@ -315,7 +315,12 @@ void play_audio(AudioSample *sample, float volume)
// keydown needs to be referenced when begin text input,
// on web it disables event handling so the button up event isn't received
bool keydown [ SAPP_KEYCODE_MENU ] = { 0 } ;
// directly accessing these should only be used for debugging purposes, and
// not in release. TODO make it so that this is enforced
// by leaving them out when devtools is turned off
bool keydown [ SAPP_KEYCODE_MAX ] = { 0 } ;
bool keypressed [ SAPP_KEYCODE_MAX ] = { 0 } ;
typedef struct {
bool open ;
@ -348,7 +353,7 @@ void stop_controlling_input()
void start_controlling_input ( )
memset ( keydown , 0 , ARRLEN ( keydown ) ) ;
memset ( keydown , 0 , sizeof ( keydown ) ) ;
_sapp_emsc_register_eventhandlers ( ) ;
# else
@ -908,6 +913,7 @@ typedef struct PlacedMesh
struct PlacedMesh * next ;
Transform t ;
Mesh * draw_with ;
MD_String8 name ;
} PlacedMesh ;
typedef struct PlacedEntity
@ -1272,8 +1278,8 @@ ThreeDeeLevel load_level(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file)
PlacedMesh * new_placed = MD_PushArray ( arena , PlacedMesh , 1 ) ;
//PlacedMesh *new_placed = calloc(sizeof(PlacedMesh), 1);
MD_String8 placed_mesh_name = { 0 } ;
ser_MD_String8 ( & ser , & placed_mesh_ name, arena ) ;
ser_MD_String8 ( & ser , & new_placed- > name, arena ) ;
BlenderTransform blender_transform = { 0 } ;
ser_BlenderTransform ( & ser , & blender_transform ) ;
@ -1282,14 +1288,14 @@ ThreeDeeLevel load_level(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file)
MD_StackPush ( out . placed_mesh_list , new_placed ) ;
Log ( " Placed mesh '%.*s' pos %f %f %f rotation %f %f %f %f scale %f %f %f \n " , MD_S8VArg ( placed_mesh_name ) , v3varg ( new_placed - > t . offset ) , qvarg ( new_placed - > t . rotation ) , v3varg ( new_placed - > t . scale ) ) ;
//Log(" Placed mesh '%.*s' pos %f %f %f rotation %f %f %f %f scale %f %f %f\n", MD_S8VArg(placed_mesh_name), v3varg(new_placed->t.offset), qvarg(new_placed->t.rotation), v3varg(new_placed->t.scale));
// load the mesh if we haven't already
bool mesh_found = false ;
for ( Mesh * cur = out . mesh_list ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
if ( MD_S8Match ( cur - > name , placed_mesh_ name, 0 ) )
if ( MD_S8Match ( cur - > name , new_placed- > name, 0 ) )
mesh_found = true ;
new_placed - > draw_with = cur ;
@ -1300,7 +1306,7 @@ ThreeDeeLevel load_level(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file)
if ( ! mesh_found )
MD_String8 to_load_filepath = MD_S8Fmt ( scratch . arena , " assets/exported_3d/%.*s.bin " , MD_S8VArg ( placed_mesh_ name) ) ;
MD_String8 to_load_filepath = MD_S8Fmt ( scratch . arena , " assets/exported_3d/%.*s.bin " , MD_S8VArg ( new_placed- > name) ) ;
Log ( " Loading mesh '%.*s'... \n " , MD_S8VArg ( to_load_filepath ) ) ;
MD_String8 binary_mesh_file = MD_LoadEntireFile ( scratch . arena , to_load_filepath ) ;
if ( ! binary_mesh_file . str )
@ -1310,7 +1316,7 @@ ThreeDeeLevel load_level(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file)
Mesh * new_mesh = MD_PushArray ( arena , Mesh , 1 ) ;
* new_mesh = load_mesh ( arena , binary_mesh_file , placed_mesh_ name) ;
* new_mesh = load_mesh ( arena , binary_mesh_file , new_placed- > name) ;
MD_StackPush ( out . mesh_list , new_mesh ) ;
new_placed - > draw_with = new_mesh ;
@ -1859,7 +1865,7 @@ bool perform_action(Entity *from, Action a)
context . author_npc_kind = from - > npc_kind ;
if ( a . speech_length > 0 )
from - > dialog_fade = 1.0 f;
from - > dialog_fade = 2.5 f;
if ( from = = gs . player & & gete ( from - > talking_to ) )
@ -2610,17 +2616,6 @@ void end_text_input(char *what_player_said_cstr)
sg_image image_font = { 0 } ;
Vec2 image_font_size = { 0 } ; // this image's size is queried a lot, and img_size seems to be slow when profiled
float font_line_advance = 0.0f ;
const float font_size = 56.0 ;
float font_scale ;
unsigned char * fontBuffer = 0 ; // font file data. Can't be freed until program quits, because used to get character width
stbtt_bakedchar cdata [ 96 ] ; // ASCII 32..126 is 95 glyphs
stbtt_fontinfo font ;
typedef struct {
sg_pass_action pass_action ;
sg_pass pass ;
@ -3086,6 +3081,81 @@ void do_float_encoding_tests()
# endif
typedef struct {
float font_size ;
float font_line_advance ;
float font_scale ;
MD_String8 font_buffer ;
stbtt_bakedchar cdata [ 96 ] ; // ascii characters?
