@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ if os.path.exists(bpy.path.abspath(f"//{EXPORT_DIRECTORY}")):
shutil . rmtree ( bpy . path . abspath ( f " // { EXPORT_DIRECTORY } " ) )
shutil . rmtree ( bpy . path . abspath ( f " // { EXPORT_DIRECTORY } " ) )
os . makedirs ( bpy . path . abspath ( f " // { EXPORT_DIRECTORY } " ) )
os . makedirs ( bpy . path . abspath ( f " // { EXPORT_DIRECTORY } " ) )
def write_b8 ( f , boolean : bool ) :
f . write ( bytes ( struct . pack ( " ? " , boolean ) ) )
def write_f32 ( f , number : float ) :
def write_f32 ( f , number : float ) :
f . write ( bytes ( struct . pack ( " f " , number ) ) )
f . write ( bytes ( struct . pack ( " f " , number ) ) )
@ -64,85 +66,71 @@ mapping = axis_conversion(
mapping . resize_4x4 ( )
mapping . resize_4x4 ( )
for o in D . objects :
# meshes can either be Meshes, or Armatures. Armatures contain all mesh data to draw it, and any anims it has
if o . type == " ARMATURE " :
armature_name = o . data . name
output_filepath = bpy . path . abspath ( f " // { EXPORT_DIRECTORY } / { armature_name } .bin " )
print ( f " Exporting armature to { output_filepath } " )
with open ( output_filepath , " wb " ) as f :
bones_in_armature = [ ]
for b in o . data . bones :
bones_in_armature . append ( b )
# the inverse model space pos of the bones
write_u64 ( f , len ( bones_in_armature ) )
for b in bones_in_armature :
model_space_pose = mapping @ b . matrix_local
print ( b . name )
print ( b . matrix_local )
inverse_model_space_pose = ( mapping @ b . matrix_local ) . inverted ( )
write_4x4matrix ( f , model_space_pose )
write_4x4matrix ( f , inverse_model_space_pose )
write_f32 ( f , b . length )
# write the pose information
write_u64 ( f , len ( o . pose . bones ) )
for pose_bone in o . pose . bones :
parent_index = - 1
if pose_bone . parent :
for i in range ( len ( bones_in_armature ) ) :
if bones_in_armature [ i ] == pose_bone . parent . bone :
parent_index = i
if parent_index == - 1 :
assert ( false , f " Couldn ' t find parent of bone { pose_bone } " )
print ( f " Parent of bone { pose_bone . name } is index { parent_index } in list { bones_in_armature } " )
parent_space_pose = None
if pose_bone . parent :
parent_space_pose = pose_bone . parent . matrix . inverted ( ) @ pose_bone . matrix
else :
parent_space_pose = mapping @ pose_bone . matrix
print ( " parent_space_pose of the bone with no parent: " )
print ( parent_space_pose )
write_string ( f , pose_bone . bone . name )
write_i32 ( f , parent_index )
#parent_space_pose = mapping @ pose_bone.matrix
translation = parent_space_pose . to_translation ( )
rotation = parent_space_pose . to_quaternion ( )
scale = parent_space_pose . to_scale ( )
write_v3 ( f , translation )
write_quat ( f , rotation )
write_v3 ( f , scale )
elif o . type == " MESH " :
mesh_name = o . to_mesh ( ) . name # use this over o.name so instanced objects which refer to the same mesh, both use the same serialized mesh.
for o in D . objects :
if o . type == " MESH " :
object_transform_info = ( mesh_name , mapping @ o . location , o . rotation_euler , o . scale )
if o . parent and o . parent . type == " ARMATURE " :
mesh_object = o
if o . users_collection [ 0 ] . name == ' Level ' and mesh_name == " CollisionCube " :
o = o . parent
collision_cubes . append ( ( o . location , o . dimensions ) )
object_transform_info = ( mesh_name , mapping @ mesh_object . location , mesh_object . rotation_euler , mesh_object . scale )
else :
if o . users_collection [ 0 ] . name == ' Level ' :
if o . users_collection [ 0 ] . name == ' Level ' :
print ( f " Object { o . name } has mesh name { o . to_mesh ( ) . name } " )
assert ( False , " Cannot put armatures in the level. The level is for static placed meshes. For dynamic entities, you put them outside of the level collection " )
assert ( o . rotation_euler . order == ' XYZ ' )
level_object_data . append ( object_transform_info )
else :
else :
placed_entities . append ( ( o . name , ) + object_transform_info )
placed_entities . append ( ( mesh_object . name , ) + object_transform_info )
armature_name = o . data . name
if mesh_name in saved_meshes :
output_filepath = bpy . path . abspath ( f " // { EXPORT_DIRECTORY } / { armature_name } .bin " )
print ( f " Exporting armature to { output_filepath } " )
saved_meshes . add ( mesh_name )
assert ( mesh_name != LEVEL_EXPORT_NAME )
output_filepath = bpy . path . abspath ( f " // { EXPORT_DIRECTORY } / { mesh_name } .bin " )
