListJoin(frame_arena, last, &(MD_StringJoin){.mid=MD_S8Lit(" ")}), text_scale, aabb_size(placing_text_in).x);
PlacedWordList placed = place_wrapped_words(frame_arena, MD_S8ListJoin(frame_arena, last, &(MD_StringJoin){.mid=MD_S8Lit(" ")}), text_scale, aabb_size(placing_text_in).x, default_font);
//translate_words_by(placed, V2(placing_text_in.upper_left.x, placing_text_in.lower_right.y));
translate_words_by(placed, AddV2(placing_text_in.upper_left, V2(0, -get_vertical_dist_between_lines(text_scale))));
translate_words_by(placed, AddV2(placing_text_in.upper_left, V2(0, -get_vertical_dist_between_lines(default_font, text_scale))));
for(PlacedWord *cur = placed.first; cur; cur = cur->next)
draw_text((TextParams){false, cur->text, cur->lower_left_corner, blendalpha(colhex(0xEEE6D2), dialog_alpha), text_scale});
@ -7014,11 +7161,11 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
color = blendalpha(color, alpha);
const float text_scale = 1.0f;
PlacedWordList wrapped = place_wrapped_words(scratch.arena, MD_S8(it->speech, it->speech_length), text_scale, dialog_panel.lower_right.x - dialog_panel.upper_left.x);
PlacedWordList wrapped = place_wrapped_words(scratch.arena, MD_S8(it->speech, it->speech_length), text_scale, dialog_panel.lower_right.x - dialog_panel.upper_left.x, default_font);
float line_vertical_offset = -wrapped.last->lower_left_corner.y;
translate_words_by(wrapped, V2(0.0, line_vertical_offset));
translate_words_by(wrapped, V2(dialog_panel.upper_left.x, new_line_height));
new_line_height += line_vertical_offset + font_line_advance * text_scale;
new_line_height += line_vertical_offset + default_font.font_line_advance * text_scale;
for(PlacedWord *cur = wrapped.first; cur; cur = cur->next)
@ -7037,7 +7184,7 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
float separator_height = 40.0f; // how much vertical space the whole separation, including padding, takes
float line_height = 1.0f;
Vec2 line_from = AddV2(wrapped.first->lower_left_corner, V2(0, font_line_advance*text_scale + separator_height/2.0f));
Vec2 line_from = AddV2(wrapped.first->lower_left_corner, V2(0, default_font.font_line_advance*text_scale + separator_height/2.0f));
Vec2 line_to = AddV2(line_from, V2(aabb_size(dialog_panel).x, 0));
draw_quad((DrawParams){ line_quad(line_from, line_to, line_height), IMG(image_white_square), blendalpha(WHITE, 0.6f), .clip_to = dialog_panel, .do_clipping = true});
@ -7388,6 +7535,7 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
memset(keypressed, 0, sizeof(keypressed));
pressed = (PressedState) { 0 };
@ -7401,7 +7549,6 @@ void cleanup(void)
@ -7592,6 +7739,7 @@ void event(const sapp_event *e)
mobile_controls = false;
assert(e->key_code < sizeof(keydown) / sizeof(*keydown));
keydown[e->key_code] = true;
keypressed[e->key_code] = true;
if (e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_E)
@ -7634,10 +7782,6 @@ void event(const sapp_event *e)
gs.won = true;
if (e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_M)
mobile_controls = true;
if (e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_P)
profiling = !profiling;

@ -100,10 +100,18 @@ uniform vs_params {
mat4 directional_light_space_matrix;
float wobble_factor;
float time;
float seed;
vec3 wobble_world_source;
void main() {
vec3 transformed_pos = vec3(pos_in.x, pos_in.y + sin(pos_in.x * 14.0 + pos_in.y * 20.0 + time*1.9)*0.000, pos_in.z);
vec3 transformed_pos = vec3(pos_in.x, pos_in.y + sin(pos_in.x * 5.0 + pos_in.y * 9.0 + time*1.9)*0.045, pos_in.z);
vec3 untransformed_world_pos = (model * vec4(pos_in, 1.0)).xyz;
vec3 away = normalize(untransformed_world_pos - wobble_world_source);
float t = time + seed;
//vec3 transformed_pos = pos_in + away * sin(t*20.0 + pos_in.y*3.0) * pos_in.y*0.25 * wobble_factor * 0.0;
pos = transformed_pos;
uv = uv_in;
@ -121,6 +129,8 @@ uniform sampler2D shadow_map;
uniform fs_params {
int shadow_map_dimension;
float how_much_not_to_blend_ground_color;
int alpha_blend_int;
in vec3 pos;
@ -216,10 +226,25 @@ float calculate_shadow_factor(sampler2D shadowMap, vec4 light_space_fragment_pos
return shadow;
void main() {
vec4 col = texture(tex, uv);
if(col.a < 0.1)
bool alpha_blend = bool(alpha_blend_int);
// desert lesbians
if(how_much_not_to_blend_ground_color < 0.5)
float desertness = 1.0 - clamp(world_space_frag_pos.y/2.0, 0.0, 1.0);
desertness = pow(desertness, 2.0);
desertness *= 0.6;
col.rgb = mix(col.rgb, vec3(206, 96, 33)/255.0, desertness);
//col.rgb = vec3(desertness, 0, 0);
if(col.a < 0.1 && !alpha_blend)
@ -234,7 +259,14 @@ void main() {
float lighting_factor = shadow_factor * n_dot_l;
lighting_factor = lighting_factor * 0.5 + 0.5;
frag_color = vec4(col.rgb*lighting_factor, 1.0);
frag_color = vec4(col.rgb*lighting_factor, col.a);
frag_color = vec4(col.rgb*lighting_factor, 1.0);
//frag_color = vec4(col.rgb, 1.0);

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#define PLAYER_SPEED 0.15f // in meters per second
#define CHARACTERS_PER_SEC 45.0f
#define ARROW_SPEED 200.0f
#define SECONDS_PER_ARROW 1.3f
