Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main'

andrewjhaman 2 years ago
commit f58d50f7ab

@ -17,38 +17,33 @@ uniform vs_params {
uniform sampler2D bones_tex;
// in textures, color elements are delivered as unsigend normalize floats
// in [0, 1]. This makes them into [-1, 1] as the bone matrices require
// such values to be correct
vec4 make_signed_again(vec4 v) {
v.x = 2.0 * v.x - 1.0;
v.y = 2.0 * v.y - 1.0;
v.z = 2.0 * v.z - 1.0;
v.w = 2.0 * v.w - 1.0;
return v;
float decode_normalized_float32(vec4 v)
float sign = 2.0 * v.x - 1.0;
return sign * (v.z*255.0 + v.y);
void main() {
vec4 total_position = vec4(0.0f);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for(int bone_influence_index = 0; bone_influence_index < 4; bone_influence_index++)
float index_float = indices_in[i];
float index_float = indices_in[bone_influence_index];
int index = int(index_float * 65535.0);
float weight = weights_in[i];
float weight = weights_in[bone_influence_index];
float y_coord = (0.5 + index)/bones_tex_size.y;
vec4 col0 = texture(bones_tex, vec2((0.5 + 0)/bones_tex_size.x, y_coord));
vec4 col1 = texture(bones_tex, vec2((0.5 + 1)/bones_tex_size.x, y_coord));
vec4 col2 = texture(bones_tex, vec2((0.5 + 2)/bones_tex_size.x, y_coord));
vec4 col3 = texture(bones_tex, vec2((0.5 + 3)/bones_tex_size.x, y_coord));
col0 = make_signed_again(col0);
col1 = make_signed_again(col1);
col2 = make_signed_again(col2);
col3 = make_signed_again(col3);
mat4 bone_mat;
mat4 bone_mat = mat4(col0, col1, col2, col3);
for(int row = 0; row < 4; row++)
for(int col = 0; col < 4; col++)
bone_mat[col][row] = decode_normalized_float32(texture(bones_tex, vec2((0.5 + col*4 + row)/bones_tex_size.x, y_coord)));
vec4 local_position = bone_mat * vec4(pos_in, 1.0f);
total_position += local_position * weight;

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ for o in D.objects:
if parent_index == -1:
assert False, f"Couldn't find parent of bone {b}"
print(f"Parent of bone {} is index {parent_index} in list {bones_in_armature}")
#print(f"Parent of bone {} is index {parent_index} in list {bones_in_armature}")
write_i32(f, parent_index)
write_4x4matrix(f, model_space_pose)
@ -129,7 +129,16 @@ for o in D.objects:
assert(len(o.pose.bones) == len(bones_in_armature))
armature = o
for animation in
anims = []
assert armature.animation_data, "Armatures are assumed to have an animation right now"
for track in armature.animation_data.nla_tracks:
for strip in track.strips:
print(f"Writing {len(anims)} animations")
write_u64(f, len(anims))
for animation in anims:
armature.animation_data.action = animation
startFrame = int(animation.frame_range.x)
endFrame = int(animation.frame_range.y)

art/art.blend (Stored with Git LFS)

Binary file not shown.


