You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1972 lines
52 KiB

1 year ago
#define SOKOL_IMPL
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
#define DESKTOP
1 year ago
#define SOKOL_D3D11
#if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
#define WEB
#define SOKOL_GLES2
1 year ago
#include "sokol_app.h"
#include "sokol_gfx.h"
1 year ago
#include "sokol_time.h"
1 year ago
#include "sokol_glue.h"
1 year ago
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_truetype.h"
#include "HandmadeMath.h"
1 year ago
#pragma warning(disable : 4996) // fopen is safe. I don't care about fopen_s
1 year ago
#include <math.h>
#define ARRLEN(x) ((sizeof(x)/sizeof(0[x])) / ((size_t)(!(sizeof(x) % sizeof(0[x])))))
#define ENTITIES_ITER(ents) for(Entity *it = ents; it < ents + ARRLEN(ents); it++) if(it->exists)
#define Log(...) { printf("Log | "); printf(__VA_ARGS__); }
// so can be grep'd and removed
#define dbgprint(...) { printf("Debug | %s:%d | ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); }
Vec2 RotateV2(Vec2 v, float theta)
return V2(
v.X * cosf(theta) - v.Y * sinf(theta),
v.X * sinf(theta) + v.Y * cosf(theta)
typedef struct AABB
Vec2 upper_left;
Vec2 lower_right;
typedef struct Quad
Vec2 ul; // upper left
Vec2 ur; // upper right
Vec2 lr; // lower right
Vec2 ll; // lower left
Vec2 points[4];
} Quad;
typedef struct TileInstance
uint16_t kind;
} TileInstance;
typedef struct AnimatedTile
uint16_t id_from;
int num_frames;
uint16_t frames[32];
} AnimatedTile;
typedef struct TileSet
sg_image *img;
AnimatedTile animated[128];
} TileSet;
typedef struct AnimatedSprite
sg_image *img;
double time_per_frame;
int num_frames;
Vec2 start;
float horizontal_diff_btwn_frames;
Vec2 region_size;
1 year ago
bool no_wrap; // does not wrap when playing
} AnimatedSprite;
typedef enum CharacterState
} CharacterState;
typedef enum EntityKind
ENTITY_INVALID, // zero initialized is invalid entity
} EntityKind;
#define SERVER_URL "http://localhost:8090"
#define SERVER_URL ""
// null terminator always built into buffers so can read properly from data
#define BUFF(type, max_size) struct { int cur_index; type data[max_size]; char null_terminator; }
#define BUFF_HAS_SPACE(buff_ptr) ( (buff_ptr)->cur_index < ARRLEN((buff_ptr)->data) )
#define BUFF_APPEND(buff_ptr, element) { (buff_ptr)->data[(buff_ptr)->cur_index++] = element; assert((buff_ptr)->cur_index <= ARRLEN((buff_ptr)->data)); }
//#define BUFF_ITER(type, buff_ptr) for(type *it = &((buff_ptr)->data[0]); it < (buff_ptr)->data + (buff_ptr)->cur_index; it++)
#define BUFF_ITER_EX(type, buff_ptr, begin_ind, cond, movement) for(type *it = &((buff_ptr)->data[begin_ind]); cond; movement)
#define BUFF_ITER(type, buff_ptr) BUFF_ITER_EX(type, (buff_ptr), 0, it < (buff_ptr)->data + (buff_ptr)->cur_index, it++)
#define BUFF_CLEAR(buff_ptr) {memset((buff_ptr), 0, sizeof(*(buff_ptr))); ((buff_ptr)->cur_index = 0);}
typedef BUFF(char, MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH) Sentence;
#define SENTENCE_CONST(txt) (Sentence){.data=txt, .cur_index=sizeof(txt)}
// even indexed dialogs (0,2,4) are player saying stuff, odds are the character from GPT
typedef BUFF(Sentence, 8) Dialog;
typedef struct Entity
bool exists;
EntityKind kind;
// for all NPCS (maybe make this allocated somewhere instead of in every entity? it's kind of big...)
Dialog player_dialog;
#ifdef WEB
int gen_request_id;
// fields for all entities
Vec2 pos;
Vec2 vel; // only used sometimes, like in old man and bullet
float damage; // at 1.0, he's dead
bool facing_left;
// old man
bool aggressive;
double shotgun_timer;
// character
CharacterState state;
struct Entity *talking_to; // Maybe should be generational index, but I dunno. No death yet
bool is_rolling; // can only roll in idle or walk states
float speed; // for lerping to the speed, so that roll gives speed boost which fades
double time_not_rolling; // for cooldown for roll, so you can't just hold it and be invincible
double roll_progress;
double swing_progress;
} Entity;
typedef struct Overlap
bool is_tile; // in which case e will be null, naturally
TileInstance t;
Entity *e;
} Overlap;
typedef BUFF(Overlap, 16) Overlapping;
#define LEVEL_TILES 60
#define TILE_SIZE 32 // in pixels
#define MAX_ENTITIES 128
#define PLAYER_SPEED 3.5f // in meters per second
#define PLAYER_ROLL_SPEED 7.0f
typedef struct Level
TileInstance tiles[LEVEL_TILES][LEVEL_TILES];
Entity initial_entities[MAX_ENTITIES]; // shouldn't be directly modified, only used to initialize entities on loading of level
} Level;
typedef struct TileCoord
int x;
int y;
} TileCoord;
// no alignment etc because lazy
typedef struct Arena
char *data;
size_t data_size;
size_t cur;
} Arena;
Entity *player = NULL; // up here, used in text backend callback
void make_space_and_append(Dialog *d, Sentence *s)
if(d->cur_index >= ARRLEN(d->data))
assert(ARRLEN(d->data) >= 1);
for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(d->data) - 1; i++)
d->data[i] = d->data[i + 1];
void add_new_npc_sentence(Entity *npc, char *sentence)
size_t sentence_len = strlen(sentence);
assert(sentence_len < MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH);
Sentence new_sentence = {0};
BUFF(char, MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH) match_buffer = {0};
bool inside_star = false;
for(int i = 0; i < sentence_len; i++)
if(sentence[i] == '"') break;
if(sentence[i] == '\n') continue;
if(sentence[i] == '*')
if(strcmp(, "becomes aggressive") == 0)
npc->aggressive = true;
inside_star = false;
BUFF_APPEND(&match_buffer, sentence[i]);
if(sentence[i] == '*') inside_star = true;
BUFF_APPEND(&new_sentence, sentence[i]);
make_space_and_append(&npc->player_dialog, &new_sentence);
// just straight up gpt generation function, calls to golang backend
char *get_ai_response(char* prompt);
void begin_text_input(); // called when player engages in dialog, must say something and fill text_input_buffer
// a callback, when 'text backend' has finished making text
void end_text_input(char *what_player_said)
player->state = CHARACTER_IDLE;
#ifdef WEB // hacky