stbtt_fontinfo font ;
sg_image image ;
Vec2 size ; // this image's size is queried a lot, and img_size seems to be slow when profiled
} LoadedFont ;
LoadedFont default_font ;
LoadedFont font_for_text_input ; // is bigger
LoadedFont load_font ( MD_Arena * arena , MD_String8 font_filepath , float font_size )
LoadedFont to_return = { 0 } ;
to_return . font_buffer = MD_LoadEntireFile ( arena , font_filepath ) ;
to_return . font_size = font_size ;
unsigned char * font_bitmap = MD_ArenaPush ( arena , 512 * 512 ) ;
const int font_bitmap_width = 512 ;
stbtt_BakeFontBitmap ( to_return . font_buffer . str , 0 , to_return . font_size , font_bitmap , font_bitmap_width , font_bitmap_width , 32 , 96 , to_return . cdata ) ;
unsigned char * font_bitmap_rgba = MD_ArenaPush ( frame_arena , 4 * font_bitmap_width * font_bitmap_width ) ;
// also flip the image, because I think opengl or something I'm too tired
for ( int row = 0 ; row < 512 ; row + + )
for ( int col = 0 ; col < 512 ; col + + )
int i = row * 512 + col ;
int flipped_i = ( 512 - row ) * 512 + col ;
font_bitmap_rgba [ i * 4 + 0 ] = 255 ;
font_bitmap_rgba [ i * 4 + 1 ] = 255 ;
font_bitmap_rgba [ i * 4 + 2 ] = 255 ;
font_bitmap_rgba [ i * 4 + 3 ] = font_bitmap [ flipped_i ] ;
to_return . image = sg_make_image ( & ( sg_image_desc ) {
. width = font_bitmap_width ,
. height = font_bitmap_width ,
. pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8 ,
. min_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR ,
. mag_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR ,
. data . subimage [ 0 ] [ 0 ] =
. ptr = font_bitmap_rgba ,
. size = ( size_t ) ( font_bitmap_width * font_bitmap_width * 4 ) ,
} ) ;
to_return . size = img_size ( to_return . image ) ;
// does the font_buffer.str need to be null terminated? As far as I can tell, no. In the header strlen is never called on it
stbtt_InitFont ( & to_return . font , to_return . font_buffer . str , 0 ) ;
int ascent = 0 ;
int descent = 0 ;
int lineGap = 0 ;
to_return . font_scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight ( & to_return . font , to_return . font_size ) ;
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics ( & to_return . font , & ascent , & descent , & lineGap ) ;
// this is from the header, not exactly sure why it works though
to_return . font_line_advance = ( float ) ( ascent - descent + lineGap ) * to_return . font_scale * 0.75f ;
return to_return ;
Armature player_armature = { 0 } ;
Armature farmer_armature = { 0 } ;
Armature shifted_farmer_armature = { 0 } ;
@ -3180,62 +3250,9 @@ void init(void)
} ) ;
# endif
// load font
FILE * fontFile = fopen ( " assets/PalanquinDark-Regular.ttf " , " rb " ) ;
fseek ( fontFile , 0 , SEEK_END ) ;
size_t size = ftell ( fontFile ) ; /* how long is the file ? */
fseek ( fontFile , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ; /* reset */
default_font = load_font ( persistent_arena , MD_S8Lit ( " assets/PalanquinDark-Regular.ttf " ) , 35.0f ) ;
font_for_text_input = load_font ( persistent_arena , MD_S8Lit ( " assets/PalanquinDark-Regular.ttf " ) , 64.0f ) ;
fontBuffer = calloc ( size , 1 ) ;
fread ( fontBuffer , size , 1 , fontFile ) ;
fclose ( fontFile ) ;
unsigned char * font_bitmap = calloc ( 1 , 512 * 512 ) ;
stbtt_BakeFontBitmap ( fontBuffer , 0 , font_size , font_bitmap , 512 , 512 , 32 , 96 , cdata ) ;
unsigned char * font_bitmap_rgba = malloc ( 4 * 512 * 512 ) ; // stack would be too big if allocated on stack (stack overflow)
// also flip the image, because I think opengl or something I'm too tired
for ( int row = 0 ; row < 512 ; row + + )
for ( int col = 0 ; col < 512 ; col + + )
int i = row * 512 + col ;
int flipped_i = ( 512 - row ) * 512 + col ;
font_bitmap_rgba [ i * 4 + 0 ] = 255 ;
font_bitmap_rgba [ i * 4 + 1 ] = 255 ;