@ -851,13 +851,23 @@ typedef struct PoseBone
typedef struct Bone
struct Bone *parent;
PoseBone *anim_poses;
MD_u64 anim_poses_length;
Mat4 matrix_local;
Mat4 inverse_model_space_pos;
float length;
} Bone;
typedef struct AnimationTrack
PoseBone *poses;
MD_u64 poses_length;
} AnimationTrack;
typedef struct Animation
MD_String8 name;
// assumed to be the same as the number of bones in the armature the animation is in
AnimationTrack *tracks;
} Animation;
typedef struct
@ -969,6 +979,8 @@ typedef struct
Bone *bones;
MD_u64 bones_length;
Animation *animations;
MD_u64 animations_length;
ArmatureVertex *vertices;
MD_u64 vertices_length;
sg_buffer loaded_buffer;
@ -1027,29 +1039,43 @@ Armature load_armature(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file, MD_String8 armat
MD_u64 frames_in_anim;
ser_MD_u64(&ser, &frames_in_anim);
Log("There are %llu animation frames\n", frames_in_anim);
ser_MD_u64(&ser, &to_return.animations_length);
Log("Armature %.*s has %llu animations\n", MD_S8VArg(armature_name), to_return.animations_length);
to_return.animations = MD_PushArray(arena, Animation, to_return.animations_length);
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < to_return.bones_length; i++)
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < to_return.animations_length; i++)
to_return.bones[i].anim_poses = MD_PushArray(arena, PoseBone, frames_in_anim);
to_return.bones[i].anim_poses_length = frames_in_anim;
Animation *new_anim = &to_return.animations[i];
*new_anim = (Animation){0};
for(MD_u64 anim_i = 0; anim_i < frames_in_anim; anim_i++)
float time_through;
ser_float(&ser, &time_through);
for(MD_u64 pose_bone_i = 0; pose_bone_i < to_return.bones_length; pose_bone_i++)
ser_MD_String8(&ser, &new_anim->name, arena);
new_anim->tracks = MD_PushArray(arena, AnimationTrack, to_return.bones_length);
MD_u64 frames_in_anim;
ser_MD_u64(&ser, &frames_in_anim);
Log("There are %llu animation frames in animation '%.*s'\n", frames_in_anim, MD_S8VArg(new_anim->name));
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < to_return.bones_length; i++)
new_anim->tracks[i].poses = MD_PushArray(arena, PoseBone, frames_in_anim);
new_anim->tracks[i].poses_length = frames_in_anim;
for(MD_u64 anim_i = 0; anim_i < frames_in_anim; anim_i++)
PoseBone *next_pose_bone = &to_return.bones[pose_bone_i].anim_poses[anim_i];
float time_through;
ser_float(&ser, &time_through);
for(MD_u64 pose_bone_i = 0; pose_bone_i < to_return.bones_length; pose_bone_i++)
PoseBone *next_pose_bone = &new_anim->tracks[pose_bone_i].poses[anim_i];
ser_Vec3(&ser, &next_pose_bone->parent_space_pose.offset);
ser_Quat(&ser, &next_pose_bone->parent_space_pose.rotation);
ser_Vec3(&ser, &next_pose_bone->parent_space_pose.scale);
ser_Vec3(&ser, &next_pose_bone->parent_space_pose.offset);
ser_Quat(&ser, &next_pose_bone->parent_space_pose.rotation);
ser_Vec3(&ser, &next_pose_bone->parent_space_pose.scale);
next_pose_bone->time = time_through;
next_pose_bone->time = time_through;
@ -1083,7 +1109,7 @@ Armature load_armature(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file, MD_String8 armat
.label = (const char*)nullterm(arena, MD_S8Fmt(arena, "%.*s-vertices", MD_S8VArg(armature_name))).str,
to_return.bones_texture_width = 4;
to_return.bones_texture_width = 16;
to_return.bones_texture_height = (int)to_return.bones_length;
Log("Amrature %.*s has bones texture size (%d, %d)\n", MD_S8VArg(armature_name), to_return.bones_texture_width, to_return.bones_texture_height);
@ -1093,6 +1119,12 @@ Armature load_armature(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file, MD_String8 armat
.pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8,
.min_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST,
.mag_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST,
// for webgl NPOT texures
@ -1104,13 +1136,14 @@ Armature load_armature(MD_Arena *arena, MD_String8 binary_file, MD_String8 armat
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
const float eps = 0.0001f;
if(r == c)
