Cameron Murphy Reikes c323c5789f More training & small build system fixes
Button.png New art, add 3 more characters, new level
Main.tsx New art, add 3 more characters, new level
ThumbstickBase.png New art, add 3 more characters, new level
ThumbstickNub.png New art, add 3 more characters, new level
_Attack.png Add attack
_Idle.png Spawnpoint and animated sprites
_Roll.png Load entities from file, barrel roll!
_Run.png Spawnpoint and animated sprites
boots.png Boots item
bullet.png Bullet deflection with sword, combat improve
dialog_circle.png Dialog circle
drop_shadow.png Bullet deflection with sword, combat improve
e_icon.png New separate key/button input for interact
hurt_vignette.png Player damage and respawning
level0.json Conver training to metadesk, add metadata. Writing
mystery_tile.png Tiled map importing with metadesk, quad view cull
new_level.json More training & small build system fixes
orange kid.ttf Load font atlas, rgba conversion, and draw it
shift_icon.png Helper icons for key buttons
simple_text_chirp.wav Sound system with metadesk, mono only for now
small_old_man.png Entity array, codegen all object spawnpoints
space_icon.png Helper icons for key buttons
test_sound_chirp.wav New art, add 3 more characters, new level
testsmalllevel.json Constant line height, more training, todo
tripod.png New art, add 3 more characters, new level
white square.png Text rendering and lower number of rendering funcs