font_bitmap_rgba [ i * 4 + 2 ] = 255 ;
font_bitmap_rgba [ i * 4 + 3 ] = font_bitmap [ flipped_i ] ;
image_font = sg_make_image ( & ( sg_image_desc ) {
. width = 512 ,
. height = 512 ,
. pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8 ,
. min_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR ,
. mag_filter = SG_FILTER_LINEAR ,
. data . subimage [ 0 ] [ 0 ] =
. ptr = font_bitmap_rgba ,
. size = ( size_t ) ( 512 * 512 * 4 ) ,
} ) ;
image_font_size = img_size ( image_font ) ;
stbtt_InitFont ( & font , fontBuffer , 0 ) ;
int ascent = 0 ;
int descent = 0 ;
int lineGap = 0 ;
font_scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight ( & font , font_size ) ;
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics ( & font , & ascent , & descent , & lineGap ) ;
font_line_advance = ( float ) ( ascent - descent + lineGap ) * font_scale * 0.75f ;
free ( font_bitmap_rgba ) ;
state . bind . vertex_buffers [ 0 ] = sg_make_buffer ( & ( sg_buffer_desc )
@ -3900,8 +3917,11 @@ bool profiling;
const bool show_devtools = false ;
# endif
// @Place(temporary trailer shit to force gameplay things)
bool dance_anim = false ;
bool nervous_anim = false ;
bool no_outline = false ;
bool terrified_anim = false ;
Color debug_color = { 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 } ;
@ -4090,7 +4110,14 @@ typedef struct
Mesh * mesh ;
Armature * armature ;
Transform t ;
float seed ; // to make time unique in shaders, shaders can choose to add the seed
float wobble_factor ;
Vec3 wobble_world_source ;
bool outline ;
bool no_dust ;
bool alpha_blend ;
bool dont_cast_shadows ;
} DrawnThing ;
int drawn_this_frame_length = 0 ;
@ -4122,12 +4149,15 @@ typedef struct TextParams
AABB clip_to ; // if in world space, in world space. In space of pos given
Color * colors ; // color per character, if not null must be array of same length as text
bool do_clipping ;
LoadedFont * use_font ; // if null, uses default font
} TextParams ;
// returns bounds. To measure text you can set dry run to true and get the bounds
AABB draw_text ( TextParams t )
AABB bounds = { 0 } ;
LoadedFont font = default_font ;
if ( t . use_font ) font = * t . use_font ;
PROFILE_SCOPE ( " draw text " )
size_t text_len = t . text . size ;
@ -4138,7 +4168,7 @@ AABB draw_text(TextParams t)
stbtt_aligned_quad q ;
float old_y = y ;
PROFILE_SCOPE ( " get baked quad " )
stbtt_GetBakedQuad ( cdata, 512 , 512 , t . text . str [ i ] - 32 , & x , & y , & q , 1 ) ;
stbtt_GetBakedQuad ( font. cdata, 512 , 512 , t . text . str [ i ] - 32 , & x , & y , & q , 1 ) ;
float difference = y - old_y ;
y = old_y + difference ;
@ -4146,7 +4176,7 @@ AABB draw_text(TextParams t)
if ( t . text . str [ i ] = = ' \n ' )
# ifdef DEVTOOLS
y + = font _size* 0.75f ; // arbitrary, only debug t.text has newlines
y + = font . font _size* 0.75f ; // arbitrary, only debug t.text has newlines
x = 0.0 ;
# else
assert ( false ) ;
@ -4182,10 +4212,10 @@ AABB draw_text(TextParams t)
font_atlas_region . lower_right . y + = 1.0f / 512.0f ;
PROFILE_SCOPE ( " Scaling font atlas region to img font size " )
font_atlas_region . upper_left . X * = image_font_ size. X ;
font_atlas_region . lower_right . X * = image_font_ size. X ;
font_atlas_region . upper_left . Y * = image_font_ size. Y ;
font_atlas_region . lower_right . Y * = image_font_ size. Y ;
font_atlas_region . upper_left . X * = font. size. X ;
font_atlas_region . lower_right . X * = font. size. X ;
font_atlas_region . upper_left . Y * = font. size. Y ;
font_atlas_region . lower_right . Y * = font. size. Y ;
PROFILE_SCOPE ( " bounds computation " )
@ -4213,7 +4243,7 @@ AABB draw_text(TextParams t)
col = t . colors [ i ] ;
draw_quad ( ( DrawParams ) { to_draw , image_font , font_atlas_region , col , t . clip_to , . layer = LAYER_UI_FG , . do_clipping = t . do_clipping } ) ;