assert(should_be_identity.Elements[c][r] == 1.0f);
assert(fabsf(should_be_identity.Elements[c][r] - 1.0f) < eps);
assert(should_be_identity.Elements[c][r] == 0.0f);
assert(fabsf(should_be_identity.Elements[c][r] - 0.0f) < eps);
@ -2740,17 +2773,17 @@ void draw_placed(Mat4 view, Mat4 projection, Mat4 light_matrix, PlacedMesh *cur)
sg_draw(0, (int)drawing->num_vertices, 1);
Mat4 get_animated_bone_transform(Bone *bone, float time)
Mat4 get_animated_bone_transform(AnimationTrack *track, Bone *bone, float time)
float total_anim_time = bone->anim_poses[bone->anim_poses_length - 1].time;
float total_anim_time = track->poses[track->poses_length - 1].time;
assert(total_anim_time > 0.0f);
time = fmodf(time, total_anim_time);
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < bone->anim_poses_length - 1; i++)
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < track->poses_length - 1; i++)
if(bone->anim_poses[i].time <= time && time <= bone->anim_poses[i + 1].time)
if(track->poses[i].time <= time && time <= track->poses[i + 1].time)
PoseBone from = bone->anim_poses[i];
PoseBone to = bone->anim_poses[i + 1];
PoseBone from = track->poses[i];
PoseBone to = track->poses[i + 1];
float gap_btwn_keyframes = to.time - from.time;
float t = (time - from.time)/gap_btwn_keyframes;
assert(t >= 0.0f);
@ -2762,6 +2795,58 @@ Mat4 get_animated_bone_transform(Bone *bone, float time)
return M4D(1.0f);
typedef struct
MD_u8 rgba[4];
} PixelData;
PixelData encode_normalized_float32(float to_encode)
Vec4 to_return_vector = {0};
// x is just -1.0f or 1.0f, encoded as a [0,1] normalized float.
if(to_encode < 0.0f) to_return_vector.x = -1.0f;
else to_return_vector.x = 1.0f;
to_return_vector.x = to_return_vector.x / 2.0f + 0.5f;
float without_sign = fabsf(to_encode);
to_return_vector.y = without_sign - floorf(without_sign);
to_return_vector.z = fabsf(to_encode) - to_return_vector.y;
assert(to_return_vector.z < 255.0f);
to_return_vector.z /= 255.0f;
// w is unused for now, but is 1.0f (and is the alpha channel in Vec4) so that it displays properly as a texture
to_return_vector.w = 1.0f;
PixelData to_return = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
assert(0.0f <= to_return_vector.Elements[i] && to_return_vector.Elements[i] <= 1.0f);
to_return.rgba[i] = (MD_u8)(to_return_vector.Elements[i] * 255.0f);
return to_return;
float decode_normalized_float32(PixelData encoded)
Vec4 v = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
v.Elements[i] = (float)encoded.rgba[i] / 255.0f;
float sign = 2.0f * v.x - 1.0f;
float to_return = sign * (v.z*255.0f + v.y);
return to_return;
void draw_armature(Mat4 view, Mat4 projection, Transform t, Armature *armature, float elapsed_time)
MD_ArenaTemp scratch = MD_GetScratch(0, 0);
@ -2788,34 +2873,26 @@ void draw_armature(Mat4 view, Mat4 projection, Transform t, Armature *armature,
for(Bone *cur_in_hierarchy = cur; cur_in_hierarchy; cur_in_hierarchy = cur_in_hierarchy->parent)
//final = MulM4(cur_in_hierarchy->anim_poses[0].parent_space_pose, final);
final = MulM4(get_animated_bone_transform(cur_in_hierarchy, elapsed_time), final);
int bone_index = (int)(cur_in_hierarchy - armature->bones);
final = MulM4(get_animated_bone_transform(&armature->animations[0].tracks[bone_index], cur_in_hierarchy, elapsed_time), final);
for(int col = 0; col < 4; col++)
Vec4 to_upload = final.Columns[col];
assert(-1.1f <= to_upload.x && to_upload.x <= 1.1f);
assert(-1.1f <= to_upload.y && to_upload.y <= 1.1f);
assert(-1.1f <= to_upload.z && to_upload.z <= 1.1f);
assert(-1.1f <= to_upload.w && to_upload.w <= 1.1f);
// make them normalized
to_upload.x = to_upload.x/2.0f + 0.5f;
to_upload.y = to_upload.y/2.0f + 0.5f;
to_upload.z = to_upload.z/2.0f + 0.5f;
to_upload.w = to_upload.w/2.0f + 0.5f;
to_upload.x = clamp01(to_upload.x);
to_upload.y = clamp01(to_upload.y);
to_upload.z = clamp01(to_upload.z);
to_upload.w = clamp01(to_upload.w);
int bytes_per_pixel = 4;
int bytes_per_row = bytes_per_pixel * 4;
bones_tex[bytes_per_pixel*col + bytes_per_row*i + 0] = (MD_u8)(to_upload.x * 255.0);