size_t player_said_len = strlen(what_player_said);
int actual_len = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < player_said_len; i++) if(what_player_said[i] != '\n') actual_len++;
if(actual_len == 0)
// this just means cancel the dialog
Sentence what_player_said_sentence = {0};
assert(player_said_len < ARRLEN(;
for(int i = 0; i < player_said_len; i++)
char c = what_player_said[i];
if(c == '\n') break;
BUFF_APPEND(&what_player_said_sentence, c);
Dialog *to_append = &player->talking_to->player_dialog;
make_space_and_append(to_append, &what_player_said_sentence);
// the npc response will be appended here, or at least be async queued to be appended here
BUFF(char, 4000) prompt_buff = {0};
BUFF(char *, 100) to_join = {0};
BUFF_APPEND(&to_join, "This is dialog which takes place in a simple action RPG, where the player can only talk to NPCs, or fight. The characters influence the game world by saying specific actions from these possibilities: [*becomes aggressive*]. They don't say anything else that has '*' between them. Example dialog with an Old Man NPC:\nPlayer: \"Hello old man. Do you know that you're in a video game?\"\nOld Man: \"What are you talking about, young boy? What is a 'video game'?\"\nPlayer: \"You have no idea. You look ugly and stupid.\"\nOld Man: \"How juvenile! That's it, *becomes aggressive*\"\n\nThe NPCs exist on a small lush island, on a remote village, in a fantasy setting where monsters roam freely, posing a danger to the NPCs, and the player. They don't know about modern technology. They are very slow to say *becomes aggressive*, because doing so means killing the player, their friends, and potentially themselves. But if the situation demands it, they will not hesitate to open fire.\n");
// characters prompt
assert(player->talking_to->kind == ENTITY_OLD_MAN);
BUFF_APPEND(&to_join, "The player is talking to an old man who is standing around on the island. He's eager to bestow his wisdom upon the young player, but the player must act polite, not rude. If the player acts rude, the old man will say exactly the text '*becomes aggressive*' as shown in the above example, turning the interaction into a skirmish, where the old man takes out his well concealed shotgun. The old man is also a bit of a joker.\n\n");
// all the dialog
int i = 0;
BUFF_ITER(Sentence, &player->talking_to->player_dialog)
BUFF_APPEND(&to_join, i % 2 == 0 ? "Player: \"" : "Old Man: \"");
BUFF_APPEND(&to_join, it->data);
BUFF_APPEND(&to_join, "\"\n");
BUFF_APPEND(&to_join, "Old Man: \"");
// concatenate into prompt_buff
BUFF_ITER(char *, &to_join)
size_t cur_len = strlen(*it);
for(int i = 0; i < cur_len; i++)
BUFF_APPEND(&prompt_buff, (*it)[i]);
const char * prompt =;
#ifdef WEB
// fire off generation request, save id
int req_id = EM_ASM_INT({
return make_generation_request(UTF8ToString($1), UTF8ToString($0));
}, SERVER_URL, prompt);
player->talking_to->gen_request_id = req_id;
#ifdef DESKTOP
add_new_npc_sentence(player->talking_to, "response to the player");
// keydown needs to be referenced when begin text input,
// on web it disables event handling so the button up event isn't received
bool keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_MENU] = {0};
#ifdef DESKTOP
bool receiving_text_input = false;
Sentence text_input_buffer = {0};
void begin_text_input()
receiving_text_input = true;
#ifdef WEB
void begin_text_input()
Log("Disabling event handlers\n");
_sapp_emsc_unregister_eventhandlers(); // stop getting input, hand it off to text input
memset(keydown, 0, ARRLEN(keydown));
#error "No platform defined for text input!
#endif // web
#endif // desktop
Vec2 FloorV2(Vec2 v)
return V2(floorf(v.x), floorf(v.y));
Arena make_arena(size_t max_size)
return (Arena)
.data = calloc(max_size, 1),
.data_size = max_size,
.cur = 0,
void reset(Arena *a)
memset(a->data, 0, a->data_size);
a->cur = 0;
char *get(Arena *a, size_t of_size)
assert(a->data != NULL);
char *to_return = a->data + a->cur;
a->cur += of_size;
assert(a->cur < a->data_size);
return to_return;
Arena scratch = {0};
char *tprint(const char *format, ...)
va_list argptr;
va_start(argptr, format);
int size = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, argptr) + 1; // for null terminator
char *to_return = get(&scratch, size);
vsnprintf(to_return, size, format, argptr);
return to_return;
Vec2 entity_aabb_size(Entity *e)
if(e->kind == ENTITY_PLAYER)
else if(e->kind == ENTITY_OLD_MAN)
return V2(TILE_SIZE*0.5f, TILE_SIZE*0.5f);
else if(e->kind == ENTITY_BULLET)
return V2(TILE_SIZE*0.25f, TILE_SIZE*0.25f);
return (Vec2){0};
bool is_tile_solid(TileInstance t)
uint16_t tile_id = t.kind;
return tile_id == 53 || tile_id == 0 || tile_id == 367 || tile_id == 317 || tile_id == 313 || tile_id == 366 || tile_id == 368;
// tilecoord is integer tile position, not like tile coord
Vec2 tilecoord_to_world(TileCoord t)
return V2( (float)t.x * (float)TILE_SIZE * 1.0f, -(float)t.y * (float)TILE_SIZE * 1.0f );
// points from tiled editor have their own strange and alien coordinate system (local to the tilemap Y+ down)
Vec2 tilepoint_to_world(Vec2 tilepoint)
Vec2 tilecoord = MulV2F(tilepoint, 1.0/TILE_SIZE);
return tilecoord_to_world((TileCoord){(int)tilecoord.X, (int)tilecoord.Y});
TileCoord world_to_tilecoord(Vec2 w)
// world = V2(tilecoord.x * tile_size, -tilecoord.y * tile_size)
// world.x = tilecoord.x * tile_size
// world.x / tile_size = tilecoord.x
// world.y = -tilecoord.y * tile_size
// - world.y / tile_size = tilecoord.y
return (TileCoord){ (int)floorf(w.X / TILE_SIZE), (int)floorf(-w.Y / TILE_SIZE) };
AABB tile_aabb(TileCoord t)
return (AABB)
.upper_left = tilecoord_to_world(t),
.lower_right = AddV2(tilecoord_to_world(t), V2(TILE_SIZE, -TILE_SIZE)),
Vec2 rotate_counter_clockwise(Vec2 v)
return V2(-v.Y, v.X);
Vec2 aabb_center(AABB aabb)
return MulV2F(AddV2(aabb.upper_left, aabb.lower_right), 0.5f);
AABB centered_aabb(Vec2 at, Vec2 size)
return (AABB){
.upper_left = AddV2(at, V2(-size.X/2.0f, size.Y/2.0f)),
.lower_right = AddV2(at, V2( size.X/2.0f, -size.Y/2.0f)),
AABB entity_aabb(Entity *e)
return centered_aabb(e->pos, entity_aabb_size(e));