draw_quad ( ( DrawParams ) { to_draw , font. image, font_atlas_region , col , t . clip_to , . layer = LAYER_UI_FG , . do_clipping = t . do_clipping } ) ;
@ -4497,11 +4527,11 @@ Vec2 move_and_slide(MoveSlideParams p)
return result_pos ;
float character_width ( int ascii_letter , float text_scale )
float character_width ( LoadedFont for_font , int ascii_letter , float text_scale )
int advanceWidth ;
stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics ( & fo nt, ascii_letter , & advanceWidth , 0 ) ;
return ( float ) advanceWidth * fo nt_scale * text_scale ;
stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics ( & fo r_font. fo nt, ascii_letter , & advanceWidth , 0 ) ;
return ( float ) advanceWidth * fo r_font. fo nt_scale * text_scale ;
// they're always joined by spaces anyways, so even if you add more delims
@ -4526,12 +4556,12 @@ typedef struct
PlacedWord * last ;
} PlacedWordList ;
float get_vertical_dist_between_lines ( float text_scale )
float get_vertical_dist_between_lines ( LoadedFont for_font , float text_scale )
return fo nt_line_advance* text_scale * 1.1 f;
return fo r_font. fo nt_line_advance* text_scale * 0.9 f;
PlacedWordList place_wrapped_words ( MD_Arena * arena , MD_String8 text , float text_scale , float maximum_width )
PlacedWordList place_wrapped_words ( MD_Arena * arena , MD_String8 text , float text_scale , float maximum_width , LoadedFont for_font )
PlacedWordList to_return = { 0 } ;
MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch ( & arena , 1 ) ;
@ -4539,7 +4569,7 @@ PlacedWordList place_wrapped_words(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 text, float text_
MD_String8List words = split_by_word ( scratch . arena , text ) ;
Vec2 at_position = V2 ( 0.0 , 0.0 ) ;
Vec2 cur = at_position ;
float space_size = character_width ( ( int ) ' ' , text_scale ) ;
float space_size = character_width ( for_font , ( int ) ' ' , text_scale ) ;
float current_vertical_offset = 0.0f ; // goes negative
for ( MD_String8Node * next_word = words . first ; next_word ; next_word = next_word - > next )
@ -4553,7 +4583,7 @@ PlacedWordList place_wrapped_words(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 text, float text_
float next_x_position = cur . x + aabb_size ( word_bounds ) . x ;
if ( next_x_position - at_position . x > maximum_width )
current_vertical_offset - = get_vertical_dist_between_lines ( text_scale) ; // the 1.1 is just arbitrary padding because it looks too crowded otherwise
current_vertical_offset - = get_vertical_dist_between_lines ( for_font, text_scale) ; // the 1.1 is just arbitrary padding because it looks too crowded otherwise
cur = AddV2 ( at_position , V2 ( 0.0f , current_vertical_offset ) ) ;
next_x_position = cur . x + aabb_size ( word_bounds ) . x ;
@ -4820,11 +4850,11 @@ void draw_dialog_panel(Entity *talking_to, float alpha)
color = blendalpha ( color , alpha ) ;
const float text_scale = 0.5f ;
PlacedWordList wrapped = place_wrapped_words ( scratch . arena , MD_S8 ( it - > speech , it - > speech_length ) , text_scale , dialog_panel . lower_right . x - dialog_panel . upper_left . x );
PlacedWordList wrapped = place_wrapped_words ( scratch . arena , MD_S8 ( it - > speech , it - > speech_length ) , text_scale , dialog_panel . lower_right . x - dialog_panel . upper_left . x , default_font );
float line_vertical_offset = - wrapped . last - > lower_left_corner . y ;
translate_words_by ( wrapped , V2 ( 0.0 , line_vertical_offset ) ) ;
translate_words_by ( wrapped , V2 ( dialog_panel . upper_left . x , new_line_height ) ) ;
new_line_height + = line_vertical_offset + font_line_advance * text_scale ;
new_line_height + = line_vertical_offset + default_font. font_line_advance * text_scale ;
