Camera, player movement, tilemap, better drawing

parent 68bd1d5d68
commit e573fede86

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# copyrighted assets which must be bought
EPIC RPG World Pack - Ancient Ruins V 1.7/
# allow shader compiler

@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
@image merchant:
filepath = "merchant.png",
filepath = "copyrighted/merchant.png",
@image bg_tilesheet:
filepath = "copyrighted/wall-1 - 3 tiles tall.png",
@image white_square:
filepath = "white square.png",

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 520 B

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
MD_String8 filepath = {0};
for(MD_EachNode(child, node->first_child)) {
if(MD_S8Match(child->string, MD_S8Lit("filepath"), 0)) {
filepath = child->next->next->string;
filepath = child->next->next->string; // segfault here but to check for it is ugly
filepath = MD_S8Fmt(cg_arena, "%.*s/%.*s", MD_S8VArg(ASSETS_FOLDER), MD_S8VArg(filepath));


@ -73,10 +73,8 @@ void init(void) {
/* a shader (use separate shader sources here */
sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(quad_program_shader_desc(sg_query_backend()));
/* a pipeline state object */
state.pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
.shader = shd,
.index_type = SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16,
@ -86,10 +84,18 @@ void init(void) {
[ATTR_quad_vs_texcoord0].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT2,
.label = "quad-pipeline"
.colors[0].blend = (sg_blend_state) { // allow transparency
.enabled = true,
.src_factor_rgb = SG_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
.op_rgb = SG_BLENDOP_ADD,
.src_factor_alpha = SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE,
.op_alpha = SG_BLENDOP_ADD,
.label = "quad-pipeline",
/* default pass action */
state.pass_action = (sg_pass_action) {
.colors[0] = { .action=SG_ACTION_CLEAR, .value={0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } }
@ -105,13 +111,57 @@ Color col(float r, float g, float b, float a) {
return HMM_V4(r, g, b, a);
#define WHITE col(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)
HMM_Vec2 screen_size() {
return HMM_V2((float)sapp_width(), (float)sapp_height());
typedef struct Camera {
HMM_Vec2 pos;
float scale;
} Camera;
// everything is in pixels in world space, 43 pixels is approx 1 meter measured from
// merchant sprite being 5'6"
const float pixels_per_meter = 43.0f;
Camera cam = {.scale = 2.0f };
HMM_Vec2 cam_offset() {
return HMM_AddV2(cam.pos, HMM_MulV2F(screen_size(), 0.5f));
// screen coords are in bottom right, and in pixels
HMM_Vec2 world_to_screen(HMM_Vec2 world) {
HMM_Vec2 to_return = world;
to_return = HMM_MulV2F(to_return, cam.scale);
to_return = HMM_AddV2(to_return, cam_offset());
return to_return;
HMM_Vec2 screen_to_world(HMM_Vec2 screen) {
HMM_Vec2 to_return = screen;
to_return = HMM_SubV2(to_return, cam_offset());
to_return = HMM_MulV2F(to_return, 1.0f/cam.scale);
return to_return;
// out must be of at least length 4
void quad_points_centered_size(HMM_Vec2 *out, HMM_Vec2 at, HMM_Vec2 size) {
out[0] = HMM_V2(0.0, 0.0);
out[1] = HMM_V2(size.X, 0.0);
out[2] = HMM_V2(size.X, -size.Y);
out[3] = HMM_V2(0.0, -size.Y);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
out[i] = HMM_AddV2(out[i], HMM_V2(-size.X*0.5f, size.Y*0.5f));
out[i] = HMM_AddV2(out[i], at);
// points must be of length 4, and be in the order: upper left, upper right, lower right, lower left
// the points are in pixels in screen space
// the points are in pixels in screen space. The image region is in pixel space of the image
void draw_quad_all_parameters(HMM_Vec2 *points, sg_image image, AABB image_region, Color tint) {
float new_vertices[ (2 + 2)*4 ];
HMM_Vec2 region_size = HMM_SubV2(image_region.lower_right, image_region.upper_left);
@ -153,52 +203,79 @@ void draw_quad_all_parameters(HMM_Vec2 *points, sg_image image, AABB image_regio
sg_draw(0, 6, 1);
void draw_quad_world_all(HMM_Vec2 *points, sg_image image, AABB image_region, Color tint) {
HMM_Vec2 into_screen[4] = {0};
memcpy(into_screen, points, sizeof(into_screen));