TileInstance get_tile(Level *l, TileCoord t)
bool out_of_bounds = false;
out_of_bounds |= t.x < 0;
out_of_bounds |= t.x >= LEVEL_TILES;
out_of_bounds |= t.y < 0;
out_of_bounds |= t.y >= LEVEL_TILES;
if(out_of_bounds) return (TileInstance){0};
return l->tiles[t.y][t.x];
sg_image load_image(const char *path)
sg_image to_return = {0};
int png_width, png_height, num_channels;
const int desired_channels = 4;
stbi_uc* pixels = stbi_load(
&png_width, &png_height,
&num_channels, 0);
Log("Pah %s | Loading image with dimensions %d %d\n", path, png_width, png_height);
to_return = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc)
.width = png_width,
.height = png_height,
.pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8,
.min_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST,
.num_mipmaps = 0,
.mag_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST,
.data.subimage[0][0] =
.ptr = pixels,
.size = (size_t)(png_width * png_height * 4),
return to_return;
#include "quad-sapp.glsl.h"
#include "assets.gen.c"
AnimatedSprite knight_idle =
.img = &image_knight_idle,
.time_per_frame = 0.3,
.num_frames = 10,
.start = {16.0f, 0.0f},
.horizontal_diff_btwn_frames = 120.0,
.region_size = {80.0f, 80.0f},
AnimatedSprite knight_running =
.img = &image_knight_run,
.time_per_frame = 0.06,
.num_frames = 10,
1 year ago
.start = {19.0f, 0.0f},
.horizontal_diff_btwn_frames = 120.0,
1 year ago
.region_size = {80.0f, 80.0f},
AnimatedSprite knight_rolling =
.img = &image_knight_roll,
.time_per_frame = 0.05,
.num_frames = 12,
.start = {19.0f, 0.0f},
.horizontal_diff_btwn_frames = 120.0,
.region_size = {80.0f, 80.0f},
.no_wrap = true,
1 year ago
AnimatedSprite knight_attack =
.img = &image_knight_attack,
.time_per_frame = 0.06,
.num_frames = 4,
.start = {37.0f, 0.0f},
.horizontal_diff_btwn_frames = 120.0,
.region_size = {80.0f, 80.0f},
.no_wrap = true,
AnimatedSprite old_man_idle =
.img = &image_old_man,
.time_per_frame = 0.4,
.num_frames = 4,
.start = {0.0, 0.0},
.horizontal_diff_btwn_frames = 16.0f,
.region_size = {16.0f, 16.0f},
1 year ago
sg_image image_font = {0};
const float font_size = 32.0;
stbtt_bakedchar cdata[96]; // ASCII 32..126 is 95 glyphs
static struct
sg_pass_action pass_action;
sg_pipeline pip;
sg_bindings bind;
1 year ago
} state;
AABB level_aabb = { .upper_left = {0.0f, 0.0f}, .lower_right = {2000.0f, -2000.0f} };
Entity entities[MAX_ENTITIES] = {0};
Entity *new_entity()
for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(entities); i++)
Entity *to_return = &entities[i];
*to_return = (Entity){0};
to_return->exists = true;
return to_return;
return NULL;
void reset_level()
// load level
Level *to_load = &level_level0;
assert(ARRLEN(to_load->initial_entities) == ARRLEN(entities));
memcpy(entities, to_load->initial_entities, sizeof(Entity) * MAX_ENTITIES);
player = NULL;
if(it->kind == ENTITY_PLAYER)
assert(player == NULL);
player = it;
assert(player != NULL); // level initial config must have player entity
void init(void)
.context = sapp_sgcontext(),
scratch = make_arena(1024 * 10);
// load font
FILE* fontFile = fopen("assets/orange kid.ttf", "rb");
fseek(fontFile, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t size = ftell(fontFile); /* how long is the file ? */
fseek(fontFile, 0, SEEK_SET); /* reset */
unsigned char *fontBuffer = malloc(size);
fread(fontBuffer, size, 1, fontFile);
unsigned char *font_bitmap = calloc(1, 512*512);
stbtt_BakeFontBitmap(fontBuffer, 0, font_size, font_bitmap, 512, 512, 32, 96, cdata);
unsigned char *font_bitmap_rgba = malloc(4 * 512 * 512); // stack would be too big if allocated on stack (stack overflow)
for(int i = 0; i < 512 * 512; i++)
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 0] = 255;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 1] = 255;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 2] = 255;
font_bitmap_rgba[i*4 + 3] = font_bitmap[i];
image_font = sg_make_image( &(sg_image_desc){
.width = 512,
.height = 512,
.pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8,
.min_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST,
.mag_filter = SG_FILTER_NEAREST,
.data.subimage[0][0] =
.ptr = font_bitmap_rgba,
.size = (size_t)(512 * 512 * 4),
} );
state.bind.vertex_buffers[0] = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc)
//.data = SG_RANGE(vertices),
.size = 1024*500,
.label = "quad-vertices"
const sg_shader_desc *desc = quad_program_shader_desc(sg_query_backend());
sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(desc);
state.pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc)
.shader = shd,
.layout = {
.attrs =
[ATTR_quad_vs_position].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT2,
[ATTR_quad_vs_texcoord0].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT2,
.colors[0].blend = (sg_blend_state) { // allow transparency
.enabled = true,
.src_factor_rgb = SG_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
.op_rgb = SG_BLENDOP_ADD,
.src_factor_alpha = SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE,
.op_alpha = SG_BLENDOP_ADD,
.label = "quad-pipeline",
state.pass_action = (sg_pass_action)
//.colors[0] = { .action=SG_ACTION_CLEAR, .value={12.5f/255.0f, 12.5f/255.0f, 12.5f/255.0f, 1.0f } }
//.colors[0] = { .action=SG_ACTION_CLEAR, .value={255.5f/255.0f, 255.5f/255.0f, 255.5f/255.0f, 1.0f } }
// 0x898989 is the color in tiled
.colors[0] =
{ .action=SG_ACTION_CLEAR, .value={137.0f/255.0f, 137.0f/255.0f, 137.0f/255.0f, 1.0f } }
1 year ago
typedef Vec4 Color;
#define WHITE (Color){1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
#define BLACK (Color){0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}
#define RED (Color){1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}
#define GREEN (Color){0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}
Color colhex(uint32_t hex)
int r = (hex & 0xff0000) >> 16;
int g = (hex & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
int b = (hex & 0x0000ff) >> 0;
return (Color){ (float)r / 255.0f, (float)g / 255.0f, (float)b / 255.0f, 1.0f };
Vec2 screen_size()
return V2((float)sapp_width(), (float)sapp_height());