AABB no_clip_curly_things = dialog_panel ;
no_clip_curly_things . lower_right . y - = padding ;
@ -5205,6 +5235,7 @@ void debug_draw_shadow_info(Vec3 frustum_tip, Vec3 cam_forward, Vec3 cam_right,
void actually_draw_thing ( DrawnThing * it , Mat4 light_space_matrix , bool for_outline )
int num_vertices_to_draw ;
if ( it - > mesh )
if ( for_outline )
@ -5225,22 +5256,15 @@ void actually_draw_thing(DrawnThing *it, Mat4 light_space_matrix, bool for_outli
. projection = projection ,
. directional_light_space_matrix = light_space_matrix ,
. time = ( float ) elapsed_time ,
. seed = it - > seed ,
. wobble_factor = it - > wobble_factor ,
. wobble_world_source = it - > wobble_world_source ,
} ;
sg_apply_uniforms ( SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS , SLOT_threedee_vs_params , & SG_RANGE ( vs_params ) ) ;
num_draw_calls + = 1 ;
num_vertices + = ( int ) it - > mesh - > num_vertices ;
if ( ! for_outline )
threedee_fs_params_t fs_params = { 0 } ;
fs_params . shadow_map_dimension = SHADOW_MAP_DIMENSION ;
sg_apply_uniforms ( SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS , SLOT_threedee_fs_params , & SG_RANGE ( fs_params ) ) ;
sg_draw ( 0 , ( int ) it - > mesh - > num_vertices , 1 ) ;
num_vertices_to_draw = ( int ) it - > mesh - > num_vertices ;
if ( it - > armature )
else if ( it - > armature )
if ( for_outline )
sg_apply_pipeline ( state . outline_armature_pip ) ;
@ -5263,23 +5287,33 @@ void actually_draw_thing(DrawnThing *it, Mat4 light_space_matrix, bool for_outli
. bones_tex_size = V2 ( ( float ) it - > armature - > bones_texture_width , ( float ) it - > armature - > bones_texture_height ) ,
} ;
sg_apply_uniforms ( SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS , SLOT_threedee_skeleton_vs_params , & SG_RANGE ( params ) ) ;
num_vertices_to_draw = ( int ) it - > armature - > vertices_length ;
assert ( false ) ;
if ( ! for_outline )
if ( ! for_outline )
threedee_fs_params_t fs_params = { 0 } ;
fs_params . shadow_map_dimension = SHADOW_MAP_DIMENSION ;
if ( it - > no_dust )
threedee_fs_params_t fs_params = { 0 } ;
fs_params . shadow_map_dimension = SHADOW_MAP_DIMENSION ;
sg_apply_uniforms ( SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS , SLOT_threedee_fs_params , & SG_RANGE ( fs_params ) ) ;
fs_params . how_much_not_to_blend_ground_color = 0.0 ;
num_draw_calls + = 1 ;
num_vertices + = ( int ) it - > armature - > vertices_length ;
sg_draw ( 0 , ( int ) it - > armature - > vertices_length , 1 ) ;
fs_params . alpha_blend_int = it - > alpha_blend ;
sg_apply_uniforms ( SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS , SLOT_threedee_fs_params , & SG_RANGE ( fs_params ) ) ;
num_draw_calls + = 1 ;
num_vertices + = num_vertices_to_draw ;
sg_draw ( 0 , num_vertices_to_draw , 1 ) ;
// I moved this out into its own separate function so that you could
// define helper functions to be used multiple times in it, and those functions
// would be near the actual 3d drawing in the file
// @Place(the actual 3d rendering)
void flush_all_drawn_things ( Vec3 light_dir , Vec3 cam_pos , Vec3 cam_facing , Vec3 cam_right )
// Draw all the 3D drawn things. Draw the shadows, then draw the things with the shadows.
@ -5379,6 +5413,7 @@ void flush_all_drawn_things(Vec3 light_dir, Vec3 cam_pos, Vec3 cam_facing, Vec3
SLICE_ITER ( DrawnThing , drawn_this_frame )
assert ( it - > mesh | | it - > armature ) ;
if ( it - > dont_cast_shadows ) continue ;
if ( it - > mesh )
sg_bindings bindings = { 0 } ;
@ -5457,15 +5492,28 @@ void flush_all_drawn_things(Vec3 light_dir, Vec3 cam_pos, Vec3 cam_facing, Vec3
// draw meshes
SLICE_ITER ( DrawnThing , drawn_this_frame )
if ( it - > alpha_blend ) continue ;
if ( it - > mesh ) actually_draw_thing ( it , light_space_matrix , false ) ;