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
into_screen[i] = world_to_screen(into_screen[i]);
draw_quad_all_parameters(into_screen, image, image_region, tint);
// in pixels
HMM_Vec2 img_size(sg_image img) {
sg_image_info info = sg_query_image_info(img);
return HMM_V2((float)info.width, (float)info.height);
// full region in pixels
AABB full_region(sg_image img) {
return (AABB) {
.upper_left = HMM_V2(0.0f, 0.0f),
.lower_right = img_size(img),
double time = 0.0;
uint64_t last_frame_time;
HMM_Vec2 mouse_pos; // in screen space
HMM_Vec2 mouse_pos = {0}; // in screen space
HMM_Vec2 character_pos = {0}; // world space point
bool keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_MENU] = {0};
bool mouse_frozen = false;
void frame(void) {
// time
double dt_double = 0.0;
double dt = stm_sec(stm_diff(stm_now(), last_frame_time));
time += dt;
dt_double = stm_sec(stm_diff(stm_now(), last_frame_time));
time += dt_double;
last_frame_time = stm_now();
/*HMM_Vec2 points[] = {
HMM_V2(-0.5f, 0.5f),
HMM_V2(0.5f, 0.5f),
HMM_V2(0.5f, -0.5f),
HMM_V2(-0.5f, -0.5f),
float size = 200.0;
HMM_Vec2 points[] = {
HMM_V2(0.0, 0.0),
HMM_V2(size, 0.0),
HMM_V2(size, -size),
HMM_V2(0.0, -size),
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
points[i] = HMM_AddV2(points[i], mouse_pos);
float dt = (float)dt_double;
HMM_Vec2 movement = HMM_V2(
(float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_D] - (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_A],
(float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_W] - (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_S]
if(HMM_LenV2(movement) > 1.0) {
movement = HMM_NormV2(movement);
character_pos = HMM_AddV2(character_pos, HMM_MulV2F(movement, dt * pixels_per_meter * 4.0f));
cam.pos = HMM_LerpV2(cam.pos, dt*8.0f, HMM_MulV2F(character_pos, -1.0f * cam.scale));
sg_begin_default_pass(&state.pass_action, sapp_width(), sapp_height());
int index = (int)floor(time/0.3);
// background
HMM_Vec2 bg_points[4] = {0};
quad_points_centered_size(bg_points, HMM_V2(0.0, 0.0), img_size(image_bg_tilesheet));
draw_quad_world_all(bg_points, image_bg_tilesheet, full_region(image_bg_tilesheet), WHITE);
sg_image_info info = sg_query_image_info(image_merchant);
// merchant
int index = (int)floor(time/0.3);
float size = img_size(image_merchant).Y;
HMM_Vec2 points[4] = {0};
quad_points_centered_size(points, character_pos, HMM_V2(size, size));
int cell_size = 110;
assert(info.width % cell_size == 0);
assert((int)img_size(image_merchant).X % cell_size == 0);
AABB region;
region.upper_left = HMM_V2( (float)((index % (info.width/cell_size)) * cell_size), 0.0);
region.upper_left = HMM_V2( (float)((index % ((int)img_size(image_merchant).X/cell_size)) * cell_size), 0.0);
region.lower_right = HMM_V2(region.upper_left.X + (float)cell_size, (float)cell_size);
draw_quad_all_parameters(points, image_merchant, region, col(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
draw_quad_world_all(points, image_merchant, region, WHITE);
@ -210,6 +287,8 @@ void cleanup(void) {
void event(const sapp_event *e) {
if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_KEY_DOWN) {
assert(e->key_code < sizeof(keydown)/sizeof(*keydown));
keydown[e->key_code] = true;
if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_ESCAPE) {
@ -219,6 +298,9 @@ void event(const sapp_event *e) {
if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_KEY_UP) {
keydown[e->key_code] = false;
bool ignore_movement = false;

@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
@echo off
echo Asset packs which must be bought and unzipped into root directory before running this script:
rmdir /S /q assets\copyrighted
mkdir assets\copyrighted
copy "EPIC RPG World Pack - Ancient Ruins V 1.7\EPIC RPG World Pack - Ancient Ruins V 1.7\Characters\NPC Merchant-idle.png" "assets\copyrighted\merchant.png" || goto :error
copy "EPIC RPG World Pack - Ancient Ruins V 1.7\EPIC RPG World Pack - Ancient Ruins V 1.7\Tilesets\wall-1 - 3 tiles tall.png" "assets\copyrighted\wall-1 - 3 tiles tall.png" || goto :error
rmdir /S /q gen
mkdir gen