typedef struct Camera
Vec2 pos;
float scale;
} Camera;
// everything is in pixels in world space, 43 pixels is approx 1 meter measured from
// merchant sprite being 5'6"
const float pixels_per_meter = 43.0f;
Camera cam = {.scale = 2.0f };
Vec2 cam_offset()
Vec2 to_return = AddV2(cam.pos, MulV2F(screen_size(), 0.5f));
to_return = FloorV2(to_return); // avoid pixel glitching on tilemap atlas
return to_return;
// in pixels
Vec2 img_size(sg_image img)
sg_image_info info = sg_query_image_info(img);
return V2((float)info.width, (float)info.height);
#define IMG(img) img, full_region(img)
// full region in pixels
AABB full_region(sg_image img)
return (AABB)
.upper_left = V2(0.0f, 0.0f),
.lower_right = img_size(img),
// screen coords are in pixels counting from bottom left as (0,0), Y+ is up
Vec2 world_to_screen(Vec2 world)
Vec2 to_return = world;
to_return = MulV2F(to_return, cam.scale);
to_return = AddV2(to_return, cam_offset());
return to_return;
Vec2 screen_to_world(Vec2 screen)
Vec2 to_return = screen;
to_return = SubV2(to_return, cam_offset());
to_return = MulV2F(to_return, 1.0f/cam.scale);
return to_return;
Quad quad_at(Vec2 at, Vec2 size)
Quad to_return;
to_return.points[0] = V2(0.0, 0.0);
to_return.points[1] = V2(size.X, 0.0);
to_return.points[2] = V2(size.X, -size.Y);
to_return.points[3] = V2(0.0, -size.Y);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
to_return.points[i] = AddV2(to_return.points[i], at);
return to_return;
Quad tile_quad(TileCoord coord)
Quad to_return = quad_at(tilecoord_to_world(coord), V2(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE));
return to_return;
// out must be of at least length 4
Quad quad_centered(Vec2 at, Vec2 size)
Quad to_return = quad_at(at, size);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
to_return.points[i] = AddV2(to_return.points[i], V2(-size.X*0.5f, size.Y*0.5f));
return to_return;
bool aabb_is_valid(AABB aabb)
Vec2 size_vec = SubV2(aabb.lower_right, aabb.upper_left); // negative in vertical direction
return size_vec.Y <= 0.0f && size_vec.X >= 0.0f;
Quad quad_aabb(AABB aabb)
Vec2 size_vec = SubV2(aabb.lower_right, aabb.upper_left); // negative in vertical direction
return (Quad) {
.ul = aabb.upper_left,
.ur = AddV2(aabb.upper_left, V2(size_vec.X, 0.0f)),
.lr = AddV2(aabb.upper_left, size_vec),
.ll = AddV2(aabb.upper_left, V2(0.0f, size_vec.Y)),
// both segment_a and segment_b must be arrays of length 2
bool segments_overlapping(float *a_segment, float *b_segment)
assert(a_segment[1] >= a_segment[0]);
assert(b_segment[1] >= b_segment[0]);
float total_length = (a_segment[1] - a_segment[0]) + (b_segment[1] - b_segment[0]);
float farthest_to_left = fminf(a_segment[0], b_segment[0]);
float farthest_to_right = fmaxf(a_segment[1], b_segment[1]);
if (farthest_to_right - farthest_to_left < total_length)
return true;
} else
return false;
bool overlapping(AABB a, AABB b)
// x axis
float a_segment[2] =
{ a.upper_left.X, a.lower_right.X };
float b_segment[2] =
{ b.upper_left.X, b.lower_right.X };
if(segments_overlapping(a_segment, b_segment))
} else
return false;
// y axis
float a_segment[2] =
{ a.lower_right.Y, a.upper_left.Y };
float b_segment[2] =
{ b.lower_right.Y, b.upper_left.Y };
if(segments_overlapping(a_segment, b_segment))
} else
return false;
return true; // both segments overlapping
bool has_point(AABB aabb, Vec2 point)
(aabb.upper_left.X < point.X && point.X < aabb.lower_right.X) &&
(aabb.upper_left.Y > point.Y && point.Y > aabb.lower_right.Y);
AABB screen_cam_aabb()
return (AABB){ .upper_left = V2(0.0, screen_size().Y), .lower_right = V2(screen_size().X, 0.0) };
AABB world_cam_aabb()
AABB to_return = screen_cam_aabb();
to_return.upper_left = screen_to_world(to_return.upper_left);
to_return.lower_right = screen_to_world(to_return.lower_right);
return to_return;
int num_draw_calls = 0;
float cur_batch_data[1024*10] = {0};
int cur_batch_data_index = 0;
// @TODO check last tint as well, do this when factor into drawing parameters
sg_image cur_batch_image = {0};
quad_fs_params_t cur_batch_params = {0};
void flush_quad_batch()
if( == 0 || cur_batch_data_index == 0) return; // flush called when image changes, image starts out null!
state.bind.vertex_buffer_offsets[0] = sg_append_buffer(state.bind.vertex_buffers[0], &(sg_range){cur_batch_data, cur_batch_data_index*sizeof(*cur_batch_data)});
state.bind.fs_images[SLOT_quad_tex] = cur_batch_image;
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS, SLOT_quad_fs_params, &SG_RANGE(cur_batch_params));
assert(cur_batch_data_index % 4 == 0);
sg_draw(0, cur_batch_data_index/4, 1);
num_draw_calls += 1;
memset(cur_batch_data, 0, cur_batch_data_index);
cur_batch_data_index = 0;
typedef struct DrawParams
bool world_space;
Quad quad;
sg_image image;
AABB image_region;
Color tint;
} DrawParams;
// The image region is in pixel space of the image
void draw_quad(DrawParams d)
quad_fs_params_t params = {0};
params.tint[0] = d.tint.R;
params.tint[1] = d.tint.G;
params.tint[2] = d.tint.B;
params.tint[3] = d.tint.A;
// if the rendering call is different, and the batch must be flushed
if( != || memcmp(&params,&cur_batch_params,sizeof(params)) != 0 )
cur_batch_image = d.image;
cur_batch_params = params;
Vec2 *points = d.quad.points;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
points[i] = world_to_screen(points[i]);
AABB cam_aabb = screen_cam_aabb();
AABB points_bounding_box =
{ .upper_left = V2(INFINITY, -INFINITY), .lower_right = V2(-INFINITY, INFINITY) };
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
points_bounding_box.upper_left.X = fminf(points_bounding_box.upper_left.X, points[i].X);
points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y = fmaxf(points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y, points[i].Y);
points_bounding_box.lower_right.X = fmaxf(points_bounding_box.lower_right.X, points[i].X);
points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y = fminf(points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y, points[i].Y);
if(!overlapping(cam_aabb, points_bounding_box))