// draw armatures armature rendering
SLICE_ITER ( DrawnThing , drawn_this_frame )
if ( it - > armature ) actually_draw_thing ( it , light_space_matrix , false ) ;
if ( it - > armature )
assert ( ! it - > alpha_blend ) ; // too lazy to implement this right now
actually_draw_thing ( it , light_space_matrix , false ) ;
// draw transparent
SLICE_ITER ( DrawnThing , drawn_this_frame )
if ( it - > alpha_blend )
actually_draw_thing ( it , light_space_matrix , false ) ;
// zero out everything
SLICE_ITER ( DrawnThing , drawn_this_frame )
@ -5523,7 +5571,8 @@ void frame(void)
// @Place(temporary keycodes for trailer)
dance_anim = keydown [ SAPP_KEYCODE_U ] ;
nervous_anim = keydown [ SAPP_KEYCODE_I ] ;
if ( ! terrified_anim ) terrified_anim = keydown [ SAPP_KEYCODE_T ] ;
no_outline = keydown [ SAPP_KEYCODE_P ] ;
if ( keydown [ SAPP_KEYCODE_O ] )
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs . entities )
@ -5614,7 +5663,36 @@ void frame(void)
for ( PlacedMesh * cur = level_threedee . placed_mesh_list ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
draw_thing ( ( DrawnThing ) { . mesh = cur - > draw_with , . t = cur - > t } ) ;
float seed = ( float ) ( ( int64_t ) cur % 1024 ) ;
DrawnThing call = ( DrawnThing ) { . mesh = cur - > draw_with , . t = cur - > t } ;
if ( MD_S8Match ( cur - > name , MD_S8Lit ( " Ground " ) , 0 ) )
call . no_dust = true ;
call . no_dust = true ;
float helicopter_offset = ( float ) sin ( elapsed_time * 0.5f ) * 0.5f ;
if ( MD_S8Match ( cur - > name , MD_S8Lit ( " HelicopterBlade " ) , 0 ) )
call . t . offset . y + = helicopter_offset ;
call . t . rotation = QFromAxisAngle_RH ( V3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) , ( float ) elapsed_time * 15.0f ) ;
if ( MD_S8Match ( cur - > name , MD_S8Lit ( " BlurryBlade " ) , 0 ) )
call . t . rotation = QFromAxisAngle_RH ( V3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) , ( float ) elapsed_time * 15.0f ) ;
call . t . offset . y + = helicopter_offset ;
call . alpha_blend = true ;
call . dont_cast_shadows = true ;
if ( MD_S8Match ( cur - > name , MD_S8Lit ( " HelicopterBody " ) , 0 ) )
call . t . offset . y + = helicopter_offset ;
if ( MD_S8FindSubstring ( cur - > name , MD_S8Lit ( " Bush " ) , 0 , 0 ) = = 0 )
call . wobble_factor = 1.0f ;
call . seed = seed ;
draw_thing ( call ) ;
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs . entities )
@ -5647,8 +5725,9 @@ void frame(void)
if ( nervous_anim )
to_use - > go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit ( " Nervous " ) ;
if ( dance_anim & & it - > npc_kind = = NPC_Farmer )
to_use - > go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit ( " Dance " ) ;
to_use - > go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit ( " Pray " ) ;
draw_thing ( ( DrawnThing ) { . armature = to_use , . t = draw_with , . outline = gete ( gs . player - > interacting_with ) = = it } ) ;
@ -5708,18 +5787,20 @@ void frame(void)
draw_quad ( ( DrawParams ) { quad_at ( V2 ( 0.0 , screen_size ( ) . y ) , screen_size ( ) ) , IMG ( state . threedee_pass_image ) , WHITE , . layer = LAYER_WORLD , . custom_pipeline = state . twodee_colorcorrect_pip } ) ;
// draw the freaking outline. Play ball!
draw_quad ( ( DrawParams ) { quad_at ( V2 ( 0.0 , screen_size ( ) . y ) , screen_size ( ) ) , IMG ( state . outline_pass_image ) , WHITE , . layer = LAYER_UI_FG , . custom_pipeline = state . twodee_outline_pip , . layer = LAYER_UI } ) ;
if ( ! no_outline )
draw_quad ( ( DrawParams ) { quad_at ( V2 ( 0.0 , screen_size ( ) . y ) , screen_size ( ) ) , IMG ( state . outline_pass_image ) , WHITE , . layer = LAYER_UI_FG , . custom_pipeline = state . twodee_outline_pip , . layer = LAYER_UI } ) ;
// 2d drawing TODO move this to when the drawing is flushed.