bones_tex[bytes_per_pixel*col + bytes_per_row*i + 1] = (MD_u8)(to_upload.y * 255.0);
bones_tex[bytes_per_pixel*col + bytes_per_row*i + 2] = (MD_u8)(to_upload.z * 255.0);
bones_tex[bytes_per_pixel*col + bytes_per_row*i + 3] = (MD_u8)(to_upload.w * 255.0);
int bytes_per_column_of_mat = bytes_per_pixel * 4;
int bytes_per_row = bytes_per_pixel * armature->bones_texture_width;
for(int elem = 0; elem < 4; elem++)
float after_decoding = decode_normalized_float32(encode_normalized_float32(to_upload.Elements[elem]));
assert(fabsf(after_decoding - to_upload.Elements[elem]) < 0.01f);
memcpy(&bones_tex[bytes_per_column_of_mat*col + bytes_per_row*i + bytes_per_pixel*0], encode_normalized_float32(to_upload.Elements[0]).rgba, bytes_per_pixel);
memcpy(&bones_tex[bytes_per_column_of_mat*col + bytes_per_row*i + bytes_per_pixel*1], encode_normalized_float32(to_upload.Elements[1]).rgba, bytes_per_pixel);
memcpy(&bones_tex[bytes_per_column_of_mat*col + bytes_per_row*i + bytes_per_pixel*2], encode_normalized_float32(to_upload.Elements[2]).rgba, bytes_per_pixel);
memcpy(&bones_tex[bytes_per_column_of_mat*col + bytes_per_row*i + bytes_per_pixel*3], encode_normalized_float32(to_upload.Elements[3]).rgba, bytes_per_pixel);
sg_update_image(armature->bones_texture, &(sg_image_data){
@ -3023,6 +3100,22 @@ void do_serialization_tests()
void do_float_encoding_tests()
float to_test[] = {
ARR_ITER(float, to_test)
PixelData encoded = encode_normalized_float32(*it);
float decoded = decode_normalized_float32(encoded);
assert(fabsf(decoded - *it) < 0.01f);
Armature armature = {0};
@ -3083,8 +3176,8 @@ void init(void)
mesh_player = load_mesh(persistent_arena, binary_file, MD_S8Lit("Player.bin"));
binary_file = MD_LoadEntireFile(frame_arena, MD_S8Lit("assets/exported_3d/Armature.bin"));
armature = load_armature(persistent_arena, binary_file, MD_S8Lit("Armature.bin"));
binary_file = MD_LoadEntireFile(frame_arena, MD_S8Lit("assets/exported_3d/WalkingArmature.bin"));
armature = load_armature(persistent_arena, binary_file, MD_S8Lit("WalkingArmature.bin"));
@ -3096,6 +3189,7 @@ void init(void)
#ifdef WEB
@ -5108,7 +5202,6 @@ void frame(void)
// debug draw armature
for(MD_u64 i = 0; i < armature.bones_length; i++)
PoseBone *cur_pose_bone = &armature.bones[i].anim_poses[0];
Bone *cur = &armature.bones[i];
Vec3 offset = V3(1.5, 0, 5);
@ -5119,27 +5212,6 @@ void frame(void)
Vec3 z = MulM4V3(cur->matrix_local, V3(0,0,cur->length));
Vec3 dot = MulM4V3(cur->matrix_local, V3(cur->length,0,cur->length));
Vec3 should_be_zero = MulM4V3(cur->inverse_model_space_pos, from);
assert(should_be_zero.x == 0.0);
assert(should_be_zero.y == 0.0);
assert(should_be_zero.z == 0.0);
if(cur->parent == 0)
// do some testing on the bone with no parent
Vec3 should_be_zero = MulM4V3(transform_to_mat(cur_pose_bone->parent_space_pose), V3(0,0,0));
// there is another bone, that's not at (0,0,0) in model space on the model
// for debugging purposes right now
assert(should_be_zero.y == 0.0);
assert(should_be_zero.x == 0.0);
assert(should_be_zero.z == 0.0);
// from, x, y, and z are like vertex points. They are model-space
// points *around* the bones they should be influenced by. Now we
// need to transform them according to how much the pose bones
@ -5149,7 +5221,8 @@ void frame(void)
final_mat = MulM4(cur->inverse_model_space_pos, final_mat);
for(Bone *cur_in_hierarchy = cur; cur_in_hierarchy; cur_in_hierarchy = cur_in_hierarchy->parent)
final_mat = MulM4(get_animated_bone_transform(cur_in_hierarchy, (float)elapsed_time), final_mat);
int bone_index = (int)(cur_in_hierarchy - armature.bones);
final_mat = MulM4(get_animated_bone_transform(&armature.animations[0].tracks[bone_index], cur_in_hierarchy, (float)elapsed_time), final_mat);
//final_mat = MulM4(cur_in_hierarchy->anim_poses[0].parent_space_pose, final_mat);

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#define ARROW_SPEED 200.0f
#define SECONDS_PER_ARROW 1.3f
#define ARENA_SIZE (1024*1024)
#define ARENA_SIZE (1024*1024*10)