//dbgprint("Out of screen, cam aabb %f %f %f %f\n", cam_aabb.upper_left.X, cam_aabb.upper_left.Y, cam_aabb.lower_right.X, cam_aabb.lower_right.Y);
//dbgprint("Points boundig box %f %f %f %f\n", points_bounding_box.upper_left.X, points_bounding_box.upper_left.Y, points_bounding_box.lower_right.X, points_bounding_box.lower_right.Y);
return; // cull out of screen quads
float new_vertices[ (2 + 2)*4 ];
Vec2 region_size = SubV2(d.image_region.lower_right, d.image_region.upper_left);
assert(region_size.X > 0.0);
assert(region_size.Y > 0.0);
Vec2 tex_coords[4] =
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(0.0, 0.0)),
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(region_size.X, 0.0)),
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(region_size.X, region_size.Y)),
AddV2(d.image_region.upper_left, V2(0.0, region_size.Y)),
// convert to uv space
sg_image_info info = sg_query_image_info(d.image);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
tex_coords[i] = DivV2(tex_coords[i], V2((float)info.width, (float)info.height));
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Vec2 zero_to_one = DivV2(points[i], screen_size());
Vec2 in_clip_space = SubV2(MulV2F(zero_to_one, 2.0), V2(1.0, 1.0));
new_vertices[i*4] = in_clip_space.X;
new_vertices[i*4 + 1] = in_clip_space.Y;
new_vertices[i*4 + 2] = tex_coords[i].X;
new_vertices[i*4 + 3] = tex_coords[i].Y;
size_t total_size = ARRLEN(new_vertices)*sizeof(new_vertices);
// batched a little too close to the sun
if(cur_batch_data_index + total_size >= ARRLEN(cur_batch_data))
cur_batch_image = d.image;
cur_batch_params = params;
#define PUSH_VERTEX(vert) { memcpy(&cur_batch_data[cur_batch_data_index], &vert, 4*sizeof(float)); cur_batch_data_index += 4; }
1 year ago
void swap(Vec2 *p1, Vec2 *p2)
Vec2 tmp = *p1;
*p1 = *p2;
*p2 = tmp;
1 year ago
double anim_sprite_duration(AnimatedSprite *s)
return s->num_frames * s->time_per_frame;
void draw_animated_sprite(AnimatedSprite *s, double elapsed_time, bool flipped, Vec2 pos, Color tint)
sg_image spritesheet_img = *s->img;
int index = (int)floor(elapsed_time/s->time_per_frame) % s->num_frames;
1 year ago
index = (int)floor(elapsed_time/s->time_per_frame);
1 year ago
if(index >= s->num_frames) index = s->num_frames - 1;
Quad q = quad_centered(pos, s->region_size);
swap(&q.points[0], &q.points[1]);
swap(&q.points[3], &q.points[2]);
AABB region;
region.upper_left = AddV2(s->start, V2(index * s->horizontal_diff_btwn_frames, 0.0f));
region.lower_right = V2(region.upper_left.X + (float)s->region_size.X, (float)s->region_size.Y);
draw_quad((DrawParams){true, q, spritesheet_img, region, tint});
Vec2 tile_id_to_coord(sg_image tileset_image, Vec2 tile_size, uint16_t tile_id)
int tiles_per_row = (int)(img_size(tileset_image).X / tile_size.X);
int tile_index = tile_id - 1;
int tile_image_row = tile_index / tiles_per_row;
int tile_image_col = tile_index - tile_image_row*tiles_per_row;
Vec2 tile_image_coord = V2((float)tile_image_col * tile_size.X, (float)tile_image_row*tile_size.Y);
return tile_image_coord;
void colorquad(bool world_space, Quad q, Color col)
draw_quad((DrawParams){world_space, q, image_white_square, full_region(image_white_square), col});
void dbgsquare(Vec2 at)
colorquad(true, quad_centered(at, V2(10.0, 10.0)), RED);
// in world coordinates
void line(Vec2 from, Vec2 to, float line_width, Color color)
Vec2 normal = rotate_counter_clockwise(NormV2(SubV2(to, from)));
Quad line_quad = {
.points = {
AddV2(from, MulV2F(normal, line_width)), // upper left
AddV2(to, MulV2F(normal, line_width)), // upper right
AddV2(to, MulV2F(normal, -line_width)), // lower right
AddV2(from, MulV2F(normal, -line_width)), // lower left
colorquad(true, line_quad, color);
void dbgline(Vec2 from, Vec2 to)
line(from, to, 2.0f, RED);
// in world space
void dbgrect(AABB rect)
const float line_width = 0.5;
const Color col = RED;
Quad q = quad_aabb(rect);
line(q.ul, q.ur, line_width, col);
line(q.ur,, line_width, col);
line(, q.ll, line_width, col);
line(q.ll, q.ul, line_width, col);
// returns bounds. To measure text you can set dry run to true and get the bounds
AABB draw_text(bool world_space, bool dry_run, const char *text, Vec2 pos, Color color, float scale)
size_t text_len = strlen(text);
AABB bounds = {0};
float y = 0.0;
float x = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < text_len; i++)
stbtt_aligned_quad q;
float old_y = y;
stbtt_GetBakedQuad(cdata, 512, 512, text[i]-32, &x, &y, &q, 1);
float difference = y - old_y;
y = old_y + difference;
Vec2 size = V2(q.x1 - q.x0, q.y1 - q.y0);
if(text[i] == '\n')
y += font_size*0.75f; // arbitrary, only debug text has newlines
x = 0.0;
if(size.Y > 0.0 && size.X > 0.0)
{ // spaces (and maybe other characters) produce quads of size 0
Quad to_draw = {
.points = {
AddV2(V2(q.x0, -q.y0), V2(0.0f, 0.0f)),
AddV2(V2(q.x0, -q.y0), V2(size.X, 0.0f)),
AddV2(V2(q.x0, -q.y0), V2(size.X, -size.Y)),
AddV2(V2(q.x0, -q.y0), V2(0.0f, -size.Y)),
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
to_draw.points[i] = MulV2F(to_draw.points[i], scale);
AABB font_atlas_region = (AABB)
.upper_left = V2(q.s0, q.t0),
.lower_right = V2(q.s1, q.t1),
font_atlas_region.upper_left.X *= img_size(image_font).X;
font_atlas_region.lower_right.X *= img_size(image_font).X;
font_atlas_region.upper_left.Y *= img_size(image_font).Y;
font_atlas_region.lower_right.Y *= img_size(image_font).Y;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
bounds.upper_left.X = fminf(bounds.upper_left.X, to_draw.points[i].X);
bounds.upper_left.Y = fmaxf(bounds.upper_left.Y, to_draw.points[i].Y);
bounds.lower_right.X = fmaxf(bounds.lower_right.X, to_draw.points[i].X);
bounds.lower_right.Y = fminf(bounds.lower_right.Y, to_draw.points[i].Y);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
to_draw.points[i] = AddV2(to_draw.points[i], pos);
draw_quad((DrawParams){world_space, to_draw, image_font, font_atlas_region, color});
bounds.upper_left = AddV2(bounds.upper_left, pos);
bounds.lower_right = AddV2(bounds.lower_right, pos);
return bounds;
// gets aabbs overlapping the input aabb, including entities and tiles