sg_begin_default_pass ( & state . clear_depth_buffer_pass_action , sapp_width ( ) , sapp_height ( ) ) ;
sg_apply_pipeline ( state . twodee_pip ) ;
// @Place(text input drawing)
draw_quad ( ( DrawParams ) { quad_at ( V2 ( 0 , screen_size ( ) . y ) , screen_size ( ) ) , IMG ( image_white_square ) , blendalpha ( BLACK , text_input_fade * 0.3f ) , . layer = LAYER_UI_FG } ) ;
Vec2 edge_of_text = MulV2F ( screen_size ( ) , 0.5f ) ;
if ( text_input_buffer_length > 0 )
AABB bounds = draw_centered_text ( ( TextParams ) { false , MD_S8 ( text_input_buffer , text_input_buffer_length ) , MulV2F ( screen_size ( ) , 0.5f ) , blendalpha ( WHITE , text_input_fade ) , 1.0f }) ;
AABB bounds = draw_centered_text ( ( TextParams ) { false , MD_S8 ( text_input_buffer , text_input_buffer_length ) , MulV2F ( screen_size ( ) , 0.5f ) , blendalpha ( WHITE , text_input_fade ) , 1.0f , . use_font = & font_for_text_input }) ;
edge_of_text = bounds . lower_right ;
Vec2 cursor_center = V2 ( edge_of_text . x , screen_size ( ) . y / 2.0f ) ;
@ -5804,6 +5885,7 @@ void frame(void)
// gameplay processing loop, do multiple if lagging
// these are static so that, on frames where no gameplay processing is necessary and just rendering, the rendering uses values from last frame
// @Place(gameplay processing loops)
static Entity * interacting_with = 0 ; // used by rendering to figure out who to draw dialog box on
static bool player_in_combat = false ;
@ -5826,6 +5908,8 @@ void frame(void)
// restore the pressed state after gameplay loop so pressed input events can be processed in the
// rendering correctly as well
PressedState before_gameplay_loops = pressed ;
bool keypressed_before_gameplay [ SAPP_KEYCODE_MAX ] ;
memcpy ( keypressed_before_gameplay , keypressed , sizeof ( keypressed ) ) ;
PROFILE_SCOPE ( " gameplay processing " )
uint64_t time_start_gameplay_processing = stm_now ( ) ;
@ -6460,8 +6544,25 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
if ( mocking_the_ai_response )
const char * action = " none " ;
if ( it - > standing ! = STANDING_JOINED ) action = " joins_player " ;
ai_response = MD_S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " {who_i_am: \" %s \" , talking_to: nobody, action: %s, speech: \" Why not? \" , thoughts: \" I'm thinking... \" , mood: Happy} " , characters [ it - > npc_kind ] . name , action ) ;
//if(it->standing != STANDING_JOINED) action = "joins_player";
// @Place(more trailer jank)
char * rigged_dialog [ ] = {
" Just trying to survive in this crazy world, same as everyone else. " ,
" We'll see who's crazy... " ,
" Join me down here, we'll wait it out " ,
" ... " ,
" HEY! " ,
" Sing me a rhyme, young man " ,
" The bell tolls for the meak... " ,
} ;
char * next_dialog = rigged_dialog [ it - > times_talked_to % ARRLEN ( rigged_dialog ) ] ;
ai_response = MD_S8Fmt ( frame_arena , " {who_i_am: \" %s \" , talking_to: nobody, action: %s, speech: \" %s \" , thoughts: \" I'm thinking... \" , mood: Happy} " , characters [ it - > npc_kind ] . name , action , next_dialog ) ;
# ifdef DESKTOP
it - > times_talked_to + = 1 ;
# endif
@ -6577,6 +6678,46 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
gs . player - > interacting_with = frome ( interacting_with ) ;
// @Place(more trailer nonsense)
if ( keypressed [ SAPP_KEYCODE_K ] & & closest_interact_with )
if ( closest_interact_with - > standing = = STANDING_INDIFFERENT )
closest_interact_with - > standing = STANDING_JOINED ;
closest_interact_with - > standing = STANDING_INDIFFERENT ;
if ( keypressed [ SAPP_KEYCODE_L ] | | keypressed [ SAPP_KEYCODE_M ] )
gs . player - > state = CHARACTER_TALKING ;
Entity * shifted = 0 ;
ENTITIES_ITER ( gs . entities )
if ( it - > npc_kind = = NPC_ShiftedFarmer )
shifted = it ;
break ;
assert ( shifted ) ;
gs . player - > talking_to = frome ( shifted ) ;
if ( keypressed [ SAPP_KEYCODE_M ] )
begin_text_input ( ) ;
shifted - > perceptions_dirty = true ;
if ( interact )
if ( gs . player - > state = = CHARACTER_TALKING )
@ -6634,6 +6775,9 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
if ( nervous_anim )
player_armature . go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit ( " Nervous " ) ;
if ( terrified_anim )
player_armature . go_to_animation = MD_S8Lit ( " Terrified " ) ;
if ( gs . player - > state = = CHARACTER_WALKING )
speed = PLAYER_SPEED ;
@ -6690,12 +6834,15 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
reset_level ( ) ;
pressed = ( PressedState ) { 0 } ;
memset ( keypressed , 0 , sizeof ( keypressed ) ) ;
interact = false ;
} // while loop
last_frame_gameplay_processing_time = stm_sec ( stm_diff ( stm_now ( ) , time_start_gameplay_processing ) ) ;
