Every time you checkin/clone the project, you have to unzip art.blend... If this is annoying to you, make a git hook
Be very cautious about committing a change to any large asset files, i.e the art.blend and png files. Every time you do so, even if you change one little thing like moving the player somewhere, you copy the entire file in git lfs, ballooning the storage usage of the git project on the remote. So just try to minimize edits to those big files.
Be very cautious about committing a change to any large asset files, i.e the art.blend and png files. Every time you do so, even if you change one little thing like moving the player somewhere, you copy the entire file in git lfs, ballooning the storage usage of the git project on the remote. So just try to minimize edits to those big files.
You must clone with git lfs is, and download git lfs files in this repository. If you don't know what that is, google it
You must clone with git lfs is, and download git lfs files in this repository. If you don't know what that is, google it