Overlapping get_overlapping(Level *l, AABB aabb)
Overlapping to_return = {0};
Quad q = quad_aabb(aabb);
// the corners, jessie
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
TileInstance t = get_tile(l, world_to_tilecoord(q.points[i]));
Overlap element = ((Overlap){.is_tile = true, .t = t});
//{ (&to_return)[(&to_return)->cur_index++] = element; assert((&to_return)->cur_index < ARRLEN((&to_return)->data)); }
BUFF_APPEND(&to_return, element);
// the entities jessie
if(!(it->kind == ENTITY_PLAYER && it->is_rolling) && overlapping(aabb, entity_aabb(it)))
BUFF_APPEND(&to_return, (Overlap){.e = it});
return to_return;
1 year ago
// returns new pos after moving and sliding against collidable things
Vec2 move_and_slide(Entity *from, Vec2 position, Vec2 movement_this_frame)
1 year ago
Vec2 collision_aabb_size = entity_aabb_size(from);
1 year ago
Vec2 new_pos = AddV2(position, movement_this_frame);
AABB at_new = centered_aabb(new_pos, collision_aabb_size);
AABB to_check[256] = {0};
int to_check_index = 0;
// add tilemap boxes
1 year ago
Vec2 at_new_size_vector = SubV2(at_new.lower_right, at_new.upper_left);
Vec2 points_to_check[] = {
AddV2(at_new.upper_left, V2(0.0, 0.0)),
AddV2(at_new.upper_left, V2(at_new_size_vector.X, 0.0)),
AddV2(at_new.upper_left, V2(at_new_size_vector.X, at_new_size_vector.Y)),
AddV2(at_new.upper_left, V2(0.0, at_new_size_vector.Y)),
for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN(points_to_check); i++)
Vec2 *it = &points_to_check[i];
TileCoord tilecoord_to_check = world_to_tilecoord(*it);
1 year ago
if(is_tile_solid(get_tile(&level_level0, tilecoord_to_check)))
to_check[to_check_index++] = tile_aabb(tilecoord_to_check);
assert(to_check_index < ARRLEN(to_check));
// add entity boxes
if(!(from->kind == ENTITY_PLAYER && from->is_rolling))
1 year ago
if(!(it->kind == ENTITY_PLAYER && it->is_rolling) && it != from)
to_check[to_check_index++] = centered_aabb(it->pos, entity_aabb_size(it));
assert(to_check_index < ARRLEN(to_check));
for(int i = 0; i < to_check_index; i++)
AABB to_depenetrate_from = to_check[i];
int iters_tried_to_push_apart = 0;
while(overlapping(to_depenetrate_from, at_new) && iters_tried_to_push_apart < 500)
const float move_dist = 0.05f;
Vec2 to_player = NormV2(SubV2(aabb_center(at_new), aabb_center(to_depenetrate_from)));
Vec2 compass_dirs[4] = {
V2( 1.0, 0.0),
V2(-1.0, 0.0),
V2(0.0, 1.0),
V2(0.0, -1.0),
int closest_index = -1;
float closest_dot = -99999999.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
float dot = DotV2(compass_dirs[i], to_player);
if(dot > closest_dot)
1 year ago
closest_index = i;
closest_dot = dot;
1 year ago
assert(closest_index != -1);
Vec2 move_dir = compass_dirs[closest_index];
Vec2 move = MulV2F(move_dir, move_dist);
at_new.upper_left = AddV2(at_new.upper_left,move);
at_new.lower_right = AddV2(at_new.lower_right,move);
1 year ago
return aabb_center(at_new);
// returns next vertical cursor position
float draw_wrapped_text(Vec2 at_point, float max_width, char *text, float text_scale, Color color, bool going_up)
char *sentence_to_draw = text;
size_t sentence_len = strlen(sentence_to_draw);
Vec2 cursor = at_point;
while(sentence_len > 0)
char line_to_draw[MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH] = {0};
size_t chars_from_sentence = 0;
AABB line_bounds = {0};
while(chars_from_sentence <= sentence_len)
memset(line_to_draw, 0, MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH);
memcpy(line_to_draw, sentence_to_draw, chars_from_sentence);
line_bounds = draw_text(true, true, line_to_draw, cursor, color, text_scale);
if(line_bounds.lower_right.X > at_point.X + max_width)
// too big
assert(chars_from_sentence > 0);
chars_from_sentence -= 1;
chars_from_sentence += 1;
if(chars_from_sentence > sentence_len) chars_from_sentence--;
memset(line_to_draw, 0, MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH);
memcpy(line_to_draw, sentence_to_draw, chars_from_sentence);
float line_height = line_bounds.upper_left.Y - line_bounds.lower_right.Y;
AABB drawn_bounds = draw_text(true, false, line_to_draw, AddV2(cursor, V2(0.0f, going_up ? line_height/2.0f : -line_height)), color, text_scale);
sentence_len -= chars_from_sentence;
sentence_to_draw += chars_from_sentence;
cursor = V2(drawn_bounds.upper_left.X, drawn_bounds.upper_left.Y);
cursor = V2(drawn_bounds.upper_left.X, drawn_bounds.lower_right.Y);
return cursor.Y;
double elapsed_time = 0.0;
double last_frame_processing_time = 0.0;
1 year ago
uint64_t last_frame_time;
1 year ago
Vec2 mouse_pos = {0}; // in screen space
bool roll_just_pressed = false; // to use to initiate dialog, shouldn't initiate dialog if the button is simply held down
bool mouse_frozen = false;
void frame(void)
#if 0
sg_begin_default_pass(&state.pass_action, sapp_width(), sapp_height());
//colorquad(false, quad_at(V2(0.0, 100.0), V2(100.0f, 100.0f)), RED);
sg_image img = image_wonky_mystery_tile;
AABB region = full_region(img);
//region.lower_right.X *= 0.5f;
draw_quad((DrawParams){false,quad_at(V2(0.0, 100.0), V2(100.0f, 100.0f)), img, region, WHITE});
uint64_t time_start_frame = stm_now();
// elapsed_time
double dt_double = 0.0;
dt_double = stm_sec(stm_diff(stm_now(), last_frame_time));
dt_double = fmin(dt_double, 5.0 / 60.0); // clamp dt at maximum 5 frames, avoid super huge dt
elapsed_time += dt_double;
last_frame_time = stm_now();
float dt = (float)dt_double;
Vec2 movement = V2(
(float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_D] - (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_A],
(float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_W] - (float)keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_S]
1 year ago
bool attack = keydown[SAPP_KEYCODE_J];
bool roll = keydown[ROLL_KEY];
if(LenV2(movement) > 1.0)
movement = NormV2(movement);
sg_begin_default_pass(&state.pass_action, sapp_width(), sapp_height());
// tilemap
#if 1
Level * cur_level = &level_level0;
for(int row = 0; row < LEVEL_TILES; row++)
for(int col = 0; col < LEVEL_TILES; col++)
TileCoord cur_coord = { col, row };
TileInstance cur = get_tile(cur_level, cur_coord);