memcpy ( keypressed , keypressed_before_gameplay , sizeof ( keypressed ) ) ;
pressed = before_gameplay_loops ;
@ -6803,8 +6950,8 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
Vec3 bubble_pos = AddV3 ( plane_point ( it - > pos ) , V3 ( 0 , 1.7f , 0 ) ) ; // 1.7 meters is about 5'8", average person height
Vec2 screen_pos = threedee_to_screenspace ( bubble_pos ) ;
Vec2 size = V2 ( 400.0f , 400.0f ) ;
Vec2 bubble_center = AddV2 ( screen_pos , V2 ( - 10.0f , 40 .0f) ) ;
float dialog_alpha = bubble_factor * it - > dialog_fade ;
Vec2 bubble_center = AddV2 ( screen_pos , V2 ( - 10.0f , 55 .0f) ) ;
float dialog_alpha = clamp01 ( bubble_factor * it - > dialog_fade ) ;
draw_quad ( ( DrawParams ) {
quad_centered ( bubble_center , size ) ,
IMG ( image_dialog_bubble ) ,
@ -6816,9 +6963,9 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
dbgrect ( placing_text_in ) ;
MD_String8List last = last_said_without_unsaid_words ( frame_arena , it ) ;
PlacedWordList placed = place_wrapped_words ( frame_arena , MD_S8ListJoin ( frame_arena , last , & ( MD_StringJoin ) { . mid = MD_S8Lit ( " " ) } ) , text_scale , aabb_size ( placing_text_in ) . x );
PlacedWordList placed = place_wrapped_words ( frame_arena , MD_S8ListJoin ( frame_arena , last , & ( MD_StringJoin ) { . mid = MD_S8Lit ( " " ) } ) , text_scale , aabb_size ( placing_text_in ) . x , default_font );
//translate_words_by(placed, V2(placing_text_in.upper_left.x, placing_text_in.lower_right.y));
translate_words_by ( placed , AddV2 ( placing_text_in . upper_left , V2 ( 0 , - get_vertical_dist_between_lines ( text_scale) ) ) ) ;
translate_words_by ( placed , AddV2 ( placing_text_in . upper_left , V2 ( 0 , - get_vertical_dist_between_lines ( default_font, text_scale) ) ) ) ;
for ( PlacedWord * cur = placed . first ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
draw_text ( ( TextParams ) { false , cur - > text , cur - > lower_left_corner , blendalpha ( colhex ( 0xEEE6D2 ) , dialog_alpha ) , text_scale } ) ;
@ -7014,11 +7161,11 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
color = blendalpha ( color , alpha ) ;
const float text_scale = 1.0f ;
PlacedWordList wrapped = place_wrapped_words ( scratch . arena , MD_S8 ( it - > speech , it - > speech_length ) , text_scale , dialog_panel . lower_right . x - dialog_panel . upper_left . x );
PlacedWordList wrapped = place_wrapped_words ( scratch . arena , MD_S8 ( it - > speech , it - > speech_length ) , text_scale , dialog_panel . lower_right . x - dialog_panel . upper_left . x , default_font );
float line_vertical_offset = - wrapped . last - > lower_left_corner . y ;
translate_words_by ( wrapped , V2 ( 0.0 , line_vertical_offset ) ) ;
translate_words_by ( wrapped , V2 ( dialog_panel . upper_left . x , new_line_height ) ) ;
new_line_height + = line_vertical_offset + font_line_advance * text_scale ;
new_line_height + = line_vertical_offset + default_font. font_line_advance * text_scale ;
for ( PlacedWord * cur = wrapped . first ; cur ; cur = cur - > next )
@ -7037,7 +7184,7 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
float separator_height = 40.0f ; // how much vertical space the whole separation, including padding, takes
float line_height = 1.0f ;
Vec2 line_from = AddV2 ( wrapped . first - > lower_left_corner , V2 ( 0 , font_line_advance* text_scale + separator_height / 2.0f ) ) ;
Vec2 line_from = AddV2 ( wrapped . first - > lower_left_corner , V2 ( 0 , default_font. font_line_advance* text_scale + separator_height / 2.0f ) ) ;
Vec2 line_to = AddV2 ( line_from , V2 ( aabb_size ( dialog_panel ) . x , 0 ) ) ;
draw_quad ( ( DrawParams ) { line_quad ( line_from , line_to , line_height ) , IMG ( image_white_square ) , blendalpha ( WHITE , 0.6f ) , . clip_to = dialog_panel , . do_clipping = true } ) ;
@ -7388,6 +7535,7 @@ ISANERROR("Don't know how to do this stuff on this platform.")
MD_ArenaClear ( frame_arena ) ;
memset ( keypressed , 0 , sizeof ( keypressed ) ) ;
pressed = ( PressedState ) { 0 } ;
@ -7401,7 +7549,6 @@ void cleanup(void)
# endif
free ( fontBuffer ) ;
MD_ArenaRelease ( frame_arena ) ;
MD_ArenaRelease ( persistent_arena ) ;
sg_shutdown ( ) ;
@ -7592,6 +7739,7 @@ void event(const sapp_event *e)
mobile_controls = false ;
assert ( e - > key_code < sizeof ( keydown ) / sizeof ( * keydown ) ) ;
keydown [ e - > key_code ] = true ;
keypressed [ e - > key_code ] = true ;
if ( e - > key_code = = SAPP_KEYCODE_E )
@ -7634,10 +7782,6 @@ void event(const sapp_event *e)
gs . won = true ;
if ( e - > key_code = = SAPP_KEYCODE_M )
mobile_controls = true ;
if ( e - > key_code = = SAPP_KEYCODE_P )
profiling = ! profiling ;