print ( f " Exporting mesh to { output_filepath } " )
with open ( output_filepath , " wb " ) as f :
with open ( output_filepath , " wb " ) as f :
write_b8 ( f , True )
bones_in_armature = [ ]
for b in o . data . bones :
bones_in_armature . append ( b )
# the inverse model space pos of the bones
write_u64 ( f , len ( bones_in_armature ) )
for b in bones_in_armature :
model_space_pose = mapping @ b . matrix_local
inverse_model_space_pose = ( mapping @ b . matrix_local ) . inverted ( )
write_4x4matrix ( f , model_space_pose )
write_4x4matrix ( f , inverse_model_space_pose )
write_f32 ( f , b . length )
# write the pose information
write_u64 ( f , len ( o . pose . bones ) )
for pose_bone in o . pose . bones :
parent_index = - 1
if pose_bone . parent :
for i in range ( len ( bones_in_armature ) ) :
if bones_in_armature [ i ] == pose_bone . parent . bone :
parent_index = i
if parent_index == - 1 :
assert ( false , f " Couldn ' t find parent of bone { pose_bone } " )
print ( f " Parent of bone { pose_bone . name } is index { parent_index } in list { bones_in_armature } " )
parent_space_pose = None
if pose_bone . parent :
parent_space_pose = pose_bone . parent . matrix . inverted ( ) @ pose_bone . matrix
else :
parent_space_pose = mapping @ pose_bone . matrix
print ( " parent_space_pose of the bone with no parent: " )
print ( parent_space_pose )
write_string ( f , pose_bone . bone . name )
write_i32 ( f , parent_index )
#parent_space_pose = mapping @ pose_bone.matrix
translation = parent_space_pose . to_translation ( )
rotation = parent_space_pose . to_quaternion ( )
scale = parent_space_pose . to_scale ( )
write_v3 ( f , translation )
write_quat ( f , rotation )
write_v3 ( f , scale )
# write the mesh data for the armature
bm = bmesh . new ( )
bm = bmesh . new ( )
mesh = o . to_mesh ( )
mesh = mesh_ object . to_mesh ( )
bm . from_mesh ( mesh )
bm . from_mesh ( mesh )
bmesh . ops . triangulate ( bm , faces = bm . faces )
bmesh . ops . triangulate ( bm , faces = bm . faces )
bm . transform ( mapping )
bm . transform ( mapping )
@ -171,6 +159,60 @@ for o in D.objects:
write_f32 ( f , uv . y )
write_f32 ( f , uv . y )
print ( f " Wrote { len ( vertices ) } vertices " )
print ( f " Wrote { len ( vertices ) } vertices " )
else : # if the parent type isn't an armature, i.e just a bog standard mesh
mesh_name = o . to_mesh ( ) . name # use this over o.name so instanced objects which refer to the same mesh, both use the same serialized mesh.
object_transform_info = ( mesh_name , mapping @ o . location , o . rotation_euler , o . scale )
if o . users_collection [ 0 ] . name == ' Level ' and mesh_name == " CollisionCube " :
collision_cubes . append ( ( o . location , o . dimensions ) )
else :
if o . users_collection [ 0 ] . name == ' Level ' :
print ( f " Object { o . name } has mesh name { o . to_mesh ( ) . name } " )
assert ( o . rotation_euler . order == ' XYZ ' )
level_object_data . append ( object_transform_info )
else :
placed_entities . append ( ( o . name , ) + object_transform_info )
if mesh_name in saved_meshes :
saved_meshes . add ( mesh_name )
assert ( mesh_name != LEVEL_EXPORT_NAME )
output_filepath = bpy . path . abspath ( f " // { EXPORT_DIRECTORY } / { mesh_name } .bin " )
print ( f " Exporting mesh to { output_filepath } " )
with open ( output_filepath , " wb " ) as f :
write_b8 ( f , False )
bm = bmesh . new ( )
mesh = o . to_mesh ( )
bm . from_mesh ( mesh )
bmesh . ops . triangulate ( bm , faces = bm . faces )
bm . transform ( mapping )
bm . to_mesh ( mesh )
vertices = [ ]
for polygon in mesh . polygons :
if len ( polygon . loop_indices ) == 3 :
for loopIndex in polygon . loop_indices :
loop = mesh . loops [ loopIndex ]
position = mesh . vertices [ loop . vertex_index ] . undeformed_co
uv = mesh . uv_layers . active . data [ loop . index ] . uv
normal = loop . normal
vertices . append ( ( position , uv ) )
write_u64 ( f , len ( vertices ) )
for v_and_uv in vertices :
v , uv = v_and_uv
write_f32 ( f , v . x )
write_f32 ( f , v . y )
write_f32 ( f , v . z )
write_f32 ( f , uv . x )
write_f32 ( f , uv . y )
print ( f " Wrote { len ( vertices ) } vertices " )
with open ( bpy . path . abspath ( f " // { EXPORT_DIRECTORY } / { LEVEL_EXPORT_NAME } .bin " ) , " wb " ) as f :
with open ( bpy . path . abspath ( f " // { EXPORT_DIRECTORY } / { LEVEL_EXPORT_NAME } .bin " ) , " wb " ) as f :
write_u64 ( f , len ( level_object_data ) )
write_u64 ( f , len ( level_object_data ) )
for o in level_object_data :
for o in level_object_data :