TileSet tileset = tileset_ruins_animated;
if(cur.kind != 0)
Vec2 tile_size = V2(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
sg_image tileset_image = *tileset.img;
Vec2 tile_image_coord = tile_id_to_coord(tileset_image, tile_size, cur.kind);
AnimatedTile *anim = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(tileset.animated)/sizeof(*tileset.animated); i++)
1 year ago
if(tileset.animated[i].id_from == cur.kind-1)
anim = &tileset.animated[i];
1 year ago
double time_per_frame = 0.1;
int frame_index = (int)(elapsed_time/time_per_frame) % anim->num_frames;
tile_image_coord = tile_id_to_coord(tileset_image, tile_size, anim->frames[frame_index]+1);
1 year ago
AABB region;
region.upper_left = tile_image_coord;
region.lower_right = AddV2(region.upper_left, tile_size);
draw_quad((DrawParams){true, tile_quad(cur_coord), tileset_image, region, WHITE});
assert(player != NULL);
// tile coord
TileCoord hovering = world_to_tilecoord(screen_to_world(mouse_pos));
Vec2 points[4] ={0};
AABB q = tile_aabb(hovering);
draw_text(false, false, tprint("%d", get_tile(&level_level0, hovering).kind), world_to_screen(tilecoord_to_world(hovering)), BLACK, 1.0f);
// debug draw font image
draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(V2(0.0, 0.0), V2(250.0, 250.0)), image_font,full_region(image_font), WHITE});
// statistics
Vec2 pos = V2(0.0, screen_size().Y);
int num_entities = 0;
ENTITIES_ITER(entities) num_entities++;
char *stats = tprint("Frametime: %.1f ms\nProcessing: %.1f ms\nEntities: %d\nDraw calls: %d\n", dt*1000.0, last_frame_processing_time*1000.0, num_entities, num_draw_calls);
AABB bounds = draw_text(false, true, stats, pos, BLACK, 1.0f);
pos.Y -= bounds.upper_left.Y - screen_size().Y;
bounds = draw_text(false, true, stats, pos, BLACK, 1.0f);
// background panel
colorquad(false, quad_aabb(bounds), (Color){1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3f});
draw_text(false, false, stats, pos, BLACK, 1.0f);
num_draw_calls = 0;
#endif // devtools
// process entities
#ifdef WEB
if(it->gen_request_id != 0)
assert(it->gen_request_id > 0);
draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(AddV2(it->pos, V2(0.0, 50.0)), V2(100.0,100.0)), IMG(image_thinking), WHITE});
int status = EM_ASM_INT({
return get_generation_request_status($0);
}, it->gen_request_id);
if(status == 0)
// simply not done yet
if(status == 1)
// done! we can get the string
char sentence_str[MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH] = {0};
let generation = get_generation_request_content($0);
stringToUTF8(generation, $1, $2);
}, it->gen_request_id, sentence_str, ARRLEN(sentence_str));
add_new_npc_sentence(it, sentence_str);
}, it->gen_request_id);
else if(status == 2)
Log("Failed to generate dialog! Fuck!");
// need somethin better here. Maybe each sentence has to know if it's player or NPC, that way I can remove the player's dialog
make_space_and_append(&it->player_dialog, &SENTENCE_CONST("I'm not sure..."));
it->gen_request_id = 0;
if(it->kind == ENTITY_OLD_MAN)
Entity *targeting = player;
it->shotgun_timer += dt;
Vec2 to_player = NormV2(SubV2(targeting->pos, it->pos));
if(it->shotgun_timer >= 1.0f)
it->shotgun_timer = 0.0f;
const float spread = (float)PI/4.0f;
// shoot shotgun
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Vec2 dir = to_player;
float theta = Lerp(-spread/2.0f, ((float)i / 2.0f), spread/2.0f);
dir = RotateV2(dir, theta);
Entity *new_bullet = new_entity();
new_bullet->kind = ENTITY_BULLET;
new_bullet->pos = AddV2(it->pos, MulV2F(dir, 20.0f));
new_bullet->vel = MulV2F(dir, 10.0f);
it->vel = AddV2(it->vel, MulV2F(dir, -3.0f));
Vec2 target_vel = NormV2(AddV2(rotate_counter_clockwise(to_player), MulV2F(to_player, 0.5f)));
target_vel = MulV2F(target_vel, 3.0f);
it->vel = LerpV2(it->vel, 15.0f * dt, target_vel);
it->pos = move_and_slide(it, it->pos, MulV2F(it->vel, pixels_per_meter * dt));
Color col = LerpV4(WHITE, it->damage, RED);
draw_animated_sprite(&old_man_idle, elapsed_time, false, it->pos, col);
if(it->damage >= 1.0)
*it = (Entity){0};
else if (it->kind == ENTITY_BULLET)
it->pos = AddV2(it->pos, MulV2F(it->vel, pixels_per_meter * dt));
draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_aabb(entity_aabb(it)), image_white_square, full_region(image_white_square), WHITE});
Overlapping over = get_overlapping(cur_level, entity_aabb(it));
Entity *from_bullet = it;
BUFF_ITER(Overlap, &over) if(it->e != from_bullet)
// knockback and damage
Entity *hit = it->e;
if(hit->kind == ENTITY_OLD_MAN) hit->aggressive = true;
hit->vel = MulV2F(NormV2(SubV2(hit->pos, from_bullet->pos)), 5.0f);
hit->damage += 0.2f;
*from_bullet = (Entity){0};
if(!has_point(level_aabb, it->pos)) *it = (Entity){0};
else if(it->kind == ENTITY_PLAYER)
// process player character
Vec2 character_sprite_pos = AddV2(player->pos, V2(0.0, 20.0f));
1 year ago
// do dialog
Entity *closest_talkto = NULL;
1 year ago
// find closest to talk to
AABB dialog_rect = centered_aabb(player->pos, V2(TILE_SIZE*2.0f, TILE_SIZE*2.0f));
Overlapping possible_dialogs = get_overlapping(cur_level, dialog_rect);
float closest_talkto_dist = INFINITY;
BUFF_ITER(Overlap, &possible_dialogs)
if(!it->is_tile && it->e->kind == ENTITY_OLD_MAN && !it->e->aggressive)
float dist = LenV2(SubV2(it->e->pos, player->pos));
if(dist < closest_talkto_dist)
closest_talkto_dist = dist;
closest_talkto = it->e;
Entity *talking_to = closest_talkto;
if(player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING)
talking_to = player->talking_to;
// if somebody, show their dialog panel
if(talking_to) {
// talking to them feedback
draw_quad((DrawParams){true, quad_centered(talking_to->pos, V2(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)), image_dialog_circle, full_region(image_dialog_circle), WHITE});
float panel_width = 250.0f;
float panel_height = 150.0f;
float panel_vert_offset = 30.0f;
AABB dialog_panel = (AABB){
.upper_left = AddV2(talking_to->pos, V2(-panel_width/2.0f, panel_vert_offset+panel_height)),
.lower_right = AddV2(talking_to->pos, V2(panel_width/2.0f, panel_vert_offset)),
AABB constrict_to = world_cam_aabb();
dialog_panel.upper_left.x = max(constrict_to.upper_left.x, dialog_panel.upper_left.x);
dialog_panel.lower_right.y = max(constrict_to.lower_right.y, dialog_panel.lower_right.y);
dialog_panel.upper_left.y = min(constrict_to.upper_left.y, dialog_panel.upper_left.y);
dialog_panel.lower_right.x = min(constrict_to.lower_right.x, dialog_panel.lower_right.x);
colorquad(true, quad_aabb(dialog_panel), (Color){1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f});
float new_line_height = dialog_panel.lower_right.Y;
int i = 0;
//BUFF_ITER(Sentence, &talking_to->player_dialog)
BUFF_ITER_EX(Sentence, &talking_to->player_dialog, talking_to->player_dialog.cur_index-1, it >= &talking_to->[0], it--)
new_line_height = draw_wrapped_text(V2(dialog_panel.upper_left.X, new_line_height), dialog_panel.lower_right.X - dialog_panel.upper_left.X, it->data, 0.5f, i % 2 == 0 ? colhex(0x345e22) : BLACK, true);
1 year ago
// process dialog and display dialog box when talking to NPC
if(player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING)
assert(player->talking_to != NULL);
if(player->talking_to->aggressive || !player->exists)
player->state = CHARACTER_IDLE;
// roll input management, sometimes means talk to the npc
if(player->state != CHARACTER_TALKING && roll_just_pressed && closest_talkto != NULL)
// begin dialog with closest npc
player->state = CHARACTER_TALKING;
player->talking_to = closest_talkto;
// rolling trigger from input
if(roll && !player->is_rolling && player->time_not_rolling > 0.3f && (player->state == CHARACTER_IDLE || player->state == CHARACTER_WALKING))
player->is_rolling = true;
player->roll_progress = 0.0;
player->speed = PLAYER_ROLL_SPEED;
if(attack && (player->state == CHARACTER_IDLE || player->state == CHARACTER_WALKING))
player->state = CHARACTER_ATTACK;
player->swing_progress = 0.0;
AABB weapon_aabb = {0};
weapon_aabb = (AABB){
.upper_left = AddV2(player->pos, V2(-40.0, 25.0)),
.lower_right = AddV2(player->pos, V2(0.0, -25.0)),
weapon_aabb = (AABB){
.upper_left = AddV2(player->pos, V2(0.0, 25.0)),
.lower_right = AddV2(player->pos, V2(40.0, -25.0)),
Overlapping overlapping_weapon = get_overlapping(cur_level, weapon_aabb);
BUFF_ITER(Overlap, &overlapping_weapon)
Entity *e = it->e;
if(e->kind == ENTITY_OLD_MAN)
e->aggressive = true;
e->damage += 0.2f;
// roll processing
if(player->state != CHARACTER_IDLE && player->state != CHARACTER_WALKING)
player->roll_progress = 0.0;
player->is_rolling = false;
player->time_not_rolling = 0.0f;
player->roll_progress += dt;
if(player->roll_progress > anim_sprite_duration(&knight_rolling))
player->is_rolling = false;
if(!player->is_rolling) player->time_not_rolling += dt;
Vec2 target = MulV2F(player->pos, -1.0f * cam.scale);
if(LenV2(SubV2(target, cam.pos)) <= 0.2)
cam.pos = target;
cam.pos = LerpV2(cam.pos, dt*8.0f, target);
if(player->state == CHARACTER_WALKING)
1 year ago
if(player->speed <= 0.01f) player->speed = PLAYER_SPEED;
player->speed = Lerp(player->speed, dt * 3.0f, PLAYER_SPEED);
player->pos = move_and_slide(player, player->pos, MulV2F(movement, dt * pixels_per_meter * player->speed));
draw_animated_sprite(&knight_rolling, player->roll_progress, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE);
draw_animated_sprite(&knight_running, elapsed_time, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE);
1 year ago
if(LenV2(movement) == 0.0)
player->state = CHARACTER_IDLE;
1 year ago
player->facing_left = movement.X < 0.0f;
1 year ago
else if(player->state == CHARACTER_IDLE)
1 year ago
draw_animated_sprite(&knight_rolling, player->roll_progress, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE);
draw_animated_sprite(&knight_idle, elapsed_time, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE);
if(LenV2(movement) > 0.01) player->state = CHARACTER_WALKING;
1 year ago
else if(player->state == CHARACTER_ATTACK)
1 year ago
player->swing_progress += dt;
draw_animated_sprite(&knight_attack, player->swing_progress, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE);
if(player->swing_progress > anim_sprite_duration(&knight_attack))
1 year ago
player->state = CHARACTER_IDLE;
1 year ago
else if(player->state == CHARACTER_TALKING)
draw_animated_sprite(&knight_idle, elapsed_time, player->facing_left, character_sprite_pos, WHITE);
assert(false); // unknown character state? not defined how to draw
// health
if(player->damage >= 1.0)
draw_quad((DrawParams){false, (Quad){.ul=V2(0.0f, screen_size().Y), .ur = screen_size(), .lr = V2(screen_size().X, 0.0f)}, image_hurt_vignette, full_region(image_hurt_vignette), (Color){1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, player->damage}});
1 year ago
last_frame_processing_time = stm_sec(stm_diff(stm_now(),time_start_frame));
roll_just_pressed = false;
void cleanup(void)
void event(const sapp_event *e)
#ifdef DESKTOP
// the desktop text backend, for debugging purposes
if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_CHAR)
BUFF_APPEND(&text_input_buffer, (char)e->char_code);
if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_KEY_DOWN && e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_ENTER)
receiving_text_input = false;
assert(e->key_code < sizeof(keydown)/sizeof(*keydown));
keydown[e->key_code] = true;
if(e->key_code == ROLL_KEY)
roll_just_pressed = true;
#ifdef DESKTOP // very nice for my run from cmdline workflow, escape to quit
if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_ESCAPE)
if(e->key_code == SAPP_KEYCODE_T)
mouse_frozen = !mouse_frozen;
if(e->type == SAPP_EVENTTYPE_KEY_UP)
keydown[e->key_code] = false;
bool ignore_movement = false;
if(mouse_frozen) ignore_movement = true;
if(!ignore_movement) mouse_pos = V2(e->mouse_x, (float)sapp_height() - e->mouse_y);
sapp_desc sokol_main(int argc, char* argv[])
(void)argc; (void)argv;
return (sapp_desc){
.init_cb = init,
.frame_cb = frame,
.cleanup_cb = cleanup,
.event_cb = event,
.width = 800,
.height = 600,
//.gl_force_gles2 = true, not sure why this was here in example, look into
.window_title = "RPGPT",
.win32_console_attach = true,
.icon.sokol_default = true,